Attachment SCL STA.pdf

This document pretains to SCL-STA-20120614-00008 for Special Temporal Authority on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                   Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                  )
Cable & Wireless Americas Systems, Inc.           )
      Licensee                                    )
       And                                        ) File No. SCL-T/C-2012 _____
Vodafone Europe B.V.                              )
      Transferee                                  )
Application for Transfer of Control of            )
Cable Landing License                             )


       Cable & Wireless Worldwide plc (“CWW”)1 and Vodafone Europe B.V. (“Vodafone

Europe”) (collectively, the “Applicants”), pursuant to the Act Relating to the Landing and

Operation of Submarine Cables in the United States, 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39 (1994), Executive

Order No. 10530, Exec. Ord. No. 10530 reprinted as amended in 3 U.S.C. § 301, and

Section 1.767 of the Rules of the Federal Communications Commission (“Commission”),

47 C.F.R. § 1.767, hereby request Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) for the Applicants to

consummate, consistent with the timeframe delineated in a scheme of arrangement (the

“Scheme”) and as approved by a U.K. court, a transaction in which control of Cable & Wireless

Americas Systems, Inc. (“CWAS”), as the holder of a cable landing license,2 will be transferred

       As a result of a demerger that occurred in 2010, CWW is not affiliated with Cable &
Wireless Communications plc. For a description of that transaction, please see FCC File No.
        FCC File No. SCL-LIC-20010122-00002. CWW currently holds an indirect 60% equity
interest in Apollo Submarine Cable Systems Ltd (the “Apollo Cable”). The Apollo Cable holds
a 100% equity interest in CWAS, the licensee. More information about the Apollo Cable is
contained in the underlying transfer of control application, which is included as Attachment A.

from CWW to Vodafone Europe. On June 13, 2012, the Applicants filed the underlying transfer

of control application.3

       CWW is a global provider of primarily fixed telecommunications and related services,

specializing in providing services to large users of telecommunications, including multinational

corporations, governments, carrier customers and resellers. Vodafone Europe is a wholly-owned

subsidiary, through multiple corporate entities, of Vodafone Group Plc (“Vodafone”), a U.K.

corporation. Vodafone, a U.K.-based, publicly-listed company, is the holding company of a

group of entities involved in the operation of primarily mobile telecommunications networks and

the provision of related telecommunications services.

       As described below, under an arrangement negotiated between CWW and Vodafone

Europe, CWAS will become a 60% owned subsidiary of Vodafone Europe (the “Transaction”).

As a result of the Transaction, Vodafone Europe, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of

Vodafone, will control CWAS’s license to land and operate the Apollo Submarine Cable System

(the “Apollo Cable”).4 Although control of CWAS will change from CWW to Vodafone Europe,

services in the United States will continue to be provided to the Apollo Cable’s existing

customers under existing service arrangements, consistent with the submarine cable landing

license granted to CWAS by the Commission. The Transaction, therefore, will be seamless to

existing customers.

       The Transaction is governed by U.K. law and will be implemented by means of the

Scheme. A circular relating to the Scheme (the “Scheme Document”) sets out, amongst other

things, the full terms and conditions of the Scheme, an explanatory statement, notices of the

       FCC File No. SCL-T/C-20120613-00007 (filed June 13, 2012).

required meetings, a timetable of principal events and details of the actions to be taken.5 As

described in the Scheme Document, the Scheme will require, inter alia, approval from a U.K.

court. Under the timetable set out in the Scheme Document and expected to be approved by the

court, a suspension of CWW’s public listing and dealings in its shares is scheduled to occur by

7:30 a.m. on July 26, 2012, with the Scheme becoming effective on or around July 27, 2012. A

cancellation of CWW’s listings is scheduled to occur by no later than 8:00 a.m. on July 30, 2012.

       The Applicants respectfully request that the Commission grant this STA as soon as

possible and no later than July 20, 2012, so that the Applicants can close the transaction in

compliance with the timeline set forth in the Scheme Document, as approved by a U.K. court.

Granting the STA authorizing the Applicants to close the transaction swiftly is in the public

interest because it is consistent with the principle of comity and will lead to the emergence of a

stronger and better-financed competitor in the submarine cable market for capacity between the

United States and Europe (in particular between the United States and U.K. and United States

and France). Under Vodafone’s control, CWAS and the Apollo Cable will be able to operate in

a more efficient and economical manner and have better access to the capital needed to maintain

and grow the existing competitive submarine cable business.

       Moreover, the change in control will not have any adverse impact on existing customers.

Backed by its new parent company, Vodafone, the Apollo Cable will continue to possess the

managerial and technical qualifications necessary to provide international telecommunications

services. Because the Transaction involves the transfer of shares in CWAS’s and the Apollo

Cable’s corporate parent, the Transaction will not result in a change of service provider for

customers and will otherwise be seamless to customers receiving services in the United States.

