Attachment application


OTHER submitted by SIRIUS



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20010724-00064 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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      Satelite Radio

snn mmueot e anercss
      Kewton Nr wos                                   July 24, 2001
        w sustesce
        hi anstesioo

              Ms. Magalie Roman Salas
           Federal Communications Commission
           The Portals
           445 12th Street, SW
           Washington, DC 20554
                           Re:   IB Docket No. 95—91; Request for Special Temporary Authority to
                                 Operate Satellite DARS Terrestrial Repeaters

          Dear Ms. Salas:

                   Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.(‘Siius"), one ofthe two satelltedigital audio radio service
          (‘satellite DARS") icensees in the United States, requests special temporary authority ("STA")
          pursuant to Section 25.120 ofthe Federal Communications Commission‘s ("FCC" or
          "Commission") Rules!to operate terrestrial repeaters in 104 sites in connection with ts satellte
          DARS system. STA is requested for 180 days or until such time as the Commission issues final
          rules goveming the use ofsatellite DARS terrestrial repeaters.® Grant of Sirius® STA request
          would serve the publiinterest by allowing Sirius imminently to initiate uniformly high quality
          commercial satellite DARS programming nationwide. Attached is a FCC Form 159, with a
          check payable to the Federal Communications Commission in the amount of $145.00."
                  Sirius seeks STA to use itsterrestrial repeater stations to provide signal coverage to arcas
          where itssatellte transmissions are blocked or subject to severe multipath interference,

          4         47 CR §25.120

          *      Establishment ofRules and Policiesfor the Digital Audio Radio Satellite Service in the
          2310—2360 MFHz Frequency Band, 12 ECC Red 5754, S810—12 (1997) (Report and Order
          Memorandum Opinion and Order and Further Notice ofProposed Rulemaking) (‘Terrestrial
          Repeater NPRMY).
          *        Sirius is filing this STA request consistent with the Commission‘s procedures for blanket
          U.S. mobile satellite earth stations because the Commission has proposed to authorize operation
          of satellite DARS terrestrial repeaters using that same authorization process.

particularly in so—called ‘urban canyons‘ between tall buildings. In order to limit the effects of
such signal blockage, Sirius, in its initial application, and consistently since that time, has
proposed to use terrestrial repeaters to augment space station service in certain locations. The
Commission acknowledged in the grant of Siius‘ license that terrestrial repeaters were a key
component of the intended service." Furthermore, the Commission has expressly defined the
satellite DARS service to include such terrestrial augmentation*

         Sirius has been operating a system of terrestrial epeaters since October 14, 1999 pursuant
to its experimental license, call sign WAZXXE." Sirius expects to continue to employ its
experimental icense to complete testing ofits service nationwide. Sirius has not received any
interference complaints as a result of ts operation of the repeaters under experimental authority,
and now simply seeks to use this nationwide system ofrepeaters to provide commercial service
to its customers.
        Aftached as Exhibit A is a list ofsites in which Sirius secks to operate terrestrial repeaters
pursuant to this STA. Sirius has also included the following information for each ofthe high
power (EIRP between greater than 10 kW and 40 kW) and medium power (EIRP between greater
than 2 kW and 10 kW) repeaters it seeks to operate at each ofthese sites:"
(1) geographic coordinates; (2) antenna type; (3) antenna orientation; (4) antenna radiation

*     Petition ofSatellite CD Radio, Inc. For Amendment ofSection 2.106 And Part 25 Of The
Commission‘s Rules To Establish A Satellite And Terrestrial CD Quality Broadcasting Service,
SAT—LOA—19900518—00037 (May18, 1990).

5_     Sarellite CD Radio, Inc., Applicationfor Authority o Construct, Launch, and Operate
 Two Satelites in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service, 13 FCC Red 7971, 7994 (1997)
(Order and Authorization), modfied by 16 FCC Red (2001).

*       Satellite DARS is defined as "a) radiocommunication service in which audio
programming is digitally transmitted by one or more space stations directly to fixed, mobile,
and/or portable stations, and which may involve complementary repeating terrestrial
transmitters." 47 C.FR. § 25.201. See also Terrestrial Repeater NPRM, 12 FCC Red at 5770
(stating "{iJt has been widely known and discussed in the record that DARS providers will need
to rely on terrestrial repeaters and gap fllers").
*      See Experimental Radio Station Construction Permit and Licensefor Satellite CD Radi,
Inc, Call Sign WAZXXE (File No. 0037—EX—ML—2000) (July 5, 2000); Sarellie CD Radio, Inc.,
Application to Modify Experimental Authority (Giled June 13, 2000); Experimental Radio Station
Construction Permit and Licensefor Satellite CD Radio,Inc., Call Sign WAZXXE (File No.
0252—EX—ML—1999) (Oct. 14, 1999); Sarellie CD Radio, Inc., Applicationfor Experimental
Authority (Filed Sept. 21, 1999).
+      STA is requested for 151 high and medium power terrestrial repeaters in 104 sites
because Sirius employs sector antennas.

