Attachment Spire Global - grant

Spire Global - grant

DECISION submitted by IB, FCC

grant in part defer in part extension of bond filing deadline


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20151123-00078 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                             Hogan Lovells US LLP
                                                                                                             Columbia Square
                                                                                                             555 Thirteenth Street, NW
                                                                                                             Washington, DC 20004
                                                                                                             T +1 202 637 5600
                                                                                                             F +1 202 637 5910

                                                                                             CBPowr in PAgT /Deree N PB
                                                                                          EXTENSION of BOND FIUN(:r DE
April 4, 2016                                                                                                         Ffle#SPH"-LOQ20|S| 23— ocu‘h?

vIiA IBFES                                                                                                             cgns;gn52‘5% Grant Date_OG/G/IG
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                                                                   (or otheridentifier)
                                                                                                                                                         Term Dates
Federal Communications Commission                                                                                       Trom         G/\S/1                        To: O7/16/llp
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554                                                            | International Bureau                  Approved:
                                                                               +seé"adjachmentr _
Re:              Spire Global, Inc.
                 Satellite Bond Waiver Request
                 IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20151123—00078, Call Sign $2946

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Spire Global, Inc. ("Spire") hereby requests that the International Bureau ("Bureau") grant a waiver of
the bond requirement associated with the satellite authorization granted to Spire on March 18,
2016.‘ In the grant, the Bureau authorized Spire to construct, deploy, and operate nine of the 175
satellites requested by Spire for operation of its LEMUR constellation and imposed, as a condition to
the Iiczense, the requirement that Spire post a $5,000,000 bond for those nine satellites by April 18,

The nine authorized satellites were part of the Cygnus payload onboard the Atlas V vehicle that was
launched successfully on March 22, 2016 from Cape Canaveral, Flonda Cygnus subsequently
berthed with the International Space Station ("ISS") on March 25, 2016." Four of Spire‘s authorized
satellites will be unloaded from the Cygnus to the ISS and deployed into orbit from the ISS Multi—
Purpose Experiment Platform in the upcoming weeks. The other five authorized Spire satellites,
which are mounted on the external surface of the Cygnus, will remain on the Cygnus and be

‘ Stamp Grant, Spire Global, Inc., IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20151123—00078 (granted Mar. 18, 2016
and corrected Mar. 25, 2016) ("Spire Grant"); see a/so Public Notice, Report No. SAT—0 1145 (Mar.
25, 2016).

2 See Spire Grant T 1, 6; see also 47 CFR §25.164(b). The Bureau deferred action on the
remainder of the satellites in the LEMUR constellation, and accordingly, the bond requirement is not
currently applicable to those satellites.

* See William Graham, OA—6 Cygnus launched to the ISS via Atlas V, (Mar.
22, 2016); see also Lemur—2, GUNTER‘s SPAcE PAGE,—
2.htm (last visited Mar. 30, 2016).

* See Justin Ray, Traveling Cygnus pulls into port at International Space Station, SPACEFLIGHT Now
(Mar. 26, 2016),—cygnus—pulls—into—port—at—the—

Hogan Lovells US LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in the District of Columbia. "Hogan Lovells® is an international legal practice that includes Hogan Lovells US
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                                      Attachment to Grant
                                        Spire Global, Inc.
                            IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20151123—00078

The request of Spire Global, Inc. (Spire) to waive or to extend by 90 days the deadline to
file a bond in the amount of $5,000,000 for its non—geostationary orbit (NGSO) Earth
Exploration Satellite Service (EESS) LEMUR constellation, Call Sign $2946,‘ is granted
in part and deferred in part. The Satellite Division previously granted Spire‘s request to
extend the bondfiling deadline through June 18, 2016, and deferred action on Spire‘s
request to extend the deadline through July 18, 2016. Spire confirms that all nine Spire
satellites that are subject to the bond filing requirement were successfully launched on
March 22, 2016, and four of the nine satellites were successfully deployed from the
International Space Station on May 18, 2016. The remaining five satellites await
deployment from the Cygnus supply payload vehicle, which was scheduled to occur by
June 18, 2016, but has been temporarily postponed based on a decision by NA¥ASA.
Accordingly, the deadline is extended by an additional 30 days, through July 18, 2016, to
file a bond for Call Sign $2946. Action is deferred on Spire‘s request to waive the bond
filing requirement.

