Attachment Narr and Exhibits

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20160714-00658 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                  Exhibit A
                                                                                Page 1 of 1


              SES Government Solutions, Inc. (“SES-GS”) hereby seeks a license for a
new earth station in Pago Pago, American Samoa, that will communicate with the O3b
Ka-band non-geostationary orbit fixed-satellite service (“NGSO FSS”) satellite fleet.
Operations of this earth station have commenced pursuant to special temporary
authority (“STA”). See File Nos. SES-STA-20160426-00372 & SES-STA-20160624-
00604. Grant of the requested license is in the public interest as it will allow SES-GS to
provide O3b capacity to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency to support the
provision by the National Weather Service of data on weather and climate, including
warnings for the protection of life and property.
              SES-GS incorporates herein the information included in its initial STA
request for this site, File No. SES-STA-20160426-00372. As noted in that request, the
Commission has granted U.S. market access for the O3b constellation, authorizing U.S.
earth stations to communicate with the O3b fleet. 1 Moreover, the antenna model that
SES-GS is seeking to use has already been approved by the Commission for
operations with the O3b network throughout the continental U.S., Hawaii, Puerto Rico,
and the U.S. Virgin Islands. 2 For the Commission’s convenience, SES-GS is
reattaching the radiation hazard study for this antenna that was included in the STA
request, as well as a set of link budgets for the proposed operations.

  See O3b Limited, Call Sign S2935, File Nos. SAT-LOI-20141029-00118 & SAT-AMD-
20150115-00004, granted Jan. 22, 2015 (authorizing operations in the 17.8-18.6 GHz,
18.8-19.3 GHz, 27.6-28.4 GHz, and 28.6-29.1 GHz bands).
   O3b was granted certain waivers in connection with its request for U.S. market
access, including waivers of the geographical coverage requirements for Ka-band
NGSO systems in Section 25.145(c) and of the cross-polarization isolation requirements
in Section 25.210(i)(1). See id., Attachment to Grant at 3-4. To the extent necessary,
SES-GS requests that these waivers be extended to the operations proposed in this
license application.
  See O3b Limited, Call Sign E140101, File No. SES-LIC-20141001-00781, granted
June 8, 2015. A full set of patterns for this antenna model is already on file as a part of
that application.


In this report SES Government Solutions, Inc. (“SES-GS”) analyzes the maximum radiofrequency
(RF) levels emitted from the satellite communications antenna described below. The reference
document for this study is OET Bulletin No. 65, Edition 97-01, Evaluating Compliance with FCC
Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, August 1997.

   1. The following data is used throughout the analysis:

2. Density at Feed Flange
      The maximum power flux density at the surface of the feed flange is as follows:

3. Density at Main Reflector
     The maximum power flux density at the surface of the main reflector is as follows:


4. Density between Main Reflector and Ground
     The maximum power flux density in the area between the edge of the main reflector
     and the ground is as follows

5. Density within the Near Field
     The Near Field environment for a parabolic reflector antenna is contained within a
     cylinder with the same diameter as the main reflector which extends to a distance called
     the Near Field Extent
     Power within the Near Field is constant with the following maximum flux density:

6. Density at Transition Region
     The Transition Region is the area between the Near Field and Far Field regions where
     power decreases linearly with distance.
     The maximum power flux density within the Transition Region is located at the Near
     Field extent range and is calculated as follows:

7. Density at Beginning of the Far Field
       The Far Field region is the range at which power decreases inversely with the square of the
       distance. The maximum power flux density within the Far Field region occurs at the Far Field
       Boundary and is calculated as follows:

8. Range to Far Field General Population Exposure Limit
     In addition to the power flux density calculations at key locations, it’s valuable to locate
     the specific range at which MPE limits are reached to aid in managing exposure control.
     The following calculation shows the range at which the Far Field General Population
     MPE limit occurs:


9. Non-Ionizing Radiation Summary
     Flux Densities & Exposure Limits
                            General Population Exposure Limit = 1.0 mW/cm2
                              Occupational Exposure Limit = 5.0 mW/cm2

Range to Key Points and General Population Exposure Limit Avoidance Methods


10. Conclusion

      The above analysis confirms the presence of potentially hazardous power flux densities
      at the terminals which will require physical and operation protections to manage
      General Population and Occupational Exposure.

      As appropriate, SES GS will use fencing, signage, and other measures to limit access to
      the relevant area. Procedures will be in place requiring that transmit power be turned
      off before work on the 2.4m antennas is performed. Where an enclosed area is
      necessary, the size of the enclosed area will consider the RF hazards and the
      surrounding terrain. The signage will clearly state the standard Radiation Hazard

      Personnel with access to the antenna will be trained to ensure that the antennas are off
      before working in the vicinity or on the antenna systems directly.

