Spire - OA7 Above-St

LETTER submitted by Spire Global, Inc.

Spire - OA7 Above-Station Deployment Letter


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20151123-00078 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                  20 February 2017

Jenny Barna
Spire Global
575 Florida St. Suite 150
San Francisco, CA 94110

Re: OA-7 above station deployment approval

Dear Jenny,

NanoRacks would like to inform you (as demonstrated by the attached minutes)
that the Space Station Program is committed to proceeding forward with the intent
to deploy no more than four 3U CubeSats from the Orbital ATK 7 Cygnus vehicle
after unberthing from the ISS. The post deploy altitude of the CubeSats should be no
less than 45 kilometers higher than the ISS orbit. The final payload orbit should be
as close to co-elliptic with the ISS as possible.

The ability to accomplish this is dependent upon the completion of the required
work to enable certification of flight readiness and the availability of sufficient
propulsion capability. The availability of propulsion capability will not be known
until after launch and berthing of the OA-7 vehicle; however, if the launch and
rendezvous profile are as planned, there should be sufficient margin to accomplish
the deployment at higher altitude – this is the baseline plan.

Best regards,

Christopher K. Cummins

555 Forge River Road, Suite 120, Webster, TX 77598


                                 Space Station Program Control Board
                                                     Final Agenda
                                                   February 07, 2017
                                           Building 1/511      9:00 A.M. CST
                                              Overflow Room: Building 4S/4800

                                              Board Chair: Kirk Shireman
                Please submit all correspondence to the SSPCB Mailbox at JSC-ISS-SSPCB@mail.nasa.gov
                                                 SSPCB On-Line Agenda

         Time                    Topic                                                      Presenter

         9:00      15 Min   A.   ISS Cost Containment                                       Bill Cleek/OH

                                 Summary: This presentation provided the status for
                                 the ISS Program FY17 budget. The cost data was
                                 provided for Phase II of the AMS EVA Repair SSCN
                                 being brought forward. There are a total of two open
                                 UCAs with no schedule impacts.

                                 SSCNs & Cost Topics

         9:15      45 Min   B.   SSCN 15346 -AMS EVA Repair                                 Tara Jochim/XX
                                 (Partial Implementation)

                                 Summary: This presentation is requesting approval for
                                 the Phase 2 (March – September 2017) funding to
                                 continue with the AMS EVA Repair. The team
                                 provided the current status for the work completed
                                 under SSCN 15346 for the design, build and delivery
                                 of EVA hardware and operations development for
                                 AMS EVA Repair. There are 4 Tracker Thermal
                                 Control System (TTCS) Pumps and Pump Controllers
                                 split between 2 locations (port and starboard). EVA
                                 will bypass and replace the pumps on the starboard
                                 side of AMS near ELC2. An overview was provided on
                                 the ARGOS testing and tool summary.

                                 It was noted that the costs of the project is over the
                                 guideline as provided by HEOMD. EA to provide the
                                 Program on how funding is modeled for ARGOS and
                                 where coming from. Open work does include the

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                               processing of an NCR regarding the release of small
                               items during the EVA tasks (example: risk of the three
                               washers with the Valley Tool tasks. Specifics
                               associated with the tasks and activities are identified in
                               the presentation.

                               Disposition: The Board approved SSCN 15346 Phase
                               II funding. The Program needs to discuss the
                               tasks/scenarios risk associated with the AMS prior to
                               hardware being inactive. To prevent harm to the
                               Payloads it was noted that the teams need to look at the
                               possibility of covering the payloads that are located in
                               the areas where tasks are being performed.

         10:00   20 Min   C.   SSCN 15539 SSP 51066 Baseline: ISS Deorbit                   Charles Gray/OM
                               Strategy and Contingency Action Plan
                               (Full/Final Implementation)

                               Summary: This presentation requests authorization to
                               release SSP 51066, ISS Deorbit Strategy and
                               Contingency Action Plan. The primary sections of the
                               document will encompass the (1) Baseline
                               Assumptions for Nominal and Contingency Deorbit,
                               (2) Nominal ISS Deorbit Plan and (3) Contingency
                               Considerations and Action Plan. Specifics associated
                               with implementation of SSCN 15539 are identified in
                               the presentation.

                               Disposition: The Board approved implementation of
                               SSCN 15539. It was noted that the CD has been
                               posted for IP approval.

