Telesat ex parte.Apr


Telesat ex parte 041717


This document pretains to SAT-PDR-20161115-00108 for Petition for Declaratory Ruling on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                    LAW OFFICES
                             GOLDBERG, GODLES, WIENER & WRIGHT LLP
                                            1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036

HENRY GOLDBERG                                                                                   (202) 429-4900
JOSEPH A. GODLES                                                                                 TELECOPIER:
JONATHAN L. WIENER                                                                               (202) 429-4912
DEVENDRA (“DAVE”) KUMAR                                                                              e-mail:
HENRIETTA WRIGHT                                                                         website:

                                                 April 17, 2017

    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
    Federal Communications Commission
    445 12th Street, SW
    Washington, DC 20554

                         Re: Ex Parte Meeting IB Docket No. 16-408

    Dear Ms. Dortch,

           This is to inform you that, on April 13, 2017, Daniel Goldberg, Michael Schwartz, and
    David Wendling of Telesat Canada (“Telesat”) and the undersigned, met with the
    representatives of the Commission listed in Attachment A hereto to discuss Telesat’s Petition
    for Declaratory Ruling to Grant Access to the U.S. Market for Telesat’s NGSO Constellation and
    the positions stated in its comments and reply comments in the above-referenced proceeding.
    In addition, the Telesat representatives discussed the information contained in the attached
    presentation and gave a copy of the presentation to each of the Commission participants in the

                Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                     Henry Goldberg
                                                     Attorney for Telesat Canada
                                                     Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
                                                     1025 Connecticut Avenue, NW
                                                     Washington, D.C. 20036

    cc: listed in Attachment A

                                   Attachment A

Office of the Chairman:

      Chairman Pai
      Rachael Bender

Office of Commissioner O’Rielly:

      Commissioner O’Rielly
      Erin McGrath

Office of Commissioner Clyburn:

      Daudeline Meme

International Bureau:

      Tom Sullivan
      Troy Tanner
      Robert Nelson
      Jose Albuquerque
      Olga Madruga-Forti
      Karl Kensinger
      Clay DeCell

                                            GOLDBERG, GODLES, WIENER & WRIGHT

Overview of Telesat’s LEO Initiative
        Broadband Network with
 Unmatched and Differentiated Performance

                April 2017

Telesat’s Expertise

     Telesat is one of the largest and most
      successful satellite operators in the
      world, providing services to the private
      sector and governments

     Global fleet of 15 satellites with an
      additional two GSO and two NGSO
      satellites under construction

     Global teleport and terrestrial
      infrastructure that is seamlessly
      integrated with Telesat’s satellite fleet

     Telesat’s consulting practice supports
      the demanding requirements of
      customers throughout the world


    LEO Overview
       Global constellation consisting initially of
        117 interconnected LEO satellites
       Users connect to satellites via high-
        throughput spot beams
       Inter-satellite connectivity makes each
        satellite a node in a data network
       Satellite connects either:
         •   Directly to a hub or another user, or
         •   Indirectly via another satellite

       Highly integrated end-to-end system
        (ground and satellites designed and
        operated as a single system)
       Carrier Ethernet interface                     Telesat’s design uses polar and inclined orbits
                                                          to create a revolutionary global network
       High potential for U.S. jobs – satellite
        manufacturing, launching, etc.


Key Accomplishments to Date
     Obtained priority ITU rights to LEO Ka-
      band spectrum on a global basis –
      approximately 4 GHz

     Developed an innovative (patent
      pending) constellation design and
      system architecture

     Procured two prototype LEO satellites
      for launch in 2017

       • Provides capability to perform testing and

     Discussions under way with potential

Target Users – Wide Variety of
Broadband Applications

                                Mobile Broadband
          Enterprise Networks                         Government/Military

                                Satellite Broadband

                                                           Consumer Broadband
    Cell Backhaul and
    Telecom Trunking


    Telesat’s Orbits – Efficient and
    Targeted Location of Satellites
     Combination of polar and inclined orbits

