Exhibit B Detailed Description of the Measurement System

0112-EX-ST-2004 Images

Georgia Institute of Technology


Exhibit B. Detailed Description of the Measurement
As illustrated in Figure 1, our MIMO-channel measurement system is composed of two parts: (1) the
HP85301B antenna pattern measurement system, used to measure the channel frequency response, and (2)
the actuator positioning system, which emulates an arrays at both ends of the link by moving the antennas
to arbitrary pre-programmed locations. The actuator controller moves the antennas to a pair of specified
positions, and then the channel is measured. This procedure is repeated until all the desired antenna
positions have been sampled.

The details of the components are listed in Table 1. The last column of the table lists the maximum rated
outputs of the components.

Each trial of the experiment is expected to take about 30 minutes. We plan to perform trials in many
different locations within the buildings specified in Exhibit A.

Actuator Positioning System
Driven by three brushless motors, the actuators can translate the antenna through a volume of
approximately 50cm × 50cm × 7cm. The 7cm in the Z-direction ensures that the angles of paths arriving at
nearly all elevations can be identified. For convenience, a mobile platform is also prepared to move both
actuator systems to various locations. The design of actuator and mobile platform systems are
demonstrated in Figure 2 and 3, respectively. The antennas are mounted on plastic telescoping masts such
that the receive antenna can be positioned at heights ranging from 4 to 5 feet from the floor and the transmit
antenna can be positioned at heights ranging from 4.5 to 5.5 feet from the floor. A photograph of the
system is shown in Figure 4.

                                        50 meters

       FLM5972 12F                                 Cart 3

           Cart 1                        Cart 2
                                               HP85309A              HP8530
               HP83020A             Computer


                                     HPIB Interface

Figure 1. MIMO channel measurement system.

                  Table 1. HP85301B measurement system specifications
  Component                  Equipment                        Functions & Specs
                                                   Frequency range              : 0.045 – 26.5GHz
                                                   Max. output power            : < 20 GHz, +13
Transmit source    HP83631B synthesized sweeper    Resolution                   : 20-26.5 GHz, +10
                                                                                : 1 Hz
                                                   Frequency range              : 2 –26.5 GHz
                   HP87422 power supply and
Amplifier                                          Gain                         : 30 dB
                   HP83020A power amplifier        Max. output power            : 30 dBm
                                                   Frequency range              : 5.9 – 7.2 GHz
Amplifier                                          Gain                         : 9.5 dB
                   FLM5972 12F post amplifier      Max. output power            : 41.5 dBm
                                                   Frequency range              : 0.045 – 20GHz
LO source          HP83621B synthesized sweeper    Max. output power            : +13 dBm
                                                   Resolution                   : 1 Hz
                                                   Downconvert RF signal to IF band
                   HP85320A/B Mixers               Sensitivity                  : -113 dBm
RF                                                 Dynamic range                : 89 dB
downconverter      HP85309A LO/IF distribution     1. Receive LO source and provide it to the mixers
                                                   2. Receive IF signals and send it to the microwave
                   unit                            receiver
                   HP 8530A microwave receiver     1. Synchronize and control the RF transmitter and
Microwave                                          the RF receiver
                   (HP85101C Display/Processor +   2. Receive and display the IF signal
                   HP85102R IF/Detector)           3. Send the data to computer
                                                   Type                        : Biconical
                                                   Frequency range             : 2-18 GHz
                                                   Polarization                : Vertical
                                                   Gain                        : 2.6 dB at 5.5GHz
Antenna (for Tx    EM 6865 omni-directional                                      3.5 dB at 17.0 GHz
& Rx)              wideband antenna                Max. power                  : 5W
                                                   VSWR                        : <2:1
                                                   Output impedance:           : 50Ω
                                                   Interface                   : Type “N” female
                                                   Weight                      : 1 lbs

                          9.53”       28.5”



          31.5”                         Y-Axis             9.29”


Figure 2. Three-dimensional actuator positioning system.



                      35.1” 27.1”


Figure 3. Mobile platform.

Figure 4. In the forground, the actuator system and the antenna on the telescoping mast.
Behind the actuator system is a cart holding the HP8530A microwave receiver and other

Document Created: 2004-02-24 14:38:41
Document Modified: 2004-02-24 14:38:41

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