       The Scheme Document is available at

Immediately following consummation of the Transaction, the Apollo Cable’s customers will

continue to receive high-quality private carriage services without interruption and without any

immediate change in rates, terms or conditions.

       At the same time, grant of the Application will not result in any anticompetitive effects.

The market for transport between the United States and U.K. and United States and France is

fiercely competitive, and, pursuant to Section 63.10(a)(3), neither Vodafone Europe B.V., CWW,

nor any of their affiliates will exercise sufficient market power in the U.K. or France after

consummation of the Transaction to affect competition adversely in the United States. Although

this transaction has been valued at almost $1.6 billion and involves the acquisition of dozens of

foreign carriers throughout the world, CWW’s U.S. operations constitute a very minor portion of

its overall global operations.


       The Applicants acknowledge that a grant of this request will not prejudice action by the

Commission on the underlying joint cable landing license transfer of control application and that

any authority granted pursuant to this request is subject to cancellation or modification upon

notice, but without a hearing.

                       Respectfully submitted,

Philip Dgvis                                     Erik de Rijk
Ge        ounsel                                 Director
Cable & Wireless Worldwide pic                   Vodafone Europe B.V.
Worldwide House                                  Rivium Quadrant 173, 15th Floor
Western Road                                     2909 LC Capelle aan den IJssel
Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1IRW                   The Netherlands
United Kingdom                                   + 31 10498 7711
+44 (0) 1344 726542

                                                                            Date: Junel_L{, 2012

       The Applicants acknowledge that a grant of this request will not prejudice action by the

Commission on the underlying joint cable landing license transfer of control application and that

any authority granted pursuant to this request is subject to cancellation or modification upon

notice, but without a hearing.

                       Respectfully submitted,

Philip Davis                                     Erik de
General Counsel                                  Director
Cable & Wireless Worldwide plc                   Vodafone Europe B.V.
Worldwide House                                  Rivium Quadrant 173, 15th Floor
Western Road                                     2909 LC Capelle aan den IUssel
Bracknell, Berkshire RG1I2 1RW                   The Netherlands
United Kingdom                                   + 31 10498 7711
+44 (0) 1344 726542

                                                                            Date: June‘flf 2012

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing document was served this date upon the

Marlene Dortch                                  Ambassador Philip Verveer
Secretary                                       U.S. Coordinator
Federal Communications Commission               EB/CIP
445 12th Street, S.W.                           U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC 20554                            2201 C Street, NW.
(via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)    Washington, D.C. 20520—5818
                                                (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)
James Ball
International Bureau                            Kathy Smith
Federal Communications Commission               Office of Chief Counsel/NTIA
445 12th Street, S.W.                           U.S. Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20554                            14th Street and Constitution Ave., N.W.
(via electronic mail to     Washington, D.C. 20230
                                                (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)
David Krech
International Bureau                            Hillary Morgan
Federal Communications Commission               Defense Information Systems Agency
445 12th Street, S.W.                           Code RGC
Washington, DC 20554                            701 S. Courthouse Road
(via electronic mail to                         Arlington, VA 22204                            (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)

Susan O‘Connell
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
(via electronic mail to

                                               4 pfP
                                                Thomas Pirchio

June IL/, 2012


                                                    Before the
                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

                                                       No/ Ne Nt Nes Ne! Ssd Nusd! Nuue! Nuut! Num! Nee Snd
Cable & Wireless Americas Systems, Inc.

             And                                                                                              File No. SCL—T/C—2012

Vodafone Europe B.V.

Application for Transfer of Control of
Cable Landing License

                                    APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF
                                            CABLE LANDING LICENSE
                                      STREAMLINED PROCESSING REQUESTED

             Cable & Wireless Worldwide plc ("CWW")‘ and Vodafone Europe B.V. (collectively,

the "Applicants"), pursuant to the Act Relating to the Landing and Operation of Submarine

Cables in the United States, 47 U.S.C. §§ 34—39 (1994), Executive Order No. 10530, Exec. Ord.

No. 10530 reprinted as amended in 3 U.S.C. § 301, and Section 1.767 of the Rules of the Federal

Communications Commission ("Commission"), 47 C.F.R. § 1.767, hereby request approval for

the transfer of control of Cable & Wireless Americas Systems, Inc. ("CWAS") as the holder of a

cable landing license® from CWW to Vodafone Europe B.V.

             As described below, under an arrangement negotiated between CWW and Vodafone

Europe B.V., CWAS will become a 60% owned subsidiary of Vodafone Europe B.V. (the

I      As a result of a demerger that occurred in 2010, CWW is not affiliated with Cable &
Wireless Communications ple. For a description of that transaction, please see FCC File No.

2       FCC File No. SCL—LIC—20010122—00002. CWW currently holds an indirect 60% equity
interest in Apollo Submarine Cable Systems Ltd (the "Apollo Cable"). The Apollo Cable holds
a 100%equity interest in CWAS, the licensee.

