This is an application for a Direct Broadcast Satellite ("DBS") earth station equipped to operate with EchoStar's fleet of DBS satellites. The station will be part of EchoStar's state of the art Gilbert, Arizona facility, and will be used for feeder link
Filing: SES | Satellite Earth Station |
Filing: LIC | License |
Nature of Service | Direct Broadcast Satellite Service Feeder Link for D B S in Fixed Satellite Service |
Last Action | Grant of Authority |
Last Action Date | 2001-11-02 |
Status | Action Taken Public Notice |
Status Date | 2001-11-07 |
Date Filed | 2001-08-31 |
Date Granted | 2001-11-02 |
Adopted Date | 2001-11-06 |
Released Date | 2001-11-06 |
Term Begin Date | 2001-11-02 |
Expires | 2011-11-02 |
Filing Accepted Public Notice | 2001-09-19 |
Action Taken Public Notice | 2001-11-07 |
Red Light | N |
Paper/Electronic | P |
Environmental Impact | N |
Lower | Upper |
12200 | 12201 |
12200 | 12700 |
12202 | 12203 |
12698 | 12699 |
17300 | 17800 |
17308 | 17310 |
Service | Type | Report No | Date |
Satellite Earth Station | Action Taken Public Notice | SES00339 | 2001-11-07 |
Satellite Earth Station | Accepted for Filing Public Notice | SES00325 | 2001-09-19 |
Assignment File No | Licensee Name | Phone / Fax | Address | Attention |
SESASG2005062400814 | EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. | 303-723-1000 303-723-1699 |
9601 South Meridian Blvd. Englewood CO 80112- | DAVID K. MOSKOWITZ |
SESASG2007110801577 | DISH Operating L.L.C. | 303-723-1000 303-723-1699 |
1110 Vermont Ave NW Suite 750 Washington DC 20005- | David K Moskowitz |
SESASG2011022800554 | EchoStar Corporation | 303-723-1000 |
100 Inverness Terrace East Englewood CO 80112- | Linda Kinney - (202)293-0981 |
SESASG2017020600118 | EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation | 202-293-0981 |
100 Inverness Terrace East Englewood CO 80112- | Ms Alison Minea |
SESASG2017030600238 | EchoStar Broadcasting Holding Corporation | 202-463-3709 |
1110 Vermont Ave NW Suite 750 Washington DC 20005 | Ms Alison Minea |