Attachment Antenna Specs

This document pretains to SES-MFS-20120913-00818 for Modification w/ Foreign Satellite (earth station) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.




             AURA-LE Antenna Specification Sheet
The AURA-LE AES antenna is a mechanically steered phased array antenna using CoMPA™
(Coherent Multi Plate Antenna) technology. It is comprised of two dual-polarization panels with
full receive and transmit bandwidth capability. The system is designed as two receive/transmit
flat panels with appropriate provisions for coherent combining of the two flat panels to form
effectively one larger elliptical narrow beam receive/transmit array with an elevation range of 0º
to 90º.

                                Figure 1. AURA-LE Antenna.

      Table 1. Summary of AURA-LE Antenna Technical Parameters

Swept Volume                      8.120 x 36.650 inches
Type of Antenna                   Dual panel waveguide fed planar array
Azimuth                           continuous coverage over full 360º
Elevation                         0 to 90º antenna elevation
Position accuracy                 Meets FCC 47 CFR §25.222
Dynamic Tracking capability       AZ velocity 40º/Sec
                                  EL velocity 20º/Sec maximum
                                  AZ acceleration 40º/Sec2
                                  EL acceleration 15º/Sec2 maximum
Weight                            80 pounds, maximum

Environmental                      Meets RTCA/DO-160F
DC Power                           28 VDC ± 10%
DC Power Consumption               315 Watts, maximum

Frequency (GHz)                    14.0 to 14.5 GHz
Rated SSPA Output Power            20 watts, effective
Transmit Gain                      38 dBi
EIRP                               48 dBW
Transmit Polarization              H, V
Transmit Azimuth Beamwidth         1.25 degrees
Transmit Elevation Beamwidth       4 degrees
Cross-pol isolation                20 dB, typical

Frequency (GHz)                    10.7 to 12.75 GHz in five switched receive
G/T                                9 dB, minimum
                                   12 dB, typical
Receive Polarization               H, V, LHCP, RHCP
Receive Azimuth Beamwidth          1.6 degrees
Receive Elevation Beamwidth        5 degrees
Cross-pol isolation                15 dB, typical (wideband, 500 MHz)
                                   20 dB, typical (narrowband, 36 MHz)

             MITSUBISHI                                          Ku—Band
             ELECTRIC                                  Aeronautical Mobile Satellite
Changes for the Better                                             Tx/Rx Antenna

                                                   e    Ultra—low profile elliptical aperture dual reflector
                                                        configuration mechanically scanned antenna
                                                   e    Good RF performance with low additional aero—
                                                        dynamics drag down to low elevation looking angles
                                                   e    Precise satellite and polarization tracking capabilities
                                                        maintained in aeronautical dynamic environment
                                                   e    Meets Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Services (AMSS)
                                                        requirements under the Fixed Satellite Services (FSS)
                                                   e    State—of—the—arts component design
                                                        — High efficiency 40 Watt SSPA
                                                        — Ultra—thin broadband OMT

                                       ;/ is       Note:
 .-—!_EE i
         ye ‘1_» '!f                     *4            This antenna was initially designed for Connexion
           oen cesmmm“                                 by Boeing °Y (CbB ©) services and was produced

                                                       between 2004 — 2006. Now MELCO seeks new
       PCU : Polarization Control Unit                 applications for the antenna.

The Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (MELCO) Ku—band Aeronautical Mobile Satellite antenna is designed
for AMSS applications. An El over Az antenna mount is employed to lower the antenna profile. The
antenna receives linearly polarized signals from a GEO satellite in the 11.2 — 12.8 GHz band, covering the
Ku band frequency allocations in all ITU regions. The diplexer and LNA are installed behind the main
reflector. Dual polarization signals can be received. Transmission to the satellite is linearly polarized in the
14.0 — 14.5GHz band. A 40 watt Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) having more than 21.9 % efficiency is
employed for high data rate transmission with less heat dissipation. The up and down frequency converters
are installed separately from the antenna main unit. The IF frequency is in the 950 — 1,450 MHz band. Az/El
angles of the antenna are controlled by an Antenna Control Unit (ACU) to track the satellite. The ACU
determines the fuselage‘s attitude from an aircraft Inertia Reference Unit (IRU) and Az/El estimates are
provided by angular rate sensors in the ACU. Any drift of IRU and/or rate sensors can be compensated by
periodical step tracking iterations.
To meet FSS requirement the polarization angle setting is
precisely controlled. Given the angles toward a targeted
satellite and the stored data of the transponder
polarizations in the onboard equipment, the polarization
angle is calculated in the ACU. The antenna transmit
polarization angle is determined by the power ratio
between two orthogonal linearly polarized components.
The power ratio is controlled by the phase shifter of
Variable     Polarization Controllers (VPCs) of          the
Polarization Control Unit (PCU.) As a result of precise                   The antenna on the fuselage
polarization control, low Cross Polarization Discrimination
(XPD) can be achieved.

  Major Performance Specifications

   Antenna mechanics and satellite tracking performance:
                                                                                     Dual Reflector Antenna with an elli
                        Mount                                                           muth — Elevation Mount
                  ular Tracking System
                            Tracking System
                                                                                     Phase control     VPC
                     ng Accuracy                               uth                   .25       rms
                                                          Elevation                  .60       rms
                  ular Travel                                  uth                            continuous
                                                          Elevation                   — 90
                      Speed                                  muth                     120       5 sec
                                                          Elevation                    60       bsec
                                                                na                   12mm (W) x 832mm      x 239mm
                                                          Reflector                        m (W) x 198mm(H
                                                                na                       1.5 k

   RF equipment performance:
              requency                                                               14.0 — 14.5 GHz
                                                                                     11.2 — 12.8 GHz
                                                                                               Linear/Circu             CP/LHCP


               IRP Control
                                                                                        .6 dBrms @EIRP=37.2 — 42.2 dBw
                                                                                     <1.0 dBrms @EIRP=27.2 — 37.2 dBwW


/— Block Diagram

   Antenna Unit
                                                                                                                               PCU:Polarization Control Unit

                                                                                                 Li L.
                                                                                                       DBS—D/C                 CONYV:Frequency Converter Unit
                                DIP                                                                     (Option)               ADU:Antenna Drive Unit
                                                                                                                               ACU:Antenna Control Unit
                                                                                                                               SSPA:Solid—State Power Amplifier
                                                                                                                               SSPA—PS:SSPA Power Supply
                                                                                                                               PSU:Power Supply Unit
                                                                                                                               HPA:High Power Amplifier
                                                                                                                               LNA:Low Noise Amplifier
                                                                                                                               OMT:Orthomode Transducer
                                                                                                                               VPC:Variable Polarization Controller
                                                                                                                               EI—R/J:Elevation Rotary Joint
                                                                                                                               Az—R/J:Azimuth Rotary Joint
                                                                                                                               PS:Phase Shifter

                                                                                 A                    A111
                                                       ACU                  SSPA—PS                    PSU

  E—mail:                                    Main office: Satellite Communications Marketing Department
  Our web:                                                               2—7—3, Marunouchi Chiyoda—ku, Tokyo 100—8310, Japan
  For customer support:|p/society/space/ground/mobile/enq             Phone: +81—3—3218—3346        Fax: +81—3—3218—9492

  Mitsubishi Electric reserves the right to change specifications of products described in this document at any time without notice and without obligation to notify
  any person of such changes. Refer to the web site or Customer service for the latest released product information
  @Copyright 2007 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation All rights reserved.

Document Created: 2012-09-13 16:08:14
Document Modified: 2012-09-13 16:08:14

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