\\DC — 002465/000013 — 3408008 vi

"Transaction"). As a result of the Transaction, Vodafone Europe B.V., an indirect wholly—owned

subsidiary of Vodafone Group Plc ("Vodafone"), will control CWAS‘s license to land and

operate the Apollo Submarine Cable System (the "Apollo Cable")." Although control of CWAS

will change from CWW to Vodafone Europe B.V., services in the United States will continue to

be provided to the Apolio Cable‘s existing customers under existing service arrangements,

consistent with the submarine cable landing license granted to CWAS by the Commission. The

Transaction, therefore, will be seamless to existing customers. Applicants provide the following

information in support of this Application:

I.            THE APPLICANTS

              A.           Cable & Wireless Americas Systems, Inc. (Licensee)

                           FRN: 0009696071

              CWAS is organized under the laws of the state of Delaware in the United States and

holds the license to land and operate the Apollo Cable.

             B.            Vodafone Europe B.V. (Transferee)

                           FRN: 0021810718

             Vodafone Europe B.V. is a company organized under the laws of the Netherlands and is

headquartered in Capelle aan den Issel, Netherlands. Vodafone Europe B.V. is a wholly—owned

subsidiary, through multiple corporate entities, of Vodafone, a U.K. corporation. Vodafone is a

publicly traded company, with shares listed on the London and NASDAQ stock exchanges.

Vodafone is one of the world‘s largest mobile operators, with investments and operations on

several continents, and also is a provider of fixed services in some markets. It had 398 million

customers as of December 31, 2011. It generates revenues from mobile voice, messaging and

data communications services, fixed line services, business managed services and wholesale

3            Id.

\\OC — 002465/000013 — 3408005 vi

 access to mobile virtual network operators. Additional information about Vodafone is available


              C.            Cable & Wireless Worldwide plc (Transferee)

                            FRN: 0021810734

              Cable & Wireless Worldwide ple ("CWW") is a publicly—held corporation organized

under the laws of the U.K. and is headquartered in Bracknell, England. It is a global provider of

primarily fixed telecommunications and related services, specializing in providing services to

large users of telecommunications, including multinational corporations, governments, carrier

customers and resellers.              CWW has an international cable network that spans approximately

425,000 kilometers in length. Additional information on CWW can be found at


              The transfer of control of CWAS will occur under a corporate transaction by which

Vodafone, as the corporate parent of Vodafone Europe B.V., will acquire dejure and defacto

control of CWAS‘s corporate parent, CWW.                  Pursuant to an agreement negotiated between

Vodafone Europe B.V. and CWW, Vodafone Europe B.V. will acquire 100% of the issued and

paid up shares of CWW. CWW indirectly owns 60% of the equity of CWAS. The Transaction

is governed by U.K. law.


             Consummation of the Transaction described herein will serve the public interest because

it will lead to the emergence of a stronger and better—financed competitor in the submarine cable

market for capacity between the United States and Europe (in particular between the United

States and U.K. and United States and France).              Under Vodafone‘s control, CWAS and the

Apollo Cable will be able to operate in a more efficient and economical manner and have better

A1DC — 002465/000013 — 3408005 vi

 access to the capital needed to maintain and grow the existing competitive submarine cable


              Moreover, the change in control will not have any adverse impact on existing customers.

Backed by its new parent company, Vodafone, the Apollo Cable will continue to possess the

managerial and technical qualifications necessary to provide international telecommunications

services. Because the Transaction involves the transfer of shares in CWAS‘s and the Apolilo

Cable‘s corporate parent, the Transaction will not result in a change of service provider for

customers and will otherwise be seamless to customers receiving services in the United States.

Immediately following consummation of the Transaction, the Apollo Cable‘s customers will

continue to receive high—quality private carriage services without interruption and without any

immediate change in rates, terms or conditions.

              At the same time, grant of the Application will not result in any anticompetitive effects.

The market for transport between the United States and U.K. and United States and France is

fiercely competitive, and, pursuant to Section 63.10(a)(3), neither Vodafone Europe B.V., CWW,

nor any of their affiliates will exercise sufficient market power in the U.K. or France after

consummation of the Transaction to affect competition adversely in the United States. For these

reasons, Applicants respectfully submit that this Transaction is in the public interest.


             In support of this Application, Applicants submit the following information in accordance

with Section 1.767 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.767:

(1)          Name, address and telephone number of Applicants:

             Licensee:              Cable & Wireless Americas Systems, Inc.
                                    Registered in Delaware, USA, with principal contact address at:
                                    Worldwide House
                                    Western Road

\\DC — 002465/000013 — 3408005 vi

                                    Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1RW
                                    United Kingdom
                                    +44 (0) 1344 726542

              Transferee:           Vodafone Europe B.V.
                                    Rivium Quadrant 173, 15°" Floor
                                    2909 LC Capelle aan den Issel
                                    The Netherlands
                                    +31 10498 7711

              Transferor:           Cable & Wireless Worldwide plc
                                    Worldwide House
                                    Western Road
                                    Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1RW
                                    United Kingdom
                                    +44 (0) 1344 726542

 (2)          Place of Formation:

              Licensee:             Cable & Wireless Americas Systems, Inc. is organized under the laws of
                                    Delaware in the United States.

