Attachment Rad Haz Report

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20130618-00516 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


E                                                  Engineering Report                          O3b Networks USA, LLC
                                                          GND-028                              Balls Ford Rd, Suite 300
                                                         18 Apr 2013                              Manassas, VA 20109


     Non-Ionizing Radiation Hazard Analysis

     PREPARED BY:                                 DATE                      APPROVED BY:                           DATE
     Randy Taylor                                 18 April 2013             Gary Mattie                            18 April 2013

     This report analyzes non-ionizing radiation levels for O3b’s 2.4m Tier 2 MEO earth stations. Calculations are performed in
     accordance with FCC Office of Engineering and Technology’s “Bulletin No. 65 Edition 01-01 Supplement C” with regard to the
     frequencies and antenna types being used. Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits at O3b uplink frequencies include two
     exposure situations with limits as described below.

     General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (MPE), averaging window of 30 minutes or less:

                                                     1500-100,000 (MHz) = 1.0 mW/cm²

     Occupational/Controlled Exposure (MPE), averaging window of 6 minutes or less:

                                                     1500-100,000 (MHz) = 5.0 mW/cm²

     This analysis compares MPE limits to the calculated power flux densities at the antenna feed, main reflector surface, between
     the edge of the main reflector and the ground, near-field region, transition region, and the beginning of the far field.

     The result of the analysis is a summary table which describes the power flux densities at key locations and the strategy for
     limiting General Population and Occupational exposure.

                                                  Non-Technical Data. Authorized for Export.

    B. Holz                         J. Mowat
    J. Bloom                        K. Mentasti
    S. Blumenthal
    G. Mattie
    M. Carpenter

                                           Non-Technical Data. Authorized for Export.                             1 of 5

E                                                  Engineering Report                              O3b Networks USA, LLC
                                                          GND-028                                  Balls Ford Rd, Suite 300
                                                         18 Apr 2013                                  Manassas, VA 20109

1.       Formulas and Parameters Used
         The following data is used throughout the analysis:
                     Parameters                        Symbol             Value            Units             Notes/Formulas
    Transmit Power                                       P                35.90             W
    Frequency                                            F                28388            MHz
    Wavelength                                           λ                0.011             m      299.792458 / F

    Antenna Diameter                                     Dref               2.4             m
    Antenna Surface Area                                 Aref             4.524             m²     π Dref² / 4

    Subreflector Diameter                                Dsub              N/A              m      Offset feed antenna
    Subreflector Surface Area                            Asub              N/A              m²     π Dsub² / 4

    Feed Flange Diameter                               Dflange            0.0445            m      Direct measurement
    Feed Flange Area                                   Aflange             0.002            m²     π Dflange² / 4

    Antenna Gain                                          Ges             55.20             dBi    Mfg spec
    Antenna Gain                                           G           331131.121                  10^(Ges / 10)
    Antenna Efficiency                                     η              0.650                    G λ² / π² Dref²

    Pi                                                     π              3.142

2.       Density at Feed Flange
         The maximum power flux density at the surface of the feed flange is as follows:
    Parameters                                         Symbol            Value             Units   Notes/Formulas
    Density @ flange                                                   92330.362           W/m²    4 P / Aflange
                                                       Sflange          9232.304          mW/cm²

3.       Density at Main Reflector
         The maximum power flux density at the surface of the main reflector is as follows:
    Parameters                                         Symbol            Value             Units   Notes/Formulas
    Density @ Main Reflector                                             31.740            W/m²    4 P / Aref
                                                       Ssurface           3.174           mW/cm²

4.       Density between Main Reflector and Ground
         The maximum power flux density in the area between the edge of the main reflector and the ground is as follows:
    Parameters                                         Symbol             Value            Units   Notes/Formulas
    Density, Main Reflector/Ground                                        7.935            W/m²    P / Aref
                                                       Sground            0.794           mW/cm²

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E                                                 Engineering Report                              O3b Networks USA, LLC
                                                           GND-028                                Balls Ford Rd, Suite 300
                                                          18 Apr 2013                                Manassas, VA 20109

5.     Density within the Near Field
       The Near Field environment for a parabolic reflector antenna is contained within a cylinder with the same diameter as
       the main reflector which extends to a distance called the Near Field Extent.
       Power within the Near Field is constant with the following maximum flux density:
    Parameters                                      Symbol           Value               Units    Notes/Formulas
    Range to Near Field Extent                      Rnf              136.357             m        Dref² / 4 λ
    Density within the Near Field                                    20.619              W/m²     16.0 η P / π Dref²
                                                    Snf              2.062               mW/cm²

6.     Density at Transition Region
       The Transition Region is the area between the Near Field and Far Field regions where power decreases linearly with
       The maximum power flux density within the Transition Region is located at the Near Field extent range and is calculated
       as follows:
    Parameters                                      Symbol           Value               Units    Notes/Formulas
    Range to Transition Region                      Rt               136.357             m        Occurs at near field extent
    Density @ Transition                                             20.619              W/m²     Snf Rnf / Rt
                                                    Snf              2.062               mW/cm²

