Attachment Foreign Ownership

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20110609-00698 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                      INDIRECT FOREIGN OWNERSHIP

                                      ITC Global USA, LLC (USA)*

                                         ITC Global, Inc. (USA)

                               0.2%                               4.8%                 8.6%
 SeaSpin Pty, Ltd,             CRH Telnet                Simon Bull             Christopher
Aphrodite Trust A/C            (Australia)                 (U.K.)                 R. Hill
    (Australia)                                                                 (Australia)
  100%                     Interest
  Charles Morgan            Christopher R. Hill
    (Australia)                 (Australia)

     = Indirect Foreign ownership (30.3% of the total equity in ITC Global, Inc, a
     Delaware corporation, which in turn, owns 100% of the membership units of ITC
     Global USA, LLC, a Florida limited liability company). ITC is simultaneously
     filing a Request for Declaratory Ruling requesting Commission consent to permit
     ITC to hold indirect non-controlling foreign ownership interests up to 30.3%.

Document Created: 2011-06-09 13:23:27
Document Modified: 2011-06-09 13:23:27

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