              Transferee:           Vodafone Europe B.V. is organized under the laws of the Netherlands.

              Transferor:           Cable & Wireless Worldwide ple is organized under the laws of the U.K.

(3)           Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

             For Cable & Wireless Worldwide ple:                Helen R. Watson
                                                                Head of Legal and Regulatory — Global
                                                                Cable & Wireless
                                                                6 Temasek Boulevard, #33—03/05, Suntec
                                                                Tower 4
                                                                +65 647—75—828

             For Vodafone Europe B.V.:                          Dennis Kraan
                                                                Company Secretary
                                                                Vodafone Europe B.V.
                                                                Rivium Quadrant 173, 15 Floor
                                                                2909 LC Capelle aan den Ussel
                                                                The Netherlands
                                                                +31 10 498 7717

\YDC — 002465/000013 — 3408005 vi


              each with a copy to:                         Michele C. Farquhar
                                                           Hogan Lovells US LLP
                                                           555 13th Street NW.
                                                           Washington, D.C. 20004
                                                           Phone: (202) 637—5663
                                                           Counsel to Vodafone Europe B.V.

(4)           Description of the Cable System:

              A description of the Apollo Cable is on file with the Commission and is incorporated by
              reference herein.

(5)           Landing Points:

              A general description of the Apollo Cable‘s landing locations is on file with the
              Commission in the original license files and is incorporated by reference herein. The
              United States—based landing stations are located at 21 Ramsey Road, Shirley, New York
              11967, and 1941 Highway 34, Wall, New Jersey 07719. The France—based landing
              station is located at Keradrivin Vihan, Servel 22300, Lannion, France. The UK—based
              landing station is located in Bude, England.

(6)          A Statement as to Whether the Cable Will be Operated on a Common Carrier or
             Non—Common Carrier Basis:

             The Apollo Cable is operated and will continue to operate on a non—common carrier basis.

(7)          Ownership Interest in the Apollo Cable:

             CWW currently holds a 60% voting and equity interest in the Apollo Cable and Alcatel—
             Lucent currently holds a 40% voting and equity interest in the Apollo Cable: This
             60/40% ownership split applies to each United States—based landing station, and the
             Lannion, France—based landing station. The same ownership split applies to each wet—link
             portion of the Apollo Cable (up to the territorial waters limits for France and the U.K.).
             The Bude, U.K. landing station is 100% owned by CWW, but part of this cable landing
             station is leased to the Apollo Cable.

              For clarity, the wet portion both (i) from the Lannion, France cable landing station to the
             edge of French territorial waters and (ii) from the Bude, U.K. cable landing station to the
             edge of U.K. territorial waters are owned by the applicable Cable & Wireless Worldwide
             licensed entity in that territory, who have each granted an IRU to the Apollo Cable for
             this capacity.

             As a result of the proposed transaction, CWW‘s 60% interest in the Apollo Cable, and
             CWW‘s 100% interest in the Bude, UK landing station and wet—link portions not owned

\\DC — 002465/000013 — 3408008 vi

             by the Apollo Cable, will be transferred to Vodafone Europe B.V. The 40% interest in
             the Apollo Cable currently held by Alcatel—Lucent will remain unchanged.

 (8)         Certification and Ownership Information Required by Section 63.18(h)—(k) and (0)
             of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18(h)—(k), (0):

             Section 63.18(h) — 10 Percent or Greater Shareholders in Transferee, Vodafone Europe

             After consummation of the Transaction, 60% of the Apollo Cable and 60% of CWAS
             will be held indirectly by Vodafone Europe B.V.

             The following entities and persons have a 10% or greater ownership interest in Vodafone
             Europe B.V.:

             Company Name — Vodafone Investments Luxembourg Sarl
             Address — 15 rue Edward Steichen, Luxembourg, 2540, Luxembourg
             Tel No. — +352 (26) 12 72 30
             Jurisdiction of Formation — Luxembourg
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest — 47.84% (direct)

             Company Name — Vodafone Consolidated Holdings Limited
             Address — Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN, England
             Tel No. — +44 (0) 1635 33251
             Jurisdiction of Formation —— England
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest — 100% (direct)

             Company Name — Vodafone International B.V.
             Address — Rivium Quadrant 173, 15th Floor, 2909 LC, Capelle aan den Issel, The
             Tel No. —+31 10 498 77 11
             Jurisdiction of Formation — The Netherlands
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest — 42.08% (indirect)