7.     Density at Beginning of the Far Field
       The Far Field region is the range at which power decreases inversely with the square of the distance. The maximum
       power flux density within the Far Field region occurs at the Far Field Boundary and is calculated as follows:
    Parameters                                      Symbol           Value               Units    Notes/Formulas
    Range to Far Field Boundary                     Rff              327.256             m        0.6 D² / λ
    Density @ Far Field Boundary                                     8.832               W/m²     P G / 4 π Rff²
                                                    Sff              0.883               mW/cm²

8.     Range to Far Field General Population Exposure Limit
       In addition to the power flux density calculations at key locations, it’s valuable to locate the specific range at which MPE
       limits are reached to aid in managing exposure control.
       The following calculation show the range at which the Far Field General Population MPE limit occurs:
    Parameters                                      Symbol           Value               Units    Notes/Formulas
    Range to 1 mW/cm²                                                307.541             m        Range to General Population Limit
                                                                     10.001              W/m²
                                                                     1.000               mW/cm²

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E                                               Engineering Report                              O3b Networks USA, LLC
                                                         GND-028                                Balls Ford Rd, Suite 300
                                                        18 Apr 2013                                Manassas, VA 20109

9.     Non-Ionizing Radiation Summary
       Flux Densities & Exposure Limits
                                           General Population Exposure Limit = 1.0 mW/cm²
                                             Occupational Exposure Limit = 5.0 mW/cm²
    Region                                        Symbol           Level               Units    Hazard Assessment
    Density @ Antenna Flange                      Sflange          9232.304            mW/cm²   Exceeds General Population
                                                                                                Exposure limit
                                                                                                Exceeds Occupational Exposure
    Density @ Main Reflector                      Ssurface         3.174               mW/cm²   Exceeds General Population
                                                                                                Exposure limit
                                                                                                Does not exceed Occupational
                                                                                                Exposure limit
    Density Between Main Reflector and            Sground          0.794               mW/cm²   Does not exceed General
    Ground                                                                                      Population Exposure limit
                                                                                                Does not exceed Occupational
                                                                                                Exposure limit
    Max Density @ Near Field Extent               Snf              2.062               mW/cm²   Exceeds General Population
                                                                                                Exposure limit
                                                                                                Does not exceed Occupational
                                                                                                Exposure limit
    Max Density @ Transition Region               St               2.062               mW/cm²   Exceeds General Population
                                                                                                Exposure limit
                                                                                                Does not exceed Occupational
                                                                                                Exposure limit
    Density @ Beginning of Far Field              Sff              0.883               mW/cm²   Does not exceed General
                                                                                                Population Exposure limit
                                                                                                Does not exceed Occupational
                                                                                                Exposure limit

Range to Key Points and General Population Exposure Limit Avoidance Methods
    Distance from Antenna                         Symbol           Value               Units    Protection Method
    Antenna Immediate Area                                                                      Fencing and Signage, no public
    Range to Near Field Extent                    Rnf              136.357                 m    Main lobe offset greater than 1
    Range to Far Field Boundary                   Rff              327.256                 m    Main lobe offset greater than 1
    Range to 1 mW/cm² MPE Limit                                    307.541                 m    Main lobe offset greater than 1

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E                                              Engineering Report                          O3b Networks USA, LLC
                                                      GND-028                              Balls Ford Rd, Suite 300
                                                     18 Apr 2013                              Manassas, VA 20109

10. Conclusion
    The above analysis confirms the presence of hazardous power flux densities at the O3b Tier 2 MEO terminal which will
    require physical and operational protections to manage General Population and Occupational exposure.
    The O3b Tier 2 Antennas at the Bristow, Virginia facility will be enclosed in a fence designed to control access to the
    antenna area for RF safety, physical safety, and security purposes. The size of the enclosed area will consider the RF
    hazards, moving antenna 'swept volume', and the surrounding terrain. In addition to fencing, the area will contain
    signage which clearly states the standard Radiation Hazard warning.
    O3b will ensure antenna tracking geometry maintains angular limits which equates to at least one antenna diameter of
    separation between the antenna's main beam and nearby buildings and other occupied areas where the calculated
    General Population MPE levels may be exceeded.
    Finally, to mitigate the risk of hazardous emissions exposure to operators and maintenance personnel, the antenna
    system will have an “Emergency Stop” safety switch located on an outdoor enclosure adjacent to both antennas.
    Personnel with access to the antenna area will be trained to ensure that HPA's are off and system motion is disabled
    via the Emergency Stop switch before working in the vicinity or on the antenna systems directly.

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Document Created: 2013-04-23 09:58:45
Document Modified: 2013-04-23 09:58:45

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