Attachment report


REPORT submitted by Intelsat



This document pretains to SAT-MSC-20030822-00292 for Miscellaneous on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                         Before the
                            Federal Communications Commission                   RECEIVED
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                                 APR - 1 2004

In the Matter of Applications of:


 For Authority to Operate, and to further
 Construct, Launch and Operate, C-Band          00292~SAT-A/0-20000119-00001/18;
 and Ku-Band Satellites that Form a Global       SAT-AMD-20000119-00029/41;
 Communications System in Geostationary          SAT-LOA-20000 119-00019/28

                                    PROGRESS REPORT

       In an order released on December 17,2003, the Federal Communications Commission

(the "FCC" or the "Commission") granted a request by Intelsat LLC to extend until June 30,

2004 the deadline set forth in the Open-Market Reorganization for the Betterment of

International Telecommunications Act (the "ORBIT Act") for Intelsat, Ltd. to conduct an initial

public offering of securities (an "PO").' In its December 2003 Extension Order, the

Commission required Intelsat to "file a report with the Commission on April 1, 2004 on the

progress toward preparing to conduct its         Intelsat hereby files that report.

       Since the December 2003 Extension Order, Intelsat has taken major steps toward

conducting its P O by the June 30,2004 deadline. Most significantly, Intelsat on March 15,

2004 filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") a detailed registration

' Intelsat LLC Request for Extension of Time Under Section 621(5) of the ORBIT Act,
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 18 FCC Rcd 26290 (2003) ("Extension Order"). All Intelsat
entities shall be referred to herein collectively as "Intelsat."

 Id., 18 FCC Rcd at 26294. Previously, pursuant to an earlier Commission order extending the
IPO deadline originally set forth in the ORBIT Act, Intelsat filed four progress reports with the
Commission -- on April 1,2002, October 1, 2002, April 1,2003, and October 1,2003.

statement on Form F-1 .3 Intelsat recently received comments from the SEC concerning the

registration statement. Intelsat now intends to amend the registration statement to incorporate

the SEC’s comments and to include updated information regarding the company, such as the

March 17,2004 closing of the Loral transaction.

       In connection with the IPO, Intelsat has previously indicated that it may offer current

shareholders the opportunity to sell shares in the offering. Prior to filing the registration

statement, Intelsat implemented a process by which existing shareholders could sell their shares

in such a secondary offering and communicated that process to shareholders.

       Since the filing of the registration statement, Intelsat has continued to take steps in

preparation for conducting its IPO. For example, Intelsat has been meeting with the research

analyst community and continues to conduct due diligence sessions with the bank syndicate and

research teams that are assisting the company.

                                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                                       Intelsat LLC

                                                      Bert W y e i n
                                                      Jennifer D. Hindin
                                                      Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
                                                      1776 K Street, N.W.
                                                      Washington, DC 20006-2304
                                                      Its Attorneys

April 1,2004

 This filing is available to the public on the SEC’s website at     1/000095013304000892/w94454fvl .htm (last
visited Apr. 1, 2004).


Document Created: 2004-04-06 18:14:39
Document Modified: 2004-04-06 18:14:39

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