                                                    Geput in paer /Deree in pagT
                                                  EXTENSION OF BonD FILING DEPDLINE
                                                             File # SDBT—LOA— 201981123—OA0o7¢

                                                             Call Sign S2I46 Grant Date_O6/1 &/lG
                                                             {or other identifier)
                                                                                       Term Dates
                                                            From OC/IS)1G                    To: 071152'@
                                             onal Bureau   [ Approved:

                                                                                            n J. Duall
                                                                                     Chief, Selellie Plicg Branch

‘ Spire Global, Inc., IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20151123—00078 (granted in part and deferred in part, Mar.
18, 2016)(correction issued on Mar. 24, 2016). The Satellite Division granted authority to construct,
deploy, and operate the nine LEMUR—2 satellites that were launched on March 25, 2016, but deferred
action on the remainder of Spire‘s application.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                            —2—                                      April 4, 2016

deployed into orbit, at an orbital altitude less than 400 km, after the Cygnus disengages with the ISS
in a few months. Attached is a letter from the launch integrator, NanoRacks LLC, certifying to the
facts stated above.

Splre submits that a waiver of the bond requirement is jUStlfled under these cireumstances." The
nine authorized satellites have been constructed already® and are expected to be deployed shortly
without any further action by Spire. Thus, grant of the waiver would not undermine the purpose of
the bond requirement, to ensure that licensees proceed with the construction and launch of their
satellites in a timely manner." Moreover, requiring Spire to incur financial costs and expend other
resources associated with posting a multi—million dollar bond, which will be moot in several weeks
serves little purpose. For all of these reasons, the Bureau should grant this waiver request.®

Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions regarding this letter.

                                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                                               /s/ Trey Hanbu

                                                               Trey Hanbury
                                                               D 1+ 202 637 5534


co:    (via email)
       Karl Kensinger
       Stephen Duall

5 See 47 C.F.R. § 1.3 (stating that the FCC may grant a waiver of its rules for good cause); see also
WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153, 1157 (D.C. Cir. 1969).

® Accordingly, Spire has satisfied three of the FCC‘s five milestone requirements already. See 47
C.F.R. § 25.164(b).

" See Comprehensive Review of Licensing and Operating Rules for Satellite Services, Report and
Order, 28 FCC Red 12403 [ 40 (2013).

8 See DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, Order and Authorization, 21 FCC Red 8028 [] 8 (20086) (noting
that no bond was required if the satellite was launched within 30 days); see also inmarsat Mobile
Networks, Inc., Order and Authorization and Declaratory Ruling, 30 FCC Red 2770 «[ 31 (2015)
(requiring the applicant to post only $750,000 because three of the four milestones had already been
met); Loral Skynet do Brasil, Order, DA 03—4095 «[ 14 (rel. Dec. 23, 2003) (reducing the bond
requirement to $1.25 million since three of the four milestones had already been met).

                            Attachment — NanoRacks Certification

                  %wwmw §

                                                                       2 April 2016

Via E—mail

Ms. Jenny Barna
Spire Global, Inc.
33 Norfolk Street
San Francisco, CA 94103 USA

Re: Confirming Lemurs and Deployers on OA—6 for FCC

Dear Jenny

Four Lemurs arrived at the International Space Station (1SS) on March 25th 2016 on
board an Orbital ATK Cygnus for deployment through the KIBO airlock at a later

In addition, between the time that same Cygnus departs the ISS and its re—entry
there are plans to deploy five Lemurs from a NanoRacks deployer that is attached to
the exterior of the Cygnus.

