Attachment TerreStar Milestone

TerreStar Milestone

REQUEST submitted by TerreStar

TerreStar Milestone Extension Request


This document pretains to SES-LIC-20061206-02100 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                          EXHIBIT 1

                             REQUEST FOR MILESTONE EXTENSION

          TerreStar Networks Inc. (“TerreStar”), the holder of a 2 GHz Mobile Satellite

Service (“MSS”) Letter of Intent (“LOI”) authorization, pursuant to Section 25.117(c) of

the Federal Communications Commission’s (“Commission” or “FCC”) rules,1 hereby

requests extension of the milestone dates for launching and the commencement of

operations of its first geostationary satellite, TerreStar-1 (the “Satellite”) to June 30, 2009,

and August 30, 2009, respectively.

          As discussed in detail below, there is good cause for this requested extension of

the milestone dates, as construction of the Satellite is nearly complete and the

underlying construction delay that necessitates this request was due to unforeseeable

circumstances that were beyond TerreStar’s control. Further, as shown, since the

milestone extension granted to TerreStar, substantial progress has been made toward

completing construction of the Satellite, including resolving anomalies that previously

have caused delay, and the successful completion of reference performance and thermal

vacuum testing.

          Based on the current status and barring unforeseen events, the spacecraft

manufacturer, Space Systems/Loral (“Loral”) is confident that it can deliver the satellite

in April 2009 to support the launch slot of June 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009 that

1   47 C.F.R. § 25.117(c).


TerreStar has secured from Arianespace. 2 TerreStar now believes that it has adequate

assurance from both Loral and Arianespace that the launch will occur by the extended

milestone date herein requested.

         Grant of the extension will serve the public interest by allowing the substantially

complete Satellite to become operational, while not resulting in the warehousing of


I.       Continued Progress Has Been Made To Complete Satellite
         Construction Well In Advance Of A New Scheduled Launch
         Period Of June 1 – June 30, 2009.

         Construction of the Satellite is almost complete. The main body of the Satellite is

complete. The remaining hardware to be integrated onto the Satellite are items that

mount externally to the main body: the S-band reflector; the feed array, the solar array,

and the batteries. The solar array and batteries are ready for integration and the

reflector is in deployment testing. High power testing of the feed array, which until a

recent incident involving the 18 meter S-band reflector discussed below, had been the

pacing item for the completion of the Satellite, has also been successfully completed.

The Satellite is therefore now undergoing routine final assembly and testing. 3

2 Letter from C. Patrick DeWitt, Chief Executive Officer of Loral to Jeffrey Epstein, President of
TerreStar (June 29, 2008) (“Loral June 2008 Letter”), at 2 (Attachment 1 to this Exhibit); Letter
from Michael H. Callari, TerreStar-1 Program Director for Arianespace, to Dennis Matheson,
Chief Technical Officer of TerreStar (July 10, 2008) (“Arianespace Letter”) (Attachment 2 to this
3   Loral June 2008 Letter at 1.


       Interim testing reference points set forth in the Commission’s previous milestone

extension grant 4 have been timely met: Reference performance testing was successfully

completed on March 12, 2008, and thermal vacuum testing was completed on May 27,

2008. 5 As discussed further below, another critical testing point, the successful

completion of high power testing of the S-band feed array, occurred on June 5, 2008.

       All payments for the construction and launch of the Satellite that are due have

been made. To date, 97.6 percent of the purchase price for the construction of the

Satellite has been paid and 80 percent of the launch services fee has been paid.

II.    TerreStar Has Worked In Concert With Loral Diligently To
       Resolve Outstanding Anomalies To Complete Construction Of
       The Satellite; the Delays That Have Been Experienced Have Been
       Unforeseen And Outside Of TerreStar’s Control.

       Through its on-site representatives, weekly status reports and calls, and

additional experts hired to oversee the work of Loral and its subcontractors, TerreStar

has done everything within its power to keep construction of the Satellite on track,

including expedited resolution of anomalies that have been identified in the

construction process.

