Attachment Attachment

This document pretains to SES-T/C-20171212-01330 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                           FCC Form 312 Transfer of Control
                                                                  Exhibit E (Item 34 and A20)
                                                  Transferee: MTN Infrastructure TopCo, Inc.
                                                           Transferor: Lumos Networks Corp.
                                       Licensee: Lumos Media, Inc. f/k/a NTELOS Media, Inc.


        In response to Items 34 and A20 of Form 312, the information below provides (1) the
name, address, citizenship, and primary business of the controlling entity and any intermediate
subsidiaries or parties; (2) the names, addresses, citizenship, and the percentages of voting and
equity stock of those stockholders holding 10 percent or more of the controlling corporation’s
voting stock; and (3) the identification of the aliens or foreign entities, their nationality, their
relationship to the applicant, and the percentage of stock they own or vote.

        Lumos Media Inc. (“Licensee”), f/k/a NTELOS Media Inc., is an indirect, wholly owned
subsidiary of Transferor Lumos Networks Corp. (“Lumos Parent”). See Exhibit A for a com-
plete corporate structure. The following entities hold a 10% or greater, direct or indirect interest 1
in Lumos Parent:

       MTN Infrastructure TopCo, Inc.
       c/o EQT Partners Inc.
       1114 Avenue of the Americas, 45th Floor
       New York, NY 10036
       Citizenship: United States (DE)
       Principal Business: Holding Corporation
       Ownership Percentage: 100% (directly)

       MTN Infrastructure Intermediate, LP
       c/o EQT Partners Inc.
       1114 Avenue of the Americas, 45th Floor
       New York, NY 10036
       Citizenship: United States (DE)
       Principal Business: Holding Partnership
       Ownership Percentage: 100% (indirectly as 100% owner of MTN Infrastructure TopCo,

       MTN Infrastructure Intermediate GP, Inc.
       c/o EQT Partners Inc.
       1114 Avenue of the Americas, 45th Floor
       New York, NY 10036
       Citizenship: United States (DE)
       Principal Business: Holding Company
           Unless otherwise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein represent both
equity and voting interests.

        Ownership Percentage: 100% (indirectly as sole General Partner of MTN Infrastructure
        Intermediate, LP.)

        MTN Infrastructure TopCo Blocker, Inc.
        c/o EQT Partners Inc.
        1114 Avenue of the Americas, 45th Floor
        New York, NY 10036
        Citizenship: United States (DE)
        Principal Business: Holding Corporation
        Ownership Percentage: 100% (indirectly as sole Limited Partner of MTN Infrastructure
        Intermediate LP and 100% owner of MTN Infrastructure Intermediate GP, Inc.)

        MTN Infrastructure TopCo, LP
        c/o EQT Partners Inc.
        1114 Avenue of the Americas, 45th Floor
        New York, NY 10036
        Citizenship: United States (DE)
        Principal Business: Holding Company
        Ownership Percentage: 100% (indirectly as 100% owner of MTN Infrastructure TopCo
        Blocker, Inc.)

        MTN Infrastructure TopCo GP, LLC
        c/o EQT Partners Inc.
        1114 Avenue of the Americas, 45th Floor
        New York, NY 10036
        Citizenship: United States (DE)
        Principal Business: Holding Company
        Ownership Percentage: 100% (indirectly as sole General Partner of MTN Infrastructure
        TopCo, LP)

        The following entities are each a limited partner of MTN Infrastructure TopCo, LP and as
a result hold a 10% or greater indirect interest in Lumos Parent. None of these limited partners
hold a greater than 50% equity interest in MTN Infrastructure TopCo, LP. The immediate
controlling owner of each of these limited partners is EQT Infrastructure III (GP) SCS, 2 and that
entity’s owners are the ultimate owners of Lumos Parent. Information regarding each of these
entities is set forth below, which are identified below consistent with the Commission’s rules.

           Each of the entities listed in this section is itself a limited partnership or limited liabil-
ity company, which has certain other members that are insulated in accordance with Commission
rules and do not exercise any control over the entity. None of these other members has a 10%
indirect ownership interest in Lumos Parent.


