Inmarsat Opposition




This document pretains to SES-MOD-20090429-00536 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                BEFORE THE
                            WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                  )
Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC          )
Application for Minor Modification of Space       ) File No. SAT-MOD-20090429-00047
Station License (AMSC-1)                          )
Application for Minor Modification of Space       ) File No. SAT-MOD-20090429-00046
Station License (MSV-1)                           )
Application for Minor Modification of Blanket     ) File No. SES-MOD-20090429-00536
License to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals         )
(MSAT-1)                                          )


               Inmarsat Global Ltd. (“Inmarsat”) opposes the Petition to Deny of Amtech

Systems LLC (“Amtech) and responds to the Comments of SkyWave Mobile Communications,

Corp. and SkyWave Mobile Communications, Inc. (together, “SkyWave”) in these proceedings.

               A. Introduction.

               In the above-referenced applications (the “Applications”), SkyTerra Subsidiary

LLC (“SkyTerra”) seeks to modify its Ancillary Terrestrial Component (“ATC”) authority to

allow it to implement the increased ATC deployment flexibility made possible by the December

20, 2007 international satellite coordination agreement among Inmarsat, SkyTerra and SkyTerra

(Canada) Inc. (“SkyTerra Canada”) (the “Coordination Agreement”). The SkyWave and

Amtech pleadings each express concern that the enhanced ATC operating parameters enabled by

the Coordination Agreement will increase the potential for ATC base station transmissions in

urban and suburban areas to result in “overload” of, and intermodulation effects into, their

Inmarsat land mobile receivers.

                As an initial matter, it is important to recognize that the Coordination Agreement

not only allows the increased flexibility for ATC implementation reflected in the Applications,

but also provides significant benefits to Inmarsat and its customers (including Amtech and

SkyWave). Namely, the Coordination Agreement (i) substantially increased Inmarsat’s ability to

reuse the scarce spectrum resource on its fleet of spacecraft in certain areas, (ii) allowed the new

Inmarsat-4 fleet to operate at its full technical potential, (iii) enabled the reconfiguration of the

Inmarsat fleet, with the resulting improved geographic coverage of the United States, (iv)

facilitated both the grant of U.S. market access for the reconfigured Inmarsat fleet and the

authorization of the new class of BGAN services, and (v) resolved longstanding spectrum-related

disputes between Inmarsat, SkyTerra and SkyTerra Canada. By achieving these results, the

Coordination Agreement provided much-needed, long-term certainty for Inmarsat customers.

                SkyTerra is filing a Consolidated Opposition that clarifies its ATC technical

parameters and deployment plans, and effectively addresses the interference concerns that

SkyWave and Amtech raise about the deployment of ATC under the Coordination Agreement.

SkyTerra’s explanation about (i) expected ATC signal propagation in urban and suburban

environments, and (ii) the inherent challenges SkyWave and Amtech face when operating in the

urban and suburban areas where ATC base station are likely to be located, should make clear

why any remaining interference concerns are not based on “operational environment”


                To the extent that SkyTerra’s clarifications do not resolve SkyWave’s and

Amtech’s technical concerns, Inmarsat is committed to working with its customers to share


information on the technical issues raised, and to develop solutions to address those concerns.

However, and as detailed below, Commission precedent provides that Amtech’s and SkyWave’s

issues simply do not provide any basis to withhold favorable action on the Applications. To the

contrary, the Commission expects affected MSS operators to work cooperatively to resolve such


                B. Overload of Inmarsat Land Mobile Receivers.

                Amtech’s and SkyWave’s concerns about the potential for ATC base station

transmissions to result in an “overload” of their Inmarsat receivers are matters to be addressed in

the marketplace, and not before the Commission. The Commission has explained that it

generally does not regulate the susceptibility of receivers to the effect of “overload” caused by

third party transmissions on nearby frequencies: “Rather, we rely on the marketplace –

manufacturers and service providers – to decide how much susceptibility to interference will be

acceptable to consumers.”1 The policy reason for this approach is that the Commission generally

does “not limit one party’s ability to use the spectrum based on another party’s choice regarding

receiver susceptibility.” 2

                Moreover, the Commission recognized that MSS satellite signals are often

obstructed by buildings and the environment in general, and that Inmarsat terminals would not

commonly be used in the vicinity of ATC base stations.3 As a result, the Commission concluded

that it would be “inefficient and unnecessary for us to limit MSS ATC deployment at higher

