Attachment 2003Globalstar-Dec 1

2003Globalstar-Dec 1




This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19970926-00151 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                         1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20004—2595 a p202 624—2500 « £202 628—5116

  William D. Wallace                                                        Int] Bureau

  S&i)llgi:g)                                                      DEC 1 6 2003

                                                December 12, 2003
                                                                            Front Office
  Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
  Secretary                                                                                DEC 1 2 2003
  Federal Communications Commission                                                      SAL CMIENERTONE CERmmIdIOm
                                                                                  F           MMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
  445 Twelfth Street, SW                                                              i orrice or ThE sechetary
  Washington, DC 20554

           RE:         Globalstar, L.P., Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 03—328.

                       File Nos: 183/184/185/186—8AT—P/LA—97; 182—SAT—P/LA—97(64)

                       IBFS Application File Numbers:
                       SAT—LOA—19970926—00151—154                                                 _      ~~Clveq
                       SAT—LOA—19970926—00156                                                    PEC p g ,
                       SAT—AMD—20011103—0154                                                     L.        " V0
                       SAT—MOD—20020717—00116—119                                            Intemnae?Brancp
                       SAT—MOD—20020717—00107—110                                                     "AlBlrey,

                       Call Signs 82320/82321/82322/823283/82324

  Dear Ms. Dortch:

           On January 29, 2003, the International Bureau adopted a Memorandum
  Opinion and Order, in which it denied a request by Globalstar, L.P. (CGLP"), for
  modification of certain implementation milestones associated with its 2 GHz
  Mobile—Satellite Service ("MSS") system and canceled all GLP‘s 2 GHz MSS
  licenses.! GLP‘s Emergency Application for Review and Request for Stay of that
  decision are pending.

         In canceling the 2 GHz MSS licenses, the Bureau applied a previously
  unannounced policy for assessment of milestone compliance. The Bureau decided
  that a satellite construction contract incorporating variations from the space station

        1 G@lobalstar, L.P., DA 03—328, 18 FCC Red 1249 (Int‘l Bur. 2003) (MO&O").

                   Crowell & Moring LLP a= a Washington «= Irvine a London a= Brussels

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
December 12, 2003
Page 2 of 5

authorization that are reflected in a simultaneously filed modification application
cannot meet the satellite construction milestone if the Commission denies the
modification application. Accordingly, in this case, since the non—contingent
satellite construction contract submitted by GLP in compliance with its first
implementation milestone reflected construction milestones as proposed in GLP‘s
modification applications on file, rather than the milestones in GLP‘s original
licensing order, the contract was deemed not to meet the Commission‘s requirement
that a satellite licensee must enter into a non—contingent construction contract
within one year of the date of licensing. Rather than giving GLP an opportunity to
cure its contract to conform with the original milestone schedule, the Bureau simply
canceled the licenses for failure of the contract to conform to the original milestone

      In a letter filed on July 14, 2003, GLP noted that, six months after the
release of the MO&O, the Bureau formally announced the policy that it had applied
to GLP‘s 2 GHz MSS licenses in an order granting a modification application for the
2 GHz MSS system of The Boeing Company.2 It is obvious why the International
Bureau articulated its policy in the Boeing decision: satellite licensees were simply
unaware of this policy when GLP negotiated its satellite construction contract in
2002. Announcing the new policy was a necessary step, but applying this policy
retroactively to GLP was clear error.

       Case law involving Commission procedures establish the basic principle of
due process that "the quid pro quo for stringent acceptability criteria is explicit
notice of all application requirements."}

      In stark contrast to the circumstances of the MO&O, the International
Bureau recently demonstrated that it is fully aware of this principle of due process
and its obligation not to apply new policies retroactively, as it did in the MO&O. In
Public Notice No. SPB—195, DA 08—3863, "Clarification of 47 C.F.R. § 25.140(b)(2)
Space Station Application Interference Analysis" (released Dec. 3, 2003), the
Bureau announced a more stringent policy concerning the completeness of Fixed—
Satellite Service applications to be applied prospectively only. The Bureau stated
that applications filed in the future would be dismissed if not in compliance, while
those currently on file would not be dismissed for non—compliance if brought into

    2 The Boeing Company, 18 FCC Red 12317, 12328 n.56 (Int‘l Bur. 2003).
    3 Salzer v. FCC, 778 F.2d 869, 875 (D.C. Cir. 1985); see also, e.g., Trinity
Broadcasting of Florida, Inc. v. FCC, 211 F.3d 618, 628 (D.C. Cir. 2000).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
December 12, 2003                                                                 moring
Page 3 of 5

compliance at the Commission‘s request. Had the Bureau applied this correct
approach for implementation of a new policy to GLP and its satellite construction
contract, it would have granted GLP‘s request for a reasonable period of time
consistent with past practice, taking all cireumstances into consideration, to bring
its contract into compliance with the milestones set forth in GLP‘s 2 GHz MSS
authorization, rather than canceling GLP‘s 2 GHz MSS licenses.

