This application reports the consummation of the transfers of control for receive-only earth station.
Filing: SES | Satellite Earth Station |
Filing: T/C | Transfer of Control |
Nature of Service | Fixed Satellite Service |
Last Action | Consummated |
Last Action Date | 2020-07-02 |
Status | Action Taken Public Notice |
Status Date | 2020-08-12 |
Date Filed | 2020-07-02 |
Date Granted | 2020-08-05 |
Adopted Date | 2020-08-11 |
Released Date | 2020-08-11 |
Action Taken Public Notice | 2020-08-12 |
Red Light | N |
Paper/Electronic | E |
Environmental Impact | N |
Lost Coast Broadcasting LLC
223 Perimeter Center Parkway NE
Atlanta, GA 30346 USAContact
Michael D. Basile
Cooley LLP
1299 Pennsylvania Avneue, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20004 USA
223 Perimeter Center Parkway NE, Atlanta, GA 30346 USA
1299 Pennsylvania Avneue NW, Washington, DC 20004 USA
NBI Holdings LLC
1 Manhattanville Road
Purchase, NY 10577 USA
Northwest Media Parent, LLC
223 Perimeter Center Parkway, NE
Atlanta, GA 30346 USA
1 Manhattanville Road, Purchase, NY 10577 USA,
LLC, 223 Perimeter Center Parkway NE, Atlanta, GA 30346 USA,