            Company Name — Vodafone International Inc. (California)
            Address — Denver Place, South Tower, 17th Floor, 999 18th Street, Denver, CO 80202
            Tel No. —+1 303—293—5870
            Jurisdiction of Formation — United States
            Principal Business — Telecoms
            Interest — 17.54% (indirect)

\DC —002465/000013 — 3408005 vi

              Company Name — Vodafone Americas Inc. (Delaware)
              Address — Denver Place, South Tower, 17th Floor, 999 18th Street, Denver, CO 80202
              Tel No. — +1 303—293—5870
              Jurisdiction of Formation — United States
              Principal Business — Telecoms
              Interest — 17.54% (indirect)

              Company Name — Vodafone Americas Holdings Inc. (Delaware)
              Address — Denver Place, South Tower, 17th Floor, 999 18th Street, Denver, CO 80202
              Tel No. — +1 303—293—5870
              Jurisdiction of Formation — United States
              Principal Business — Telecoms
              Interest — 17.54% (indirect)

             Company Name — Vodafone Americas Finance 2 Inc. (Delaware)
             Address — Denver Place, South Tower, 17th Floor, 999 18th Street, Denver, CO 80202
             Tel No. — +1 303—293—5870
             Jurisdiction of Formation — United States
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest — 17.54% (indirect)

             Company Name — Vodafone Americas Finance 1 Inc. (Delaware)
             Address — Denver Place, South Tower, 17th Floor, 999 18th Street, Denver, CO 80202
             Tel No. — +1 303—293—5870
             Jurisdiction of Formation — United States
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest ~— 17.54% (indirect)

             Company Name — Vodafone 4 Limited
             Address — Ogier House, The Esplanade, St. Helier, JE4 IWG, Jersey
             Tel No.—+31 10 498 77 11
             Jurisdiction of Formation — Jersey
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest— 17.54% (indirect)

             Company Name — Vodafone 4 B.V.
             Address — Rivium Quadrant 173, 15th Floor, 2909 LC, Capelle aan den IJssel, The

\\DC — 0024657000013 — 3408005 vi

              Tel No. —+31 10 498 77 11
              Jurisdiction of Formation — The Netherlands
              Principal Business —— Telecoms
              Interest — 17.54% (indirect)

              Company Name — Vodafone Luxembourg Sarl
              Address — 15 rue Edward Steichen, Luxembourg, 2540, Luxembourg
              Tel No. — +352 26 12 72
              Jurisdiction of Formation — Luxembourg
              Principal Business — Telecoms
              Interest — 17.54% ({indirect)

              Company Name — Vodafone International 1 Sarl
              Address — 15 rue Edward Steichen, Luxembourg, 2540, Luxembourg
              Tel No. — +352 26 12 72
              Jurisdiction of Formation — Luxembourg
              Principal Business — Telecoms
              Interest — 42.08% (indirect)

              Company Name — Vodafone Finance UK Limited
              Address — Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN, England
              Tel No, — +44 (0) 1635 6 73923
              Jurisdiction of Formation — England
              Principal Business — Telecoms
              Interest— 15.48% (indirect)

             Company Name — Vodafone Jersey Dollar Holdings Limited
             Address — Ogier House, The Esplanade, St. Helier, JE4 IWG, Jersey
             Tel No., ~ +44 1534 504000
             Jurisdiction of Formation — Jersey
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest —25.76% (indirect)

             Company Name — Vodafone Worldwide Holdings Limited
             Address — Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN, England
             Tel No. — +44 (0) 1635 33251
             Jurisdiction of Formation — England
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest —26.9% (indirect)

\}DC — 002465/000013 — 3408005 vi

              Company Name —— Vodafone Intermediate Enterprises Limited
              Address ~ Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN, England
              Tel No. —+44 (0) 1635 33251
              Jurisdiction of Formation — England
              Principal Business — Telecoms
              Interest — 100% (indirect)

              Company Name — Vodafone Limited
              Address — Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN, England
              Tel No. — +44 (0) 1635 33251
              Jurisdiction of Formation — England
              Principal Business — Telecoms
              Interest — 100% (indirect)

             Company Name — Vodafone 2
             Address — Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN, England
             Tel No. — +44 (0) 1635 33251
             Jurisdiction of Formation — England
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest — 100% (indirect)

             Company Name —— Vodafone Holdings Luxembourg Limited
             Address — Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN, England
             Tel No. —+44 (0) 1635 33251
             Jurisdiction of Formation — England
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest — 100% (indirect)

             Company Name — Vodafone Benelux Limited
             Address — Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN, England
             Tel No. — +44 (0) 1635 33251
             Jurisdiction of Formation — England
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest — 100% (indirect)

             Company Name — Vodafone International Holdings Limited
             Address — Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN, England
             Tel No. — +44 (0) 1635 6 73923
             Turisdiction of Formation — England
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest — 100% (indirect)