       In May 2007, TerreStar reported to the Commission three primary

construction issues that had delayed construction of the Satellite. These issues

involved three satellite components: (1) the S-band low noise amplifiers; (2) the

4 TerreStar Networks, Request for Milestone Extension, 22 FCC Rcd. 17698, 17703 (IB 2007) (“Initial
TerreStar Milestone Extension”).
5 Loral June 2008 Letter at 2.


oscillators; and (3) the S-band feed array. Issues associated with the low noise

amplifiers and the oscillators have been resolved for some time. 6

           Testing earlier this year revealed additional and previously unforeseen problems

with the S-band feed array and its ability to withstand high power operation. 7 In

addition to its own technical experts, TerreStar brought in experts from NASA,

Aerospace Corporation, and SAIC. Working together with TerreStar’s own technical

team, these experts:

                      -     Reviewed test data from the initial failed high power test;
                      -     Confirmed cause of the failure;
                      -     Reviewed test configuration and test procedure;
                      -     Suggested test configuration and procedure
                      -     Reviewed Loral remedial efforts;
                      -     Suggested alternate materials for feed array components;
                      -     Attended numerous anomaly resolution meetings; and
                      -     Monitored new high power test execution and inspected
                            test configuration.

This effort proved appropriate, as confirmed by the successful completion on June 5,

2008 of high power tests of the S-band feed array. The process of correcting the high

power issue resulted in certain unavoidable schedule delays. TerreStar pressed Loral to

6 Letter from C.P. DeWitt, Chief Executive Officer of Loral to Robert H. Brumley, President and
Chief Executive Officer of TerreStar (February 6, 2008) (“Loral February 2008 Letter”)
(Attachment 3 to this Exhibit).
7 See Loral February 2008 Letter. This letter and an associated press release were previously

shared with Commission staff. The Commission referenced the possibility of a further delay in
the launch of TerreStar in In the Matter of Improving Public Safety Communications in the 800 MHz
Band; Consolidating the 800 and 900 MHz Industrial/Land Transportation and Business Pool Channels,
18 FCC Rcd. 485, 486 n.48 (2008). However, as the nature of the problem was still being
investigated and a firm sense of its effect on scheduling could not be determined until the
(footnote cont’d. on next page)


minimize the delay and, among other things, the sequence of Satellite integration and

testing was adjusted to accommodate the late delivery of the feed array. As noted,

TerreStar also engaged numerous experts to assist in and monitor the process of

anomaly resolution and agreed only to such delays that TerreStar believed could not be

avoided or further minimized without jeopardizing the Satellite’s mission.

       With the completion of the feed array high power testing, all of the technical

issues related to the satellite development identified in May 2007 have been resolved.

Due to circumstances beyond TerreStar’s control, the resolution of the issues associated

with S-band feed array took longer to resolve than initially planned. But for a recent

incident at the subcontractor manufacturing the Satellite’s 18 meter S-band reflector, the

Harris Corporation (“Harris”), TerreStar would be seeking significantly shorter

extensions. In June 2008, an incident occurred during testing of the S-band reflector at

the Harris plant, unrelated to the testing itself, which damaged the reflector. After a

deployment during the stowage evaluation, while the reflector was in a face down

deployed configuration, a gravity compensation weight damaged the reflector.

       An immediate assessment by Harris and Loral of the damage and the time to

remedy ensued. After considerable analysis of the possible ways in which to proceed,

including input from TerreStar to shorten the originally estimated time to remedy the

completion of a root cause analysis and high power testing of a corrected unit, TerreStar had
waited for greater clarity on delivery and launch timing before filing for extensions.


problem, Harris and Loral developed a work plan that provides for a compliant

reflector to be delivered to Loral for integration on the Satellite by March 15, 2009. 8

       Loral has now committed to complete construction and ship the Satellite to the

Arianespace launch site in April, 2009, to support a launch during the June 1 – June 30,

2009 launch period to which Arianespace has committed. While TerreStar is frustrated

by this most recent event, both at the incident itself and the time that it will take to

remedy the situation, TerreStar and Loral are convinced that the schedule now in place

is the best that can be accepted without compromising the integrity of the Satellite.

       Further, while TerreStar has been deeply involved in the remediation process,

the delays that have been incurred have been in no respect “caused” by TerreStar.

Rather, as Loral states, these delays have been “completely outside of TerreStar’s

control.” 9

III.   TerreStar Has Demonstrated Substantial And Continuing
       Commitment To Satellite Construction And System

       The Commission’s basis for its grant to TerreStar of its first milestone extension,

that “TerreStar has demonstrated a substantial and continuing commitment to satellite

construction and system implementation,” 10 continues to apply, as set forth above.

