Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to SES-AMD-20150910-00577 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                  Attachment 1

                  Two-Degree Spacing Analysis for Inmarsat-5 F3 at 179.6º E.L.

         In order to demonstrate two-degree compatibility, the transmission parameters of the
Inmarsat-5 F3 satellite have been assumed as both the wanted and victim transmissions. Table
A.11.2 provides a summary of the uplink and downlink transmission parameters. The
interference analysis assumes a nominal orbital separation of 1.9 degrees as opposed to 2 degrees
in order to take into account the east-west station-keeping of 0.05 degrees. The analysis also
assumes a 1.1 factor (or 1 dB advantage) for topocentric-to-geocentric conversion. All wanted
and interfering carriers are co-polarized.

         Table A.11.3 shows the results of the interference calculations in terms of the C/I
margins. The format is similar to that of the output of the Sharp Adjacent Satellite Interference
Analysis program. It can be seen that the C/I margins are all positive.

                        Table A.11.1. Inmarsat-5 F3 transmission parameters.
 E/W station keeping (deg.):                                0.05
 Worst case separation (deg.):                               1.9
 Worst case topocentric angle (deg):                        2.09
  Carrier       Emission Designator    Occupied      Tx Antenna      Tx      Uplink     Uplink       Tx          C/I
    ID                                 BW (kHz)         Type       Antenna    EIRP       EIRP     Antenna     Criterion
                                                                    Gain     (dBW)      density   Off-axis      (dB)
                                                                    (dBi)             (dBW/kHz)    Gain at
                                                                                                  2.09 deg.
    1               3M16G7W             2630.3       Typ-60cm       43.6      49.2      15.0        21.0        11.2
    2               2M45G7W             2041.7       Typ-100cm      48.0      52.5      19.4        21.0        14.2
    3               4M78G7W             3981.1       Typ-150cm      51.5      59.5      23.5        21.0        17.8
    4               3M16G7W             2630.3       Typ-60cm       43.4      49.2      15.0        21.0        13.2
    5               2M45G7W             2041.7       Typ-100cm      47.9      52.5      19.4        21.0        17.8
    6               4M78G7W             3981.1       Typ-150cm      51.4      59.5      23.5        21.0        20.4
    7               32M0G7W             32000.0      Typ-13.2m      68.9      77        31.9        21.0        14.7
    8               32M0G7W             32000.0      Typ-13.2m      68.9      77        31.9        21.0        17.7
    9               32M0G7W             32000.0      Typ-13.2m      68.9      77        31.9        21.0        21.8
    10              50M0G7W             50000.0      Typ-13.2m      68.7      77        30.0        21.0        13.2
    11              50M0G7W             50000.0      Typ-13.2m      68.7      77        30.0        21.0        17.1
    12              50M0G7W             50000.0      Typ-13.2m      68.7      77        30.0        21.0        20.7
    13           900KF3X (TLC)           700.0       Typ-13.2m      69.5      74        45.5        21.0        23.2


                 5M00G1W (Rtn
   14              Signalling)             5000.0          Typ-60cm        43.5       49.2      12.2       21.0        -9.8
                 5M00G1W (Rtn
   15              Signalling)             5000.0          Typ-100cm       47.9       52.5      15.5       21.0        -9.8
                 5M00G1W (Rtn
   16              Signalling)             5000.0          Typ-150cm       51.5       59.5      22.5       21.0        -9.8
                 5M00G1W (Fwd
   17              Signalling)              140.0          Typ-13.2m       68.7       67.7      46.2       21.0        10.2
   18          32M0G7W (TEST-F1)           32000.0         Typ-13.2m       68.9       77        31.9       21.0         26
   19          50M0G7W (TEST-F2)           50000.0         Typ-13.2m       68.7       77        30.0       21.0         26
   20          5M00G1W (TEST-F3)            140.0          Typ-13.2m       68.7       67.7      46.2       21.0        10.2
   21         3M16G7W (TEST-R1)            2630.3          Typ-13.2m       69.3       49.2      15.0       21.0        11.2
   22         2M45G7W (TEST-R2)            2041.7          Typ-13.2m       69.3       52.5      19.4       21.0        14.2
   23         4M78G7W (TEST-R3)            3981.1          Typ-13.2m       69.3       59.5      23.5       21.0        17.8
   24         3M16G7W (TEST-R4)            2630.3          Typ-13.2m       69.1       49.2      15.0       21.0        11.2
   25         2M45G7W (TEST-R5)            2041.7          Typ-13.2m       69.1       52.5      19.4       21.0        14.2
   26         4M78G7W (TEST-R6)            3981.1          Typ-13.2m       69.1       59.5      23.5       21.0        17.8
   27         5M00G1W (TEST-R7)            5000.0          Typ-13.2m       69.2       67.7      30.7       21.0        -9.8
   28         5M00G1W (TEST-R8)            5000.0          Typ-13.2m       69.2       67.7      30.7       21.0        -9.8
   29         5M00G1W (TEST-R9)            5000.0          Typ-13.2m       69.2       67.7      30.7       21.0        -9.8

