Attachment Attachment 3 ODAR

This document pretains to SES-STA-20190604-00724 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Telesat Canada
Attachment 3


            LEO 1 SATELLITE


            11 APRIL 2019




Revision History

Revision     Description of Revisions                                              Release Date

             Initial Release ‐‐‐ Initial ODAR Report Format per NASA NASA-STD
  1.0                                                                               10/02/2018
             8719.14 Revision A with Change 1 dated 8 Nov 2011
  1.1        Updates to incorporate analysis results                                3/08/2019

NXTRAC Mission Analysts
        Dr. Darren D. Garber
        Jacqueline J. Eanes

ODAR Analysis Tools
        NASA Debris Assessment Software (DAS) v2.1.1
        NASA General Mission Analysis Tool (GMAT) R2018a

NXTRAC                  800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277           310‐713‐7301



This document provides a detailed orbital debris assessment
report (ODAR) for the operations and disposal of the Telesat
LEO 1 satellite. This ODAR provides an overview of current and
planned LEO 1 operations and demonstrates compliance with
all US Government orbit lifetime and orbital debris mitigation

Telesat’s LEO 1 satellite was launched on 12 Jan 2018, as
NORAD catalog identifier 43113, and is depicted in Figure 1.
As of this report, the LEO 1 satellite has maneuvered to its final
mission orbit; a 1000 km altitude circular orbit inclined at 99.5
                                                                        Figure 1: Telesat LEO 1
degrees. Telesat’s LEO 1 satellite has a planned 3-year mission
lifetime at which point the health of the satellite may be
assessed for mission extension activities. If a viable mission extension is not possible, a sequence
of planned disposal maneuvers will be performed over 3 to 6 months to allow atmospheric drag
to ultimately remove the vehicle from orbit.
For this analysis, a 165.5 kg small satellite with an initial area to mass ratio of 0.00513 m2/kg, was
placed in a 1000 km altitude 99.5 degree inclined orbit for three years. Over the three year
operational period the orbit evolves to 975 x 1025 km and will then be maneuvered to a final
elliptical disposal orbit of 425 x 975 km. Its final mass at end of life is expected to be 127.9 kg with
a corresponding increased area to mass ratio of 0.006646 m2/kg. From this final orbit and
configuration, the decay and collision potential for LEO 1 were assessed with the precision NASA
GMAT trajectory engine and the standard NASA DAS 2.1.1 toolset.
Analysis of the LEO 1 mission operations and deorbit plan meets or exceeds all disposal and
flight safety requirements with a decay timeline less than the 25 year maximum and a minimal
collision probability (9e-5).

NXTRAC                    800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277                 310‐713‐7301



Summarized List of Compliance Status to Orbital Debris

    4.3-1, Mission-Related Debris Passing Through LEO:                                 COMPLIANT

    4.3-2, Mission-Related Debris Passing Near GEO                                     COMPLIANT

    4.4-3, Limiting the long-term risk to other space systems from planned breakups:   COMPLIANT

    4.5-1, Probability of Collision with Large Objects:                                COMPLIANT

    4.5-2, Probability of Damage from Small Objects:                                   COMPLIANT

    4.6-1, Disposal for space structures passing through LEO:                          COMPLIANT

    4.6-2, Disposal for space structures passing through GEO:                          N/A

    4.6-3, Disposal for space structures between LEO and GEO:                          N/A

    4.7-1, Casualty Risk for Reentry Debris                                            COMPLIANT

    4.8-1, Collision Hazards of Space Tethers                                          N/A

NXTRAC                        800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277            310‐713‐7301



1.0 Program Management & Mission Overview
 Program / Project Manager: Christian Vince

 Mission Description:
 LEO 1 was launched into lower orbit on January 12, 2018 and maneuvered into its final orbit of 1000 km altitude
 circular orbit inclined at 99.5 degrees over a period of several weeks. The satellite has a planned 3-year mission
 lifetime, during which it will be used for testing and demonstration. At the end of mission life, a sequence of
 maneuvers will be performed over 3 to 6 months to allow atmospheric draft to ultimately remove the vehicle from
 orbit through reentry.