    pattem vertical downtlt; (5) total EIRP; and (6) height Above Ground Level (AGL}." Attached
    as Exhibit B are antenna specification sheets for each of the antenna types described in Exhibit

            Grant of Siius‘ request for STA would clearly serve the publicinterest. STA would
    allow Sirius to incorporate terrestrial repeaters in itsinitial commercial rollout thus ensuring
    there would be no further delayin nationwide deployment, and no reduction in the quality of
    service. Grant of the STA would allow the public to take advantage of long—awaited satellte
DARS service, offering both an increase in listening choices and greatly improved digital quality
        As the Commission is well aware, one decade has passed since Siius filed its inital
application to construct,lunch, and operate a satellite DARS system. Sirius has successfully
aunched all ofits satellites, and now holds all the FCC authorizations currently required to
provide satellite DARS programming to the public. However, the FCC has not yet issued final
rules governing operation of our terrestrial repeaters.
        Sirius has established that is terrestrial repeaters will not cause harmful intefference to
other radio services." Nevertheless, Sirius will immediately cease operations of a repeater
operating pursuant to STA upon notification ofinterference to a lawhully operated
radiocommunication station. Sirius‘ repeaters also will not (1) originate any original
programming, (2) transmit signals other than those used by its satellites or (3) extend satelite
DARS coverage outside ofthe satellites® authorized service area."" Sius certifies that the out—of.
band emissions of these terrestrialrepeaters will be attenuated below the transmitted EIRP by no
less than 75 + 10 log (P).
        In accordance with Part 17 ofthe Commission‘s Rules, Sirius has or will notify the
Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") of antenna structures for which such notification is
required. 47 C.RR. § § 17.7—17.17. Sirius hereby certifies that operation of these repeaters will
not have a significant environmental effect, as defined by 47 C.F.R. § § 1.1301—1.1319, and that
no party to this application is subject to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of
the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862(a).

*          Sirius has not included this information for the low power repeaters (%e., EIRP of 2 kW
or less)it seeks to operate pursuant to this STA.

*      In the Matter ofEstablishnent ofRules and Policiesfor the Digital Audio Radio Service
in 2310—2360 MHz Frequency Band, Supplemental Comments ofSirius Satellte Radio (Jon. 18,
i          Terrestrial Repeater NPRM, 12 ECC Red at 5845—46 (Appendix C).

       Ifthere are any questions concerning this request, please do not hesitate to contact the

                                             Sincerely,                        «

                                              JEX . rmaiore~.
                                             Robert D. Briskman
                                             Technical Exccutive
                                             Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.

       T hereby certify that a true and correct copy ofthe foregoing Request for Special
Temporary Authority to Operate Satellite DARS Terrestrial Repeaters was delivered
via hand—delivery, on this 24" day ofJuly, 2001 to each othe following:

Donald Abelson                                    Ron Repasi
Intemational Bureau                               Intemational Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfh Street, S.W. Room 6—C750               445 Twelft Street, S.W., Room 6—A50
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554
Chris Murphy                                      Jennifer Gilsenan
Intemational Bureau                               Intemational Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfh Street, S.W. Room 6—C437               445 Twelft Street,S.W., Room 6—A520
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

                                                  laudia L. Carta


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HMD Series Antennas for MMDS/ITFS and
Wireless Cable Applications

                                               + Pressurtabls radome encised fo long,
                                                voublree ie
                                               + Excaten VSWR parormance
                                                    1381 maxfor W.tund
                                                    151 m for othertendts
                                               * Ootimizedbram ot
                                                    05 "Sundart for 8. 12. and 15 tay
                                                    025 *Stondant for 24 and 32 bay
                                                    Oters vatatle on reauest
                                               + #igh pover haraing — 200 wous ypal
                                               + Wide selcton ofrequency bands and paterms
                                               + Horzonta or vriea polarzaron
                                                Sutabe for anaig or dgial vansmision
                                               + MA or cxcetent comeage

                                               Standard Mounting Configurations
   wyere                                                                                es
                                                                         o#\ [
    * \‘_L                                n
                                                   1nemm0n           #                  *

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                                                       meentpeo                 Top Haried t
           Tpot                  Sut o Tome             Heu Tpe t                Topol fmer
                                               Ks greittTopant Bortm of
                                                MourforAddtona Support