E/W station keeping (deg.):                         0.05
Worst case separation (deg.):                       1.9
Worst case topocentric angle (deg):                 2.09
Carrier      Emission Designator      Occupied       Rx Antenna          Rx       Downlink    Downlink      Rx          C/I
  ID                                  BW (kHz)           Type          Antenna      EIRP        EIRP     Antenna     Criterion
                                                                        Gain       (dBW)       density   Off-axis      (dB)
                                                                        (dBi)                (dBW/kHz)    Gain at
                                                                                                         2.09 deg.

    1             3M16G7W              2630.3        Typ-13.2m          66.1        19.3       -14.9       21.0        11.2
    2             2M45G7W              2041.7        Typ-13.2m          66.1        22.6       -10.5       21.0        14.2
    3             4M78G7W              3981.1        Typ-13.2m          66.1        26.6        -9.4       21.0        17.8
    4             3M16G7W              2630.3        Typ-13.2m          65.7        24.4        -9.8       21.0        13.2
    5             2M45G7W              2041.7        Typ-13.2m          65.7        27.7        -5.4       21.0        17.8
    6             4M78G7W              3981.1        Typ-13.2m          65.7        29.1        -6.9       21.0        20.4
    7             32M0G7W              32000.0       Typ-60cm           40.1        53.1        8.0        21.0        14.7
    8             32M0G7W              32000.0       Typ-100cm          44.5        53.1        8.0        21.0        17.7
    9             32M0G7W              32000.0       Typ-150cm          48.1        53.1        8.0        21.0        21.8
   10             50M0G7W              50000.0       Typ-60cm           39.9        54.0        7.0        21.0        13.2
   11             50M0G7W              50000.0       Typ-100cm          44.3        54.0        7.0        21.0        17.1


12       50M0G7W         50000.0   Typ-150cm   47.8   54.0   7.0     21.0   20.7
13    150KG3X (TLM)       130.0    Typ-13.2m   66.4   28.8   7.7     21.0   23.2
       5M00G1W (Rtn
14       Signalling)     5000.0    Typ-13.2m   65.8   23.9   -13.1   21.0   -9.8
       5M00G1W (Rtn
15       Signalling)     5000.0    Typ-13.2m   65.8   27.2   -9.8    21.0   -9.8
       5M00G1W (Rtn
16       Signalling)     5000.0    Typ-13.2m   65.8   35.2   -1.8    21.0   -9.8
      5M00G1W (Fwd
17       Signalling)      140.0    Typ-60cm    40.0   30.0   8.5     21.0   10.2
      5M00G1W (Fwd
18       Signalling)      140.0    Typ-100cm   44.4   30.0   8.5     21.0   10.2
      5M00G1W (Fwd
19       Signalling)      140.0    Typ-150cm   47.9   30.0   8.5     21.0   10.2
20   32M0G7W (TEST-F1)   32000.0   Typ-13.2m   66.6   53.1   8.0     21.0   26
21   50M0G7W (TEST-F2)   50000.0   Typ-13.2m   66.4   54.0   7.0     21.0   26
22   5M00G1W (TEST-F3)    140.0    Typ-13.2m   66.5   30.0   8.5     21.0   10.2
23   3M16G7W (TEST-R1)   2630.3    Typ-13.2m   66.1   19.3   -14.9   21.0   11.2
24   2M45G7W (TEST-R2)   2041.7    Typ-13.2m   66.1   22.6   -10.5   21.0   14.2
25   4M78G7W (TEST-R3)   3981.1    Typ-13.2m   66.1   26.6   -9.4    21.0   17.8
26   3M16G7W (TEST-R4)   2630.3    Typ-13.2m   66.4   24.4   -9.8    21.0   11.2
27   2M45G7W (TEST-R5)   2041.7    Typ-13.2m   66.4   27.7   -5.4    21.0   14.2
28   4M78G7W (TEST-R6)   3981.1    Typ-13.2m   66.4   29.1   -6.9    21.0   17.8
29   5M00G1W (TEST-R7)   5000.0    Typ-13.2m   65.8   23.9   -13.1   21.0   -9.8
30   5M00G1W (TEST-R8)   5000.0    Typ-13.2m   65.8   27.2   -9.8    21.0   -9.8
31   5M00G1W (TEST-R9)   5000.0    Typ-13.2m   65.8   35.2   -1.8    21.0   -9.8