       MTN Infrastructure Co-invest 1 SCSp3
       23, rue Aldringen
       L-1118 Luxembourg
       Citizenship: Luxembourg
       Principal Business: Holding Company
       Ownership Percentage: Indirect intermediate interest as limited partner of MTN Infra-
       structure TopCo, LP

       MTN Infrastructure Co-invest 2 SCSp
       23, rue Aldringen
       L-1118 Luxembourg
       Citizenship: Luxembourg
       Principal Business: Holding Company
       Ownership Percentage: Indirect intermediate interest as limited partner of MTN Infra-
       structure TopCo, LP

       MTN Infrastructure Sidecar 2 SCSp
       23, rue Aldringen
       L-1118 Luxembourg
       Citizenship: Luxembourg
       Principal Business: Holding Company
       Ownership Percentage: 49.4% (Indirect intermediate interest as limited partner of MTN
       Infrastructure TopCo, LP)

       MTN Infrastructure Lux II S.à r.l. 4
       23, rue Aldringen
       L-1118 Luxembourg
       Citizenship: Luxembourg
       Principal Business: Holding Company
       Ownership Percentage: 25.26% (Indirect intermediate interest as limited partner of MTN
       Infrastructure TopCo, LP)

       MTN Infrastructure Lux III S.à r.l.
       23, rue Aldringen
       L-1118 Luxembourg
       Citizenship: Luxembourg
       Principal Business: Holding Company
       Ownership Percentage: 25.26% (Indirect intermediate interest as limited partner of MTN
       Infrastructure TopCo, LP)

            A Luxembourg Société en Commandite Simple Spéciale (“SCSp”) is most similar to
a U.S. limited partnership.
            A Luxembourg Société à responsabilité limitée (“S.à.r.l”) is most similar to a U.S.
limited liability company.


       MTN Infrastructure Sidecar 1 SCSp
       23, rue Aldringen
       L-1118 Luxembourg
       Citizenship: Luxembourg
       Principal Business: Holding Company
       Ownership Percentage: 47.97% (Indirect intermediate interest as owner of 96% of the
       equity in MTN Infrastructure Lux II S.à r.l. and 96% of the equity of MTN Infrastructure
       Lux III S.à r.l.)

      The following entities hold a 10% or greater interest in MTN Infrastructure TopCo GP,
LLC and thus an indirect 10% or greater interest in Lumos Parent:

       EQT Infrastructure III (GP) SCS 5
       23, rue Aldringen
       L-1118 Luxembourg
       Citizenship: Luxembourg
       Principal Business: General Partner
       Ownership Percentage: 100% (indirectly as 100% owner of MTN Infrastructure TopCo
       GP, LLC and General Partner of the following entities: MTN Infrastructure Co-invest 1
       SCSp, MTN Infrastructure Co-invest 2 SCSp, MTN Infrastructure Sidecar 1 SCSp, and
       MTN Infrastructure Sidecar 2 SCSp)

       EQT Fund Management S.à r.l.
       23, rue Aldringen
       L-1118 Luxembourg
       Citizenship: Luxembourg
       Principal Business: General Partner
       Ownership Percentage: 100% (indirectly by exercising management control of EQT In-
       frastructure III (GP) SCS)

       EQT Infrastructure III General Partner S.à r.l. 6
       23, rue Aldringen
       L-1118 Luxembourg
       Citizenship: Luxembourg
       Principal Business: General Partner
       Ownership Percentage: 100% (indirectly as 5% equity holder and General Partner of
       EQT Infrastructure III (GP) SCS)

            A Luxembourg Société en Commandite Simple (“SCS”) is most similar to a U.S. lim-
ited partnership.
           See note 4 supra.