\}DC — 002465/000013 — 3408005 vi

              Company Name — Vodafone International Operations Limited
              Address — Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN, England
              Tel No. —+44 (0) 1635 6 73923
              Jurisdiction of Formation — England
              Principal Business — Telecoms
              Interest — 100% (indirect)

              Company Name — Vodafone European Investments
              Address — Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN, England
              Tel No. — +44 (0) 1635 6 73923
              Jurisdiction of Formation — England
              Principal Business — Telecoms
              Interest — 100% (indirect)

             Company Name — Vodafone Group Plc
             Address — Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN, England
             Tel No. — +44 (0) 1635 33251
             Jurisdiction of Formation — England
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest —— 100% (indirect)

             There are no other individuals or entities that hold a 10% or greater direct or indirect
             equity or voting interest in Vodafone Europe B.V. The ultimate parent of Vodafone
             Europe B.V., Vodafone, is a publicly—traded entity that has no 10% or greater

             Additional 10 Percent or Greater CWW—Controlled Shareholders in Cable & Wireless
             Americas Systems, Inc., the Licensee:"

             In addition, the following CWW—controlled entities currently hold and will continue to
             hold a 10 percent or greater interest in Cable & Wireless Americas Systems, Inc., the

             Company Name — Apollo Submarine Cable Systems, Limited
             Address — 90 Long Acre, London WC2E 9RA, United Kingdom

*      While not required under the Commission‘s Rules, see 47 C.F.R. §§1.767(a)(11) and (8),
Vodafone Europe B.V. is providing this information regarding 10 percent of greater
shareholdings in CWAS by CWW—controlled entities for convenience.
\\DC — 002465/000013 — 3408005 vi

              Tel No. — +44(0) 2073 798825
              Jurisdiction of Formation — England
              Principal Business — Telecoms
              Interest — 100% (direct)

              Company Name — Cable & Wireless Global Network Limited
              Address — Worldwide House, Western Road, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1RW, United
              Tel No. —+44(0) 1344 726542
              Jurisdiction of Formation — Ireland
              Principal Business — Telecoms
              Interest — 100% (indirect)

              Company Name — The Eastern Leasing Company Limited
              Address — Worldwide House, Western Road, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1RW, United
              Tel No. —+44 (0) 1344 726542
              Jurisdiction of Formation — England
              Principal Business — Telecoms
              Interest — 100% (indirect])

             Company Name — Cable & Wireless UK Holdings Limited
             Address — Worldwide House, Western Road, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1 RW, United
             Tel No. — +44 (0) 1344 726542
             Jurisdiction of Formation —— England
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest — 100% (indirect]

             Company Name — Cable & Wireless Worldwide ple
             Address — Worldwide House, Western Road, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1RW, United
             Tel No. — +44 (0) 1344 726542
             Jurisdiction of Formation — England
             Principal Business — Telecoms
             Interest — 100% (indirect)

\\DC — 002485/000013 — 2408008 va

              Section 63.18(h) — Interlocking Directorates:

              Erik Antonius Jacobus de Rijk is a director of the Transferee, Vodafone Europe B.V., and
              is Supervisory Board Chairman of Vodafone Libertel B.V., a wireless carrier in the

              Michel Marie Alain Combes is a director of Vodafone, the ultimate parent of the
              Transferee, and is Supervisory Board Chairman of Vodafone D2 GmbH, a wireless
              carrier in Germany.

              Section 63.18(i) — Certification Regarding Foreign Carrier Status and_ Foreign
              By its signature to this Application, Vodafone Europe B.V. certifies that it, or one or
              more of its affiliates, is a foreign carrier within the meaning of 63.09(d) of the
              Commission‘s Rules.     Upon consummation of the Transaction, Vodafone Europe B.V.
              will be affiliated with the following foreign carriers by virtue of Vodafone‘s control of at
              least 25% of the voting or equity interests of such foreign carriers:

       Country                              Carrier

       Albania                              Vodafone Albania Sh.A
       Australia                            Vodafone Hutchison Australia Pty Ltd
       Australia                            Cable & Wireless Global Business Services Pty Limited
       Austria                              Cable & Wireless Austria GmbH
       Bahrain                              Cable & Wireless Worldwide Bahrain WLL
       Belgium                              Cable & Wireless (Belgium) NV
       Czech Republic                       Vodafone Czech Republic A.S5.
       Democratic Republic of Congo         Vodacom Congo s.p.r.|
       Denmark                              Cable & Wireless Global A/S
       Egypt                                Vodafone Egypt Telecommunications SAE
       Fifi                                 Vodafone Fiji Ltd
       France                               Cable & Wireless SAS
       Germany                              Vodafone D2 Gmbh
       Ghana                                Ghana Telecommunications Company Ltd
       Greece                               Vodafone Panafon Helenic Telecommunications Company S.A.
       Hong Kong                            Cable & Wireless Global Network (Hong Kong) Limited
       Hong Kong                            Cable & Wireless Global (Hong Kong) Limited
       Hungary                              Vodafone Hungary Mobile Telecommunications Company Ltd
       India                                Vodafone India Ltd
       India                                Cable & Wireless Global {India) Private Limited
       India                                Cable & Wireless Networks India Pvt Limited
       treland                              Vodafone treland Ltd
       Ireland                              Cable & Wireless Global Limited
       Ireland                              Cable & Wireless Global Network Limited
       Italy                                Vodafone Omnitel NV

