Applicant seeks authority to deploy a satellite system, providing maritime monitoring, meteorological monitoring, and earth imaging services.
Filing: SAT | Satellite Space Stations |
Filing: LOA | Application to Launch and Operate |
Nature of Service | Earth Exploration Satellite Service Other |
Last Action | Granted in Part/ Deferred in Part |
Last Action Date | 2018-11-29 |
Status | Administrative Correction |
Status Date | 2021-04-01 |
Date Filed | 2015-11-23 |
Date Granted | 2018-11-29 |
Adopted Date | 2018-12-06 |
Released Date | 2018-12-06 |
Term Begin Date | 2016-03-18 |
Expires | 2031-05-23 |
Filing Accepted Public Notice | 2016-01-22 |
Action Taken Public Notice | 2018-12-07 |
Red Light | N |
Paper/Electronic | E |
Delegated Authority # | 18-1235 |
Environmental Impact | N |
Lower | Upper |
162 | 162 |
402 | 403 |
1228 | 1228 |
1575 | 1575 |
2020 | 2025 |
Description | Commentor | Type / Date |
Grant Spire - Grant in par | IB, FCC | DECISION 2018-11-29 |
Comment Hiber comments in re | Hiber Global | COMMENT 2018-07-30 |
Spire - FCC 2018 Annual Report Spire - FCC 2018 Ann | Spire Global, Inc. | NOTICE 2018-06-28 |
Request Spire - Commission A | IB, FCC | REQUEST 2018-04-25 |
Spire - FCC 2017 Annual Report Spire - FCC 2017 Ann | Spire Global, Inc. | LETTER 2017-06-21 |
Grant in part deferred in part Spire - Grant in par | IB, FCC | DECISION 2017-04-07 |
Spire - FCC Notice of Deployment 20170307 Spire - FCC Notice o | Spire Global, Inc. | NOTICE 2017-03-07 |
Spire - Notice of Deployment 022217 Spire - Notice of De | Spire Global, Inc. | NOTICE 2017-02-22 |
Spire - OA7 Above-Station Deployment Letter Spire - OA7 Above-St | Spire Global, Inc. | LETTER 2017-02-22 |
Spire - Notice of Deployment 120416 Spire - Notice of De | Spire Global, Inc. | NOTICE 2016-12-04 |
grant in part deferred in part Spire - Grant Octobe | IB,FCC | DECISION 2016-10-14 |
Letter FINAL Spire flight r | Spire Global, Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-09-30 |
Spire Ex Parte 9.19.16 Spire Ex Parte Filin | Spire Global, Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-09-19 |
Petition Withdrawal Pld-Withdrawal of OR | ORBCOMM License Corp. | WITHDRAWAL 2016-09-15 |
Spire Global - ORBCOMM Agreement Spire Global-ORBCOMM | ORBCOMM License Corp. | AGREEMENT 2016-09-15 |
Ex Parte Letter Ex Parte Notice_31Au | ORBCOMM License Corp. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-09-02 |
Ex Parte Letter Ex Parte Notice_25Au | ORBCOMM License Corp. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-08-29 |
Spire Ex Parte 8-26-16 Spire Ex Parte Filin | Spire Global, Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-08-26 |
Spire Ex Parte Letter 8-24-16 Spire Response to OR | Spire Global, Inc. | LETTER 2016-08-24 |
Ex Parte Letter Planet Labs Ex Parte | Planet Labs Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-08-24 |
Ex Parte Letter Ex Parte Notice(19Au | ORBCOMM License Corp. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-08-23 |
Spire Letter FINAL Spire OA-5 Let | Spire Global, Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-08-19 |
Planet Labs Ex Parte | Planet Labs Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-08-18 |
ORBCOMM Response to 7/26/16 Planet Labs Letter Pld-ORBCOMM Response | ORBCOMM License Corp. | LETTER 2016-08-09 |
ORBCOMM Response to 7/26/16 Spire Global Letter Pld-ORBCOMM Response | ORBCOMM License Corp. | LETTER 2016-08-09 |
Ex Parte Letter Ex Parte Notice_3Aug | ORBCOMM License Corp. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-08-05 |
Planet Labs Letter Planet Labs Letter.p | Planet Labs Inc. | LETTER 2016-07-26 |
Spire Response Letter Spire Letter.pdf | Spire Global, Inc. | LETTER 2016-07-26 |
Ex Parte Planet Labs Ex Parte | Planet Labs Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-07-01 |
Annual Report 2016 Annual Report 0 | Spire Global, Inc. | OTHER 2016-06-29 |
Notice of Deployment and Satisfaction of Milestone Notice of Deployment | Spire Global, Inc. | NOTICE 2016-06-29 |
Ex Parte Letter Ex Parte Notice_23Ju | ORBCOMM License Corp. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-06-27 |
grant in part defer in part Spire Global - grant | IB, FCC | DECISION 2016-06-16 |
grant in part defer in part extension of bond filing deadline Spire Global - grant | IB, FCC | DECISION 2016-06-16 |
Ex Parte Letter Ex Parte Notice-1Jun | ORBCOMM License Corp. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-06-03 |
Notice of Deployment | Spire Global, Inc. | NOTICE 2016-05-23 |
Ex parte notice Planet Labs Ex Parte | Planet Labs Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-05-23 |
Ex Parte Letter Ex Parte Notice-File | ORBCOMM License Corp. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-05-17 |
ORBCOMM Comments Re: Spaceflight Inc. STA Request PLD-AppSTA-Spaceflig | ORBCOMM License Corp. | COMMENT 2016-05-13 |
Grant in part defer in part Spire Global - Grant | IB,FCC | DECISION 2016-04-14 |
Bond Extension Request Bond Extension Reque | Spire Global, Inc. | REQUEST 2016-04-12 |
Spire Bond Waiver Request 040416 Spire Bond Waiver Re | Spire Global, Inc. | REQUEST 2016-04-04 |
Spire Ex Parte Notification 032416 Spire Ex Parte Notif | Spire Global, Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2016-03-24 |
Corrected Grant Spire Global - corre | IB,FCC | DECISION 2016-03-18 |
ORBCOMM License Corp. Reply to Opposition Pld-ORBC Reply ToSpi | ORBCOMM License Corp. | REPLY 2016-03-18 |
Spire Opposition to ORBCOMM Petition to Dismiss Spire Opposition to | Spire Global, Inc. | OPPOSITION 2016-03-08 |
Petition to Deny, Dismiss, or Hold in Abeyance Pld-ORBCOMM Petition | ORBCOMM License Corp. | PETITION 2016-02-22 |
Schedule S SpirePart25Applicati | Spire Global, Inc. | EXHIBIT 2015-11-24 |
Service | Type | Report No | Date |
Satellite Space Station | Action Taken Public Notice | SAT01363 | 2018-12-07 |
Satellite Space Station | Action Taken Public Notice | SAT01239 | 2017-05-19 |
Satellite Space Station | Action Taken Public Notice | SAT01231 | 2017-04-14 |
Satellite Space Station | Action Taken Public Notice | SAT01195 | 2016-10-21 |
Satellite Space Station | Action Taken Public Notice | SAT01171 | 2016-07-01 |
Satellite Space Station | Action Taken Public Notice | SAT01168 | 2016-06-17 |
Satellite Space Station | Action Taken Public Notice | SAT01151 | 2016-04-15 |
Satellite Space Station | Action Taken Public Notice | SAT01145 | 2016-03-25 |
Satellite Space Station | Accepted for Filing Public Notice | SAT01130 | 2016-01-22 |