       "Explicit notice" of the Bureau‘s policy on milestones applied in the MO&O
equivalent to the announcement in the recent Public Notice was not given until the
Boeing decision — one year after GLP had entered into its satellite construction
contract and filed its milestone modification applications. Prior to that time, not
only was there no indication that the Commission had adopted such a policy, but
there was significant evidence to the contrary.

       For example, in the 2 GHz MSS service rules order, there were references to
the general need for compliance with implementation milestones.* However, the
Commission did not elaborate on what that policy entailed, nor how it differed from
a consistent line of prior decisions on milestone compliance. Mere use of the term
"strict enforcement" to describe that discussion in the MO&O (« 12) does not suffice
for prior "explicit notice" that specific rules and policies, not inconsistent with strict
enforcement, have been changed.

        GLP‘s 2 GHz MSS authorization states that the licenses will become null and
void if the system were not constructed, launched and placed into operation in
accordance with the milestone dates.5 But, GLP had missed no milestones when its
licenses were cancelled, and still had the ability to meet all required milestones.
GLP‘s authorization gives no warning that a non—contingent contract will not be
acceptable to meet the first milestone simply because the licensee requested
modification of certain future milestone dates several years before those milestones
came due.

      Moreover, none of the precedent relied upon by the Bureau in canceling
GLP‘s licenses was decided based on similar cireumstances regarding the effect of

    4 See Establishment of Policies and Service Rules for the Mobile Satellite Service
in the 2 GHz Band, 15 FCC Red 16127, 16177—78 (2000).

    5 See Globalstar, L.P., 16 FCC Red 13739, © 60 (Int‘l Bur. 2001).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
December 12, 2003
Page 4 of 5

pending modification applications on non—contingent contracts.© On the one hand,
reliance upon these prior decisions suggests that the Commission‘s policies had not
changed at the time GLP‘s modification applications were filed in July 2002, and
that these precedents do not support the decision in GLP‘s case.

      But, more importantly, none of these cases applied or identified the Boeing
policy that was applied to GLP. While the prior cases discussed generally the need
for a non—contingent construction contract to include dates for construction
milestones, none indicated that the licenses at issue would be cancelled if the
contract contained milestone dates that were under review in modification
applications and subsequently denied. Again, there was no "explicit notice" such as
the Bureau provided in the Public Notice regarding Fixed—Satellite Service

      The Bureau‘s application of the Boeing policy to GLP was also explicitly
contrary to existing law. The Commission‘s rules in place when GLP filed the
modification applications (July 17, 2002) specifically excused space station licensees
from entering into any construction contract if they had filed, as of the construction
contract milestone, a request for modification of that milestone date." It is clearly
inconsistent for a licensee that enters into a non—contingent contract by the required
milestone to have its licenses cancelled, while a licensee that signed no contract has
an opportunity to negotiate a contract after missing the milestone date.8

      Furthermore, at the time that GLP filed its modification applications, the
Commission had specifically sanctioned the filing of a satellite construction contract
that varied from the terms of the license as meeting the construction milestone —
exactly the procedure followed by GLP.° Given that none of the Commission‘s

    6 See MO&O, 18 FCC Red at 1251 n.13, citing Mobile Communications
Holdings, Inc., 17 FCC Red 11898, 11901, { 11 (Int‘l Bur. 2002); Morning Star
Satellite Co., 16 FCC Red 11550, 11553, 9 (2001); Echostar Satellite Corp., 7 FCC
Red 1765, 1767, € 11 (1992); Tempo Enterprises, Inc., 1 FCC Red 20, 21, € 7 (1986).
    7 47 CFER. § 25.161(a) (2002).
     8 See NetSat 28 Co., 16 FCC Red 11025 (Int‘l Bur. 2001) (granting waiver of
milestone deadline for contract filed 18 months after contract deadline passed);
Echostar Satellite Corp., 7 FCC Red at 1771, ( 29 (giving licensee three months to
file construction contract after one—year deadline passed with no contract in place).
    9 See Teledesic LLC, 17 FCC Red 11263 (Int‘l Bur. 2002).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                                   s
December 12, 2003
Page 5 of 5

precedent would lead to the conclusion that the Commission had reversed course,
and adopted the policy applied to GLP (prior to announcement of the policy six
months later), it was plain error for the Bureau to subject GLP to the unannounced
policy and cancel GLP‘s 2 GHz MSS licenses.

