Hiber ODAR Supplemen

LETTER submitted by Hogan Lovells US LLP

Supplement to ODAR


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20180910-00069 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                     Supplement to Orbital Debris Assessment Report
Provided below are the responses of Hiber, Inc. (“Hiber”) to questions from the
International Bureau regarding the company’s orbital debris assessment report (“ODAR”).

      1. Please provide the inputs/assumptions that were used in your orbital calculation
The first TLEs derived for Hiber-1 and Hiber-2 are presented below. They’re used to baseline
the initial parameters of the satellites.

1 43744U 18096AB 18334.16184889 .00016808 00000-0 64911-3 0 9997
2 43744 97.4873 39.1532 0018371 328.7415 122.9043 15.26180788 147

1 43774U 18099S 18339.89354746 .00000485 00000-0 49943-4 0 9992
2 43774 97.7736 49.0247 0011038 250.1788 109.8235 14.94763969 316

Hiber entered the following technical and orbital parameters into the STELA software
program to produce its Orbital Debris Assessment Report:
A.1 Orbital evolution from launch to end of year 3, the nominal end-of-mission life
      Parameter                  Hiber 1                 Hiber 2              Hiber 3-24
    Satellite mass               7.5 kg                  7.5 kg                  5 kg
    Reflecting area            0.2315 m2               0.2315 m2             0.17025 m2
      Reflectivity                 1.5                     1.5                   1.5
       Drag area              0.03405 m2              0.03405 m2             0.0658 m2
   Drag coefficient                2.2                     2.2                   2.2
 Atmospheric model            NRLMSISE-00             NRLMSISE-00           NRLMSISE-00
     Solar activity              Variable                Variable             Variable
         Date                 11/29/2018              12/03/2018            10/01/2019
        Perigee                481.767 km              582.559 km              600 km
        Apogee                 506.991 km              597.926 km              600 km
      Inclination               97.4873°                97.7736°                97.8°
         RAAN                   39.1532°                49.0247°                280°
 Argument of perigee            328.7415°               250.1788°                0°
    Mean anomaly                122.9043°               109.8235°                0°

A.2 Orbital evolution from end of year 3 to atmospheric reentry


     Parameter                    Hiber 1                  Hiber 2           Hiber 3-24
   Satellite mass                 7.5 kg                   7.5 kg               5 kg
   Reflecting area              0.2315 m2                0.2315 m2          0.17025 m2
     Reflectivity                   1.5                      1.5                1.5
      Drag area                0.1142 m2                0.1142 m2            0.0781 m2
  Drag coefficient                2.2                      2.2                   2.2
Atmospheric model             NRLMSISE-00              NRLMSISE-00          NRLMSISE-00
    Solar activity              Variable                 Variable             Variable
        Date                  11/29/2021               12/03/2021           10/01/2022
       Perigee                 457.39 km                575.83 km            577.34 km
       Apogee                  505.62 km                599.25 km            584.38 km
     Inclination                 97.40°                   97.69°                97.8°
        RAAN                     47.67°                   44.37°              281.74°
Argument of perigee              67.06°                  191.28°              145.89°
   Mean anomaly                    0°                       0°                   0°


Hiber entered the following technical and orbital parameters into the DRAMA software
program to produce its ODAR:
                  Parameter                 Hiber-1             Hiber-2      Hiber 3-24
                 Launch date              11/29/18             12/03/18       10/01/19
                   Lifetime               3.89 years           10.4 years    11.66 years
              Equivalent radius           0.2335 m             0.2335 m       0.1931 m
            Semi-major axis (km)           6872.38              6968.24         6978
          Eccentricity (mean value)       0.002735              0.0023        0.001225
 Year 0

                Inclination (°)              97.49               97.77           97.8
                   RAAN (°)                  39.15               49.02           280
             Arg. of perigee (°)            328.74              250.18            0
            Semi-major axis (km)           6871.08              6967.98        6977.12
                 Eccentricity             0.002675             0.002275       0.001245
 Year 1

