Attachment GRANT


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20050526-00109 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                              »STh—220 —col 4
                                                                             CitSin S224 on pae Boly            &, 4s
                                                                             (orothrideniien         Appoved by OMB
                                                                                           1 iD            3060—0678
                                                                 NTED             Tulg, 2Ytmi~  Sem_20, Zrok
Date & Time Filed: May 26 2005 4ct8:16:690PM
File Number: SAT—STA—20050526—00100                                      !          %                            O// /Gitefpe
Callsign:                                                                                 ol bMebrs)              Gigtsecn
                                                                                                                       say cCoun
                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONCoMMISSION

                                                     ror OFRICIAL UsE ONLY

Hntera description of this appliation to identify t on the main menu:
 DIRECTV Ent. DIRECTV8 STA 100.65 WL (Ka—band)
1. Applicant
            Name:     DIRECTV Enerprises, LLC            Phone Number:                    aro—r26—0003
            DBA Name:                                    Fax Number:                      aro—s3s—s00
            Street:   2230 K. Imperial Huy               E—Mail                           dopatillo@directcom

            Ciy:         El Sezundo                      Sate:                            ca
            Country:      USA                            Zipeode:                         sous       —
            Aftention:   DavidA. Patilo


                                   DIRECTV 8
                     SAT—STA—20050526—00108 (Call Sign: $2632)
                     SAT—STA—20050526—00109 (Call Sign: 2132)

                                         July 8, 2005

DIRECTV Enterprises, LL.C.‘s (DIRECTV) applications for special temporary authorty
(STA), TBFS File No. SAT—STA—20050526—00108 and SAT—STA—20050526—00109, ARE
GRANTED. Accordingly, DIRECTV is authorized for a period of 180 days commencing
on July 24, 2005 on a non—interference basis (1) to operate Tracking, Telemetry, and
Command ("TT&C") functions in the 17307 MH (Earth—to—Space) and 12203.25 and
12203.75 MHz (Space—to—Earth) frequencies at the 100.65° W.L.. orbital location and (2)
to operate the Ka—band communications payload in the 18.3 — 18.8 GHz (space—to—Earth),
28.35 — 28.6 GHz (Rarth—to—space), 19.7— 20.2 GH (space—to—Earth) and 29.25—30.0
GHz (Earth—to—space) frequency bands on the DIRECTV 8 satellte at the 100.65° W.L.
orbital location in accordance with the terms, conditions, and technical specifications set
forth in its application, the Commission‘s rules and this Attachment; and
1. During operations at 100.65° W.L. no harmfulinterference shall be caused by
DIRECTV—8 to any other lawhlly operating in—orbit satellite and operations ofthe
DIRECTV—8 satellte shall cease immediately upon notification of such interference.
2. During operations at 100.65° W.L. DIRECTV is required to accept interference from
other lawfully operating in—orbit satellites.
3. Any action taken or expense incurred as a result ofoperations pursuant to this special
authority is solely at DIRECTV‘s own risk.
4. This action is without prejudice to Commission action on DIRECTV‘s pending
applications SAT—MOD—20050513—00100 and SAT—MOD—20050513—00101 (secking
authorization to operate at 100.75°W).

5. This grantis ssued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release.

2. Conter

            Name:      Willam M. Wilshire                  Phone Number:                    an2—730—1350
            Companys   Haris, Wiltshire & Grannis, LLP     Fax Number:                      anz~rs0—1301

            Street:     1200 18thStreet, NW                r—m                    

                       12th Floor
            Ciy:       Washington                          State:                            nc
            Country:    USA                                Zipcode:                         2one ~
                                                           Relationship:                    Legal Counsl

  (1fyour applicaion i elaed o anappication fied with he Commission, ontethe fil. number blow )
  3. Reference File Number
 ‘n. i aTe submited with this applcation?
@ 1f¥es,complete and atach FCC Form 159.      If No, indcatereason for fee exemption (see 47 C ‘RSection 11114
( Governmental Entity ) Noncommercial educationl heenice
@ Olhertpleasc cplain}
(tb Fee Classiication CRY — Space Station(Geostationary)
5. Type Request
@ ChingeSution Location                       @ Extend Expiration Date                     g Oher

6 Temporary Orbit Location                                          7. Requested Extended Expiration Date
       1o0.65 wi.

8. Descrip    (Ift complete descritiondoes noappearin this bav, lease go to the end oftheform to view i in ts entircy.)
      DIRRCTV Enterprises, LLC requests special tenporary authority to operate the Ka—band
      payload of DIRECTY 8 at 100.65 #.L. for up to 180 days beginning on or about June 24th,

9. By checking Ves, the undersigned certies thatneither aplicant norany other party to the aplication is subject @ Yes   gy No
to a denial ofFederal benefits thatincludes FCC benefis pursuanttoSetion5301 ohe Anti~Drug Act of 1988,
21 U.S.C. Setion $62, becauseof a comviction for possessionor distibation of a contrlledsubstance. See 47 CFR
1,2002(b)forthe meaningof&quotart to theapplication&quot, fothse purpose.

