
COMMENT submitted by ORBCOMM License Corp.

ORBCOMM Comments Re: Spaceflight Inc. STA Request


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20151123-00078 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                         May 13, 2016


Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

       Re:    Application of Spire Global, Inc. for Authorization to Launch and Operate a
              Non-Geostationary (“NGSO”) Satellite System to Provide Maritime
              Monitoring, Meteorological Monitoring, and Earth Imaging Services
              File No. SAT-LOA-20151123-00078

        ORBCOMM License Corp. (“ORBCOMM”) hereby submits for inclusion in the record
of the above-referenced application (the “Spire Global Application”) the attached copy of
ORBCOMM’s May 11, 2016, Informal Comments (the “ORBCOMM Comments”) on the
Application of Spaceflight, Inc. (“Spaceflight”), Request for Special Temporary Authority, File
No. SAT-STA-20150821-00060 (the “STA Request”).

        The STA Request relates to Spaceflight’s proposed SHERPA secondary payload satellite
deployment mission (the “SHERPA mission”) on the SpaceX Falcon 9 Formosat-5 launch.
ORBCOMM is filing this submission on the record of the Spire Global Application because 8
Spire Global spacecraft are among the approximately 90 secondary payload satellites proposed
for inclusion in the SHERPA mission. Accordingly, the issues and concerns raised in the
ORBCOMM Comments should be considered in connection with the Spire Global Application.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Walter H. Sonnenfeldt, Esq.
                                            Regulatory Counsel
                                            ORBCOMM License Corp. &
                                            Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
                                            ORBCOMM Inc.
                                            Direct Tel: (585) 461-3018

Encl: ORBCOMM Informal Comments Re: Spaceflight STA Request

cc: Trey Hanbury, Counsel to Spire Global, Inc.
    Jonathan L. Wiener, Counsel to Spaceflight, Inc.

                                        May 11, 2016


Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

       Re: Informal Comments of ORBCOMM on the Application of Spaceflight, Inc.,
       Request for Special Temporary Authority, File No. SAT—STA—20150821—00060

       ORBCOMM License Corp. ("ORBCOMM"), pursuant to Sections 25.154(b) ofthe
Commission‘s Rules, hereby comments on the above—referenced Spaceflight, Inc. ("Spaceflight")
request for Special Temporary Authority (the "STA Request") relating to the proposed SHERPA
secondary payload mission (the "SHERPA mission"") on the SpaceX Falcon 9 Formosat—5
launch.‘ ORBCOMM just recently became aware of unresolved orbitalcollision concerns raised
by the proposed SHERPA mission that could pose an in—orbit collision risk affecting the entire
fleet of ORBCOMM‘s Generation 2 ("OG2") satellites." As explained below, ORBCOMM
requests that the Commission defer grant of the STA Request until the record demonstrates that
the proposed SHERPA mission will not create an unreasonablerisk ofcollisions with OG2
satellites, or impose an inequitable burden ofcollision avoidance on ORBCOMM.

        The SHERPA mission is proposed as a secondary payload on the SpaceX Falcon 9
Formosat—5 mission. The primary Formosat—5 spacecraft is apparently targeted for deployment
in a circular 720 km sun—synchronousorbit. According to the STA Request, a Falcon 9 second
stage reignition burn is proposed to maneuverto a contemplated 450 x 720 km 97.4 degree—
inclined elliptical secondary mission orbit. After the proposed SHERPA spacecraft release from
the Falcon 9 second stage in the reoriented secondary mission orbit, the SHERPA mission plan
contemplates a very dense single plane deployment of approximately 90 satellites.

       Application of Spaceflight, Inc., Request for Special Temporary Authority, File No.
SAT—STA—20150821—00060; Public Notice, Report No. SAT—01130, January 22, 2016 ("Public

2      The Public Notice only mentioned the requested frequencies, but did not mention the
orbital parameters of the mission or the large number of spacecraft proposed for deployment. As
a result of discussions ORBCOMM has been having with Planet Labs and Spire Global,
ORBCOMM only recently learned that the SHERPA mission entails the proposed deployment of
approximately 90 secondary payload satellites into an orbit that would overlap with
ORBCOMM‘s OG2 satellites. ORBCOMM is also submitting a copy of thisletter in the Planet
Labs and Spire Global application proceedings, because it may be relevant to the Commission‘s
consideration ofthose applications as well.