                               Special Topics

         10:20   30 Min   D.   OA7 External NRCSD Deploy Candidates                         Charles Gray/OM
                               (Technical Concurrence)

                               Summary: This presentation characterizes the risk to
                               ISS posed by Cubesats to be deployed above ISS
                               during OA7 Cygnus free Flight. NanoRacks has
                               proposed deploying 4 Lemur Cubesats from OA7
                               while the Cygnus vehicle is in free flight above ISS.
                               Existing analysis performed for the OA5 case is still
                               valid: NASA Orbital Debris Program Office (ODPO)
                               analysis indicates approximately 1% likelihood of ISS
                               DAM per satellite deployed at ISS inclination above
                               ISS (risk per satellite only lasts while they cross ISS
                               altitude range). The baseline plan is to deploy these

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                               satellites at 500 km, but is dependent on Cygnus
                               vehicle capability real time. The team provided an
                               overview of the applicable jettison policy
                               requirements, the attitude profile and projected OA7
                               decay profile. Specifics associated with the deployment
                               and risks are identified in the presentation.

                               Disposition: The Board approved the deployment.
                               TOPO TIM is in 2-weeks, the Board recommended the
                               team to plan a roadshow to Hqts and FCC (regulatory
                               agency) for informational purposes. It was noted that
                               since the jettison policy is being met this topic will not
                               be presented at the SSCB, IPs are being notified

         10:50   20 Min   E.   PPD 1011 RB, ISS Jettison Policy Updates                     Charles Gray/OM
                               (Full/Final Implementation)

                               Summary: This presentation requests approval of the
                               updates incorporated into PPD 1011 Rev. B, ISS
                               Jettison Policy. These updates add clarification to
                               existing requirements and modify some of the older
                               requirements based on experience during the last few
                               years of jettison candidate analysis, approval, and
                               execution. Specifics associated with the updates are
                               identified in the presentation.

                               Disposition: The Board approved PPD 1011 Rev. B. It
                               was noted that the PPD has been posted for IP

         11:10   30 Min   F.   ISS Generic Operational Flight Rules                         T.J. Creamer/CA8
                               (Technical Concurrence)

                               Summary: This presentation requests approval of the
                               ISS Operational Flight Rules Volume B Final, PCN-52
                               Feb 07, 2017, NSTS-12820 which is planned in
                               support of Increment 50 and subsequent operations.
                               This PCN will encompass 50 CRs, 33 rules affected
                               International and/or COTS Partners and were
                               coordinated with and concurred upon by the affected
                               Partner(s). The team provided an overview on the
                               changes being incorporated. Specifics associated with
                               PCN-52 are identified in the presentation.

                               Disposition: The Board approved all but two of the the
                               updates for PCN-52. The EVA Office and Engineering
                               Directorate will obtain clarification on the B15-107

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                               update (not to be incorporated at this time).
                               Verification required by the Research Integration
                               Office on the hours identified in in B19-60 (not to be
                               incorporated at this time). Resolution to both will be
                               provided to Kenny Todd for authorization to proceed.

         11:40   20 Min   G.   Manifest Re-engineering Project Status                      Justin Doyle/OP
                               (Info. Only)

                               Summary: This presentation provides a status on the
                               manifest re-engineering project. The project objective
                               is to plan and execute the manifest to maximize science
                               and technology and to maintain operation of the ISS.
                               Develop a streamlined process that simplifies how
                               commodities are added to and managed on ISS Cargo
                               Vehicles. The team provided an overview on the
                               specific topics which included: (1) New Business
                               Rules, (2) Commodity Queue Structure, (3) High Level
                               Data Flow, (4) Introduction to the Decision Engine,
                               and (5) MIDAS Transition Plan. The scheduled tool
                               deployment is approximately 3 months away.
                               Participation in the User Acceptance Testing scheduled
                               in March is critical to our success, in order to validate
                               the code and to prepare for the new process and tool
                               transition. The MIDAS transition plan will continue to
                               be updated as we move closer to process launch and
                               the FPIP is updated. Specifics associated with the
                               approach and implementation of the new tool are
                               identified in the presentation.

                               Disposition: Information Only.

                               Break to Clear Room

                               NASA Civil Servants Only
                               Attendance allowed for Civil Servants only. Topic
                               contains NASA/Government sensitive material for
                               discussion with Civil Servants only.

         12:00   30 Min   H.   Request for Task Orders for SNC to provide                  Alan Guerra/Chi-Min
                               Unpressurized Flight Support Equipment                      Chang/ON
                               (Partial Implementation)                                    Christie Cox/OC

                               Disposition: Board approved to proceed.

                               Action Items

         12:30                 Adjourn
                                      Agenda Last Updated: 02/08/2017 9:47 AM

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               Deferred Items:

                                 SSPCB Conference Number: 1-888-530-3405
                                       Participant Passcode: SSPCB

         Please submit all correspondence to the SSPCB Mailbox at JSC-ISS-SSPCB@mail.nasa.gov

                     To add a topic to the agenda, please use the Agenda Request Form

                                              POC: Teresa Yunk

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Document Created: 2017-02-22 11:27:41
Document Modified: 2017-02-22 11:27:41

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