Inmarsat Comments on

COMMENT submitted by Inmarsat Global Ltd.

Inmarsat Comments on Syterra ATC Mod


This document pretains to SES-MOD-20090429-00536 for Modification on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                 BEFORE THE
                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                    )
Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC            )
Application for Minor Modification of Space         ) File No. SAT-MOD-20090429-00047
Station License (AMSC-1)                            )
Application for Minor Modification of Space         ) File No. SAT-MOD-20090429-00046
Station License (MSV-1)                             )
Application for Minor Modification of Blanket       ) File No. SES-MOD-20090429-00536
License to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals           )
(MSAT-1)                                            )

                       COMMENTS OF INMARSAT GLOBAL LTD.

       Inmarsat Global Ltd. (“Inmarsat”) submits these comments in support of the above-

referenced applications (collectively, the “Application”) of SkyTerra Subsidiary LLC

(“SkyTerra”) to modify its Ancillary Terrestrial Component (“ATC”) authority by waiving the

application of certain technical rules and thereby enabling the increased operating flexibility

made possible by the December 20, 2007 international satellite coordination agreement among

Inmarsat, SkyTerra and SkyTerra (Canada) Inc. (“SkyTerra Canada”) (the “Coordination


       As the Commission is well aware, Inmarsat was an active participant in the ATC

rulemaking proceeding and urged the Commission to ensure that the deployment of ATC did not

result in harmful levels of interference into Inmarsat’s L-Band Mobile Satellite Service (“MSS”)

system. As Inmarsat indicated at the time, doing so was particularly important because of the

absence of a satellite coordination agreement between Inmarsat and SkyTerra or SkyTerra

Canada at that time (a circumstance that has since changed).

       In the ATC rulemaking, the Commission adopted technical rules that are designed to

minimize the risk of ATC interference into Inmarsat’s L-Band MSS system. Wisely, though, the

Commission also recognized that satellite operators might enter into new satellite coordination

arrangements that could enable ATC to be deployed in ways that vary from the technical limits

of the ATC rules, while still providing suitable levels of interference protection to other MSS

systems. 1

        As SkyTerra correctly explains, 2 following years of spectrum-related disputes, and after

years of international negotiations and technical collaboration, Inmarsat, SkyTerra, and SkyTerra

Canada entered into the Coordination Agreement, which effectuated the coordination of their

current and next-generation L-Band satellite fleets, and thereby allowed substantially increased

and more efficient use of the scarce L-Band spectrum resource. The Coordination Agreement

also provided a mechanism by which SkyTerra may proceed with ATC deployment as proposed

in the Application, including a phased process for implementing ATC, and a mechanism for

replacing or modifying Inmarsat terminals to increase their resiliency to ATC interference.

SkyTerra has asked that grant of the Application be conditioned upon the continued existence of

       See Flexibility for Delivery of Communications by Mobile Satellite Service Providers in
the 2 GHz Band, the L-Band, and the 1.6/2.4 GHz Bands, 18 FCC Rcd 1962, at ¶ 143 (2003)
(“ATC Order”) (“We support and encourage private negotiations among interested parties in the
band and will consider waiver requests of these rules based on negotiated agreements.”); 47
C.F.R. § 25.253(a)(2) and (3) (“[a]ny future coordination agreement between the parties
governing ATC operation[s] will supersede this paragraph”).
       Application Narrative at 7.


the Coordination Agreement, and SkyTerra’s operation of its ATC network in accordance with

that agreement. 3

               For these reasons, Inmarsat believes that grant of the Application not only is in

line with the provisions of the Coordination Agreement but also is consistent with Commission

policy. 4 Inmarsat urges the Commission to grant SkyTerra’s Application, on the terms that

SkyTerra proposes.

                                      INMARSAT GLOBAL LTD.

                                      By: /s/ Diane J. Cornell

                                      Diane J. Cornell
                                      Vice President, Government Affairs
                                      Inmarsat, Inc.
                                      1101 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                                      Suite 1200
                                      Washington, D.C. 20036
                                      Telephone: (202) 248-5155

July 6, 2009

       Application Narrative at 16.
        ATC Order at ¶ 143 (“We believe we have accurately analyzed the potential for
interference from SkyTerra ATC transmitters to Inmarsat; however, we recognize that both
Inmarsat and SkyTerra reach somewhat different conclusions on the circumstances under which
interference would occur. . . . While we adopt rules to prevent harmful interference, we do not
intend to prohibit L-band MSS operators from agreeing to less restrictive limitations on MSS


Document Created: 2009-07-06 14:50:07
Document Modified: 2009-07-06 14:50:07

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