11.   Certification
      I hereby certify I have reviewed the engineering information submitted, and that it is
      complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

                                                          /s/ Majid Borojeni
                                                          Majid Borojeni
                                                          Network Engineering Director
                                                          SES Government Solutions
                                                          April 26, 2016


                                       O3b Networks
                                       Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 5
                                       2582 NE The Hague
                                       The Netherlands
                                                                                        Fiber Speed, Sateliite Reach,

                                       Satellite and Transponder Information                    Uplink Information                                           Downlink Information                                                Key Status Indicators
                                       Satellite:                                  O3b C1       Beam Name:                               TELCO—L             Beam Name:                                         GW1—R
                                       Longitude [deg E:                            213.50      Begin Freq [MHz]:                      28,601.00             Begin Freq [MHz]:                                18,801.00          Sys Margin
                                       Transponder ID:                      RO8—TL14/GW1        Center Freq [MHz]:                     28,709.00             Center Freq [MHz]:                               18,909.00
                                       Bandwidth      [MHz]:                         216.0      End Freq [MHz]:                        28,817.00             End Freq [MHz]:                                  19,017.00
                                       Usable Bandwidth [MHz]:                       216.0      Bandwidth [MHz]:                           216.00            Bandwidth [MHz]:                                   216.00
                                       Nominal Input Backoff [dB]:                   —18.0      Beam—Peak SFD [dBW/m*2]:                     —63.0           Saturation Beam—Peak EIRP [dBW]:                      49.0
                                       Nominal Output Backoff [dB]:                  —12.8      Beam—Peak G/T [dB/K]:                          5.7           Operational Beam—Peak EIRP [dBW]:                     36.2
                                       Transponder Operating Mode:                    FGM       Polarization:                                LHCP            Polarization:                                       RHCP
                                       ALC Dynamic Range[dB]:                                   Beam Center City:                                            Beam Center City:                         Sunset Beach
                                                                                                Beam Center Country:                                         Beam Center Country:                                U.S.A.
                                                                                                Beam Center Latitude [deg NJ: —14.2800                       Beam Center Latitude [deg NJ:                     21.6700
                                                                                                Beam Center Longitude [deg E—170.7000                        Beam Center Longitude [deg E]:                   201.9700

                                       Performance computed from user specified HPA power rating and required availability.

                                       Carrier Information                                                               Uplink Calculations                                                                        Clear         Rain Up**       Rain Dn
                                       Carrier ID:                         ASTCA SESGS NOAA 10Mbps RTN                   E/S HPA Required Size [dBW]:                                                                 14.0                14.0        14.0
                                       Carrier Type:                                                  Digital            E/S HPA Operation Loss [dB]:                                                                  0.0                  0.0        0.0
                                       Revision Number:                                                      1           E/S HPA OBO (per—carrier) [dB]:                                                                —2                   —2         —2
                                       Uplink Center Frequency [MHz]:                            28,709.0000             UPC Power Boost [dB]                                                                          0.0                  0.0        0.0
                                       Downlink Center Frequency [MHz]:                          18,909.0000             Effective E/S HPA OBO (per—carrier) [dB]:                                                    —2.0                 —2.0       —2.0
                                       Information Rate [Mbit/s]:                                    16.4851             Power at HPA Output Flange [dBW]:                                                            12.0                12.0        12.0
                                       Overhead [Mbit/s]:                                             0.1649             E/S HPA C/IM [dB]:                                                                         200.0                200.0       200.0
                                       Composite Data Rate [Mbit/s]:                                 16.6500             Uplink System Loss [dB]:                                                                         0.8               0.8          0.8
                                       Inner Code Rate                                               0.83250             Power at Antenna Input Flange [dBW]:                                                         11.2                11.2        11.2
                                       RS Code (n,k):                                                    N/A             Uplink Antenna Gain [dBi]:                                                                   55.7                55.7        55.7
                                       Outer Code Rate                                                                   Uplink EIRP [dBW]:                                                                           66.9                66.9        66.9
                                       Effective Code Rate:                                          0.83250             Radome Loss [dB]:                                                                                1.5               1.5          1.5
                                       Modulation Type:                                              16APSK              Effective Uplink EIRP [dBW]:                                                                 65.4                65.4        65.4
                                       Number of Bits Per Symbol:                                4.0000 MHz              Uplink Free Space Loss [dB]:                                                               201.0                201.0       201.0
                                       Symbol Rate [Msym/s]:                                          5.0000             Uplink Miscellaneous Losses [dB]:                                                                0.5               0.5          0.5
                                       Noise Bandwidth [MHz]:                                         5.0000             Uplink Propagation Loss Margin [dB]:                                                             1.0             25.6           1.0
                                       Filter Roll—off Factor                                            0.05            Uplink ALC Gain [dB]                                                                             0.0               0.0          0.0
                                       Spreading Factor                                                  1.00            Uplink Diversity Gain [dB]                                                                       0.0               0.0          0.0
                                       Bandwidth Allocation Factor:                                      1.05            Uplink Availability [%/yr]                                                                                 99.712%        0.000%
                                       Allocated Bandwidth [MHz]:                                     5.2500             Gain of 1m*2 Antenna [dBi]:                                                                  50.6                50.6        50.6
                                       Required Clear—Sky C/N [dB]:                                      12.4            Carrier FD From Direction of Uplink E/S [dBW/m*2):                                          —86.5             —111.1        —86.5
                                       Required Clear—Sky Eb/No [dB]:                                     7.2            Transponder SFD from Beam—Peak [dBW/m*2]:                                                   —63.0               —63.0       —63.0
                                       Required Rain—Degraded C/N [dB]:                                      2.8         Uplink Aspect Correction [dB]:                                                               —0.6                 —0.6       —0.6
                                       Required Rain—Degraded Eb/No [dB]:                                1.9             Transponder SFD from Direction of Tx E/S [dBW/m*2):                                         —63.6               —63.6       —63.6
                                       Required Link Availability [%/yr):                           98.500%              IMUX Filter Response [dB]:                                                                   —0.1                —0.1        —0.1
                                       Required C/N Rain Margin [dB]:                                                    Carrier Input Backoff [dB]:                                                                 —23.0               —47.6       —23.0