                                                                        Table A.11.2. Summary of the C/I margins (dB)
                                                                                                              Interfering Carrier


              ID     1        2       3      4      5      6      7       8      9     10     11     12      13     14     15       16     17     18     19     20     21     22     23     24     25     26     27     28     29
               1    11.4    11.4     10.8   11.2   11.3   10.7   19.8    19.8   19.8   21.5   21.5   21.5    6.8    14.1   15.2     11.8   5.3    19.8   21.5   5.3    37.1   32.7   28.6   36.9   32.5   28.4   21.3   21.3   21.3
               2    12.8    12.8     12.2   12.6   12.7   12.1   21.2    21.2   21.2   22.9   22.9   22.9    8.2    15.5   16.6     13.2   6.7    21.2   22.9   6.7    38.5   34.1   30.0   38.3   33.9   29.8   22.7   22.7   22.7
               3    13.3    13.3     12.7   13.1   13.2   12.6   21.7    21.7   21.7   23.4   23.4   23.4    8.7    16.0   17.1     13.7   7.2    21.7   23.4   7.2    39.0   34.6   30.5   38.8   34.4   30.3   23.2   23.2   23.2
               4    9.4      9.4     8.8    9.2    9.3    8.7    17.8    17.8   17.8   19.5   19.5   19.5    4.8    12.1   13.2     9.8    3.3    17.8   19.5   3.3    35.1   30.7   26.6   34.9   30.5   26.4   19.3   19.3   19.3
               5    9.2      9.2     8.6    9.0    9.1    8.5    17.6    17.6   17.6   19.3   19.3   19.3    4.6    11.9   13.0     9.6    3.1    17.6   19.3   3.1    34.9   30.5   26.4   34.7   30.3   26.2   19.1   19.1   19.1
               6    10.7    10.7     10.1   10.5   10.6   10.0   19.1    19.1   19.1   20.8   20.8   20.8     6.1   13.4   14.5     11.1    4.6   19.1   20.8    4.6   36.4   32.0   27.9   36.2   31.8   27.7   20.6   20.6   20.6
               7    24.8    24.9     24.3   24.7   24.7   24.1   33.2    33.2   33.2   34.9   34.9   34.9    20.2   27.5   28.6     25.2   18.7   33.2   34.9   18.7   50.6   46.2   42.1   50.4   46.0   41.9   34.7   34.7   34.7
               8    21.8    21.9     21.3   21.7   21.7   21.1   30.2    30.2   30.2   31.9   31.9   31.9    17.2   24.5   25.6     22.2   15.7   30.2   31.9   15.7   47.6   43.2   39.1   47.4   43.0   38.9   31.7   31.7   31.7
               9    17.7    17.8     17.2   17.6   17.6   17.0   26.1    26.1   26.1   27.8   27.8   27.8    13.1   20.4   21.5     18.1   11.6   26.1   27.8   11.6   43.5   39.1   35.0   43.3   38.9   34.8   27.6   27.6   27.6
              10    24.4    24.4     23.8   24.2   24.3   23.7   32.8    32.8   32.8   34.5   34.5   34.5    19.8   27.1   28.2     24.8   18.3   32.8   34.5   18.3   50.1   45.7   41.6   49.9   45.5   41.4   34.3   34.3   34.3
              11    20.5    20.5     19.9   20.3   20.4   19.8   28.9    28.9   28.9   30.6   30.6   30.6    15.9   23.2   24.3     20.9   14.4   28.9   30.6   14.4   46.2   41.8   37.7   46.0   41.6   37.5   30.4   30.4   30.4
              12    16.9    16.9     16.3   16.7   16.8   16.2   25.3    25.3   25.3   27.0   27.0   27.0    12.3   19.6   20.7     17.3   10.8   25.3   27.0   10.8   42.6   38.2   34.1   42.4   38.0   33.9   26.8   26.8   26.8
  Carrier     13    29.9    30.0     29.4   29.8   29.8   29.2   38.3    38.3   38.3   40.0   40.0   40.0    25.3   32.6   33.7     30.3   23.8   38.3   40.0   23.8   55.7   51.3   47.2   55.5   51.1   47.0   39.8   39.8   39.8
              14    29.6    29.6     29.0   29.4   29.5   28.9   38.0    38.0   38.0   39.7   39.7   39.7    25.0   32.3   33.4     30.0   23.5   38.0   39.7   23.5   55.3   50.9   46.8   55.1   50.7   46.6   39.5   39.5   39.5
