Attachment Modification

This document pretains to SAT-MPL-20120406-00065 for Modification Permitted List (space station) on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



        New Skies Satellites B.V. (doing business as “SES”) hereby applies to modify the

declaratory ruling adding the SES-4 satellite at 22° W.L. to the Permitted Space Station List, and

the grant of U.S. market access for extended C- and Ku-band payloads on that satellite, to update

certain operating parameters previously filed with the Commission.1 Specifically, SES updates

the telemetry parameters for the SES-4 satellite to reflect two operating modes – i.e., a nominal

on-station mode and an emergency mode – with maximum EIRPs of 16 dBW and 21 dBW,

respectively.2 In addition, the parameters of the C-band beacon on SES-4 is updated to reflect a

maximum EIRP of 19.2 dBW. These changes are more fully described herein. For the

avoidance of doubt, SES is not seeking authority in this application to use SES-4’s two 12.5 GHz

telemetry carriers in the U.S. for nominal on-station TT&C, but may seek temporary authority to

do so during drift maneuvers or in the event of an emergency. A complete, revised Schedule S

reflecting these changes is provided with this application. No other changes are being requested

at this time.

        Grant of this application would serve the public interest by facilitating SES’s ability to

conduct TT&C operations with SES-4 from the United States and ensure the continued safe

collocation of SES-4 with NSS-7 at 22° W.L. SES-4’s telemetry functions will continue to meet

applicable power flux density (“pfd”) limits on the Earth’s surface for the protection of co-

primary services.

         See Stamp Grant, File No. SAT-PPL-20110620-00112 (Call Sign S2828) (granted March 15, 2012) (“SES-
4 Access Order”).
        An affiliate of SES, SES Americom Inc., has obtained special temporary authority (“STA”) to conduct
TT&C operations with SES-4, consistent with this application. See Application, File No. SES-STA-20120329-
00321 (granted April 3, 2012).

       Modification to operating parameters of authorized telemetry carriers. Listed below are

the specific changes to the Technical Appendix sought in this application with respect to the

nominal on-station and emergency operating modes for the authorized telemetry carriers for

SES-4. The satellite will be operating its TT&C in nominal on-station mode while at the 22°

W.L. orbital location. Emergency mode will only be used in the event of an emergency or

during relocation maneuvers.

       •   In Section 5.3, Table 5.5 should be replaced as follows (with the new text

                          Carrier                Frequency, MHz                    Polarization
            Telecommand 1                            14496.0                         RHCP
            Telecommand 2                            14499.0                         RHCP
            Telemetry 1                              11451.0                         RHCP
            Telemetry 2                              11454.0                         RHCP
            Telemetry 3                              12500.5                         LHCP
            Telemetry 4                              12502.0                         LHCP
            Telemetry 1 (emergency mode)             11451.0                         LHCP
            Telemetry 2 (emergency mode)             11454.0                         LHCP
            Telemetry 3 (emergency mode)             12500.5                         RHCP
            Telemetry 4 (emergency mode)             12502.0                         RHCP
            Tracking Beacon                          4199.75                            V
                   Table 5-5. SES-4 TT&C Frequency and Polarization Plan

       •   In Section 5.3, the text immediately following Table 5-5 should read as follows: “It
           should be noted that Telemetry frequencies 1 through 4 can also be used as tracking
           beacon signals and switch to the opposite polarization when operated in emergency
           mode (i.e. through a high-power, wide angle omni-antenna). As an operational
           matter, SES notes that Telemetry 2 and Telemetry 3 are back-up frequencies for
           Telemetry 1 and Telemetry 4, respectively, and will be used only in the event that
           there are problems with the respective primary telemetry frequencies.”

       •   In Section 5.3, the last two sentences of the section should read as follows: “The
           emission designators associated with the TT&C subsystem are 800KF9D for command,
           300KF9D for telemetry and the Ku-band beacon, and 25K0N0N for the C-band tracking
           beacons. The associated allocated bandwidth is 800 kHz, 300 kHz and 25 kHz for each
           of these emissions, respectively.”