                                       Required Eb/No Rain Margin [dB]:                                                  Transponder Beam—Peak G/T [dB/K]                                                                 5.7               5.7          5.7
                                       Other Carrier Losses [dB]:                                         0.0            Transponder G/T in Direction of Tx E/S [dB/K]:                                                   6.3               6.3          6.3

                                       Required System Margin [dB]:                                      0.5             Uplink Thermal Noise C/N [dB]:                                                               30.7                 6.2        30.7
                                       Link Budget Type                                         Preliminary              Uplink Co—Channel Interference (CC1} C/I [dB]:                                               52.3                27.8        52.3
                                                                                                                         Uplink Adjacent Satellite Interference (ASl} C/I [dB]:                                     200.0                200.0       200.0

                                       Transmit E/S Information
                                       Name:                                                   SMA_PAP_OO2               Transponder Calculations                                                                   Clear            Rain Up      Rain Dn

                                       Code:                                                   SMA_PAP_OO2               Xpdr Dik Saturation EIRP Towards Beam—Peak [dBW]:                                            49.0                49.0        49.0
                                       City / Country:                 Pago Pago, American Samoa/U.5.A.                  Xpdr Dik Saturation EIRP Towards Receive E/S [dBW]:                                          48.9                48.9        48.9
                                       Latitude [deg NJ:                                          —14.330000             Carrier OBO — IBO Delta [dB]:                                                                    5.2               5.2          5.2
                                       Longitude [deg E:                                         189.250000              Carrier Output Backoff [dB]:                                                                —17.8               —42.4       —17.8
                                       Altitude [m]                                                       195            OMUX Filter Response [dB]:                                                                       0.0               0.0          0.0
                                       Range to Satellite [km]:                                       9,303.0            Carrier Downlink EIRP Towards Beam—Peak [dBW]:                                               31.2                  6.7       31.2
                                       True Azimuth [deg]:                                               61.4            Downlink Aspect Correction [dB]:                                                              0.1                  0.1        0.1
                                       True Elevation [deg]:                                             43.4            Carrier Downlink EIRP (Towards Receive E/S) [dBW]:                                           31.1                  6.5       31.1

                                       Magnetic Azimuth [deg]:                                           49.7            Transponder HPA Intermodulation C/IM [dB]:                                                   35.6                11.0        35.6
                                       Effective (Refracted) Elevation [deg]:                            43.4            Adjacent Carrier Interference (AC1) C/I [dB]:                                                37.6                13.0        37.6

                                       Distance from Beam Center [km]:                                   7.75
                                       Offset from Beam Center [deg]:                                    0.04            Downlink Calculations                                                                      Clear            Rain Up      Rain Dn