              15    32.9    32.9     32.3   32.7   32.8   32.2   41.3    41.3   41.3   43.0   43.0   43.0    28.3   35.6   36.7     33.3   26.8   41.3   43.0   26.8   58.6   54.2   50.1   58.4   54.0   49.9   42.8   42.8   42.8
              16    39.9    39.9     39.3   39.7   39.8   39.2   48.3    48.3   48.3   50.0   50.0   50.0    35.3   42.6   43.7     40.3   33.8   48.3   50.0   33.8   65.6   61.2   57.1   65.4   61.0   56.9   49.8   49.8   49.8
              17    43.6    43.6     43.1   43.5   43.5   42.9   52.0    52.0   52.0   53.7   53.7   53.7    39.0   46.3   47.4     44.0   37.5   52.0   53.7   37.5   69.3   64.9   60.8   69.1   64.7   60.6   53.5   53.5   53.5
              18    13.5    13.6     13.0   13.4   13.4   12.8   21.9    21.9   21.9   23.6   23.6   23.6    8.9    16.2   17.3     13.9   7.4    21.9   23.6   7.4    39.3   34.9   30.8   39.1   34.7   30.6   23.4   23.4   23.4
              19    11.6    11.6     11.0   11.4   11.5   10.9   20.0    20.0   20.0   21.7   21.7   21.7    7.0    14.3   15.4     12.0   5.5    20.0   21.7   5.5    37.3   32.9   28.8   37.1   32.7   28.6   21.5   21.5   21.5
              20    43.6    43.6     43.1   43.5   43.5   42.9   52.0    52.0   52.0   53.7   53.7   53.7    39.0   46.3   47.4     44.0   37.5   52.0   53.7   37.5   69.3   64.9   60.8   69.1   64.7   60.6   53.5   53.5   53.5
              21    11.4    11.4     10.8   11.2   11.3   10.7   19.8    19.8   19.8   21.5   21.5   21.5    6.8    14.1   15.2     11.8   5.3    19.8   21.5   5.3    37.1   32.7   28.6   36.9   32.5   28.4   21.3   21.3   21.3
              22    12.8    12.8     12.2   12.6   12.7   12.1   21.2    21.2   21.2   22.9   22.9   22.9    8.2    15.5   16.6     13.2   6.7    21.2   22.9   6.7    38.5   34.1   30.0   38.3   33.9   29.8   22.7   22.7   22.7
              23    13.3    13.3     12.7   13.1   13.2   12.6   21.7    21.7   21.7   23.4   23.4   23.4    8.7    16.0   17.1     13.7   7.2    21.7   23.4   7.2    39.0   34.6   30.5   38.8   34.4   30.3   23.2   23.2   23.2
              24    11.4    11.4     10.8   11.2   11.3   10.7   19.8    19.8   19.8   21.5   21.5   21.5    6.8    14.1   15.2     11.8   5.3    19.8   21.5   5.3    37.1   32.7   28.6   36.9   32.5   28.4   21.3   21.3   21.3
              25    12.8    12.8     12.2   12.6   12.7   12.1   21.2    21.2   21.2   22.9   22.9   22.9    8.2    15.5   16.6     13.2   6.7    21.2   22.9   6.7    38.5   34.1   30.0   38.3   33.9   29.8   22.7   22.7   22.7
              26    13.3    13.3     12.7   13.1   13.2   12.6   21.7    21.7   21.7   23.4   23.4   23.4    8.7    16.0   17.1     13.7   7.2    21.7   23.4   7.2    39.0   34.6   30.5   38.8   34.4   30.3   23.2   23.2   23.2
              27    48.1    48.1     47.5   47.9   48.0   47.4   56.5    56.5   56.5   58.2   58.2   58.2    43.5   50.8   51.9     48.5   42.0   56.5   58.2   42.0   73.8   69.4   65.3   73.6   69.2   65.1   58.0   58.0   58.0
              28    48.1    48.1     47.5   47.9   48.0   47.4   56.5    56.5   56.5   58.2   58.2   58.2    43.5   50.8   51.9     48.5   42.0   56.5   58.2   42.0   73.8   69.4   65.3   73.6   69.2   65.1   58.0   58.0   58.0
              29    48.1     48.1    47.5   47.9   48.0   47.4   56.5    56.5   56.5   58.2   58.2   58.2    43.5   50.8   51.9     48.5   42.0   56.5   58.2   42.0   73.8   69.4   65.3   73.6   69.2   65.1   58.0   58.0   58.0
Minimum C/I margin =       3.1      dB