       EQT Holdings Infrastructure III B.V. 7
       World Trade Center Schiphol, H-Tower
       Floor 4, Schiphol Boulevard 355 1118
       BJ Schiphol, The Netherlands
       Citizenship: Netherlands
       Principal Business: Limited Partner
       Ownership Percentage: 94.9% (indirectly as Limited Partner of EQT Infrastructure III
       (GP) SCS)

       EQT Holdings B.V.
       World Trade Center Schiphol, H-Tower
       Floor 4, Schiphol Boulevard 355 1118
       BJ Schiphol, The Netherlands
       Citizenship: Netherlands
       Principal Business: Limited Partner
       Ownership Percentage: 94.9% (indirectly as 100% direct owner of EQT Holdings Infra-
       structure III B.V.)

       EQT AB 8
       Hovslagargatan 3, 103 27
       Stockholm, Sweden
       Citizenship: Sweden
       Principal Business: Investments/Holding Company
       Ownership Percentage: 100% (indirectly as 100% direct owner of EQT Holdings BV and
       100% direct owner of EQT Infrastructure III General Partner S.à r.l)

       EQT International Holdings B.V.
       World Trade Center Schiphol, H-Tower
       Floor 4, Schiphol Boulevard 355 1118
       BJ Schiphol, The Netherlands
       Citizenship: Netherlands
       Principal Business: Holding Company
       Ownership Percentage: 100% (indirectly as 81% equity owner of EQT AB)

       EQT Holdings Coöperatief W.A. 9
       World Trade Center Schiphol, H-Tower
       Floor 4, Schiphol Boulevard 355 1118
       BJ Schiphol, The Netherlands
           A Dutch Besloten Vennootschap (“BV”) is most similar to a U.S. limited liability
          A Swedish Aktiebolag (“AB”) is most similar to a U.S. corporation or limited liabil-
ity company; EQT AB is most similar to a U.S. corporation.
           A W.A. entity is a Dutch cooperative association of members.


       Citizenship: Netherlands
       Principal Business: Members Association
       Ownership Percentage: 100% (indirectly as 100% equity owner of EQT International
       Holdings B.V.)

       Investor Investment Holding AB 10
       Arsenalgatan 8C, 103 32
       Stockholm, Sweden
       Citizenship: Sweden
       Principal Business: Holding Company
       Ownership Percentage: 19% (indirectly as 19% owner of EQT AB)

       Investor Holding AB 11
       Arsenalgatan 8C, 103 32
       Stockholm, Sweden
       Citizenship: Sweden
       Principal Business: Holding Company
       Ownership Percentage: 19% (indirectly as 100% owner of Investor Investment Holding

       Investor AB 12
       Arsenalgatan 8C, 103 32
       Stockholm, Sweden
       Citizenship: Sweden
       Principal Business: Holding Company
       Ownership Percentage: 19% (indirectly as 100% owner of Investor Holding AB)

Investor AB is a publicly traded company listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm stock exchange (ticker
symbol INVEB). The ownership of Investor AB is broadly held and no single individual or entity
owns or controls 50% or more of Investor AB. Thus no individual or entity has a 10% or greater
interest in EQT AB or Lumos Parent, either by virtue of voting rights or economic interests in
Investor AB or by operation of the Commission’s ownership disclosure rules.

Investor AB, consistent with Swedish corporate law (and similar to U.S. public corporations),
selects its directors pursuant to a public meeting of the company’s shareholders. These share-
holders exercise their vote for members of the Board of Directors consistent with the voting
rights to which they are entitled based on the number and class of shares they own. The elected
Board of Directors of Investor AB is authorized to appoint a President, who then holds authority
to appoint other executives to facilitate the effective operation of the company. The current
corporate officers and directors of Investor AB (and their country of citizenship) are:

            Investor Investment Holding AB is most similar to a U.S. corporation.
            Investor Holding AB is most similar to a U.S. corporation.
            Investor AB is most similar to a U.S. Corporation.