 Foreign Government Involvement: Canada

 Project Milestones: Final mission orbit achieved – disposal operations begins NET 5 April 2021

 Launch Date: 12 Jan 2018

 Launch Vehicle: LEO 1 PSLV

 Launch Site: LEO 1 India

 Launch Vehicle Operator: LEO 1 India

 Mission Duration: 3 YEARS

 Mission Start: 5 April 2018

 Launch / Deployment Profile:



 Raise – 2 months


 Post-mission Disposal: Maneuver to 425 x 975 km orbit, then NATURAL ORBITAL DECAY

 Selection of Orbit: Operations 1000 x 1000 km 99.5 degree, disposal 425 x 975 km

 Potential Physical Interference with other Orbiting Object: 9e-5

NXTRAC                    800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277                   310‐713‐7301



2.0 Spacecraft Description
Physical Description:

                            PARAMETER                                                          VALUE

 Total Mass at Launch                       165.5 kg

 Dry Mass at Launch                         127.9 kg

 Form Factor                                Small Satellite

 Center of Mass                             0.28 x 0.28 x 0.55 m

 Envelope (stowed)                          0.642 x 0.642 x 1.003 m

 Envelope (deployed)                        0.642 x 0.642 x 1.003 m

 Propulsion Systems                         Hydrazine

 Fluid Systems                              NONE

 AOCS                                       3-axis controlled ADCS unit consisting of sun-vector
                                            sensors, earth-horizon sensors, magnetometer,
                                            magnetorquers, and reaction wheels

 Range Safety / Pyrotechnic Devices         NONE

 Electrical Generation                      SOLAR POWER

 Electrical Storage                         LITHIUM ION BATTERY

 Radioactive Materials                      NONE

1. Can spacecraft propellant and pressurant tanks be emptied at end of mission?

2. Can the spacecraft battery be disconnected from the charging circuit at end of mission?

3. If the answer to either of questions 1 and/or 2 is negative, what alternatives are available (bus
       modification or different bus) and at what additional, if any, cost?

4. Have all mission-related debris generation been eliminated to the greatest extent possible?

NXTRAC                   800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277                 310‐713‐7301



5. For spacecraft operating in low Earth orbit (less than 2000 km), will the spacecraft reenter the
       atmosphere within 25 years after end of mission (and no more than 30 years after
       launch) or will the spacecraft be moved to a disposal orbit above 2000 km?
       YES - LEO 1 will reenter the atmosphere within 25 years after end of mission

6. For spacecraft operating in GEO, will the spacecraft be moved to a compliant disposal orbit,
       i.e., one which will remain at least 200 km (~125 mi) above/below GEO for at least 100

7. Will all launch vehicle orbital stages and mission-related debris be left in low Earth orbits with
       orbital lifetimes of less than 25 years or left in compliant disposal orbits above 2,000 km
       (~1,240 mi)?

8. If an uncontrolled atmospheric reentry is anticipated after EOM, does the spacecraft bus or
       the payload contain any objects which might survive reentry, e.g., tanks, structural
       components, or other items made of high melting temperature materials such as
       titanium, beryllium, or stainless steel?
       YES - but the small titanium tank poses less than 1:71200 hazard to human life

9. If a disposal maneuver is planned for a mission not utilizing a controlled reentry, will the
       spacecraft propulsion system have a designed reliability of at least 0.9 at EOM?

10.    Does the spacecraft have any critical components, other than sensors and solar cells,
       which are exposed to the environment without MMOD protection?

NXTRAC                   800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277                 310‐713‐7301



3.0 Assessment of Debris During Normal Operations

LEO 1 has been designed so that during its normal operation it will release no debris. The
materials on the outside are tolerant of radiation and thermal cycling/mechanical fatigue to ensure
no release of extraneous material. All critical components (e.g., computers and control devices)
are built within the structure and shielded from external influences to ensure the spacecraft
remains in full control from the ground.

Objects larger than 1mm expected to be released during orbit:               NONE
Rationale for release of each object:                                       N/A
Time of release of each object:                                             N/A
Release velocity of each object:                                            N/A
Expected orbital parameters of each object:                                 N/A
Calculated orbital lifetime of each object:                                 N/A

 Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.3-1 & 4.3-2:

 4.3-1, Mission-Related Debris Passing Through LEO:                                COMPLIANT

 4.3-2, Mission-Related Debris Passing Near GEO:                                   COMPLIANT

NXTRAC                   800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277              310‐713‐7301



4.0 Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and
  Potential for Explosions

LEO 1 has been designed with redundancy considerations so that individual unit faults will not
cause the loss of control of the spacecraft.