                                                                                                                Interfering Carrier


             ID     1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9     10     11     12     13      14        15     16     17     18     19     20     21     22     23     24     25     26     27     28     29     30     31
              1    33.9   29.5   28.4   28.8   24.4   25.9   11.0   11.0   11.0   12.1   12.1   12.1   11.4   32.1       28.8   20.8   10.5   10.5   10.5   11.0   12.0   10.5   33.9   29.5   28.4   28.8   24.4   25.9   32.1   28.8   20.8
              2    35.3   30.9   29.8   30.2   25.8   27.3   12.4   12.4   12.4   13.5   13.5   13.5   12.8   33.5       30.2   22.2   11.9   11.9   11.9   12.4   13.4   11.9   35.3   30.9   29.8   30.2   25.8   27.3   33.5   30.2   22.2
              3    32.8   28.4   27.3   27.7   23.3   24.8   9.9    9.9    9.9    11.0   11.0   11.0   10.3   31.0       27.7   19.7   9.4    9.4    9.4    9.9    10.9   9.4    32.8   28.4   27.3   27.7   23.3   24.8   31.0   27.7   19.7
              4    36.6   32.2   31.1   31.5   27.1   28.6   13.7   13.7   13.7   14.7   14.7   14.7   14.0   34.8       31.5   23.5   13.2   13.2   13.2   13.7   14.7   13.2   36.6   32.2   31.1   31.5   27.1   28.6   34.8   31.5   23.5
              5    36.4   32.0   30.9   31.3   26.9   28.4   13.5   13.5   13.5   14.5   14.5   14.5   13.8   34.6       31.3   23.3   13.0   13.0   13.0   13.5   14.5   13.0   36.4   32.0   30.9   31.3   26.9   28.4   34.6   31.3   23.3
              6    32.3   27.9   26.8   27.2   22.8   24.3   9.4    9.4    9.4    10.4   10.4   10.4   9.7    30.5       27.2   19.2   8.9    8.9    8.9    9.4    10.4   8.9    32.3   27.9   26.8   27.2   22.8   24.3   30.5   27.2   19.2
              7    27.3   22.9   21.8   22.2   17.8   19.3   4.4    4.4    4.4    5.4    5.4    5.4    4.7    25.5       22.2   14.2   3.9    3.9    3.9    4.3    5.4    3.9    27.3   22.9   21.8   22.2   17.8   19.3   25.5   22.2   14.2
              8    28.7   24.3   23.2   23.6   19.2   20.7   5.8    5.8    5.8    6.8    6.8    6.8    6.2    26.9       23.6   15.6   5.3    5.3    5.3    5.8    6.8    5.3    28.7   24.3   23.2   23.6   19.2   20.7   26.9   23.6   15.6
              9    28.2   23.8   22.7   23.1   18.7   20.2   5.3    5.3    5.3    6.3    6.3    6.3    5.6    26.3       23.0   15.0   4.7    4.7    4.7    5.2    6.2    4.7    28.2   23.8   22.7   23.1   18.7   20.2   26.3   23.0   15.0
              10   27.6   23.2   22.1   22.5   18.1   19.6   4.7    4.7    4.7    5.7    5.7    5.7    5.0    25.8       22.5   14.5   4.1    4.1    4.1    4.6    5.7    4.1    27.6   23.2   22.1   22.5   18.1   19.6   25.8   22.5   14.5
