Attachment TOWBOY-R_Uplink_OET6

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20090803-00947 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


FCC OET-65 RF Exposure Study - Satellite Uplink Facility
NBC TOWBOY R (has no current FCC License)
Antenna Vendor:                                           AVL
Antenna Size:                                             1.6m
Amplifier Make/Model:                                     MCL MT2300
Amplifier Max Power:                                      200w.

FCC Maximum Permissible Exposure Levels                   Source                         Units           Notes
Public/uncontrolled area exposure limit                   47CFR §1.1310                1 mW/cm 2
Occupational/controlled area exposure limit               47CFR §1.1310                5 mW/cm 2

Input Data
Antenna Diameter                                          datasheet                 160.0   cm
Antenna surface area                                      calculated               20106    cm
Feed flange diameter                                      measured                  6.350   cm           WR-75
Feed flange area                                          calculated                   32   cm
Frequency                                                 (entry)                  14000    MHz
Wavelength (speed of light = 299,792,458 m/s)             calculated                2.141   cm
Transmit power at flange                                  datasheet              200000     milliwatts
Antenna gain                                              datasheet                  45.4   dBi
Antenna gain factor                                       calculated               34674
Height of base of antenna above ground                    measured                2.8651    m
Height of center of antenna above ground                  measured                3.6576    m
Minimum Elevation Angle                                   (entry)                       5   degrees
Minimum Elevation Angle                                   calculated            0.08727     radians
                                                                                                             FCC Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
Results calculated using FCC Bulletin OET-65 (Edition 97-01 August 1997)                                       Uncontrolled            Controlled
Maximum power density at antenna surface                 Eq. 11 Pg 27       39.78873577     mW/cm             Potential Hazard       Potential Hazard
Power density at feed flange                             Eq. 11 Pg 27       25261.12309     mW/cm             Potential Hazard       Potential Hazard
Extent of near-field                                     Eq. 12 Pg 27               2989    cm
Maximum new-field power density                          Eq. 13 Pg 28       25.03835335     mW/cm            Potential Hazard         Potential Hazard
Aperture efficiency                                      Eq. 14 Pg 28       0.629282456
Distance to beginning of far-field                       Eq. 16 Pg 29       7172.962303     cm
Power density at end of the transition regiion           Eq. 17 Pg 29       10.43264723     mW/cm            Potential Hazard         Potential Hazard
Maximum far-field power density                          Eq. 18 Pg 29             10.726    mW/cm            Potential Hazard         Potential Hazard

Main Beam Far-field region safe exposure distances
Minimum distance for public/uncontrolled exposure         Eq. 18 Pg 29      234.9146307 meters
   Height at minimum antenna elevation angle              calculated        24.13175912 meters
   Horizontal distance                                    calculated        234.0207096 meters

Minimum distance for occupational/controlled exposure     Eq. 18 Pg 29      105.0570166 meters
   Height at minimum antenna elevation angle              calculated        12.81392231 meters
   Horizontal distance                                    calculated         104.657243 meters

Off-Axis Near Field/Transition Region safe exposure distances from antenna
(20 dB reduction in power density at distances greater
than one antenna diameter from the main beam center.)    OET-65 Pg 30
Maximum off-axis near field power density                Eq. 13 Pg 28            0.2504 mW/cm                Below FCC MPE            Below FCC MPE
Public/uncontrolled exposure off-axis distance           Diam/or Eq 17               1.6 meters
Occupatonal/controlled exposure off-axis distance        Diam/or Eq 17               1.6 meters

Off-Axis Far Field safe exposure distances from the antenna
(Based on side lobe attenuation required by FCC 25.209(a)(2))
Angle off main beam axis (1 to 48 degrees)                  (entry)                    5 degree(s)
    Off-axis antenna gain factor                            OET-65 Pg 30*             28

     Minimum distance for public/uncontrolled exposure      Eq. 18 Pg 29 **    71.72962303 meters
 * Gain converted from dBi to linear multiple
 ** If calculated distance is less than the start of the
   far field region, the distance to the start of the far
   field region is shown.

Transmitter output                                                       200 watts
Waveguide loss                                              N/A
Power at flange                                                          200
Antenna                                                     AVL 1.6m

Maximum EIRP per carrier                                       68.41029996     dBk
Emission Type                                               36M0G7W            (1 carrier Digital)
Bandwidth                                                            36000     kHz
Maximum EIRP Density per carrier                               28.86787486     dBW/4kHz

Document Created: 2009-07-24 18:06:16
Document Modified: 2009-07-24 18:06:16

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