                                       HPA Size [W]:                                                     40.0            Downlink Free Space Loss [dB]:                                                             197.1                197.1       197.1
                                       HPA Required Size [W]:                                            25.0            Downlink Miscellaneous Losses [dB]:                                                              0.5               0.5          0.5
                                       HPA Operating Mode:                                                               Downlink Propagation Loss Margin [dB]:                                                           0.4               0.4       27.8
                                       HPA Operation Loss [dB]:                                           0.0            Downlink Diversity Gain [dB]                                                                     0.0               0.0          0.0
                                       UPC Type:                                                       None              Downlink: Availability [%/yr]:                                                                               0.000%      99.990%
                                       UPC Dynamic Range [dB]:                                           0.0             Effective Rx E/S G/T [dB/K]:                                                                 40.7               40.7

                                       Uplink System Loss [dB]:                                           0.8            Downlink Thermal Noise C/N [dB]:                                                             35.4                10.8         3.3
                                       Diameter / Effective Aperture [m]:                                 2.4            Downlink Co—Channel Interference C/1 [dB]:                                                   42.9                18.4        42.9
                                       Efficiency [%]:                                                 71.0%             Downlink Adjacent Satellite Interference C/I [dB]:                                           40.0                15.4        40.0
                                       Antenna Gain (at Cxr Uplink Freq) [dBi]:                          55.7
                                       Radome Loss [dB]:                                                     1.5         Performance Summary                                                                        Clear            Rain Up      Rain Dn
                                       Antenna Uplink Mispointing Loss [dB]:                              0.5            Carrier Total C/N [dB]:                                                                      27.6                  3.0          3.3
                                       Uplink Depolarization Loss [dB]:                                   0.0            Other Carrier Losses [dB]:                                                                    0.0                  0.0          0.0
                                       Other Uplink Losses [dB]:                                          0.0            Predicted C/N [dB]:                                                                          27.6                  3.0          3.3

                                       Uplink Aspect Correction [dB]:                                    —0.6            Required C/N [dB]:                                                                           12.4                  2.8          2.8
                                       Total HPA OBO (All Carriers}                                                      Predicted Eb/No [dB]:                                                                        22.4                  2.1          2.4
                                       Maximum HPA OBO                                                   —2.0            Required Eb/No [dB]:                                                                         12.4                  2.8          2.8

                                                                                                                                                                                         Achieved C/           Achieved

                                       Receive E/S Information                                                           Feasibility Analysis                                                  w              CW&Rain              Required Satisfied?
                                       Name:                                                        SUN_RH               CAW System Margin [dB]:                                                   15.2                   0.2               0.5
                                       Code:                                                        SUN_RH               Required Link Availability          [%/yr]):                                            99.702%            98.500%
                                       City / Country:                                 Sunset Beach/U.S.A.               Required Eb/No Rain Margin:                                             14.67                                             N/A

                                       Latitude [deg NJ:                                           21.670000

                                       Longitude [deg E):                                        201.970000              Uplink Off—Axis EIRP Margin                                         Downlink PFD Margin
                                       Altitude [m]                                                           0          Effective Carrier U/L Boresight EIRP [d              FALSE          Carrier D/L EIRP at Beam Peak [dBW]:                 FALSE
                                       Range to Satellite [km]:                                       9,026.4            Off—Axis Analysis Angle [deg]:                          3.0         Assumed Angle of Arrival [deg]:                         5.0
                                       True Azimuth [deg]:                                              150.9            Antenna Off—Axis Gain [dBi]:                           17.1         Path Loss Towards Ang Arr [dB]:                       201.5
                                       True Elevation [deg]:                                             48.8            Carrier U/L Off—Axis EIRP [dBW}]:                     —38.6         PFD at Earth‘s Surface [dBW/m*2]:                    ~154.5
                                       Magnetic Azimuth [deg]:                                          141.3            ITU Off—Axis EIRP Limit [dBW]:                        48.0          ITU RR—28 Limit [dBW/m42]:                           —108.0
                                       Effective (Refracted) Elevation [deg]:                            48.8            Off—Axis EIRP Limit Margin [dB]:                  _                 PFD Margin [dB]:
                                       Distance from Beam Center [km]:                                   0.00
                                       Offset from Beam Center [deg]:                                    0.00

                                       Radome Loss [dB]:                                                  9°             Noise Analysis                                 Percent of Total [%]                     C/I or C/IM or C/N [dB]
                                       Diameter / Effective Aperture [m]:                                 7.3
                                       Efficiency [%]:                                                 80.0%                                                       Clear      Rain Up         Rain Dn               Clear            Rain Up      Rain Dn
                                       Antenna Gain (at Cxr Downlink Freq) [dBi]:                        62.2            E/S HPA IM                                0.0%          0.0%            0.0%               200.0                200.0       200.0
                                       Downlink Feed Loss [dB]:                                           0.8            Uplink Thermal Noise                      0.2%         48.4%            0.2%                30.7                  6.2        30.7
                                       Antenna Noise Temperature [K]:                                    45.0            Uplink CCI                                0.0%          0.3%            0.0%                 52.3                27.8        52.3