              11   28.1   23.7   22.6   23.0   18.6   20.1   5.2    5.2    5.2    6.2    6.2    6.2    5.5    26.3       23.0   15.0   4.7    4.7    4.7    5.2    6.2    4.7    28.1   23.7   22.6   23.0   18.6   20.1   26.3   23.0   15.0
              12   28.0   23.6   22.5   22.9   18.5   20.0   5.1    5.1    5.1    6.1    6.1    6.1    5.5    26.2       22.9   14.9   4.6    4.6    4.6    5.1    6.1    4.6    28.0   23.6   22.5   22.9   18.5   20.0   26.2   22.9   14.9
  Wanted      13   44.8   40.4   39.3   39.7   35.3   36.8   21.9   21.9   21.9   22.9   22.9   22.9   22.2   43.0       39.7   31.7   21.3   21.3   21.3   21.8   22.9   21.3   44.8   40.4   39.3   39.7   35.3   36.8   43.0   39.7   31.7
  Carrier    14    56.4   52.0   50.9   51.3   46.9   48.4   33.5   33.5   33.5   34.5   34.5   34.5   33.9   54.6       51.3   43.3   33.0   33.0   33.0   33.5   34.5   33.0   56.4   52.0   50.9   51.3   46.9   48.4   54.6   51.3   43.3
             15    59.7   55.3   54.2   54.6   50.2   51.7   36.8   36.8   36.8   37.8   37.8   37.8   37.2   57.9       54.6   46.6   36.3   36.3   36.3   36.8   37.8   36.3   59.7   55.3   54.2   54.6   50.2   51.7   57.9   54.6   46.6
             16    67.7   63.3   62.2   62.6   58.2   59.7   44.8   44.8   44.8   45.8   45.8   45.8   45.2   65.9       62.6   54.6   44.3   44.3   44.3   44.8   45.8   44.3   67.7   63.3   62.2   62.6   58.2   59.7   65.9   62.6   54.6
             17    32.2   27.8   26.7   27.1   22.7   24.2   9.3    9.3    9.3    10.3   10.3   10.3   9.7    30.4       27.1   19.1   8.8    8.8    8.8    9.3    10.3   8.8    32.2   27.8   26.7   27.1   22.7   24.2   30.4   27.1   19.1
             18    36.6   32.2   31.1   31.5   27.1   28.6   13.7   13.7   13.7   14.7   14.7   14.7   14.1   34.8       31.5   23.5   13.2   13.2   13.2   13.7   14.7   13.2   36.6   32.2   31.1   31.5   27.1   28.6   34.8   31.5   23.5
              19   40.1   35.7   34.6   35.0   30.6   32.1   17.2   17.2   17.2   18.2   18.2   18.2   17.6   38.3       35.0   27.0   16.7   16.7   16.7   17.2   18.2   16.7   40.1   35.7   34.6   35.0   30.6   32.1   38.3   35.0   27.0
              20   42.6   38.2   37.1   37.5   33.1   34.6   19.7   19.7   19.7   20.7   20.7   20.7   20.0   40.7       37.4   29.4   19.1   19.1   19.1   19.6   20.6   19.1   42.6   38.2   37.1   37.5   33.1   34.6   40.7   37.4   29.4
              21   41.3   36.9   35.8   36.2   31.8   33.3   18.4   18.4   18.4   19.4   19.4   19.4   18.8   39.5       36.2   28.2   17.9   17.9   17.9   18.4   19.4   17.9   41.3   36.9   35.8   36.2   31.8   33.3   39.5   36.2   28.2