      The MO&O clearly and undeniably violates the due process requirements
applicable to the Commission‘s decisions. Accordingly, for this reason as well as the
other reasons set forth therein, GLP‘s Emergency Application for Review must be
granted and GLP‘s 2 GHz MSS licenses reinstated.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       GLOBALSTAR, LP.

Of Counsel:                           W

William F. Adler                       William D. Wallace
Vice President, Legal and
       Regulatory Affairs
Globalstar, LP.
3200 Zanker Road
San Jose, CA 95134
(408) 933—4401                         Its Attorneys

Email copies to:

      Sheryl Wilkerson
      Jennifer Manner
      Sam Feder
      Paul Margie
      Barry Ohlson
      Howard Griboff
      Daniel Harrold

                           CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      I, William D. Wallace, hereby certify that I have on this 12th day of

December, 2003, caused to be served true and correct copies of the foregoing

"Letter" upon the following persons via hand delivery (marked with an asterisk (*))

or first—class United States mail, postage prepaid:

The Honorable Michael K. Powell *           The Honorable Kathleen Q. Abernathy *
Chairman                                    Commissioner
Federal Communications Commission           Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW                         445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                        Washington, D.C. 20554

The Honorable Michael Copps *               The Honorable Kevin Martin *
Commissioner                                Commissioner
Federal Communications Commission           Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.                       445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554                      Washington, D.C. 20554

The Honorable Jonathan S. Adelstein         Daniel Harrold *
Commissioner                                Office of General Counsel
Federal Communications Commission           Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.                       445 12th Street, SW., Room 6—A665
Washington, D.C. 20554                      Washington, D.C. 20554

Donald Abelson *                            Thomas S. Tycez *
International Bureau                        International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission           Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W., Room 6—C750          445 12th Street, S.W., Room 6—A665
Washington, D.C. 20554                      Washington, D.C. 20554

Karl A. Kensinger *                         Howard Griboff *
International Bureau                        International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission           Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room 6—A663       445 12th Street, SW., Room 6—C467
Washington, D.C. 20554                      Washington, D.C. 20554

Fern J. Jarmulnek *                 Cassandra Thomas *
International Bureau                International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission   Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.               445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554              Washington, D.C. 20554

Bryan Tramont *                     Sheryl Wilkerson *
Office of Chairman Michael Powell   Office of Chairman Michael Powell
Federal Communications Commission   Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.               445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554              Washington, D.C. 20554

Jennifer Manner *                   Paul Margie *
Office of Commissioner Kathleen     Office of Commissioner Michael Copps
Abernathy                           Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission   445 12th Street, S.W.
445 12th Street, S.W.               Washington, D.C. 20554
Washington, D.C. 20554

Barry Ohlson *                      Sam Feder *
Office of Commissioner Jonathan     Office of Commissioner Kevin Martin
Adelstein                           Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission   445 12th Street, S.W.
445 12th Street, S.W.               Washington, D.C. 20554
Washington, D.C. 20554

Joseph A. Godles                    Tom W. Davidson
Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright   Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, L.LP.
1229 19th Street, NW.               1676 International Drive
Washington, D.C. 200836             Penthouse
                                    McLean, VA 22102

L. Andrew Tollin                    Douglas I. Brandon
Kathryn A. Zachem                   AT&T Wireless Services, Inc.
Craig E. Gilmore                    1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW.
Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP        Washington, D.C. 20036
2300 N Street, NW., Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20037

John T. Scott, III                 J.R. Carbonell
Cellco Partnership                 Carol L. Tacker
d/b/a Verizon Wireless             David G. Richards
1300 I Street, NW., Suite 400—W    Cingular Wireless LLC
Washington, D.C. 20005             5565 Glenridge Connector, Suite 1700
                                   Atlanta, GA 30342

                                  William D. Wallace

Document Created: 2019-04-20 10:17:36
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 10:17:36

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