 Flexibility for Delivery of Communications by Mobile Satellite Service Providers in the 2 GHz
Band, the L-Band, and the 1.6/2.4 GHz Bands, Memorandum Opinion and Second Order on
Reconsideration, 20 FCC Rcd 4616 (2005), ¶ 56 (“Second Order on Reconsideration”).


power levels” based on concerns about overload of Inmarsat receivers, particularly considering

that new types of Inmarsat receivers could be deployed that are “less susceptible to [overload]

interference from transmissions on nearby frequencies.”4

                The Commission acknowledged (as both Amtech and SkyWave indicate) that

some consumers may wish to communicate with the Inmarsat MSS system even when they are

located in urban and suburban areas near ATC base stations.5 The solution the Commission

adopted was not (as Amtech and SkyWave now urge) to preclude higher-powered ATC base

station deployment based on concerns about overload interference into Inmarsat receivers.

Rather, consistent with its policy of not regulating the susceptibility of receivers to overload

interference, the Commission relied on commercial solutions. Namely, the Commission

determined that adequate approaches existed to support such urban and suburban MSS

operations, ranging from providing those users with “receivers that are less susceptible to

interference” to “directing MSS traffic to frequencies that are adequately removed from higher-

power ATC transmissions.”6 Moreover, the Commission expected that Inmarsat and MSV (now

SkyTerra), would accommodate large-scale ATC operations in their coordination negotiations

for next-generation satellite deployment.7

 Id. The one exception the Commission made to its general policy regarding receiver
susceptibility to overload was to protect search and rescue (SARSAT) receivers (which use the
1544-1545 MHz band for distress and safety-related communications) from overload effects by
constraining ATC base station power levels when operating within ± 2.5 MHz of the 1544-1545
MHz band. Id. at ¶57. SkyTerra has proposed to protect SARSAT receivers by increasing the
coordination distance from SARSAT receivers and thus provide the same level of protection
currently afforded by Commission rules. Application Narrative at 15.
    Second Order on Reconsideration at ¶ 57.


               As the Commission predicted would occur, in late 2007, Inmarsat and SkyTerra

completed the long-term Coordination Agreement that (i) resolved their longstanding spectrum

dispute, (ii) resulted in the coordination of their current and next-generation satellite fleets

covering North America, (iii) re-banded the L-Band into contiguous segments that better support

growing broadband needs, and (iv) provided for increased ATC deployment flexibility while at

the same time protecting current and future MSS operations. As Inmarsat and SkyTerra

previously have explained, the Applications are consistent with the technical parameters agreed

in the Coordination Agreement.

               The Coordination Agreement contemplated solutions to manage concerns with

overload from nearby ATC base stations. Inmarsat appreciates SkyWave’s willingness to assign

engineering resources to work with SkyTerra and others to develop acceptable solutions to the

concerns raised in the pleadings.8 In fact, one of the benefits of the recent sale of certain Amtech

manufacturing assets to SkyWave is that doing so will facilitate the development of new and

innovative Inmarsat receivers for the type of land mobile customers that Amtech and SkyWave

have identified in this proceeding.9 Moreover, because the types of receivers at issue often

require repair and maintenance during their operational lives, it may be that Amtech and

SkyWave in any event will be repairing or replacing those existing terminals before the large-

scale deployment of ATC.

    SkyWave Comments at ii.
 See generally Application of Amtech Systems LLC and SkyWave Mobile Communications,
Corp. to Assign Call Signs E030120 and E990316 from Amtech Systems LLC to SkyWave
Communications, Corp., SES-ASG-20090403-00406 (withdrawn June 29, 2009).


                 C. Intermodulation Effects on Inmarsat Land Mobile Receivers.

                 The Amtech and SkyWave concerns about ATC base station intermodulation

effects on Inmarsat land mobile receivers are addressed by the same Commission precedent. The

Commission has determined that intermodulation effects from ATC operations into Inmarsat

receivers are matters to be addressed by inter-system coordination arrangements between

satellite operators. Specifically, the Commission provided:

          To resolve third-order intermodulation problems, we require any MSS/ATC operator to
          notify the affected MSS operator in any case where a single base station or multiple base
          stations will transmit on frequencies that can produce third-order intermodulation
          products that overlap a frequency assigned to the affected MSS operator in the 1525-1559
          MHz band, where such transmissions will result in a signal level of -70 dBm or higher for
          the combined signals at the output of the affected MSS operator’s terminal’s receiving
          antenna. The MSS/ATC operator and the affected MSS operator must work together to
          resolve the interference problem.