       •   In Section 7.3, the paragraph should read as follows: “The TT&C coverage for
           nominal on-station operation will be provided by the receive communications antenna for
           command and by the earth facing horn transmit communications antenna for telemetry.


     In emergency mode, the telemetry will be provided in the opposite polarization through a
     high-power, wide-angle omni antenna. There are two such omni antennas on the
     spacecraft, one on the nominal, earth facing side and another on the opposite side of the
     spacecraft. The receive and transmit antenna beam patterns for nominal on-station and
     emergency operations are given in GXT format in the accompanying Schedule S (see
     also Sections 7.1 and 7.2 above).”

 •   In Section 10, Tables 10-80, 10-81, and 10-82 should be revised as follows:

                 Applicable                                       Worst Case
     Angle       PFD Limit                                       PFD Level at         PFD
                                  Spreading        Gain
       of       for Angle of                                       Angle of          Margin
                                    Loss          Contour
     Arrival       Arrival                                         Arrival
                                  (dBW/m2)         (dB)
                 (dBW/m2/4                                     (dBW/m2/4kHz)          (dB)
       0°           -150.0          -163.4          -3.8            -170.0            20.0
       5°           -150.0          -163.3          -3.7            -169.8            19.8
      10°           -147.5          -163.2          -3.6            -169.6            22.1
      15°           -145.0          -163.0          -3.5            -169.3            24.3
      20°           -142.5          -162.9          -3.4            -169.1            26.6
      25°           -140.0          -162.8          -3.2            -168.8            28.8
     90°                       -162.1
                -140.0                    0.0          -164.9         24.9
 Table 10-80. Max. PFD Levels, TLM beam, Nominal, Telemetry (300KF9D)

                  Applicable                                      Worst Case
     Angle        PFD Limit                                      PFD Level at         PFD
                                  Spreading        Gain
       of        for Angle of                                      Angle of          Margin
                                    Loss          Contour
     Arrival        Arrival                                        Arrival
                                  (dBW/m2)         (dB)
                  (dBW/m2/4                                    (dBW/m2/4kHz)           (dB)
       0°           -150.0           -163.4          -1.0            -162.2            12.2
       5°           -150.0           -163.3          -1.0            -162.1            12.1
       10°          -147.5           -163.2          -1.0            -162.0            14.5
       15°          -145.0           -163.0          -0.9            -161.7            16.7
       20°          -142.5           -162.9          -0.8            -161.5            19.0
       25°          -140.0           -162.8          -0.8            -161.4            21.4
                 -140.0        -162.1      0.0          -159.9        19.9
Table 10-81. Max. PFD Levels, OMNI beam, Emergency, Telemetry (300KF9D)


                             Applicable                                            Worst Case
              Angle          PFD Limit                                            PFD Level at            PFD
                                                    Spreading       Gain
                of          for Angle of                                            Angle of             Margin
                                                      Loss         Contour
              Arrival          Arrival                                              Arrival
                                                    (dBW/m2)        (dB)
                             (dBW/m2/4                                          (dBW/m2/4kHz)                (dB)
                  0°             -152.0              -163.4          -2.5              -154.7                2.7
                  5°             -152.0              -163.3          -2.4              -154.5                2.5
                 10°             -149.5              -163.2          -2.3              -154.3                4.8
                 15°             -147.0              -163.0          -2.2              -154.0                7.0
                 20°             -144.5              -162.9          -2.1              -153.8                9.3
                 25°             -142.0              -162.8          -1.9              -153.5                11.5
                 90°                      -162.1
                           -142.0                     0.0          -150.9                                    8.9
            Table 10-82. Max. PFD Levels, BNC beam, Tracking Beacon (25K0N0N)