  Board of Directors 13

       Jacob Wallenberg, Sweden
       Marcus Wallenberg, Sweden
       Josef Ackerman, Switzerland
       Gunnar Brock, Sweden
       Johan Forsell, Sweden
       Magdalena Gerger, Sweden
       Tom Johnstone, Great Britain
       Grace Reksten Skaugen, Norway
       Hans Stråberg, Sweden
       Lena Treschow Torell, Sweden
       Sara Öhrvall, Sweden


       Johan Forsell, President and CEO, Sweden
       Helena Saxon, CFO, Sweden
       Petra Hedengran, General Counsel and Head of Corporate Governance and Compliance,
       Daniel Nodhäll, Head of Listed Core Investments, Sweden
       Stefan Stern, Head of Corporate Relations, Sustainability and Communications, Sweden
       Christian Cederholm, Co-Head of Patricia Industries, Sweden
       Noah Walley, Co-Head of Patricia Industries, United States and Great Britain
       Jessica Häggström, Head of Human Resources, Sweden

       Ownership and Control of EQT Holdings Coöperatief W.A.

EQT Holdings Coöperatief W.A (EQT Coöperatief) is not a corporation but is a Dutch coopera-
tive association of its members. The members vote, based on their voting rights, to appoint
managers of the organization. No single member of EQT Coöperatief owns 10% or more of the
economic rights in the organization. Similarly, no member of EQT Coöperatief holds 10% or
more of the voting rights under EQT Coöperatief’s articles of formation. Instead, those articles
provide for relatively equal voting rights for each member, and there are enough members so that
no one member has 10% or more of the voting rights in EQT Coöperatief pursuant to such

There is, however, a voting agreement among the members of EQT Coöperatief that allocates
voting rights for operational issues differently. While these voting rights are also broadly dis-
persed among EQT Coöperatief’s members, one member of EQT Coöperatief exercises 12.97%
of the voting rights for operational issues under the agreement. The ownership information for
this member is provided below.



       Qarlbo Netherlands B.V.
       World Trade Center Schiphol, H-Tower
       Floor 4, Schiphol Boulevard 355 1118
       BJ Schiphol, The Netherlands
       Citizenship: Netherlands
       Principal Business: Holding Company
       Ownership Percentage: 12.97% voting (indirectly as 12.97% owner of EQT Holdings
       Coöperatief W.A.)

       Conni Yngve Jonsson
       PO Box 164 09
       103 27 Stockholm, Sweden
       Citizenship: Sweden
       Principal Business: Individual Investor
       Ownership Percentage: 12.97% voting (indirectly as 100% owner of Qarlbo Netherlands

Under the voting agreement, no other owner of EQT Coöperatief controls 10% or more of the
voting power.

The managers of EQT Coöperatief, appointed by majority vote of the members of EQT Coöper-
atief in accordance with the members’ agreement, are Victor Alexander de Roo, a citizen of the
Netherlands, and Martijn van der Schaaf, also a citizen of the Netherlands. Neither manager is a
member of EQT Coöperatief.


                                                       FCC Form 312 Transfer of Control
                                                                 Exhibit F (Items 43, A21)
                                              Transferee: MTN Infrastructure TopCo, Inc.
                                                       Transferor: Lumos Networks Corp.
                                    Licensee: Lumos Media, Inc. f/k/a NTELOS Media Inc.


        Lumos Media, Inc., formerly known as NTELOS Media Inc., hereby notifies the Federal
Communications Commission (“Commission”) that on November 17, 2017, MTN Infrastructure
TopCo, Inc. (“MTN Infrastructure”) acquired all of the outstanding common stock of Lumos
Networks Corp. (“Lumos Parent”), which wholly owns its subsidiary Lumos Media, Inc. This
transaction was completed with the approval of the Commission for the transfer of control of
domestic and international 214 authority from Lumos Parent to MTN Infrastructure. 14

           See Public Notice, Domestic Section 214 Application Granted for the Transfer of
Control of Lumos Networks Corp. to MTN Infrastructure TopCo, Inc., WC Docket No. 17-60,
DA 17-1094 (rel. Nov. 8, 2017); Public Notice, International Authorizations Granted, Report
No. TEL-01876, DA 17-1097, at 3 (rel. Nov. 9, 2017).