                                       LNA Noise Temperature [K]:                                        60.0            Uplink ASI                                0.0%          0.0%            0.0%               200.0                200.0       200.0
                                       Ambient Temperature [K]:                                         120.0            Xpdr HPA IM                               0.1%         15.9%            0.1%                 35.6                11.0        35.6
                                       System Noise Temperature (Clear—Sky) [K]:                        119.9            ACI                                       0.0%         10.1%            0.0%                 37.6                13.0        37.6
                                       MEO Boost Gain [dB]:                                                  0.0         Downlink Thermal Noise                    0.1%         16.6%           94.1%                 35.4                10.8           3.3
                                       Effective G/T (Clear—Sky) [dB/K]:                                 40.7            Downlink CC                               0.0%           2.9%           0.0%                 42.9                18.4        42.9
                                       Antenna Downlink Mispointing Loss [dB]:                               0.5         Downlink ASI                              0.0%          5.7%            0.0%                 40.0                15.4        40.0
                                       Downlink Depolarization Loss [dB]:                                    0.0         Total Noise                               0.3%        100.0%           94.4%                 27.6                  3.0          3.3
                                       Other Downlink Losses [dB]:                                           0.0
                                       Downlink Aspect Correction [dB]:                                      0.1

                                       Bandwidth Analysis
                                       Allocated Bandwidth [MHz/%]:                   5.2500           2.43%
                                       Power Equivalent Bandwidth [MHz/%]:           68.3426          31.64%
                                       Leased Bandwidth [MHz/%]:                     68.3426          31.64%
                                       Capacity Optimal / BW / PWR Limited:                    PWR Limited
                                       ** The predicted availability for rain on uplink may be worse
                                       than actual due to un—modeled gain compression.

                                       Modulation       Information   Overhead    Modulation     Composite         I_I     is C/W      |Required   C/N | Predicted C/ |      Ulk/Dik     |   Ulk/Dik      |     Ulk/Dik         | Availability

Generated by ECM, 07 Aug 2015, 11:55                                                                                                           Page 1 of 1                                                                                                     Generated by: Rob Stojanovic

                                       O3b Networks
                                       Johan van Oldenbarneveltlaan 5
                                       2582 NE The Hague
                                       The Netherlands
                                                                                                      <3b          N etworks
                                                                                        Fiber Speed, Sateliite Reach,

                                       Satellite and Transponder Information                    Uplink Information                                           Downlink Information                                                Key Status Indicators
                                       Satellite:                                  O3b C1       Beam Name:                                GW1—R              Beam Name:                                        TELCO—L
                                       Longitude [deg E:                            213.50      Begin Freq [MHz]:                      28,601.00             Begin Freq [MHz]:                                18,801.00
                                       Transponder ID:                     RO8—GW1/TL14         Center Freq [MHz]:                     28,709.00             Center Freq [MHz]:                               18,909.00
                                       Bandwidth      [MHz]:                         216.0      End Freq [MHz]:                        28,817.00             End Freq [MHz]:                                  19,017.00
                                       Usable Bandwidth [MHz]:                       216.0      Bandwidth [MHz]:                           216.00            Bandwidth [MHz]:                                    216.00
                                       Nominal Input Backoff [dB]:                    —6.0      Beam—Peak SFD [dBW/m*2]:                     —73.8           Saturation Beam—Peak EIRP [dBW]:                      49.0
                                       Nominal Output Backoff [dB]:                   —3.8      Beam—Peak G/T [dB/K]:                          5.4           Operational Beam—Peak EIRP [dBW]:                     45.2
                                       Transponder Operating Mode:                    ALC       Polarization:                               RHCP             Polarization:                                        LHCP
                                       ALC Dynamic Range[dB]:                        25.00      Beam Center City:                      set Beach             Beam Center City:           a telecommunications
                                                                                                Beam Center Country:                       U.5.A.            Beam Center Country:                      Authority—2
                                                                                                Beam Center Latitude [deg NJ:             21.6700            Beam Center Latitude [deg NJ:                     —14.1800
                                                                                                Beam Center Longitude [deg E 201.9700                        Beam Center Longitude [deg E]:                   —170.4100

                                       Performance computed from user specified HPA power rating and required availability.