                Inclination (°)              97.46               97.75           97.8
                   RAAN (°)                  42.89               48.68         279.84
             Arg. of perigee (°)            100.66              116.88         117.23
            Semi-major axis (km)           6869.15              6967.59        6972.96
                 Eccentricity              0.00265             0.002275        0.00126
 Year 2

                Inclination (°)              97.43               97.72           97.8
                   RAAN (°)                  45.50               47.11         280.02
             Arg. of perigee (°)            253.77               26.70          55.76
                                   Loss of satellite control
            Semi-major axis (km)           6859.51              6965.54       6958.86
 Year 3

                 Eccentricity              0.00247             0.002235       0.001275
                Inclination (°)              97.40               97.69          97.8
                   RAAN (°)                  47.67               44.37         281.74


           Arg. of perigee (°)   67.06    191.28      145.89
          Semi-major axis (km)            6946.06    6933.50
              Eccentricity               0.001945    0.001295
Year 4

             Inclination (°)               97.65       97.79
                RAAN (°)                   42.00      287.05
           Arg. of perigee (°)             85.51       96.37
          Semi-major axis (km)            6917.13    6904.31
              Eccentricity                0.0016     0.00128
Year 5

             Inclination (°)               97.62       97.77
                RAAN (°)                   42.36      296.90
           Arg. of perigee (°)            317.56       60.48
          Semi-major axis (km)            6883.53    6881.04
              Eccentricity                0.00126    0.00127
Year 6

             Inclination (°)               97.58       97.74
                RAAN (°)                   46.89      310.47
           Arg. of perigee (°)             98.74      101.94
          Semi-major axis (km)            6853.40    6863.02
              Eccentricity               0.001215    0.001255
Year 7

             Inclination (°)               97.55       97.70
                RAAN (°)                   55.78      326.37
           Arg. of perigee (°)            114.42       79.40
          Semi-major axis (km)            6823.98    6849.88
              Eccentricity                0.00123    0.001255
Year 8

             Inclination (°)               97.54       97.67
                RAAN (°)                   69.12      343.46
           Arg. of perigee (°)             73.97       89.91
          Semi-major axis (km)            6792.77    6838.36
              Eccentricity               0.001205   0.0012525
Year 9

             Inclination (°)               97.54       97.65
                RAAN (°)                   87.80       1.42
           Arg. of perigee (°)            112.58      108.79
          Semi-major axis (km)            6734.91    6824.57
              Eccentricity               0.001105    0.00124
Year 10

             Inclination (°)               97.56       97.65
                RAAN (°)                  114.96       21.21
           Arg. of perigee (°)             96.85       75.82
          Semi-major axis (km)                       6795.99
              Eccentricity                           0.001165
Year 11

             Inclination (°)                           97.67
                RAAN (°)                               45.25
           Arg. of perigee (°)                         99.69


   2. Specifically, please provide the area-to-mass of the satellites (1&2) as they are during
      their operational lifetimes.
During the lifetime of the satellites, the cross-sectional area and area-to-mass of each of the
satellites during nominal operations are 0.03405 m2 and 4.54 x 10-3 m2/kg, respectively.
   3. Please provide EOL configurations for each satellite, to include detailed physical
The satellites have a nominal three-year operational lifetime. At end-of-life (“EOL”), the
satellites will be put into safe mode: all the systems will be shut down, except for the on-
board computer (“OBC”), telemetry, tracking and command (“TT&C”), electrical power
subsystem (“EPS”) and attitude determination and control subsystem (“ADCS”). The
satellites will be rotated to place the solar panels in the Ram facing direction. This will result
in a cross-sectional area of 0.2315 m2 and an area-to-mass ratio of 0.0309 m2/kg. This
orientation will be maintained as long as the systems are working.
However, some subsystems might not be working at EOL, and it may not be possible to
control the satellite’s attitude. Accordingly, for purpose of this ODAR, Hiber has assumed a
worst-case scenario and assumed that the satellite will begin tumbling immediately at the
end of the nominal three-year operational lifetime.
In that situation, the satellite would spin around each of the three axes. Therefore, we can
assume that each face of the satellite will be RAM facing at some point. The average cross-
sectional area and area-to-mass ratio for the three faces is 0.1142 m2 and 0.0152 m2/kg,
respectively. These average values were used to calculate orbital decay.

