Applicant requests authorization to assign the C band receive only earth station to Eben-Ezer Broadcasting Corporation
Filing: SES | Satellite Earth Station |
Filing: ASG | Assignment |
Nature of Service | Fixed Satellite Service |
Status | Internet Not Processed |
Status Date | 2020-08-05 |
Date Filed | 2020-08-05 |
Red Light | N |
Paper/Electronic | E |
Environmental Impact | N |
Lightning Broadcasting LLC
P.O. Box 909
Springfield, TN 371722810 USAContact
John Neely
Miller and Neely PC
3750 University Blvd., West
Suite 203
Kensington, MD 20895 USA
Springfield, TN 37172 USA
3750 University Blvd., West, Kensington, MD 20895 USA
Lightning Broadcasting, LLC
P.O. Box 909
Springfield, TN 37172 USA
5649 Lakeview Road
Springfield, TN 37172 USA
Springfield, TN 37172 USA,
5649 Lakeview Road, Springfield, TN 37172 USA,