                              CONNECTING THE WORLD‘S ASSETS

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
May 11, 2016
Page 2 of 5

       Both the SHERPA spacecraft, and the approximately 90 secondary payload satellites,
proposed for 450 x 720 km 97.4 degree—inclined elliptical orbit deployment on the SHERPA
mission will intersect with the authorized 47 degree—inclined 715 km target operational orbits of
ORBCOMM‘s entire fleet of OG2 satellites." Despite this overlap in orbits, the STA Request
does not provide any analysis of the potential risk of collision between, on the one hand, the
SHERPA spacecraft and the approximately 90 proposed secondary payload SHERPA mission
satellites, and on the other hand ORBCOMM‘s OG2 satellites."

         Of equal or greater concern, the STA Request provides no assessmentofthe risk of in—
plane collisions during the orbital life of the approximately 90 proposed SHERPA mission
secondary payload satellites. These risks could well prove to be substantial, due to the
contemplated very dense single plane deployment of so many spacecraft of varying designs and
ballistic characteristics. The hazardous debris cloud(s) that could result from any in—plane
collision(s) could significantly amplify the risk of further collision hazards; both within the
proposed SHERPA mission orbit plane, and forthe entire fleet of OG2 satellites.

        ORBCOMM lacks the necessary information to adequately assess these risks, however,
because it does not know the relevant technical parameters for many ofthe approximately 90
SHERPA mission secondary payload satellites, or any details relating to the proposed release
order or orbital spacing for these spacecraft. Additionally, the proposed SHERPA mission
secondary payload satellites have been separately developed by various Spaceflight customers,
appear to vary substantially in design and ballistic characteristics, and apparently would not be
under common control once deployed. The current record of the STA Request only provides a
preliminary listing of the possible SHERPA mission secondary payload satellites, filed by
Spaceflight on November 2, 2015. Severalofthe satellites on the November 2, 2015, SHERPA
missionlist also appear on manifests for other launch missions. The requisite collision risk
assessments cannot be adequately performed until the final SHERPA mission manifest is
provided, and critical information regarding the relevant technical characteristics of the SHERPA
mission secondary payload satellites can be ascertained.

       In any event, the Commission‘s Rules and policies place the onus on Spaceflight to
demonstrate that the proposed deployment of approximately 90 SHERPA mission secondary

}       The STA Request does not indicate how or why the proposed 450 x 720 km 97.4 degree—
inclined elliptical Formosat—5 secondary mission orbit for the SHERPA mission was selected.
This is a matter of obvious concern to ORBCOMM, because this proposed orbit intersects with
the authorized target orbits of the entire fleet of OG2 satellites.

1      See, Mitigation ofOrbital Debris, 19 FCC Red 11567 (2004) at « 50.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
May 11, 2016
Page 3 of 5

payload satellites will not create an unacceptablerisk ofcollision. As the Commission explained
when it adopted its orbital debris mitigation policies:

       We conclude, however, that in some instances the public interest would be served by a
       more detailed discussion of how an operator will avoid potential collisions. The first of
       these instances, as described in the Notice, is where a system will be launched into a low—
       Earth orbit thatis identical, or very similar, to an orbit used by other systems. In such an
       instance we believe that the operator should submit, as part of its debris mitigation
       disclosure, an analysis of the potential risk of collision between the LEO systems and a
       description of what measures the operator plansto take to avoid in—orbit collisions. If the
       operator is relying on coordination with another system, the operator should indicate
       what steps have been taken to contact, and to ascertain the likelihood of successful
       coordination of physical operations with, the other system."

Notwithstanding these instructions from the Commission, Spaceflight did not contact
ORBCOMM prior to filing the STA Request, or since, to discuss collision avoidance, despite the
overlap of the proposed SHERPA mission orbit and the authorized target orbits of
ORBCOMM‘s OG2 satellite fleet."
       ORBCOMM is also concerned because the currently proposed SHERPA mission orbit
will impose an unjustifiable burden on ORBCOMM to perform any necessary collision
avoidance maneuvers. It is unclear whether many ofthe proposed SHERPA mission secondary
payload satellites will be equipped with GPS or other high—accuracy position location capability.
Furthermore, with one possible exception, ORBCOMM is not aware of propulsion capabilities
being incorporated in any of the spacecraft proposed for deployment on the SHERPA mission.‘
Additionally, despite claims to the contrary, ORBCOMM does not believe thatdifferential drag
or other non—propulsive techniques can be used for effective collision avoidance maneuvering in
the tight timeframes associated with conjunction alerts. Thus, the burden would fall entirely on
ORBCOMM to undertake any necessary collision avoidance mancuvers in the event of a
conjunction alert with a SHERPA mission spacecraft. And such burdens would be very

5      Mitigation ofOrbital Debris, 19 FCC Red 11567 (2004) at « 50 (footnote omitted).

6      The authorized orbital parameters for the OG2 satellites are a matter of public record.
See, e.g., Public Notice, Report No. SAT—01006, DA No. 14—418, released March 28, 2014.