That determination by the Commission rests on longstanding precedent that requires

little elaboration here. Essentially, the Commission’s purpose in requiring milestones is

8 Letter from Howard L. Lance, Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Harris to C.
Patrick DeWitt, Chief Executive Officer of Loral (June 29, 2008) (Attachment 4 to this Exhibit).
9 Loral June 2008 Letter, at 2.


to assure that a licensee is not warehousing spectrum but actually is building a

satellite. 11 Accordingly, the Commission’s consistent practice is to grant milestone

extension requests when, as here, a licensee encounters unanticipated technical

problems during physical construction of a satellite but can demonstrate that

construction is well underway and progressing. 12

          While difficulties have been encountered, the record summarized above reflects

substantial and continuing progress toward the Satellite’s completion and launch.

Anomalies that were previously identified have been resolved, key tests, including

those identified in the Commission’s earlier extension grant, have been completed

successfully and, at this point, other than post launch in orbit incentives, both the

Satellite’s construction and launch costs have been almost fully paid. Further, the

record shows continued diligence by TerreStar, both through the efforts of its own

personnel and independent experts retained by TerreStar, to address expeditiously

anomalies that have occurred in the construction process and to minimize schedule

impact when possible.

10   Initial TerreStar Milestone Extension, 22 FCC Rcd. at 17698.
11Id. See also Establishment of Policies and Service Rules for the Mobile Satellite Service in the
2 GHz Band, Report and Order, 15 FCC Rcd 16127, 16177-78 (2000).
12Initial TerreStar Milestone Extension at n. 15, citing See New ICO Satellite Services, 22 FCC Rcd
2229 (IB 2007) (“ICO 2007 Grant”) (launch extension granted; satellite construction was 85%
complete and 93% of the total price had been paid); WB Holdings 1 LLC, Memorandum Opinion
and Order, 20 FCC Rcd 10846 (IB 2005) (construction of satellite complete except for final
testing); Intelsat LLC, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 5266 (IB 2004) (launch
extension granted; satellite construction was 85% complete); Loral SpaceCom Corporation, DIP,
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 18 FCC Rcd 21851 (IB 2003) (launch extension granted; satellite
was approximately 80% complete and 60% funded).


IV.    Conclusion: Grant Of The Milestone Extension Will Serve The Public

       TerreStar continues to progress in the construction of a state of the art satellite

with advanced capabilities that will meet homeland security, rural service and other

critical needs. Allowing TerreStar and its satellite manufacturer the time necessary to

address anomalies that would otherwise threaten that mission is clearly in the public


       For good cause as demonstrated above, TerreStar respectfully requests an

extension of its launch milestone date until June 30, 2009 and an extension of its

operational milestone date until August 30, 2009.

                                                                                      Attachment 1

Smpace SyeTems

3825 Fabian Way   M/S G—01
Palo Alto, CA   94303—4604
                                                                      C. Patrick DeWitt
                                                                 Chief Executive Officer

                                                                            June 29, 2008

Jeffrey Epstein
TerreStar Networks
One Discovery Square
12010 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 600
Reston, VA 20190

Dear Mr. Epstein:

The construction and test program of the TerreStar—1 satellite (TS—1) is at a very
advanced stage. The satellite has completed the ThermalMacuum test successfully
and is currently in Ground Based Beam Forming Compatibility testing. To date, you
have paid 97.1% of the purchase price (excluding in—orbit incentives). Throughout the
course of the satellite build, as we encountered technical challenges, we have worked in
conjunction with your team to manage those challenges so as to mitigate any schedule
impact.    Most recently, an incident at our subcontractor manufacturing the S—Band
Reflector has impacted the schedule (see the attached letter from Harris Corporation).
Having resoived the major technical issues with the satellite and agreed upon an
alternate path for the reflector, we are now in a position to confirm that TS—1 will be
ready to ship to the faunch provider in Aprif 2009.

