GLOBALSTAR, L.P. SAT-LOA-19970926-00151 Satellite Space Stations
Filing: SAT | Satellite Space Stations |
Filing: LOA | Application to Launch and Operate |
Last Action | Revocation of License or Authorization |
Last Action Date | 2003-01-29 |
Status | Action Taken Public Notice |
Status Date | 2003-11-26 |
Date Filed | 1997-09-26 |
Date Granted | 2001-07-17 |
Adopted Date | 2003-11-26 |
Released Date | 2003-11-26 |
Action Taken Public Notice | 2003-11-26 |
Orbit Requested | 80.00W |
Red Light | N |
Old File Number | 00183-SAT-P/LA-97 |
Paper/Electronic | P |
Description | Commentor | Type / Date |
Withdrawal of July 26 2004 Petn. for Recon. Withdrawal of Jul 26 | Globalstar, Inc. | WITHDRAWAL 2011-08-05 |
ex parte | Motient Corporation; TerreStar Networks Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2006-07-20 |
ex parte | Motient Corporation; TerreStar Networks Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2006-07-20 |
ex parte | Motient Corporation; TerreStar Networks, Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2006-07-20 |
ex parte | Motient Corporation; TerreStar Networks, Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2006-07-19 |
ex parte | Motient Corporation; TerreStar Networks, Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2006-07-19 |
ex parte | Motient Corporation; TerreStar Networks, Inc. | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2006-07-19 |
resubmission | Globalstar | PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION 2006-01-10 |
motion | Globalstar | MOTION 2005-08-26 |
supplement | Globalstar | OTHER 2005-08-26 |
ex parte | Globalstar LLC | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2005-08-19 |
reply | GlobalStar LLC and GlobalStar Satellite LP | REPLY TO OPPOSITION 2004-09-20 |
Opposition 2004Carriers Opposit | Carriers | OPPOSITION TO PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION 2004-08-10 |
Opposition to Petition for Reconsideration OppositionToRecon | Wilkinson Barker Knauer L.L.P. | OPPOSITION TO PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION 2004-08-05 |
petition | GlobalStar | PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION 2004-07-26 |
ex parte | GlobalStar | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2004-06-07 |
ex parte | GlobalStar | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2004-06-07 |
MOTION | Globalstar | MOTION 2004-06-01 |
Letter 2004Globalstar march | Globalstar | LETTER 2004-03-26 |
proposed changes in ownershp 2003Globalstar to re | Globalstar | LETTER 2003-12-23 |
December 22 2003 letter 2003Globalstar dec 2 | Carriers | LETTER 2003-12-22 |
request 2003Globalstar-Dec 1 | Globalstar | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2003-12-12 |
exparte 2003Globalstar-xpart | Globalstar | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2003-12-05 |
ex parte 2003TMI Mobile-Carri | "Carriers" | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2003-11-28 |
ex parte Nov 26 2003Globalstar-xpart | Globalstar | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2003-11-26 |
ex parte Nov 24 2003Globalstar-xpart | Globalstar | Ex PARTE PRESENTATION NOTIFICATION LETTER 2003-11-25 |
grant to change proceeding Globalstar mod grant | FCC, IB | OTHER 2003-11-19 |
letter | Globalstar | LETTER 2003-07-14 |
letter | New GlobalStar Corporation | LETTER 2003-05-28 |
reply | AT&T; Cingular; Verizon | REPLY 2003-03-28 |
gr 2003Globalstar-reply | Globalstar | REPLY TO OPPOSITION 2003-03-28 |
comment | Official Creditors Committee | COMMENT 2003-03-25 |
Opposition To Emergency Application For Review 2003Carriers opposit | Carriers | OPPOSITION 2003-03-18 |
lt 2003Globalstar-Carri | AT&T, Cingular, Verizon | OPPOSITION 2003-03-10 |
review | Globalstar | APPLICATION FOR REVIEW 2003-03-03 |
tr 2002Globalstar-redac | Globalstar | SUBMISSION FOR THE RECORD 2002-08-23 |
gr 2002Globalstar-Comm | IB,FCC | LETTER 2002-07-18 |
Service | Type | Report No | Date |
Satellite Space Station | Action Taken Public Notice | SAT00179 | 2003-11-26 |