Telesat has also taken specific precautions to pre-empt accidental explosions in orbit. All pressure
vessels (pressurized propellant tanks, heat pipes, Lithium ion batteries etc.) on board have the
appropriate structural margins to failure as per the MIL-Spec requirements used in the industry.
All batteries and fuel tanks are monitored for pressure or temperature variations. The batteries
are operated utilizing a redundant automatic recharging scheme. Doing so ensures that charging
terminates normally without building up additional heat and pressure. Alarms in the Satellite
Control Centre will inform controllers of any anomalous variations. Additionally, long-term
trending analysis will be performed to monitor for any unexpected trends. On board fault
protection will ensure the isolation of any affected units and their replacement with the back-up
hardware/systems. As this process would occur within the spacecraft, it would also afford
protection from command link failures (on the ground).
Potential causes for spacecraft breakup:
There are only two plausible causes for breakup of the satellites:
   ● Failure of batteries
   ● Mechanical failure of the reaction wheels
Summary of failure modes and effects analysis of all credible failure modes which may
lead to an accidental explosion:
The battery pack complies with all controls / process requirements identified in NASA JSC-20793
Section 5.4.3 to mitigate the chance of any accidental venting / explosion caused from
overcharging, over-discharging, internal shorts, and external shorts.
The reaction wheels are contained within a sealed compartment to preclude release of debris
from operating at a high angular rate or part failure. Additional risk mitigation strategies include
limiting the maximum rate the wheels operate.
Detailed Plan for any designed spacecraft breakup, including explosions and intentional
There is no planned breakup of the satellite on-orbit.
List of components passivated at EOM:
At the end of mission, the wheels will be despun and the batteries will be set to only discharge.
Rationale for all items required to be passivated that cannot be due to design: N/A

NXTRAC                   800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277               310‐713‐7301



 Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.4-1 through 4.4-4:

 4.4-1, Limiting the risk to other space systems from accidental explosions during     COMPLIANT
 deployment and mission operations while in orbit about Earth or the Moon

 4.4-2, Design for passivation after completion of mission operations while in orbit   COMPLIANT
 about Earth or the Moon

 4.4-3, Limiting the long-term risk to other space systems from planned breakups:      COMPLIANT
 There are no planned breakups of any of the satellite.

 4.4-4, Limiting the short-term risk to other space systems from planned breakups:     COMPLIANT
 There are no planned breakups of any of the satellites.

NXTRAC                    800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277                310‐713‐7301



5.0 Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On-Orbit

Telesat has been operating geostationary satellites for many years and performs station-keeping
from the Telesat Satellite Control Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Telesat also has experience in operating a non-geostationary LEO satellite. Specifically, since
2007 Telesat has been operating Radarsat-2 for MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.
(MDA). Radarsat-2 is a LEO non-geostationary satellite at an altitude of 798 km.

In order to protect against collision with other orbiting objects, Telesat shares daily ephemeris
data with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), the Combined Space Operations Center (CSpOC)
(formerly the Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC)), and the Space Data Center (SDC). These
daily ephemeris updates have been tagged with both the CSpOC and the SDC as available to all
operators for their space situational analysis. The CSpOC and the CSA provide notifications to
Telesat for any object they see approaching a Telesat satellite including LEO 1, together with
assessments of whether avoidance maneuvers are required, and Telesat maneuvers its satellites

For the LEO satellite Radarsat-2, Telesat works with the Canadian Space Agency to use
Probability of Collision (PoC) analysis to determine the need for collision avoidance maneuvers.
This system of highly effective PoC analysis is in use for LEO 1 operations and will be maintained
for the entire mission and disposal phases. The PoC analysis provides a greater than 3 day
notice of requirement of action for coordination of planned avoidance maneuvers, based on the
normal accuracy of the CSpOC observations of the objects in the space catalog.

Telesat has and will continue to coordinate with other non-geostationary satellite networks, such
as it has with Iridium, to minimize the risk of collision between LEO 1 and any other NGSO

To further limit the potential for collision, Telesat monitors new satellite launches to ensure that
future satellites do not present a danger to LEO 1.

 LEO 1 has a propulsion system to maintain its orbit. The propulsion system on the satellite also
enables it to make necessary maneuvers to avoid collision with any approaching object.
Avoidance of other space objects will be achieved by the satellite firing its thrusters to adjust its
position within its control box in order to avoid the other object. Coordination with other operators
will aid this process.