                                       Carrier Information                                                               Uplink Calculations                                                                        Clear         Rain Up**         Rain Dn
                                       Carrier ID:                       ASTCA SESGS NOAA 10Mbps FWD                     E/S HPA Required Size [dBW]:                                                                     4.9               4.9           4.9
                                       Carrier Type:                                                  Digital            E/S HPA Operation Loss [dB]:                                                                  0.0                  0.0          0.0
                                       Revision Number:                                                      1           E/S HPA OBO (per—carrier) [dB]:                                                               —13                  —13          —13
                                       Uplink Center Frequency [MHz]:                            28,709.0000             UPC Power Boost [dB]                                                                          0.0                  9.0          0.0
                                       Downlink Center Frequency [MHz]:                          18,909.0000             Effective E/S HPA OBO (per—carrier) [dB]:                                                   —13.0                 —4.0        —13.0
                                       Information Rate [Mbit/s]:                                    19.1584             Power at HPA Output Flange [dBW]:                                                            —8.1                  0.9         —8.1
                                       Overhead [Mbit/s]:                                             0.1916             E/S HPA C/IM [dB]:                                                                         200.0                200.0        200.0
                                       Composite Data Rate [Mbit/s]:                                 19.3500             Uplink System Loss [dB]:                                                                         2.5               2.5           2.5
                                       Inner Code Rate                                               0.77400             Power at Antenna Input Flange [dBW]:                                                        —10.6                 —1.6        —10.6
                                       RS Code (n,k):                                                    N/A             Uplink Antenna Gain [dBi]:                                                                   65.5                65.5          65.5
                                       Outer Code Rate                                                                   Uplink EIRP [dBW]:                                                                           54.9                63.9          54.9
                                       Effective Code Rate:                                          0.77400             Radome Loss [dB]:                                                                                0.0               0.0           0.0
                                       Modulation Type:                                              32APSK              Effective Uplink EIRP [dBW]:                                                                 54.9                63.9          54.9
                                       Number of Bits Per Symbol:                                5.0000 MHz              Uplink Free Space Loss [dB]:                                                               200.7                200.7        200.7
                                       Symbol Rate [Msym/s]:                                          5.0000             Uplink Miscellaneous Losses [dB]:                                                                0.0               0.0           0.0
                                       Noise Bandwidth [MHz]:                                         5.0000             Uplink Propagation Loss Margin [dB]:                                                             0.9             21.8            0.9
                                       Filter Roll—off Factor                                            0.05            Uplink ALC Gain [dB]                                                                             0.0             11.9            0.0
                                       Spreading Factor                                                  1.00            Uplink Diversity Gain [dB]                                                                       0.0               0.0           0.0
                                       Bandwidth Allocation Factor:                                      1.05            Uplink Availability [%/yr]                                                                                 99.842%         0.000%
                                       Allocated Bandwidth [MHz]:                                     5.2500             Gain of 1m*2 Antenna [dBi]:                                                                  50.6                50.6          50.6
                                       Required Clear—Sky C/N [dB]:                                      13.9            Carrier FD From Direction of Uplink E/S [dBW/m*2):                                          —96.1             —108.0          —96.1
                                       Required Clear—Sky Eb/No [dB]:                                     8.0            Transponder SFD from Beam—Peak [dBW/m*2]:                                                   —73.8               —73.8         —73.8
                                       Required Rain—Degraded C/N [dB]:                                   7.6            Uplink Aspect Correction [dB]:                                                               —0.3                 —0.3         —0.3
                                       Required Rain—Degraded Eb/No [dB]:                                4.5             Transponder SFD from Direction of Tx E/S [dBW/m*2):                                         —74.1               ~74.1         ~74.1
                                       Required Link Availability [%/yr):                           98.500%              IMUX Filter Response [dB]:                                                                   —0.1                —0.1          —0.1
                                       Required C/N Rain Margin [dB]:                                                    Carrier Input Backoff [dB]:                                                                 —22.1               —22.1         —22.1

                                       Required Eb/No Rain Margin [dB]:                                                  Transponder Beam—Peak G/T [dB/K]                                                                 5.4               5.4           5.4
                                       Other Carrier Losses [dB]:                                         0.0            Transponder G/T in Direction of Tx E/S [dB/K]:                                                   5.7               5.7           5.7

                                       Required System Margin [dB]:                                       0.5            Uplink Thermal Noise C/N [dB]:                                                               20.6                 8.7          20.6
                                       Link Budget Type                                          Preliminary             Uplink Co—Channel Interference (CCI1} C/I [dB]:                                              50.1                38.2          50.1
                                                                                                                         Uplink Adjacent Satellite Interference (ASl} C/I [dB]:                                     200.0                200.0         200.0