\}DC — 002465/000013 — 3408005 vi

        Italy                              Cable & Wireless SpA
        Kenya                              Safaricom Ltd
        Lesotho                            Vodacom Lesotho Pty Ltd
        Luxembourg                         Cable & Wireless Luxembourg SA
        Malta                              Vodafone Maita Ltd
       Mozambique                          VM S.a.r.l
       Netherlands                         Vodafone Libertel B.V.
       New Zealand                         Vodafone New Zealand Ltd
       Portugal                            Vodafone Portugal Comunicacoes Pessoais S.A.
       Romania                             Vodafone Romania S.A.
       Russia                              Cable & Wireless CIS Svyaz
       Singapore                           Cable & Wireless Regional Businesses (Singapore) Pte Limited
       Singapore                           Cable & Wireless Worldwide (Singapore) PTE Limited
       Singapore                           Cable & Wireless Global Pte Limited
       South Africa                        Vodacom Group Ltd
       South Africa                        Cable & Wireless Worldwide South Africa (Pty) Limited
       Spain                               Vodafone Espana S.A. U
       Spain                               Cable and Wireless SLU
       Sweden                              Cable & Wireless Sweden AB
       Switzerland                         Cable & Wireless Switzerland AG
       Tanzania                            Vodacom Tanzania Ltd
       Turkey                              Vodafone Telekomunikasyon A.S.
       Ukraine                             Cable & Wireless Ukraine Limited
       United Kingdom                      Energis Communications Limited
       United Kingdom                      Cable & Wireless Europe (UK) Limited
       United Kingdom                      Cable & Wireless UK Limited
       United Kingdom                      Apollo Submarine Cable Systems Limited
       United Kingdom                      Cable & Wireless Capital Limited
       United Kingdom                      Thus Limited
       United Kingdom                      Vodafone Ltd

             Section 63.18(J) — Certification Regarding Destination Markets:

             By its signature to this application, Vodafone Europe B.V. certifies that it or one or more
             of its affiliates currently and will continue to provide international telecommunications
             services in the U.K. and France, the destination markets of the Apollo Cable.

             Section 63.18(k) — Demonstration Regarding WTO Status, Market Power, and the
             Effective Competitive Opportunities Test:

             The U.K. and France are World Trade Organization members.

\\DC — ©02465/000013 — 3408005 vi

              Section 63.18(0) — Certification Regarding the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988:

              By its signature to this Application, Vodafone Europe B.V. certifies, pursuant to
              Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003
              (implementing the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 3301), that it is not subject
              to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of

(9)           Certification of Compliance:

             By its signature to this Application, Vodafone Europe B.V. certifies that it accepts and
             will abide by the routine conditions set forth in Section 1.767(g) of the Commission‘s
             Rules, 47 C.FER. § 1.767(g).

(10)          Streamlined Processing Request:

             Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined processing
             pursuant to Section 1.767(k)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(k)(2). In
             particular, in the cable destination markets of the Apollo Cable, the U.K. and France, the
             Applicants currently are not, and after consummation of the Transaction will not be,
             affiliated with any foreign carrier that exercises market power." Pursuant to Section
             63.10(a)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules, each of the Applicants‘ affiliates in the U.K. and
             France lack 50% market share in the fixed local access and international transport
             markets of those countries.

      iSee "The International Bureau Revises and Reissues the Commission‘s List of Foreign
Telecommunications Carriers that Are Presumed to Possess Market Power in Foreign
Telecommunications Markets," Public Notice, DA—07—233 (Jan. 26, 2007).
\\DC — 002465/000033 ~ 3408005 vi

  v.            CONCLUSION
                For the foregoing reasons, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

  convenience, and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Application.          Applicants

  respectfully request that the Commission grant this application on a streamlined basis to permit

  the parties to consuramate the Transaction as soon as possible.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                           M                .