Probability for Collision with Objects >10cm: 9e-5

NXTRAC                   800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277                310‐713‐7301



 Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirement 4.5-1 and 4.5-2:

 4.5-1, Probability of Collision with Large Objects:                       COMPLIANT

 4.5-2, Probability of Damage from Small Objects:                          COMPLIANT

NXTRAC                     800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277     310‐713‐7301



6.0 Assessment of Spacecraft Post-Mission Disposal
  Plans and Procedures

Telesat has been operating GSO satellites for more than 40 years during which multiple
generations of its satellites have been retired and duly disposed of in the appropriate (graveyard)
orbit to avoid adding debris to the GSO orbit. Telesat takes LEO orbital debris mitigation very
seriously, as it plans to be a major operator of satellites in LEO orbits. Debris control and
mitigation are stated requirements for Telesat spacecraft design specifications. Telesat has
always met the requirements of the regulatory bodies and intends to continue to fully meet debris
mitigation requirements.

At the end of life, LEO 1 will be de-orbited by re-entering the satellite into the Earth’s atmosphere
and burning.

The de-orbiting has two phases. The first phase consists of the satellite being moved from its
operational orbit to a planned lower orbit, the “Decaying Lower Orbit”. The second phase, the
passive disposal phase, the satellite will be passivated and will burn up in the Earth’s atmosphere.

       First Phase De-Orbit: Decaying Lower Orbit

In the first phase, the satellite will be moved from its operational orbit to a planned lower orbit, the
“Decaying Lower Orbit”.
The Decaying Lower Orbit for LEO 1 is a highly elliptical orbit of approximately 975 x 425 km.
This orbit minimizes the time in the disposal orbit and the debris generation potential, for the fuel
onboard. If more propellant is on board than is conservatively estimated, then the perigee will be
lowered to its maximum extent to further decrease the duration of the passive disposal.

The propellant needed to achieve the minimum de-orbit altitude is based on the change in velocity
(delta-V) required. Telesat will carefully track propellant usage over the life of the LEO 1 satellite
to ensure the satellite de-orbit is planned at a time that ensures this reserve of fuel is available,
along with additional fuel margin to allow for uncertainties in propellant accounting, orbital
determination and maneuver execution. Propellant tracking is accomplished using a bookkeeping
method in accordance with industry standard. Using this method, the ground control station tracks
the number of jet seconds utilized for station keeping, momentum control and other attitude
control events. The amount of fuel used is determined from the number of jet seconds. This
process, which is calibrated using data collected from thruster tests conducted on the ground, has
been found to be accurate to within a few months of life on the satellite. In addition to bookkeeping
updated based on orbital performance, Telesat will use in orbit thermal testing analysis and
trending, as a cross check. Telesat is familiar with and has experience with all of the above cited

NXTRAC                    800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277                 310‐713‐7301



       Second Phase De-Orbit: Passive Disposal

In the second phase, the passive disposal phase, all stored energy sources onboard the satellite
will be removed by venting the remaining propellant and any remaining pressurant. All propulsion
lines and latch valves will be vented and left open. All battery chargers will be turned off and
batteries will be left in a permanent discharge state. All momentum storage devices will be
switched off. These steps will ensure that no buildup of energy can occur and eliminate the risk
of explosion after the satellite has stopped operating.

Once the satellite is moved to this lower orbit, and passivated to a safe state, it will be left in the
Decaying Lower Orbit which, within 25 years, will result in the re-entry of the satellite into the
Earth’s atmosphere and burning of the satellite.

Calculated for LEO 1, using the Decaying Lower Orbit of approximately 975 x 425 km, to deorbit
its satellites, the NASA DAS program for the probability of collision with an object of greater than
10 cm, with a mission duration of about 3 years plus approximately a 15 year passive disposal,
the collision risk, is 0.00008.

At the time of entry into disposal phase, Telesat will custom design disposal orbit parameters that
minimize probability of collision with the International Space Station (ISS), other operational
satellites and constellations. To pre-predict the required parameters in advance is challenging,
but Telesat is experienced in eccentricity and inclination collocation and probability of collision
avoidance strategies. At this eccentricity, even a passive disposal strategy, with properly chosen
argument of perigee and orbital parameters, will create significant separation.

NXTRAC                    800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277                310‐713‐7301



Following its maneuver to a lower perigee of 425 km, the satellite’s orbit will naturally decay until
it reenters the atmosphere. Determining orbital decay timelines is challenging due to the complex
interplay of the satellite’s initial orbital parameters (e.g. altitude, eccentricity and inclination),
spacecraft mass, area, attitude profile (e.g. nadir facing, tumbling, gravity gradient) and
atmospheric density as a function of solar and geomagnetic activity. Predicting the environment
decades in the future results in a wide range of decay timelines depending on the level of activity
assumed. To account for this atmospheric variability, 5000 Monte Carlo trials were performed to
quantify the decay timeline distribution for LEO 1 as depicted in Figure 2. The simulation varied
solar activity and atmospheric density per the DAS 2.1.1 current solar flux table. The 95th
percentile for the decay timeline distribution is 8.25 years with 20 years representing the 99.9th
percentile as shown in Figure 3 and 10 sigma from the mean. In Figure 4, a detailed 6.7 year (1
sigma) decay profile is depicted for the LEO 1 satellite. As can be seen in Figure 2, the LEO 1
satellite will deorbit well within 25 years once achieving its final 425 by 975 km disposal orbit.