                                       Transmit E/S Information
                                       Name:                                                         SUN_LH              Transponder Calculations                                                                   Clear            Rain          Rain
                                       Code:                                                         SUN_LH              Xpdr Dik Saturation EIRP Towards Beam—Peak [dBW]:                                            49.0                49.0          49.0
                                       City / Country:                                 Sunset Beach/U.S.A.               Xpdr Dik Saturation EIRP Towards Receive E/S [dBW]:                                          49.0                49.0          49.0
                                       Latitude [deg NJ:                                           21.670000             Carrier OBO — IBO Delta [dB]:                                                                    2.2               2.2           2.2
                                       Longitude [deg E:                                          201.970000             Carrier Output Backoff [dB]:                                                                —19.9               —19.9         —19.9
                                       Altitude [m]                                                           0          OMUX Filter Response [dB]:                                                                       0.0               0.0           0.0
                                       Range to Satellite [km]:                                       9,026.4            Carrier Downlink EIRP Towards Beam—Peak [dBW]:                                               29.0                29.0          29.0
                                       True Azimuth [deg]:                                              150.9            Downlink Aspect Correction [dB]:                                                              0.0                 0.0           0.0
                                       True Elevation [deg]:                                             48.8            Carrier Downlink EIRP (Towards Receive E/S} [dBW]:                                           29.1                29.1          29.1

                                       Magnetic Azimuth [deg]:                                          141.3            Transponder HPA Intermodulation C/IM [dB]:                                                   20.4                20.4          20.4
                                       Effective (Refracted) Elevation [deg]:                            48.8            Adjacent Carrier Interference (AC1} C/I [dB]:                                                26.4                26.4          26.4

                                       Distance from Beam Center [km]:                                   0.00
                                       Offset from Beam Center [deg]:                                    0.00            Downlink Calculations                                                                      Clear            Rain Up        Rain Dn

                                       HPA Size [W]:                                                    500.0            Downlink Free Space Loss [dB]:                                                             197.4                197.4         197.4
                                       HPA Required Size [W]:                                             3.1            Downlink Miscellaneous Losses [dB]:                                                              0.5               0.5           0.5
                                       HPA Operating Mode:                                                               Downlink Propagation Loss Margin [dB]:                                                           0.7               0.7           9.7
                                       HPA Operation Loss [dB]:                                           0.0            Downlink Diversity Gain [dB]                                                                     0.0               0.0           0.0
                                       UPC Type:                                                       AUPC              Downlink: Availability [%/yr]:                                                                               0.000%       99.557%
                                       UPC Dynamic Range [dB]:                                           9.0             Effective Rx E/S G/T [dB/K]:                                                                 28.8               28.8          25.6

                                       Uplink System Loss [dB]:                                           2.5            Downlink Thermal Noise C/N [dB]:                                                             21.0                21.0           8.7
                                       Diameter / Effective Aperture [m]:                                 7.3            Downlink Co—Channel Interference C/1 [dB]:                                                   57.4                57.4          57.4
                                       Efficiency [%]:                                                 74.0%             Downlink Adjacent Satellite Interference C/I [dB]:                                           40.0                40.0          40.0
                                       Antenna Gain (at Cxr Uplink Freq) [dBi]:                          65.5
                                       Radome Loss [dB]:                                                  0.0            Performance Summary                                                                        Clear            Rain          Rain

                                       Antenna Uplink Mispointing Loss [dB]:                              0.0            Carrier Total C/N [dB]:                                                                      15.5                  8.1           8.1
                                       Uplink Depolarization Loss [dB]:                                   0.0            Other Carrier Losses [dB]:                                                                    0.0                  0.0           0.0
                                       Other Uplink Losses [dB]:                                          0.0            Predicted C/N [dB]:                                                                          15.5                  8.1           8.1

                                       Uplink Aspect Correction [dB]:                                    —0.3            Required C/N [dB]:                                                                           13.9                  7.6           7.6
                                       Total HPA OBO (All Carriers}                                     —23.8            Predicted Eb/No [dB]:                                                                         9.6                  5.0           5.0
                                       Maximum HPA OBO                                                   ~4.0            Required Eb/No [dB]:                                                                         13.9                  7.6           7.6

                                                                                                                                                                                         Achieved C/           Achieved

                                       Receive E/S Information                                                           Feasibility Analysis                                                  w              CW&Rain              Required       Satisfied?
                                       Name:                                                   SMA_PAP_OO2               CAW System Margin [dB]:                                                    1.6                   0.5               0.5
                                       Code:                                                   SMA_PAP_OO2               Required Link Availability          [%/yr]):                                            99.399%            98.500%
                                       City / Country:                 Pago Pago, American Samoa/U.5.A.                  Required Eb/No Rain Margin:                                               1.14                                             N/A