        •    In Section 17.5, Table 17-130 should be replaced with the following:3

                                                                                    Frequency separation
                                     Channel ID      Frequency               BW     from closest SES-4 TTC
      Satellite Carrier name      (from Sched. S)       (MHz)  Polarisation (kHz)           (MHz)
       SES-4 Telecommand 1              CM1            14496.0    RHCP       800
               Telecommand 2            CM2            14499.0    RHCP       800
               Telemetry 1              TM1            11451.0    RHCP       300
               Telemetry 2              TM2            11454.0    RHCP       300
               Telemetry 3              TM3            12500.5    LHCP       300
               Telemetry 4              TM4            12502.0    LHCP       300
               Tracking Beacon         BNC1            4199.75      V         25
       NSS-5 Telecommand 1              CM1             6173.7    LHCP       800           8322.30
               Telecommand 2            CM2             6176.3    LHCP       800           8319.70
               Telemetry 1              TM1             3947.5    RHCP       300           252.25
               Telemetry 2              TM2             3948.0    RHCP       300           251.75
               Telemetry 3              TM3             3952.0    RHCP       300           247.75
               Telemetry 4              TM4             3952.5    RHCP       300           247.25
               Beacon 1                BCN1             3950.0      V         25           249.75
               Beacon 2                BCN2            11198.0    RHCP        25           253.00
               Beacon 3                BCN3            11452.0    RHCP        25            1.00
               Beacon 4                BCN4            11701.0      V         25           247.00
               Beacon 5                BCN5            12501.0      V         25            0.50

         Because of the software used for creating the following replacement tables and diagrams, SES was unable
to underline or otherwise highlight the changes for the FCC’s convenience.


Table 17-130. TT&C carrier frequencies of SES-4 and NSS-5 and the closest frequency
       separation of each NSS-5 TT&C carrier from the SES-4 TT&C carriers

    •   In Section 17.5, the paragraph following Table 17-130 should be revised as follows: “It
        can be seen from the Table that there are no direct frequency overlaps between any of the
        TT&C carriers. Nevertheless there are two cases where the frequency separation between
        some telemetry/beacon frequencies of SES-4 (TM1 and TM3) are separated by 1 MHz or
        less from some NSS-5 beacon frequencies (BCN3 and BCN5). Therefore a C/I analysis
        is provided in Table 17-131 for a worse case scenario, where it is assumed that the
        telemetry/beacon frequencies are co-frequency and operating in the same polarization.
        For this analysis a C/N threshold for the beacon operations was assumed to be 0 dB and
        the C/I protection criteria was assumed to be 14 dB (based on NSS-5 Schedule S
        information). Receive antenna sizes of 1.8m and 2.4 were assumed. From the Schedule
        S information for NSS-5, it can be derived that the downlink EIRP of the beacon signals
        is 6 dBW for EOC, whereas for the SES-4 telemetry/beacon the downlink is 11.6 dBW at
        EOC. A difference in downlink EIRP of 5.6 dB is therefore assumed between these two

    •   In Section 17.5, Table 17-131 should be replaced as follows:

                                            Frequency (MHz)
                                        11452               12501
        Rx Antenna Size    (m)      1.8        2.4      1.8        2.4
        Rx Antenna Gain   (dBi)    44.8       47.3     45.6       48.1
        Off-Axis gain     (dBi)    21.0       21.0     21.0       21.0
        Discrimination    (dB)     23.8       26.3     24.6       27.1
        Delta EIRP        (dB)     -5.6       -5.6     -5.6       -5.6
        C/I               (dB)     18.2       20.7     19.0       21.5
        Threshold         (dB)     14.0       14.0     14.0       14.0
        Margin            (dB)      4.2        6.7      5.0        7.5

        Table 17-131. Overview of C/I margins (dB) for SES-4 beacon interference into
                                NSS-5 beacons in Ku-band

    •   In Section 17.5, the paragraph following Table 17-131 should be revised as follows:
        “It can be seen from the analysis in the above table that all C/I margins are positive,
        and that there is therefore no interference from the SES-4 TT&C carriers at 22° W.L.
        in nominal on-station mode into the NSS-5 TT&C carriers at 20° W.L. If it becomes
        necessary to operate temporarily in emergency mode (e.g., during drift or in an
        emergency), the C/I margins will be negative, and SES will coordinate with adjacent
        satellite operators, as necessary.”