          Second Order on Reconsideration at ¶ 59 (emphasis supplied).

                 Thus, contrary to what SkyWave suggests,10 intermodulation effects are in fact a

matter that the Commission specifically deferred to coordination between L-Band MSS satellite

operators. As SkyTerra explains in its Opposition,11 Amtech is incorrect in asserting that the use

of wider ATC channels would eliminate the effectiveness of careful selection of ATC base

station frequencies to resolve any intermodulation issues that may arise.12

                                            * * * * *

                 Contrary to what SkyWave asserts, grant of the Applications would in no way

undermine the purpose of the ATC Rules.13 As detailed above, the Applications are fully

     SkyWave Comments at 6-7.
     SkyTerra Opposition, Technical Appendix.
     Amtech Petition at 7-8.
     SkyWave Comments at 8.


consistent (i) with Commission policy and precedent, and (ii) with the Coordination Agreement,

which provides for more efficient use of the limited spectrum resource both by Inmarsat’s

satellite fleet, and by SkyTerra’s MSS/ATC network. Inmarsat stands ready to work with

Amtech and SkyWave to share information on the technical issues raised in their pleadings, and

to develop effective solutions to address their concerns.

                For these reasons, the concerns expressed by SkyWave and Amtech do not

provide any basis for withholding favorable action on the Applications.14 Inmarsat therefore

urges the Commission to grant SkyTerra’s Applications, on the terms that SkyTerra proposes.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              INMARSAT GLOBAL LTD.


     ____/s/____________                       ____/s/___________
     Diane J. Cornell                          John P. Janka
     INMARSAT, INC.                            LATHAM & WATKINS LLP
     1101 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.             555 Eleventh Street, NW
     Suite 1200                                Suite 1000
     Washington, DC 20036                      Washington, DC 20004-1304
     (202) 248-5155                            (202) 637-2200
                                               Counsel for Inmarsat Global Ltd.

July 23, 2009

   There is no need to disclose the confidential aspects of the Coordination Agreement to
SkyWave and Amtech. Cf. SkyWave Comments at 7, n. 11; Amtech Petition, Technical Annex
at 21. As detailed above, the overload and intermodulation concerns that SkyWave and Amtech
raise are not valid bases for objecting to the Applications. Moreover, Commission precedent is
to maintain the confidentiality of such international spectrum coordination agreements. See
Robert J. Butler, 6 FCC Rcd 5414, at ¶¶ 12-14 (1991); Comsat Corporation d/b/a Comsat
Mobile Communications, et al., 16 FCC Rcd 21661, at ¶¶ 110-11 (2001).


                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Uchenna Anikwe, hereby certify that on this 23rd day of July 2009, I served a true copy

of the foregoing by first-class United States mail, postage prepaid, upon the following:

Tom Houtman                                           Jennifer D. Hindin
Director, Product Development                         Carl R. Frank
SkyWave Mobile Communications, Inc.                   Colleen King
SkyWave Mobile Communications, Corp.                  Wiley Rein LLP
1145 Innovation Drive, Suite 288                      1776 K Street NW
Ottawa, Ontario                                       Washington, DC 20006
Canada K2K 3G8                                        Counsel for Amtech Systems LLC

Raul R. Rodriguez                                     Bruce D. Jacobs
David S. Keir                                         Tony Lin
Lerman Senter PLLC                                    Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
2000 K Street, NW                                     2300 N Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20006-1809                             Washington, D.C. 20037
Counsel for the U.S. GPS Industry Council             Counsel for SkyTerra Subsidiary LLC

Gary M. Epstein
Executive Vice President for Law and Regulation
Jeffrey J. Carlisle
Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
SkyTerra Subsidiary LLC
10802 Park Ridge Boulevard
Reston, VA 20191

                                                  Uchenna Anikwe


Document Created: 2009-07-23 19:05:12
Document Modified: 2009-07-23 19:05:12

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