              22   58.7   54.3   53.2   53.6   49.2   50.7   35.8   35.8   35.8   36.8   36.8   36.8   36.2   56.9       53.6   45.6   35.3   35.3   35.3   35.8   36.8   35.3   58.7   54.3   53.2   53.6   49.2   50.7   56.9   53.6   45.6
              23   33.9   29.5   28.4   28.8   24.4   25.9   11.0   11.0   11.0   12.0   12.0   12.0   11.3   32.1       28.8   20.8   10.5   10.5   10.5   11.0   12.0   10.5   33.9   29.5   28.4   28.8   24.4   25.9   32.1   28.8   20.8
              24   35.3   30.9   29.8   30.2   25.8   27.3   12.4   12.4   12.4   13.4   13.4   13.4   12.7   33.5       30.2   22.2   11.9   11.9   11.9   12.4   13.4   11.9   35.3   30.9   29.8   30.2   25.8   27.3   33.5   30.2   22.2
              25   32.8   28.4   27.3   27.7   23.3   24.8   9.9    9.9    9.9    10.9   10.9   10.9   10.2   31.0       27.7   19.7   9.4    9.4    9.4    9.9    10.9   9.4    32.8   28.4   27.3   27.7   23.3   24.8   31.0   27.7   19.7
             26    39.3   34.9   33.8   34.2   29.8   31.3   16.4   16.4   16.4   17.4   17.4   17.4   16.7   37.5       34.2   26.2   15.9   15.9   15.9   16.4   17.4   15.9   39.3   34.9   33.8   34.2   29.8   31.3   37.5   34.2   26.2
             27    40.7   36.3   35.2   35.6   31.2   32.7   17.8   17.8   17.8   18.8   18.8   18.8   18.1   38.9       35.6   27.6   17.3   17.3   17.3   17.8   18.8   17.3   40.7   36.3   35.2   35.6   31.2   32.7   38.9   35.6   27.6
             28    35.6   31.2   30.1   30.5   26.1   27.6   12.7   12.7   12.7   13.7   13.7   13.7   13.0   33.8       30.5   22.5   12.2   12.2   12.2   12.7   13.7   12.2   35.6   31.2   30.1   30.5   26.1   27.6   33.8   30.5   22.5
             29    56.4   52.0   50.9   51.3   46.9   48.4   33.5   33.5   33.5   34.5   34.5   34.5   33.9   54.6       51.3   43.3   33.0   33.0   33.0   33.5   34.5   33.0   56.4   52.0   50.9   51.3   46.9   48.4   54.6   51.3   43.3
              30   59.7   55.3   54.2   54.6   50.2   51.7   36.8   36.8   36.8   37.8   37.8   37.8   37.2   57.9       54.6   46.6   36.3   36.3   36.3   36.8   37.8   36.3   59.7   55.3   54.2   54.6   50.2   51.7   57.9   54.6   46.6
              31    67.7   63.3  62.2   62.6   58.2   59.7   44.8   44.8   44.8   45.8   45.8   45.8   45.2   65.9       62.6   54.6   44.3   44.3   44.3   44.8   45.8   44.3   67.7   63.3   62.2   62.6   58.2   59.7   65.9   62.6   54.6
Minimum C/I margin =     3.9    dB


Document Created: 2015-09-10 12:01:23
Document Modified: 2015-09-10 12:01:23

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