    •   The heading of Section 17.8 should read as follows: “Analysis of the interference of
        the SES-4 TT&C carriers into the communication and TT&C carriers of a
        hypothetical satellite at 24°W.L. having the same transmission parameters as the
        SES-4 satellite”


•   In Section 17.8, the paragraph immediately before Table 17-138 should be revised as
    follows: “It is assumed that SES-4 has a hypothetical neighbor at an orbital
    separation of 2°, with the same TT&C transmission parameters as the SES-4 satellite.
    The interference between the two systems then is only in the TT&C carriers. Table
    17-138 shows the interference analysis for the telecommand carriers whereas Table
    17-139 shows the interference analyses for the telemetry and beacon carriers
    operating in nominal on-station mode and emergency mode. All C/I margins in the
    analyses are positive.”

•   In Section 17.8, Table 17-139 should be replaced as follows:

                                             TM1 (TLM) TM1 (OMNI)     TM1 (OMNI)
                    SES-4                     Nominal emergency        emergency    BNC1
    Downlink EIRP (EOC)            (dBW)           11.6       20.0           20.0     16.1
                                             TM1 (TLM) TM1 (TLM)      TM1 (OMNI)
             Hypothetical satellite           Nominal   Nominal        emergency    BNC1
    Downlink EIRP (EOC)             (dBW)          11.6       11.6           20.0     16.1
    Receive earth station size        (m)           9.0        9.0            9.0      3.7
    Receive earth station gain       (dBi)         58.8       58.8           58.8     41.9
    Receive earth station off-axis   (dBi)         21.0       21.0           21.0     21.0
    Required C/N                     (dB)           0.0        0.0            0.0      0.0
    Required C/I                     (dB)          14.0       14.0           14.0     14.0
    Interference analysis
    Calculated C/I                   (dB)         37.8         29.4          37.8     20.9
    Margin                           (dB)         23.8         15.4          23.8      6.9

    Table 17-139. Interference calculations for the SES-4 telemetry and beacon
    carrier into the hypothetical satellite telemetry and beacon carrier

•   In Appendix B, Figures B-16, B-17, and B-18 and the accompanying technical data
    should be revised as follows:




                                           Figure B-16.
                          Telemetry Carrier Earth Facing Transmit Horn12
                                    Maximum EIRP = 16 dBW
                                 Maximum transmit gain = 22 dBi
                                  Polarization LHCP and RHCP
                                Schedule S beam designator: TLM
   Additional gain contours, as requested in Section 25.114(d)(3), are not provided because they do not intersect
with the Earth’s surface. SES WORLD SKIES requests a waiver of this rule to the extent necessary.




                                         Figure B-17.
                  Telemetry Carrier Earth Facing Omni Antenna (Emergency)13
                                  Maximum EIRP = 21 dBW
                                Maximum transmit gain = 8 dBi
                                Polarization LHCP and RHCP
                              Schedule S beam designator: OMNI
   Additional gain contours, as requested in Section 25.114(d)(3), are not provided because they do not intersect
with the Earth’s surface. SES WORLD SKIES requests a waiver of this rule to the extent necessary.




                                          Figure B-18.
                      C-band Tracking Beacon Earth Facing Transmit Horn14
                                  Maximum EIRP = 19.2 dBW
                               Maximum transmit gain = 19.6 dBi
                                  Polarization Vertical Linear
                               Schedule S beam designator: BNC
    Additional gain contours, as requested in Section 25.114(d)(3), are not provided because they do not intersect
with the Earth’s surface. SES WORLD SKIES requests a waiver of this rule to the extent necessary. The contours
for the telemetry beacons for nominal on-station and emergency modes are shown in Figures B-16 and B-17.


        •    In Appendix C, Tables C-2A and C-2B should be replaced as follows:

                      Link Parameters                                 Units       300KF9D
                      Downlink Frequency                              GHz            11.451
                      Carrier Allocated Bandwidth                     kHz             300.0
                      Downlink e.i.r.p. (EOC)*                        dBW               11.6
                      Free Space Loss                                 dB               205.4
                      Atmospheric and Polarization Losses             dB                 1.0
                      Rain Fade                                       dB                 5.0
                      Receive E/S Pointing Loss                       dB                 0.3
                      Receive E/S G/T                                 dB/K              38.4
                      Downlink C/No                                   dB                66.9
                      Required C/No                                   dB                50.0
                      Margin                                          dB                16.9