By the letter dated May 25, 2007, we had notified you of three major risk areas for the
satellite, namely, Low Noise Amplifiers, Oscillators, and the Feed Array.    At this time,
the first two items have been integrated with the satellite and have gone through the
Satellite Thermal/Vacuum testing. The risks associated with these items have thus
been retired. As we disclosed to you in a letter dated February 6, 2008, the Feed Array
encountered a high power issue during testing. With intensive effort, we have identified
the root cause of the high power test issues, modified the array to correct the problem,
and have now successfully completed the high power and passive intermodulation tests
of the flight Feed array. This permits us to complete the Feed Array assembly and
conduct the remaining normal testing and thereby retire the associated risk.

Letter to Jeffrey Epstein
Page 2
June 29, 2008

The sateilite integration and testing have been progressing in parallel with the Feed
Array remanufacturing and testing. All main body flight hardware has been assembled
on the satellite. Reference Performance testing was completed on March 12, 2008, and
Thermalacuum testing was completed on May 27, 2008.            Successful completion of
these test phases has retired significant risks in the satellite completion schedule. The
remaining significant hardware to be integrated on the satellite consist of items which
mount externally to the main body: the S—band Reflector, Feed Array, Solar Array and
the Batteries. The Solar Arrays and Batteries are ready for assembly.

As discussed in the Harris letter, the Reflector that was in an advanced state of
completion was recently damaged during manufacturing, and while we have worked
with Harris to develop a workaround that will not compromise the quality or reliability of
the satellite, the completion of TS—1 has been delayed.

Based on the current status of the Reflector and the satellite, we now are confident,
barring other unforeseen issues, that we can make TS—1 available for shipment to
launch provider in April 2009.

We have and will continue to undertake every effort to mitigate delays resulting from
challenges associated with the TerreStar program. We realize the importance of the
TerreStar—1 satellite to your business plan and that schedule delays such as these are
frustrating as they are completely outside TerreStar‘s control. We firmly believe that the
quality of the product we deliver is of supreme importance. Please be assured that we
will not make any compromise on the quality of the satellite in the interest of schedule.
We will keep you apprised of the progress as we continue with the test program on the

Space Systems/Loral

ob fus~
C. Patrick DeWitt
Chief Executive Officer


cc: Dennis Matheson


                              Direction Commerciale
                                                                                        Dennis MATHESON
                                                                                        Chief Technical Officer
                                                                                        TERRESTAR NETWORKS INC.
                                                                                        One Discovery Square
                                                                                        12010 Sunset Hills Road Suite 600
                                                                                        Reston, VA 20190

                                                                                        Evry—Courcouronnes, July,10", 2008
                                                                                        Ref. : DC/SC/MCA/CAL/LO8—251

                              Subject:          TERRESTAR LAUNCH SLOT SELECTION.
                              Ref.:              1). TerreStar Letter dated May 6*", 2008
                                                2). AE Letter DC/SC/MCA/CCOU/LO8—153 dated May 13°", 2008
                                                3). TerreStar letter dated May 23"", 2008
                                                4). AE Letter DC/SC/MCA/CCOU/LO8—173 dated May 27th 2008
                                                5). TerreStar letter dated June 26"", 2008

                              Dear Mr. MATHESON,

                             Thank you for your Reference 4 letter explaining the unfortunate incident on
                             TerreStar—1. We hope the recovery plan is achieved.
                             As previously discussed with Mr. Tann PINNEY, Arianespace has looked closely at
                             impact to the 2009 launch manifest due to the TerreStar situation and consolidated —
                             a new plan based on spacecraft availabilities and earliest possible launch
                             Based on this thorough evaluation, Arianespace confirms that the Launch Slot of
                                                                     June 1", 2009 — June 30°", 2009
                             is assigned to TerreStar—1.
                             Please provide your acceptance of this launch slot assignment.
                             Please let me know if there are any questions.

                                                                                                Michael H. CALLARI
                                                                                            TerreStar Program Director

                             Copies:          TerreStar : T. Pinney
                                             Arianespace : Ph. Berterottiére, P. Loire, J. Rives — AE Inc.

