Attachment application.pdf

This document pretains to SAT-STA-19960815-00104 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                           Approved by OMB
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  Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.

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  Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.

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                                                         See public burden estimate on reverse.                                                       ~"C FORM 169



                                              August 14,    1996

Federal Communications Commission
Satellite and Radiocommunication Division
P.O. Box 358160
Pittsburgh,               Pennsylvania        15251—5160

Attention: Fern J. Jarmulnek, Chief
           Satellite Policy Branch

           Re:        Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. Request for Further
                      Special Temporary Authority for Its SBS—4 Fixed Service

Dear Ms.           Jarmulnek:

           Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.                  ("HCG"),        licensee of the
SBS—4 fixed—service satellite, hereby requests a further grant of
special temporary authority to continue to operate that satellite
at its current location of 77° W.L. for an additional period of
180 days.

           On August 29,             1994, HCG filed an application for modification
of the license of SBS—4 to extend the satellite‘s license term,
or, alternatively, for special temporary authority to continue to
operate the satellite for a period of 180 days following the
expiration of the satellite‘s license term.l                            HCG‘s application was
placed on public notice on September 14,                           1994,2 and NBC
subsequently filed comments in support of the application.                                        The
Commission has not yet ruled on the application.

           Since the 180—day period requested in HCG‘s original STA
request was about to expire, HCG requested a further grant of
authority on February 28, 1995, to continue operating the
satellite for an additional 180 days.                        HCG subsequently filed
requests for further grants of special temporary authority
approximately every 180 days.  Now that the 180—day period that

           ‘Hughes Communications Galaxy,                  Inc., FCC File Nos. 59—DSS—ML—
94,     60—DSS—STA—94.

           2Common Carrier Services Information, Report No. DS—1457
(released Sept.                14,   1994).                                  HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                                               RO. Box 9712, Long Beach, California 90810—9928
                                                                                      Telephone 310.525.5000

Federal Communications Commission
August 14,   1996
Page 2

HCG last requested is expiring, HCG requests further authority to
continue operating the satellite for an additional 180—day period.

     As HCG stated in its original application, its ten—year
license term for SBS—4 has expired.  Pursuant to Commission
authorization, SBS—4 was launched on August 29, 1984, and
successfully placed into geosynchronous orbit on approximately
September 7, 1984.  The satellite was put into service in November
1984, and it has operated successfully to date.  Pursuant to
Commission approval, SBS—4 was moved to 77° W.L. in February 1993 .

     At the 77° W.L. location, SBS—4 is fully dedicated to the NBC
network.  HCG‘s business arrangement with NBC allows NBC to
utilize SBS—4 until the end of the satellite‘s useful life.  In
order to conserve fuel and prolong the useful life of the
satellite, and pursuant to Commission authority,3 HCG is operating
the satellite in an inclined orbit.  HCG currently estimates that
SBS—4 has sufficient fuel remaining to continue to provide service
for approximately eight and one—half more years.

     HCG has proposed to continue to operate the SBS—4 satellite
within the terms of its current license.   Specifically, HCG has
requested that the Commission modify the license for SBS—4 to
extend HCG‘s license term at 77° W.L.   In the past, the Commission
has concluded that granting an application for modification of a
satellite‘s license term to extend operating authority beyond the
original term serves the public interest by "provid[ing] an
opportunity for the public to continue receiving services" from
the satellite.4   HCG has urged the Commission to reach the same
result here.   In the alternative, HCG has requested that the
Commission grant it an STA for a period of 180 days (the maximum
time permitted under the Commission‘s rules") so that it may
continue to operate SBS—4 following the expiration of its license,
and it hereby renews that request.

      HCG acknowledges that, in the recent C and Ku band processing
round, the Commission assigned the 77° W.L. orbital location that
SBS—4 presently occupies to Loral Space and Communications Ltd.

     Hughes Communications Galaxy,   Inc.,   9 FCC Red 2155   (1994) .

     4American Telephone & Telegraph Co.,    8 FCC Red 8741   (1993) .

     547 C.F.R.     § 25.119(b) .

Federal Communications Commission
August 14,    1996
Page 3

for the Loral 2 hybrid (C and Ku band) satelliteS® and that, upon
the launch of the Loral 2 satellite into the 77° W.L. orbital
location,    HCG will need to relocate the SBS—4 satellite.

     Grant of HCG‘s request will serve the public interest,
convenience, and necessity.  It will allow HCG to continue to
provide essential, valuable satellite services over SBS—4 without
disruption to the NBC network and without requiring NBC to repoint
all of its earth stations.  Significantly, grant of HCG‘s further
STA request will not have any adverse effect on other users of the
orbital arc.

      Accordingly, HCG requests a further grant of special
temporary authority to continue to operate its SBS—4 satellite at
77° W.L. for an additional period of 180 days.

   _   The undersigned certifies on behalf of HCG that neither HCG
nor its parent company, Hughes Communications, Inc. ("HCI"), nor
any of the officers or directors of HCG or HCI, is subject to a
denial of federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to
Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                 HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS GALAXY,   INC.

                                 By :     /
                                        Scott B. Tollefsgen
                                        Vice President, General Counsel
                                        and Secretary

      OAssignment of Orbital Locations to Space Stations in the
Domestic Fixed—Satellite Service, DA 96—713 (released May 7,
1996) .

                                              LATHAM & WATKINS
    paut R. warkins ussscie7s)                      ATTORNEYS AT LAW                              JrrsEy
      DANA LATHAM 18 98—1974)
                                                 1001 PENNSYLVANIA AVE., N.W.                    onE NEWARK CENTER
                                                                                           NewaARK, NEW uersey o7ioi—a174
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                                                                                             TELEPHoNE (212) eo6—1200
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     TeLEPHoNE (ala) a4os—4234                                                                7oi ‘a" staret, suite 2100
         rax «@iarsore7es
                                                     August 15, 1996                      saN bicGo, CALIFORNIA ©zi0f—8i97
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       moscow, RussiA i17i9e                                                                    rRancisco
   TeLEPHoNE + 7—803 ose—ssss                                                            sos monTeomERy sTREET, suITE 1900
       rax + 7—50a ase—ssso                                                             san FRaNciSCO, caLifoRNiA ©4ili—2502
                                                                                             TELEPHONE (4is) a9i—0800
                                                                                                 Fax cais) 305—8008

          Federal Communications Commission
          International Bureau —— Satellites
          P.O. Box 358210
          Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251—5210

          Attn: Fern J. Jarmulnek, Chief, Satellite Policy Branch

                             Re:     Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. Request for Further Special

          Dear Ms. Jarmulnek:

                            Enclosed on behalf of Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc., licensee of the
          SBS—4 fixed—service satellite, are an original and four copies of a request for a further grant of
          Special Temporary Authority to continue to operate that satellite at its current location of
          77° W.L. for an additional period of 180 days. Also enclosed are an FCC Form 159 and a check
          for $575.00 in payment ofthe filing fee for this STA request. The enclosed request contains an
          Anti—Drug Abuse Act Certification.

                            Please contact me if you have any questions.

                                                              Very truly yours,

                                                              Teresa D. Baer

          ce (w/enclosures):
                   FCC Columbia Operations Center
                   Kathleen Campbell (hand delivered)

Document Created: 2016-11-15 16:30:55
Document Modified: 2016-11-15 16:30:55

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