Attachment notification transfe

notification transfe

LETTER submitted by Final Analysis Communications Services, Inc.

Notification Transfer of Control


This document pretains to SAT-T/C-20020125-00010 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                        RECEWED & INSPECTED
                                 ROSE & ASSOCIATES, LLC                                        mMay 01 2002
                                              ATTORNEYS AT LAW
                                           50 W. EDMONSTON DRIVE
                                                   SUITE 600                              FCC — MAILROOM
                                          ROCKVILLE, MARYLAND 20852

    Cheryl E. Rose                                       |                                        Telephone (301) 838—2010
    Diana C. Theologou                                         .                        ~~ *      Facsimile: (301) 738—9492

    Admitted to Practice in MD                                              RSre[voee

                                                  April 22, 2002          Ms ¢ &       2009
$                                                                                        V

    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                             Seetig
    Secretary                                                          Nlernsi,f:n!;?}é,
    Federal Communications Commission
    445 12"" Street, S.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554

              Re:       Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc., Application for Consent to Transfer
                        Control from the Estate of Final Analysis, Inc. to New York Satellite Industries,
                        LLC; FileNo#SAT—1/C—20020125—00010
    Dear Madam Secretary:

            I am the transferor in the above—referenced application, and I support the expeditious
    grant of the application. I have been requested by the transferee to respond to the comments
    filed April12, 2002, on behalf of Mr. Michael Ahan, opposing the transfer.

           As previously disclosed to the, FCC on September 4, 2001, a petition for an mvoluntary
    Chapter 7 bankruptcy was filed in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of
    Maryland for Final Analysis, Inc. ("FAI"), then the parent corporation of FCC licensee Final
    Analysis Communication Services, Inc. ("FACS"). On February 7, 2002, the FCC granted
    approval for the pro forma transfer of control of FACS to me, as Trustee for the Estate of FAL.

            I had solicited bids from interested parties and third parties to acquire certain assets of:
    FAI, including the stock that FAI owned of FACS (together, the "FAI Asset"). There were
    multiple hearings before the Court regarding the availability of information about the FAI asset
    to third parties. On January 11, 2002, I presented to the Court the bid that I considered to be the
    best offer for the FAI Asset. ‘Mr. Ahan, in his individual capacity and a corporation in which he
    has substantial control ("Protolex LLC") was an active participant in the bid process. Mr. Ahan
    filed and prosecuted objections to the sale process and submitted a b1d with certain colleagues,
    under thename of"Star New" to purchasethe FAI Asset

                                                     ROSE & ASSOCIATES, LLC
                                                                         ATTORNEYS AT LAW

Madam Secretary                                                                                        —
April 22, 2002                                                                      RECEIVED & INSPECTED
Page 2
                                                                                           MAYy 0 1 2002
                                                                                     FCC — MAILROOM
        During the hearing to approve the sale of the FAI Asset, the Court heard testimony and
legal argument regarding the importance of a timely conclusion of the sale process. Judge Keir,
the bankruptcy judge who conducted the hearing on the sale of the FAI Asset, heard the:
testimony of Mr. Ahan and directly questioned Mr. Ahan regarding his objections to the
proposed sale. In response to the Court‘s questions, Mr. Ahan testified that he believed that the
sale should proceed, and he agreed that a prompt resolution of the sale was in the best interest of
FACS and FAI‘s creditors. Indeed, the Court concluded the sale in an expeditious manner in
order to preserve the status of the FCC license, which was deemed the most valuable component
of the FAI Asset, for the purchaser.

         After considering the objections of various parties and hearing legal argument, the Court
held an auction in which bidders were presented with a final opportunity to present their highest,
best and final bid. The Court conducted a fair and open sale of the FAI asset, and the Court
approved the sale of the FAI Asset from the FAI Estate to New York Satellite Industries, LLC

         On January 14, 2002 and pursuant to the bid process stated by the Court on January 11,
2002, I executed a Bill of Sale in favor of NYS. However, at present, the Estate has retained.
control over the FACS stock and the FACS license. The Estate is prepared to execute
documentation transferring control to NYS (or its designees) after receiving a request to do so
from NYS or its agents, which request is expected to be received after the FCC has issued an
order consenting to the transfer of control of the FACS license from the Estate to NYS (or its
designee).         it     enetin   oiahioe i                                                 oominte

       In conclusion, I support the application filed by NYS, and I encourage the FCC to grant
the prompt approval of the pending application.


                                                  Chuczl E L¥
                                               Cheryl E. Rose, Chapter 7 Trustee for the
                                                Estate of Final Analysis, Inc.

Document Created: 2012-11-15 14:51:52
Document Modified: 2012-11-15 14:51:52

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