                                                  CGener       unsel
                                                  Cable & Wireless Worldwide plc
                                                  Worldwide House
                                                  Western Road
                                                  Bracknell, Berkshire RGIZ 1RW
                                                  United Kinkdom
                                                  +44 (0) 1344 726542

                                                  Erik de Rijk
                                                  Vodafone E      e B.V.
                                                  Rivium Quadrahnt 173, 15th Floor
                                                  2909 LC Capelle aan den Issel
                                                  The Netherlands
                                                  +31 10498 7711

Date: June @ 2012

\ADC — 001443/000013 — 3408008 vs

Appendix A: Pre—Acquisition Organizational Chart

                Cable & Wireless Worldwide pic :;f:


                     Cable & Wireless UK
                       Holdings Limited
                     The Eastern Leasing
                      Company Limited
                       Cable & Wireless
                        Global Network


                      Apollo Submarine
                       Systems Limited*


                  Cable & Wireless Americas
                        Systems, Inc.

            * Apollo Submarine Cable Systems Limited is a
            joint venture between Cable & Wireless Global
            Network Limited and Alcatel Submarine Networks
            Ltd. (UK), which hold ownership stakes of 60%
            and 40%, respectively.

                                                        Appendix B: Post—Acquisition Organizational Chart

                           Vodafone Group Plc


                             Vodafone Eurapean
                              Investments (UK)


                            |Vodafone International
                              Operations Limited

Vodafone International                                             Vodafone Worldwide
   Holdings Limited                                                  Holdings Limited
         (UK)                                                              (UK)
                         Vedafone intermediate
           l—-73.1%        Enterprises Limited        -———————26.9%———I

                           Vodaphone Limited

                              Vodafone 2

                                                              Vodafone Hoklings
                                                              Luxembourg Limited

                                                                              Vodafone Benelux
                                                        Vodafone Jersey            77.92%
                         Vodafone Jersey Dollar          Yen Holdings
                            Holdings Limited               Unlimited
                                (Jersey)                   (Jersey)                            —
                                                               L              Vodafone Finance
                                 61.21%                          22.08%——        UK Limited
                                Vodafone                                        (UK)
                           International 1 Sarl                    38.79%——————I1

                         Vodafone Luxembourg

                            Vodafone 4 B.V.
                                                                                                          Cable & Wireless Worldwide
                           Vodafons 4 Limited                                                                         ple
                                (Jersey)                                                                            (UK)
                           Vodafone Americas                                                                          1
                             Finance 1 Inc.                                                                    Cable & Wiroless
         5§8.31%                                                                                                 UK Holdings
                                   t                                                                               Limited
                                 100%                                                                               (UK)
                           Vodafone Americas                                                                        10|0%
                             Finance 2 Inc.
                                  (US)                                                                           The Eastern
                                                                                                              Leasing Company
                                  100%                                                                             Limited
                           Vadafone Americas                                                                        (UK)
                              Holdings Inc.                                                                            T
                                  (US)                                                                                 1
                                                                                                               Cable & Wiraless
                                  100%                                                                          Global Network
                         Vodafone Americas Inc.                                                                     Limited
                                  (US)                                                                              (IRL)
                                  100%                                                                              etx
                         Vodafone International                                                                       I
                               Inc. (US)                                                                      Apollo Submarine
                                                                                                              Systems Limited®
                         Vodafone International                                                                     (UK)
                               B.V. (NL)                                                                              I
                                 42.08%                                                                               N
                         Vodafone Consofidated                                                                Cable & Wireless
                            Holdings Limited                                                               Americas Systems, Inc.
                                  (UK)                                                                              (US)
                         Vodafone Investments
         52.16%            Luxembourg Sarl
                                 (LUX)                                                                                       * Apollo Submarine Cable Systems Limited is a
                                                                                                                             joint venture between Cable & Wireless Global
                                 47.04%                                                                                      Network Limited and Alcatel Submarine Networks
                                                                                                                             Ltd. (UK), which hold ownership stakes of 60%
                         Vodafone Europe B.V.
                                                                                                                             and 40%, respectively.

                                    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing document was served this date upon the

Marlene Dortch                                      Ambassador Philip Verveer
Secretary                                           U.S. Coordinator
Federal Communications Commission                   EB/CIP
445 12th Street, S.W.                               U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC 20554                                2201 C Street, NW.
(via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)        Washington, D.C. 20520—5818
                                                    (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)
James Ball
International Bureau                                Kathy Smith
Federal Communications Commission                   Office of Chief Counsel/NTIA
445 12th Street, S.W.                               U.S. Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20554                                14th Street and Constitution Ave., N. W.
(via electronic mail to         Washington, D.C. 20230
                                                    {via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)
David Krech
International Bureau                                Hillary Morgan
Federal Communications Commission                   Defense Information Systems Agency
445 12th Street, S.W.                               Code RGC
Washington, DC 20554                                701 S. Courthouse Road
(via electronic mail to                             Arlington, VA 22204                                (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)

Susan O‘ Connell
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
(via electronic mail to

                                     J Pb
                                       Thomas Pirchio

June [3, 2012

\\DC — 002465/000013 — 3408008 vi

Document Created: 2012-06-14 12:57:14
Document Modified: 2012-06-14 12:57:14

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