7       Aerospace‘s OCSD B/C (Optical Communications and Sensor Demonstration), formerly
known as IOCPS (Integrated Optical Communications and Proximity Sensors for Cubesats)
apparently will incorporate Cold Gas Propulsion. And ORBCOMM understands that the 56
Planet Labs and 8 Spire Global satellites will not incorporate propulsion capabilities, but does
not know the details ofthe other satellites Spaceflight proposes to deploy.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
May 11, 2016
Page 4 of 5

significant, because using fuel for such avoidance maneuvers would shorten the lifetime of the
OG2 satellites.

        Spaceflight‘s STA Request ODAR appears to deny any responsibility for the collision
risks posed by the satellites it proposes to deploy on the SHERPA mission, claiming that: "Once
deployed, SHERPA will deploy satellites attached to the 5 ports on the exterior. (These satellites
must receive an FCC license and do not constitute debrix)f’8 However, Spaceflight is the only
entity that could reliably collect and provide the requisite information to perform the necessary
assessmentofthe above—described collision risks arising from the approximately 90 secondary
payload satellites it proposes to deploy on the SHERPA mission. Spaceflight presumably knows
(or can obtain) the necessary information on all of the satellites it proposes to include in the final
SHERPA mission manifest, and Spaceflight presumably knows how it will deploy those
satellites vis—a—vis each other.

        Spaceflight may also be able to arrange for SpaceX to lower the Formosat—5 and/or the
SHERPA mission insertion orbit apogee sufficiently below ORBCOMM‘s authorized orbit
altitude to eliminate ORBCOMM‘s concerns of collisions or having to expend fuel unilaterally
in collision avoidance maneuvers. ORBCOMM would obviously prefer an STA Request
modification adopting this approach. This solution would appear to be the fastest, easiest, and
most practical way forward for all concerned parties. In any event, the Commission should also
require the implementation ofcollaborative operator—to—operator procedures for the timely
exchange of spacecraft ephemeris data to facilitate any necessary collision avoidance measures
that may be possible following issuance of a conjunction alert from JSpOC, SDA, or any other
duly recognized conjunction reporting entity. Finally, any grant of the STA Request should also
specify clearcriteria for aborting SHERPA separation from the Falcon 9 second stage, as well as
release of the SHERPA mission secondary payload satellites, in the event of a launch mission
anomaly that precludes release of these spacecraft in the authorized insertion orbit.

       As explained herein, the Commission should not grant the STA Request unlessit can be
demonstrated to ORBCOMM‘s reasonable satisfaction that there is no unacceptable risk of

8      Spaceflight ODAR at Section 1 (emphasis in original). See also, Spaceflight ODAR
Section 3: "Identification of any object(>1 mm) expected to be released from the spacecraft any
time after launch, including object dimensions, mass, and material: There are no intentional
releases other than payload deployments (see Mission Overview)."

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
May 11, 2016
Page 5 of 5

collision with ORBCOMM‘s satellite constellation. Grant of the STA Request as currently
presented before the Commission, however, would clearly disserve the public interest.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            Walter H. Sonnenfeldt, Esq.
                                            Regulatory Counsel
                                            ORBCOMM License Corp. &
                                            Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
                                            ORBCOMM Inc.
                                            Direct Tel: (585) 461—3018

ce: Jonathan L. Wiener, Counsel to Spaceflight, Inc.,
    Michael Safyan, Planet Labs Inc., and
    Trey Hanbury, Counsel to Spire Global, Inc.

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I, Walter H. Sonnenfeldt, hereby certify that on this 13th day of May, 2016, I served upon the

party listed below via first-class postage prepaid mail a true and correct copy of the foregoing

transmittal to the record of Spire Global, Inc. Application File No. SAT-LOA-20151123-00078

the May 11, 2016, Informal Comments of ORBCOMM License Corp. on the Application of

Spaceflight, Inc., Request for Special Temporary Authority, File No. SAT-STA-20150821-0060.

                                      Trey Hanbury
                                      Hogan Lovells US LLP
                                      555 Thirteenth Street, NW
                                      Columbia Square
                                      Washington, D.C. 20004


Document Created: 2016-05-13 14:02:35
Document Modified: 2016-05-13 14:02:35

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