 HMD Series Antennas
 Elevation Patterns

                                               HEECBr:ser s i: &

                                                                                                                eEEE fresir t n t

     pp d D3 E:

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                                                                        § 5.608 04

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                  * Arge ton rrvonas Omzem *

"‘Anpare.                                  Ccaseerte GonrCat t im n + USA Comtend ies 00400
 Aomws sor

                                             HMD Series Antennas
                                               Azimuth Patterns

un onon> amnl esnt + wetmnionan n   it wmnimecn

                         Listfor Andrew Antennas for Sirius Radio Deployment

     Audrew                                    Power    Input     Null      E—Plane     Total         Radome
   Corporation                                  Gain    Power     Fill   Beamyidih(3   Leagth. Weight Diam.
     Products         Product Description       (aBd     (wh      (%)        ab)        (in)   (bs)    (in)
                                               «s oecree antenna.
                 T3 daiges %a.Patom,Uaps.
                 Verical Polatzaton, Standard
                 Beamt (05 deg), 2300 —2500
                 Mz Froq. Band, 50 Oben, G" EIA         1o0ow
hmuosvesn0s      Fiange, 1.36:t Max VoWR        18006    (rms)    None    70—7 5 deg    Sm     some    &

                                                so oecree antenna
                 60 degree Aumuth patien,8 Bays,
                 Verical Polarzaton.Standord
                 Beamit 0. deg), 2300—2500
                 MHtz Froq,Band, 50 Obm, 78" E1A       1000 w
mwosveonos1      Flange,1.3 :t Max vown          1704@ (rms)      None    70—75deg      sn     aome    _5

                                               so vecnee anrenna
                 %0 dogres As.Pavem, 6 Boya.
                 Verical Polatzation, Standard
                 Beamut (0 5 deg, 2300 —2500
                 ie Freq.Band, 50 Obm, G"EA            1eco w
mwoevso—nos ts   Flange. 1.30:1 Max. Vown      1604 (rms) None            1.0—7.5deg    sm___aoms      _5

                            List for Andrew Antennas for Sirius Radio Deployment

                                                   120 oecnee anrenna
                   T2% dogres Aumum patem, 6
                   Bays, VericalPolatzabon,
                   Standard Bearmit(0.5 dog , 2300
                   2500 Nite Freq. Band, 50 Ohrm,
                   6‘ E1A Flonge, 1.30 :1 Max              d
bmoevizenos        ___vswr                         18040 ms)       None           7.0—75deg     sn    aome   _5

                                                     160 vecnee antenna
                   T60 depres Auram paten, 6
                   Bays, Verical Poazaton,
                   Standard Bearit(05 deg . 2300 —
                   2500 MHe Freq, Band. 50 Obm,
                   T16 EUA Flange, 1.30 :t Max          1000 w
bmuevicosose       vsur                            1504 (ma)              WNone   7.0—7.5 deg   sm    aome   _5
                                                     1   oecnee antenna

                   100 degree Arimutn potiom, 8
                   Bays, Vertcal Polazation,
                   Standard Beamt (0.5 deg ), 2300
                   2500 Ne Freq. Band, 50 Ohim,
                      T E1A Flange, 1.3 @1 Max.              tooo w
hmuosevieonos «s vsur                                140404 (rms)         Nore    10— 15 deo    s     ame    5
Note: Al Direciional (ector) Aniennas come with Type °CMount
                                                         onnt anrenmias
                    ns patem, 8 Gays. Sandare
                    Beamiit (05 deg). Verical
                    Polatzation, 2300—2500 Mz
                    Freq, Baod, 50 Ofmn,7REIA                 1000 w
hnosvseo.nos        Fiange, 15 :t Max vSur           11540     (ms)       Nlone   70—75de9      «o_   some   s
Note:All Omantennas come with Type ‘A‘ Mount (for Top instatation)

Boresigh Gain000
Frontto Rock: 002 08
#..Beammath : 30000                     V. Beamnigh :742

docitelPamer 20
Copyrht 2000 Nortmood Technologes inc

  Beresght Gain 000
= Emntio Backs 1248 08
  1. Beamnan : 825                         V. Beammiah : 142"

   tecitel Pamner 20
   Copyight 2000 Nortwood Technobogas nc

Boresigh Gain: 1062
Frent o Back: 1008 00
11. Beamwith :00 757                     V. Beamigh :742

grail Pamer 20
Ceryight 2000 Nortwnod Technologies nc

Document Created: 2005-09-28 17:23:11
Document Modified: 2005-09-28 17:23:11

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