Provided below are minor corrections to the ODAR to reflect more precise technical and
orbital parameters. The corrected text are underlined and in bold. Additionally, Figures 2
and 3 should replace the respective figures in the ODAR.
Section 3.1
Description of the launch and deployment profile, including all parking, transfer, and
operational orbits with apogee, perigee, and inclination:
       Hiber-1 was launched into an orbit with a perigee at 481.8 km, apogee at 507.0 km
       and a 97.5° inclination. Hiber-2 was launched into an orbit with a perigee at 582.6
       km, apogee at 597.9 km and inclination at 97.8°.
Section 3.2
Total spacecraft mass at launch, including all propellants and fluids: 7.5 kg
Dry mass of spacecraft at launch, excluding solid rocket motor propellants: 7.5 kg
Section 3.5


    Collision probability        Hiber-1               Hiber-2             Hiber 3-24
           Year 0-1           0.1908 x 10-4         0.3183 x 10-4        0.3117 x 10-4
           Year 1-2           0.2001 x 10-4         0.3632 x 10-4        0.3464 x 10-4
           Year 2-3           0.2378 x 10-4         0.3122 x 10-4        0.3604 x 10-4
           Year 3-4           0.1912 x 10-4         0.3164 x 10-4        0.2445 x 10-4
           Year 4-5                                 0.2256 x 10-4        0.2287 x 10-4
           Year 5-6                                 0.2191 x 10-4        0.1968 x 10-4
           Year 6-7                                 0.2510 x 10-4        0.2481 x 10-4
           Year 7-8                                 0.1606 x 10-4        0.1926 x 10-4
           Year 8-9                                 0.1081 x 10-4        0.1571 x 10-4
          Year 9-10                                 0.6721 x 10-5        0.1381 x 10-4
         Year 10-11                                 0.3676 x 10-6        0.1152 x 10-4
         Year 11-12                                                      0.6951 x 10-5
            Total             0.8199 x 10-4         2.3454 x 10-4        2.60911 x 10-4
                            Table 5: Annual collision probabilities
The total collision probability for both Hiber-1 and Hibert-2 is 3.1653 x 10-4, which is under
the 0.001 threshold.
When considering the 24 satellite system the total collision probability becomes 6.0566 x
10-3, thus exceeding the 0.001 threshold. However, the 22 3U satellites, for which Hiber
will submit a separate ODAR, are expected to be equipped with propulsion modules. The
propulsion modules will enable Hiber to conduct collision avoidance maneuvers as needed,
thus mitigating the possibility of collision.
Section 3.6
Description of spacecraft disposal option selected: The spacecraft will decay because of
atmospheric drag and de-orbit naturally via atmospheric re-entry.
Simulations were run on CNES’ STELA software to assess how long it would take for the
satellites to effectuate an atmospheric reentry.
Results show that that it will take Hiber-1 0.89 years and Hiber-2 7.4 years to reenter the
atmosphere, after a 3-year nominal mission life. This is compliant with the guidelines that
specify that satellites de-orbiting through atmospheric reentry do so within 25 years of the
satellite’s end-of-life. The results are demonstrated in Figures 2 and 3.


                             Figure 2: Hiber-1 altitude evolution

                             Figure 3: Hiber-2 altitude evolution
Calculation of the area-to-mass ratio after postmission disposal, if the controlled reentry
option is not selected: See the response to Question 3 above.



                                   Technical Certification

I, Maarten Engelen, hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for

the preparation of the engineering information contained in the foregoing supplement to the

orbital debris assessment report of Hiber, Inc. I have either prepared or reviewed the

engineering information submitted in the supplement, and it is complete and accurate to the

best of my knowledge and belief.

                                                         _Maarten Engelen
                                                           Program Executive/Project Manager

                                                           Hiber, Inc.

Dated: March 15, 2019

Document Created: 2019-03-15 13:23:26
Document Modified: 2019-03-15 13:23:26

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