                            Siege social                     Tél : +33 1 60 87 60 00             Filiale Washington        Bureau de liaison Singapour
                            Boulevard de l‘Europe            Fax : +33 1 60 87 62 47            Tél : +1 202 628—3936      Tél : +65 6223 6426
                            B.P. 177                                                             Fax : +1 202 628—3949     Fax : +65 6223 4268
                                                                        .                        Bureau de liaison Tokyo   Etablissement de Kourou   91006 Evry-Courcouronnes cedex   S.A. au capltal de 395 010 €       Tél : +81 3 3592—2766      Tél : +594 594 33 67 07

                            France                           RCS Evry B 318 516 457             Fax : +81 3 3592—2768      Fax : +594 594 33 62 66

                                                                                                                            Attachment 3

SEace fVETEemeE

                                                                                                                     C. Patrick DeWitt
                                                                                                                 Chief Executive Officer

February 06, 2008

Robert H. Brumley
President and CEO
TerreStar Networks
One Discovery Square
12010 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 600
Reston, VA 20190

Dear Mr. Brumley:

As you are aware, the construction of TerreStar—1 satellite is at a very advanced stage, in fact, as of today the main body is 100%
complete, reference performance testing is underway, and TS—1 is scheduled to enter TVAC on February 16, 2008. Throughout the
course ofthe satellite build, as we encountered schedule challenges, we have worked in conjunction with your team to manage those
chalienges so as to mitigate any schedule impact. Until very recently, we believed these efforts had succeeded in assuring that we
could deliver TS—1 in August 2008 pursuant to the revised schedule. However, although we have retired the schedule risk for two of
the three issues that caused the prior delay (S Band fow noise amplifiers and oscillators), the S Band feed array continues to pose a
significant delay risk. We therefore notify you that we will not be able to meet the August 2008 delivery date for TS—1. Our current
schedule calls for a November 2008 delivery date, but as discussed below, that date remains at risk until additional testing is complete.

As you will remember, the S—band feed array is a new design requiring a full qualification program. While previous problems with the
manufacture of key components ofthe feed array have been resolved, high powertesting of the qualification model indicated that the
feed array was not performing correctly. The qualification model is currently undergoing root cause analysis and we believe we have
identified the likely cause. As a result, some design changes have been identified and are being validated by test on non—flight
hardware. Once these validation tests are successfully completed, the flight model will be reworked. Our current projection shows that
the flight model wil} undergo high power testing in the late March—carly April time period. SS/L is aggressively working the feed array
schedule to minimize the overall program impact and believes a November 2008 delivery of TS—1 is possible. However, until the
completion of high powertesting ofthe flight mode} we will not be able to determine whether the risks around that delivery date have
been retired.

Source: TERRESTAR CORP, 8—K, February 07, 2008

Letter to Mr. Robert H. Brumley
Page 2
February 06, 2008

We have and will continue to undertake every effort to mitigate delays resulting from technological challenges associated with the
TerreStar program. We firmly believe that the qualityof the product we deliveris of supreme importance. Please be assured that we
will not make any compromise on the quality of the satellite in the interest of schedule. We will keep you apprised of the progress on
the above issue as we progress with the test program on the satellite.

Space Systems/Loral

/s/ C.P. DeWitt
C.P. DeWitt
Chief Executive Officer

ce: Dennis Matheson

Source: TERRESTAR CORP, 8—K, February 07, 2008

                                                                                     Attachment 4

W’s                                                                 HARRIS CORPORATION

Ci    . Presidant   and
     xeculive Off

                                        June 29, 2008

Mr. C.P. DeWitt
Chief Executive Officer
Space Systems/Loral
3825 Fablan Way
Palo Alto, CA 94303

Dear Mr. DeWitt:

As you know, Harris Corporation is the subcontractor manufacturer of the 18—meter
reflectors under your contracts with TerreStar Networks (TerreStar) including
TerreStar—1 (TS—1) and TerreStar—2 (TS—2). Unfortunately, the TS—1 reflector, which
was in an advanced state of completion, was recently damaged during manufacturing.

We have been working closely with your team to adjust our manufacturing schedule
and dedicate the appropriate resources to complete the TS—1 reflector in the timeliest
manner possible, consistent with all contract requirements. Based on the facts as we
now know them, we believe we can complete manufacturing and be ready to ship this
reflector by March 15, 2009 in order to achieve a May 2009 launch date.

We deeply regret the schedule delay that the recent incident has caused both you
and your customer.


                                         Howard L. Lance


Document Created: 2008-07-29 11:06:38
Document Modified: 2008-07-29 11:06:38

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