                                 HISTOGRAM OF DECAY TIMELINES FOR LEO 1
                                          5000 MONTE CARLO TRIALS

                                                         AVERAGE 4.99 YEARS
                     1000                                MEDIAN 4.62 YEARS
                                                         STD DEV 1.65 YEARS




































                                                DECAY TIMELINE (YEARS)

Figure 2: Histogram of Monte Carlo Trials for LEO 1 Decay Timeline (5000 trials)

NXTRAC                      800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277              310‐713‐7301



Figure 3: Monte Carlo Trials of Decay Timeline by Percentile (5000 trials)

NXTRAC                   800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277       310‐713‐7301



Figure 4: Nominal Orbital Decay Profile for Telesat LEO 1 Satellite

Identification of Systems Required for Postmission Disposal:
GNC, Communications and Propulsion
Plan for Spacecraft Maneuvers required for Post-Mission Disposal:
Lower perigee from 975 x 425km over 3 - 6 months with coordination with CSpOC and other
mission management entities. Nominally 100 km per month with a minimum change in perigee
altitude of 50 km and a maximum change in perigee altitude of 200 km.
Calculation of final Area-to-Mass Ratio if Atmospheric Reentry Not Selected: N/A

NXTRAC                   800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277      310‐713‐7301



 Assessment of Spacecraft Compliance with Requirements 4.6-1 through 4.6-4:

 4.6-1, Disposal for space structures passing through LEO                            COMPLIANT
      All of the satellites will reenter the atmosphere within 25 years of mission
      completion and 30 years of launch.

 4.6-2, Disposal for space structures passing through GEO:                           N/A

 4.6-3, Disposal for space structures between LEO and GEO:                           N/A

 4.6-4, Reliability of postmission disposal operations:                              N/A

NXTRAC                     800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277             310‐713‐7301



7.0 Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards

LEO 1 has been designed to ensure the probability of survival of spacecraft components through
the re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere is extremely limited. The design is consistent with
requirement 4.7.-1 of NASA-STD 8719.14- Process for Limiting Orbit Debris and has been
assessed using NASA DAS (Debris Assessment Software) to ensure that the human casualty risk
resulting from the de-orbiting of the satellites is less than 1 in 10,000, in accordance with the
applicable guidelines.

Detailed description of spacecraft components by size, mass, material, shape, and
original location on the space vehicle:

 Subsystem                    Materials                  Quantity    Mass (g)     Size (mm)

 Propulsion                   Titanium Fuel Tank         1           5640         506

Summary of objects expected to survive an uncontrolled reentry (using DAS 2.1.1

Calculation of probability of human casualty for expected reentry year and inclination:

 Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirement 4.7-1:

 4.7-1, Casualty Risk from Reentry Debris:                           COMPLIANT

7.1        Assessment of Spacecraft Hazardous Materials

Summary of Hazardous Materials Contained on Spacecraft:

8.0 Assessment for Tether Missions

NXTRAC                   800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277            310‐713‐7301



Type of tether:
Description of tether system:
Determination of minimum size of object that will cause the tether to be severed:
Tether mission plan, including duration and postmission disposal:
Probability of tether colliding with large space objects:
Probability of tether being severed during mission or after postmission disposal:
Maximum orbital lifetime of a severed tether fragment:

 Assessment of compliance with Requirement 4.8-1:

 4.8-1, Collision Hazards of Space Tethers:             N/A

NXTRAC                   800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277      310‐713‐7301



Appendix A: DAS 2.1.1 Screenshots

Figure 5: DAS 2.1.1 Compliance Checklist

NXTRAC                  800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277   310‐713‐7301



Figure 6: DAS 2.1.1 Conservative Decay Profile

NXTRAC                  800 S. PCH Suite 8‐247 Redondo Beach CA 90277   310‐713‐7301


Document Created: 2019-05-28 11:18:50
Document Modified: 2019-05-28 11:18:50

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