The deployers and the CubeSats were transported on the Cygnus via NanoRacks
Space Act Agreement with NASA.

Very Respectfully,

Christopher K. Cummins
Chief Commerce Officer
NanoRacks, LLC

555 Forge River Road, Suite 120, Webster, TX 77598

                                                                 Hogan Lovells US LLP
                                                                 Columbia Square
                                                                 555 Thirteenth Street, NW
                                                                 Washington, DC 20004
                                                                 T +1 202 637 5600
                                                                 F +1 202 637 5910

 April 12, 2016


 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
 Federal Communications Commission
 445 12th Street, SW
 Washington, DC 20554

 Re:         Spire Global, Inc.
             Satellite Bond Extension Request
             File No. SAT—LOA—20151123—00078, Call Sign $2946

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

 On April 4, 2016, Spire Global, Inc. ("Spire") submitted a requestto the Iinternational Bureau
 (‘Bureau") seeking a waiver of the $5,000,000 bond requirement‘ associated with the March 18,
 2016 grant to Spire authorizing the deployment of four satellites from the Internatlonal Space Station
 ("ISS") and five satellites from the Cygnus payload, after it disengages from the ISS. As an
 alternative to the grant of a waiver of the bond requirement, Spire requests that the Bureau grant a
 ninety—day extension to post the bond.°

 The nine authorized satellites have been constructed already* and are now on board the ISS." The
 satellites are expected to be deployed in May without any further action by Spire.© Thus, grant of the

 ! See Letter to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, from Trey Hanbury, Counsel for Spire (April 4,
 2016) ("Waiver Request"). Spire incorporates by reference the Waiver Request, including the
 supporting attachment to that document.

. See Stamp Grant, Spire Global, Inc., File No. SAT—LOA—20151123—00078 (granted Mar. 18, 2016
 and corrected Mar. 24, 2016) ("Spire Grant"); see also Public Notice, Report No. SAT—01145 (Mar.
 25, 2016).

 * See 47 C.F.R. § 1.3 (stating that the FCC may grant a waiver of its rules for good cause); see also
 WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153, 1157 (D.C. Cir. 1969).

 * Accordingly, Spire has satisfied three of the FCC‘s five milestone requirements. See 47 C.F.R. §

 °* See Waiver Request at 1.
 ° Spire has requested a ninety—day extension to post the bond in the event there are unforeseen
 circumstances, beyond its control, resulting in the delay of the deployment of the satellites from the
 ISS or the Cygnus payload.

waiver would not undermine the purpose of the bond requirement, to ensure that licensees proceed
with the construction and launch of their satellites in a timely manner.‘ Moreover, requiring Spire to
incur financial costs and expend other resources associated with posting a multi—million dollar bond,
which will be unnecessary in several weeks, serves little purpose. If the Bureau does not grant or
act on the request for waiver of the bond requirement, the Bureau should grant this request to
extend the deadline for posting the bond, consistent with its precedent.

Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions regarding this letter.

                                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                               /s/ Trey Hanbury

                                                               Trey Hanbury
                                                               D +1 202 637 5534

co:     (via email)
        Karl Kensinger
        Stephen Duall

" See Comprehensive Review of Licensing and Operating Rules for Satellite Services, Report and
Order, 28 FCC Red 12403 €| 40 (2013).

8 See, e.g., Stamp Grant, Planet Labs, Request for Extension of Time, File No. SAT—MOD—
20140321—00032 (granted August 11, 2014); Stamp Grant, New Skies Satellites B.V., Request for
Extension of Time, File No. SAT—PPL—20110620—00112 (granted April 4, 2012); Stamp Grant,
Intelsat North America LLC, Request for Extension of Time, File No. SAT—LOA—20100726—00167
(granted December 16, 2010).

Document Created: 2016-06-16 17:59:26
Document Modified: 2016-06-16 17:59:26

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