                                       Latitude [deg NJ:                                          —14.330000

                                       Longitude [deg E):                                         189.250000             Uplink Off—Axis EIRP Margin                                         Downlink PFD Margin
                                       Altitude [m]                                                       195            Effective Carrier U/L Boresight EIRP [d              FALSE          Carrier D/L EIRP at Beam Peak [dBW]:                  FALSE
                                       Range to Satellite [km]:                                       9,303.0            Off—Axis Analysis Angle [deg]:                           3.0        Assumed Angle of Arrival [deg]:                          5.0
                                       True Azimuth [deg]:                                               61.4            Antenna Off—Axis Gain [dBi]:                           17.1         Path Loss Towards Ang Arr [dB]:                        201.5
                                       True Elevation [deg]:                                             43.4            Carrier U/L Off—Axis EIRP [dBW}]:                     —48.5         PFD at Earth‘s Surface [dBW/m*2]:                     ~154.5
                                       Magnetic Azimuth [deg]:                                           49.7            ITU Off—Axis EIRP Limit [dBW]:                         48.0         ITU RR—28 Limit [dBW/m42]:                            —108.0
                                       Effective (Refracted) Elevation [deg]:                            43.4            Off—Axis EIRP Limit Margin [dB]:                  _                 PFD Margin [dB]:
                                       Distance from Beam Center [km]:                                  40.29
                                       Offset from Beam Center [deg]:                                    0.17

                                       Radome Loss [dB]:                                                  9°             Noise Analysis                                 Percent of Total [%]                     C/I or C/IM or C/N [dB]
                                       Diameter / Effective Aperture [m]:                                    2.4
                                       Efficiency [%]:                                                 74.9%                                                       Clear      Rain Up         Rain Dn               Clear            Rain Up        Rain Dn
                                       Antenna Gain (at Cxr Downlink Freq) [dBi]:                        52.3            E/S HPA IM                                0.0%           0.0%           0.0%               200.0                200.0         200.0
                                       Downlink Feed Loss [dB]:                                           0.5            Uplink Thermal Noise                      5.6%          87.1%           5.6%                20.6                  8.7          20.6
                                       Antenna Noise Temperature [K]:                                    51.7            Uplink CCI                                0.0%           0.1%           0.0%                 50.1                38.2          50.1

                                       LNA Noise Temperature [K]:                                       120.0            Uplink ASI                                0.0%           0.0%           0.0%               200.0                200.0         200.0
                                       Ambient Temperature [K]:                                         290.0            Xpdr HPA IM                               5.8%           5.8%           5.8%                 20.4                20.4          20.4
                                       System Noise Temperature (Clear—Sky) [K]:                        200.0            ACI                                       1.5%           1.5%           1.5%                 26.4                26.4          26.4
                                       MEO Boost Gain [dB]:                                               0.0            Downlink Thermal Noise                    5.2%           5.2%          87.0%                 21.0                21.0            8.7
                                       Effective G/T (Clear—Sky) [dB/K]:                                 28.8            Downlink CC                               0.0%           0.0%           0.0%                 57.4                57.4          57.4
                                       Antenna Downlink Mispointing Loss [dB]:                               0.5         Downlink ASI                              0.1%           0.1%           0.1%                 40.0                40.0          40.0
                                       Downlink Depolarization Loss [dB]:                                    0.0         Total Noise                              18.2%          99.8%         100.0%                 15.5                  8.1           8.1
                                       Other Downlink Losses [dB]:                                           0.0
                                       Downlink Aspect Correction [dB]:                                      0.0

                                       Bandwidth Analysis
                                       Allocated Bandwidth [MHz/%]:                   5.2500           2.43%
                                       Power Equivalent Bandwidth [MHz/%]:            5.2860           2.45%
                                       Leased Bandwidth [MHz/%]:                      5.2860           2.45%
                                       Capacity Optimal / BW / PWR Limited:                 Capacity Optimal
                                       ** The predicted availability for rain on uplink may be worse
                                       than actual due to un—modeled gain compression.

                                       Modulation       Information   Overhead    Modulation     Composite         I_I     is C/W      |Required   C/N | Predicted C/ |       Ulk/Dik    |   Ulk/Dik      |     Ulk/Dik         | Availability

Generated by ECM, 07 Aug 2015, 11:53                                                                                                           Page 1 of 1                                                                                                      Generated by: Rob Stojanovic

Document Created: 2016-07-13 16:24:08
Document Modified: 2016-07-13 16:24:08

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