     Polar LEO – global coverage            Inclined LEO – capacity focused
       •   Minimum of: 72 satellites, 12      on regions of highest demand
           satellites in each of 6 planes        •   Minimum of: 45 satellites, 9
       •   Planes are inclined 99.5                  satellites in each of 5 planes
           degrees                               •   Planes are inclined 37.4 degrees
       •   Orbit altitude is 1,000 km            •   Orbit altitude is 1,248 km


Sophisticated and Flexible Connectivity
Enabled By Advanced Technologies

    Key enabling technologies:
       Spot beams
       Inter-satellite communications:
        optical inter-satellite links
        (ISL), on-board processing

    System capabilities:
       Gbps links
       Tbps total useable system


A New Level of Coverage
Anywhere, All the Time
   Telesat’s system will have the ability to
    connect from any point to any point and
    serve customers anywhere on the earth
     •   Including underserved locations – maritime,
         aero, rural and remote, poles – where the
         satellite cannot see a hub

   It will also have the ability to focus capacity
    on areas of greatest demand and reallocate
    capacity as user demand changes
    •    Inclined orbit focuses satellites over areas of
         highest demand
    •    Location, number and size of the spot
         beams, as well as the amount of spectrum
         and power per beam, can be varied
    •    Provides highly efficient utilization of
         spectrum and satellite resources


A New Level of Resiliency
and Security
Telesat’s LEO system ISLs and OBP will provide a level of resiliency and security not
possible with GEO, terrestrial or other types of LEO networks – key requirement of U.S.
       Highly secure global coverage – direct                        Physical security:
        connectivity from any point to any point on
        earth                                                           •   Customer-owned gateways
                                                                            (separate from commercial
          •   Able to connect any two points on the globe                   gateway facilities) can be
              without having to go through intermediate                     deployed in secure facilities
              networks                                                      anywhere in the world to provide
                                                                            access to critical
          •   Completely diverse from other possible network
                                                                            defense/government applications
              connections between locations

       In-orbit satellite spares available for each                  Enhanced capability to resist
        “plane” of the constellation in case of                        interference (intentional as well as
        catastrophic satellite failure                                 unintentional)
     Network auto-recovery/routing:                                    •   Active beam forming
          •   Each satellite and gateway/terminal is a “Node”
              in the network, such that traffic is automatically        •   Regenerative payload
              routed around a failure point in the network,
              similar to a ground-based network


     Critical issues with in-line event avoidance proposal



 Telesat Reply Comments in the FCC NGSO NPRM1
  makes the following points:
      Avoidance Angle – There is no single avoidance angle that
       will adequately define in-line events and prevent
      Share In-line Events – A “share in-line events” regime
       would be the functional equivalent of band segmentation
       due to the number and frequency of events

     1Update  to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning Non-Geostationary, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems
     and Related Matters, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, IB Docket No. 16-408, FCC 16-170
     (rel. Dec. 15, 2016)


Avoidance Angle
     • The avoidance
       angle between
       two systems
       varies depending
       on elevation

     • In this example,
       taking into
       account a
       interfering power
       from LEO 2, the
       avoidance angle
       to LEO 1 ranges
       from 6.7o to 13.6o


Avoidance Angle, con’t
     • In this example,
       taking into
       account a
       interfering power
       from MEO 3, the
       avoidance angle
       to LEO 1 ranges
       from 18.6o to


Avoidance Angle, con’t
     • This illustrates
       the avoidance
       angle to LEO 1
       ranges from 6.7o
       to 22.6o
       depending on the
       system (LEO 2 or
       MEO 3)
     • Other systems
       will require other
       avoidance angles
       depending on
       such as
       maximum power
       and minimum
       elevation angle


In-Line Event Analysis
     • Telesat used an industry standard software to simulate the interference to the
       Viasat 24 satellite MEO constellation from the Boeing 2,956 satellite LEO
       constellation, and from a combination of the Boeing 2,956 LEO constellation and
       the OneWeb 720 satellite LEO constellation
     • Results vary by latitude and indicate the percentage of time per day where an in-
       line event would occur ranges from approximately 40% to 100%


Document Created: 2017-04-17 16:50:58
Document Modified: 2017-04-17 16:50:58

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