       Correspondence concerning this Notice should be sent to:

For Transferee:                                For Transferor and Licensees:

       Andrew D. Lipman                               Regina M. Keeney
       Russell M. Blau                                Emily J.H. Daniels
       Joshua M. Bobeck                               LAWLER, METZGER, KEENEY & LOGAN,
       MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP                    LLC
       1111 Pennsylvania Ave. NW                      1717 K Street, NW, Suite 1075
       Washington, DC 20004                           Washington, DC 20006
       Tel: 202-739-3000                              Tel: 202-777-7700
       Fax: 202-739-3001                              Fax: 202-777-7763                 

                                               With a copy to:

                                                    Mary McDermott
                                                    Senior Vice President
                                                    and General Counsel
                                                    Lumos Networks Corp.
                                                    One Lumos Plaza, P.O. Box 1068
                                                    Waynesboro, VA 22980
                                                    Tel: 540-946-8677

         Exhibit A

Corporate Organization Chart

                                                                                           Exhibit A
                                                      Conni Yngve Jonsson

                                                                                            Other Owners of EQT                                               Investor AB
                                                     Qarlbo Netherlands B.V.
                                                                                             Coöperatief W.A.
                                                                                                 EQT Holdings                                               Investor Holding AB
                                                                                                Coöperatief W.A.

                                                                                                              100% of Common

                                                                                                EQT International
                                                                                                                                                            Investment Holding
                                                                                                 Holdings B.V.

                                                                                           [81.0%]                                                                      [19.0%]

                                                                                                                                         EQT AB

                                                                                     EQT Infrastructure III
                                                                                       General Partner                             EQT Holdings B.V.
                                                                                           S.à. r.l.

                                                                                      GP             [ 5 . 0 %]

                                                                                                                                      EQT Holdings                          EQT Fund
                                                                                                                                     Infrastructure III                    Management
                                                                                                                                                                             S.à. r.l.
                                                                                                                                                  [94.9%]                         AIF

                                                                                                                                  EQT Infrastructure III
                                                                                                                                      (GP) SCS

                                                             MTN Infrastructure
                                                              Sidecar 1 SCSp

                                                                                                                         GP                                      GP                         GP

                                            MTN Infrastructure          MTN Infrastructure                MTN Infrastructure                          MTN Infrastructure           MTN Infrastructure
                                             Lux III S.à. r.l.            Lux II S.à. r.l.                 Sidecar 2 SCSp                             Co-invest 1 SCSp             Co-invest 2 SCSp

                                                       [25.26%]                      [25.26%]

              MTN Infrastructure                                                                                              Limited Partners
               TopCo GP, LLC                                                                                                  Collectively 100%

                                                                        GP                                MTN Infrastructure
                                                                                                            TopCo, LP

                                                                                                         MTN Infrastructure
                                                                                                         TopCo Blocker, Inc.

                                                                                                                                                    MTN Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                   Intermediate GP, Inc.

                                                                                                         MTN Infrastructure               GP
                                                                                                          Intermediate, LP
All ownership percentages are 100% unless depicted otherwise

                                                                                                          MTN Infrastructure
                                                                                                            TopCo, Inc.

                                                                                                                                               Clemson MidCo, LLC

                                                                         Lumos Networks Corp.                                                  Clemson BidCo, LLC*

                                                                             Existing Lumos                                                        SCTG, LLC

                                                                                                                                                  Existing Spirit

        •   See Joint Application of SCTG, LLC, South Carolina Net, Inc. d/b/a Spirit Telecom South Carolina Telecommunications Group Holdings
            LLC, PalmettoNet Inc., FRC, LLC and Clemson BidCo, LLC for authority pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to Transfer Indirect Control of
            Domestic and International 214 Authorization Holders to Clemson BidCo, LLC, IBFS File No. ITC-T/C-20170821-00135 (filed Aug. 21, 2017).

Document Created: 2017-12-12 13:03:41
Document Modified: 2017-12-12 13:03:41

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