10. Name of Person Signing                                           11. Tiof roson Signing
James Butemsorth                                                     Scnior VicePresident
12 Please supply any need atachments
 Atachment 1:      ioiA                        Atachment 2:                                  Atachment3

                (US, Code, Tite 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                 (U.S, Code,Tie 47, Seetion 312(a)(1), AND/OR FORFETTURE (U.S. Code, Tile 47, Sction 503.

ree Nomice requred By TiE mrEkWoRk REDUCTION Act
"The public eporting forthis collctionofnformation is estimated to average 2 hours per esponse,including th time for reviewing instrations,
searching existingdata sources, gathering and maintaining the required data,and completing and reviewing the colletion ofinformation. Ifyou
have any comments onthis burden estimate,orhow we can improve the colletion and reduce the burdeit auses you, please wrte t he
Federal Communications Commission, AMD~PERM, Paperwork Reducton Project (3060—0678), Washinaton, DC20854, We willalso accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspectsofthis collction via theIntemct iyou send them PLEASE

Remember—You arenot required to respand toa collection oinformationsponsored by the Federal government, and the goverment may not
conduct or sponsor thicllection, unless it displaysa curenty vaid OMB contrl number oifwe filto provide you with his natice. This
collection has beenassigned an OMB control number of 3060—067%.

1, 1995, 44 Us.C. SECTION 3s07.

                                                                        imomorrmnant stt w
  HARNS‘                                                                wasimarone awie

 VC 0                                                                   re SHgind namireme
 GRANNIS us                                                             anomers ariaw

                                      May 26, 2005

Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelth Street, 5.
Washington, DC 20554
       Re:    Requestfor Special Temporary Authorityfor the Ka—band Payload on
              DIRECTV 8 ar 100.5° W.L.
              Call Sign: $2132
Dear Ms. Dortch:
       DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (*DIRECTV") hereby requests Special Temporary
Authority (‘STA")to operate the Ka—band communications payload on DIRECTV 8 at
the 100.65° W.L. orbital location for up to 180 days beginning approximately June 24,
2005. Because DIRECTV 8 has been launched and ts licensed orbital location atthe
nominal 101° W.L. position is currently oecupied, DIRECTV respectfully requests
expedited action on this request
        DIRECTV 8, a hybrid satellte with both Ka—band and Direct Broadcast Satelite
(DBS") payloads, was successfully launched on May 22, 200. Its lcensed orbital
location is 100.85° W.L., which curenty falls within the station keeping baxes covered
by both DIRECTV 1R (100.85° W.L. + 0.05®) and DIRECTV 2 (100.8°W.L.. + 0.1®)
‘The remainder ofthe nominal 101° W.L.orbitallocation is also highly congested, with
four more satelites (DIRECTV 1, DIRECTV 48, AMSC—1, and AMC—4)operating in
close provimity.
        DIRECTV 8 will eventually replace DIRECTV2,at which time DIRECTV 2 can
be moved out ofthis location to free up space for the new satelite. However, DIRECTV
has not yet had an opportunity to conduct in—orbit testing (*IOT") of the spacecrat‘s DBS
paslaad, whichis a necessary precursor to transferring trific from DIRECTV 2.
DIRECTV will be able to confirm the operational status of DIRECTV 8‘s Ka—band

Hawus, Wirsime& Grannisiur
Mariene H. Dontch
NMay 24, 2008
Page 2 of2
pasload before it arrives at the 101° W.L. sot," and so intends to operate in that band
immediately upon ts arival. DIRECTV is in the process of finaliing arrangements for
conducting IOT using the Canadian BSS slot at 138° W.L.atsome point over the next
several months. Accordingly, DIRECTV requests an STA to locate DIRECTV 8 at
100.65° W.L. and operate the Ka—band payload for up to 180 days in the nterim period
between arrivalathe nominal 101° W.L. location and temporary relocation to conduct
pas 107.
        Operation ofthe Ka—band payload of DIRECTV 8 at 100.65° W.L.willnotresult
in harmfulinterference to adjacent satellitesatthose positions. The DIRECTV Group,
Inc. holds the Ka—band authorization forthe nearest slot(99.2° W.L.),and DIRECTV
intends to selfcoordinate ts operations to minimize any disruption.. All other operational
Ka—band satelites are located more than two degrees away from the location proposed for

       Grant ofthis STA request will serve the public iterest by allowing DIRECTV to
begin Ka—band operations at the nominal 101° W.L. orbital bcation as soon as possible
while avoiding a potentially hazardous situation at a congested sot. In adition, grant of
this STA request will not resultin increased risk of harmful interference to any other
system, as DIRECTV wl operate on a nor—harmful interference basis.
        Accordingly, DIRECTV requests the expeditious grant of special temporary
                                             Respectfully submited,

                                             William M. Wiltshire
                                             Counsel to DIRECTVEnterprises, LLC

*   DIRECTV has sought an STA forKa—band opertionsatthe 102.8° W.L. and 99.2° W.L
    orbtal locations prio t reaching the nomina101° W.L. location. See FCC File No. SAT—
    STA—20050506—0009. That application is unopposed.

Document Created: 2005-07-08 15:01:45
Document Modified: 2005-07-08 15:01:45

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