                      * This is the specified minimum e.i.r.p. at the edge of Earth
               Table C-2A. Link budget, Telemetry Carrier, 300KF9D (11 GHz)16

                      Link Parameters                                 Units       300KF9D
                      Downlink Frequency                              GHz            12.502
                      Carrier Allocated Bandwidth                     kHz             300.0
                      Downlink e.i.r.p. (EOC)*                        dBW               11.6
                      Free Space Loss                                 dB               205.8
                      Atmospheric and Polarization Losses             dB                 1.0
                      Rain Fade                                       dB                 5.5
                      Receive E/S Pointing Loss                       dB                 0.3
                      Receive E/S G/T                                 dB/K              39.1
                      Downlink C/No                                   dB                66.7
                      Required C/No                                   dB                50.0
                      Margin                                          dB                16.7

                      * This is the specified minimum e.i.r.p. at the edge of Earth

  The link budget for the telemetry carrier at frequency 11454.0 MHz would be identical and is therefore not
displayed separately.

  The link budget for the telemetry carrier at frequency 12500.5 MHz would be identical and is therefore not
displayed separately.


        •    In Appendix C, new Tables C-2C and C-2D should be inserted after Table C-2B, as

                      Link Parameters                                 Units        300KF9D
                      Downlink Frequency                              GHz             11.451
                      Carrier Allocated Bandwidth                     kHz              300.0
                      Downlink e.i.r.p. (EOC)*                        dBW                20.0
                      Free Space Loss                                 dB                205.4
                      Atmospheric and Polarization Losses             dB                  1.0
                      Rain Fade                                       dB                  5.0
                      Receive E/S Pointing Loss                       dB                  0.3
                      Receive E/S G/T                                 dB/K               38.4
                      Downlink C/No                                   dB                 75.3
                      Required C/No                                   dB                 50.0
                      Margin                                          dB                 25.3

                      * This is the specified minimum e.i.r.p. at the edge of Earth


                      Link Parameters                                 Units        300KF9D
                      Downlink Frequency                              GHz             12.502
                      Carrier Allocated Bandwidth                     kHz              300.0
                      Downlink e.i.r.p. (EOC)*                        dBW                20.0
                      Free Space Loss                                 dB                205.8
                      Atmospheric and Polarization Losses             dB                  1.0
                      Rain Fade                                       dB                  5.5
                      Receive E/S Pointing Loss                       dB                  0.3
                      Receive E/S G/T                                 dB/K               39.1
                      Downlink C/No                                   dB                 75.1
                      Required C/No                                   dB                 50.0
                      Margin                                          dB                 25.1

                      * This is the specified minimum e.i.r.p. at the edge of Earth


* The link budget for the telemetry carrier at frequency 11454.0 MHz would be identical and is therefore not
displayed separately.

** The link budget for the telemetry carrier at frequency 12500.5 MHz would be identical and is therefore not
displayed separately.


•   In Appendix C, Table C-3 should be replaced with the following, and Table C-4
    should be deleted:

           Link Parameters                               Units   25K0N0N
           Downlink Frequency                            GHz      4199.750
           Carrier Allocated Bandwidth                   kHz          25.0
           Downlink e.i.r.p. (EOC)*                      dBW          16.1
           Free Space Loss                               dB          197.0
           Atmospheric and Polarization Losses           dB            0.4
           Rain Fade                                     dB            0.2
           Receive E/S Pointing Loss                     dB            0.1
           Receive E/S G/T                               dB/K         27.1
           Downlink C/No                                 dB           74.1
           Required C/No                                 dB           47.0
           Margin                                        dB           27.1

           * This is the e.i.r.p. at the edge of Earth




The undersigned hereby certifies to the Federal Communications Commission as follows:

   1. I am the technically qualified person responsible for the engineering information

       contained in the foregoing modification;

   2. I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission's rules; and

   3. I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information contained in the

       foregoing modification, and it is complete and accurate to the best of my

       knowledge and belief.


                               Patrick van Niftrik
                               Director, Spectrum Development
                               New Skies Satellites B.V.

                               April 6, 2012

Document Created: 2012-04-06 12:54:46
Document Modified: 2012-04-06 12:54:46

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