Attachment Skyterra Price2Nebbi

Skyterra Price2Nebbi

LETTER submitted by NTIA



This document pretains to SES-MOD-20090429-00536 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                6000 DEFENSE PENTAGON
                              WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301—6000

                                         ‘MAR 19 om|

    Mr. Karl B. Nebbia
    Associate Administrator
    NTIA Office of Spectrum Management
    U.S. Department of Commerce
    Herbert C. Hoover Building
    1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20230

    Dear Mr. Nebbia,

           The Department of Defense (DoD) is currently evaluating the Sky Terra
    Subsidiary LLC, application for Modifications of the Space Station and Ancillary
    Terrestrial Component (ATC) submitted to the Federal Communication Commission
    (FCC). The application addresses SkyTerra‘s proposed next generation Mobile—Satellite
    Service (MSS) license regarding its use of MSS L—band resources (1525—1 544 MHz,
    space to Earth and 1626.5—1645.5 MHz Earth to space). The Department recognizes the
    importance of this matter as it pertains to the broader goal of affordable service to the
    public. Within the FCC‘s recent National Broadband Plan, recommendation 5.8.4,
    clearly states that, "the FCC must take care to ensure that the MSS market continues to
    provide public safety and government users with mission—critical satellite capabilities."

            The DoD commends the FCC for taking a position to recognize the importance of
    protecting federal earth—stations from harmful interference, but the actual methods for
    ensuring that goal is reached remains under discussion and negotiation between DoD and
    the commercial satellite service providers. The DoD met with SkyTerra and Inmarsat
    many times over the last several months to achieve a viable spectrum sharing criteria by
    first evaluating the modeling and technical assumptions needed to better understand the
    situation. Significant work and effort was put forth by all that provided a sound technical
    basis for DoD initiating further dialogue with Inmarsat on the implementation of any
    material solutions and coordination requirements needed to ensure successful coexistence
    between Skyterra and Inmarsat networks such that DoD‘s use is not adversely impacted.

       Recognizing that Federal MSS earth—stations operating in L band require a high
confidence of protection from interference for national security reasons, it is essential that
any deployment of ATC stations by SkyTerra be contingent on reaching prior agreement
with DoD in certain circumstances. Specifically, the Department proposes that ATC
systems desiring to operate near military installations be conditioned on obtaining the
agreement of the military frequency management office responsible for the potentially
affected military installation before any ATC station can be deployed at such locations.

       With that said, the DoD proposes the following requirements and considerations
be included—or appropriately referenced in the FCC Order and Authorization.

   a. DoD expects that SkyTerra, as well as Inmarsat, will continue to work with the
      military to reach out to affected users to provide notification of the need to modify
      or replace terminals, as well as the assistance to be provided, as a result of the
      proposed ATC operations to ensure uninterrupted military services.
   b. The requirement to obtain DoD agreement before deploying any MSS ATC station
      in and/or around military installation.
   c. Protection of Presidential and military communications.
   d. SkyTerra shall submit to the Commission and NTIA no later than 24 months prior
      to commencement of ATC operations a more detailed demonstration of
      compliance with these requirements. The DoD, in consultation with NTIA and
      FCC, will then make a determination on whether SkyTerra met the requirement
      and can commence operating.

       The Department requests SkyTerra continue to work with the DoD to resolve and
identify any appropriate material solutions and/or service requirements needed to
implement proper solutions to protect DoD operations in accordance with the finding of
the technical studies. The point of contact for this action is Mr. Kenneth Turner,
Spectrum and Communications Policy, at (7O3) 607—0735.


                                   ®C                                           >>>>>

                                           Danny Price
                                           Director, Spectrum and Communications Policy

Document Created: 2019-04-09 18:25:16
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 18:25:16

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