Attachment Attachment

This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20150918-00064 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                     Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                     )
DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC                             )   File No. SAT-MOD-________________
Application for Modification of the DIRECTV-         )   Call Sign S2673
5 Authorization to Extend License Term               )


       DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (“DIRECTV”), pursuant to Section 25.117 of the rules of

the Federal Communications Commission (“Commission” or “FCC”), 47 C.F.R. § 25.117,

hereby applies for an extension, through February 28, 2022, of the license for its DIRECTV-5

spacecraft (call sign 2673).


       The DIRECTV-5 satellite began operations in June 2002 at the 119° W.L. orbital

location1 pursuant to a grant of FCC authority.2 In September 2004, DIRECTV relocated the

satellite to 72.5° W.L., where it operated under Canadian authorization to provide local-into-

local programming to subscribers in 25 markets.3 In October 2005, DIRECTV relocated the

satellite to 109.8° W.L., where it, again, operated under U.S. authority on three channels in the

DBS frequency bands (12.2-12.7 GHz downlink and 17.3-17.8 GHZ uplink).4

       See File No. SAT-LOA-20000505-00086, Appendix A at 4 (DIRECTV-5 System
       See DIRECTV Enterprises, Inc., Order and Authorization, 15 FCC Rcd 23630 (2000).
      See DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, 19 FCC Rcd 15529 (2004).
      See DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, 20 FCC Rcd 157758 (2005) (“DIRECTV-5 Authorization
Order”). The satellite has since been relocated very slightly (to 110.1º W.L.) and biased to

       Under the terms of its current authorization, DIRECTV-5 has a license term of 10 years

from October 5, 2005.5 Thus, the current license term will expire on October 5, 2015. This

modification application seeks to extend the license expiration date by approximately six-and-a

half years to February 28, 2022.


       Extending the license terms for DIRECTV-5 for six-and-a-half years will serve the public

interest. Grant of this application will benefit the public by allowing DIRECTV to continue to

use the satellite to provide high-quality video service to its U.S. consumers, ensuring the efficient

use of satellite and orbital resources while promoting competition in the MVPD market.

       Moreover, extending the license term of the DIRECTV-5 satellite will not affect the

satellite’s post-mission disposal plan. As previously approved by the Commission,6 DIRECTV

will maneuver the spacecraft into a disposal orbit with an altitude no less than that calculated

using the IADC formula: 36,021 km + (1000·CR·A/m). DIRECTV has reserved 6.2 kg of

propellant for final orbit raising maneuvers to this altitude approximately 300 km above

geosynchronous. There is no reason to believe the spacecraft will not continue to provide service

to customers for the full extended license term requested.

       Moreover, DIRECTV’s continued operation of DIRECTV-5 poses no risk of harmful

interference. Throughout the extended license period, DIRECTV will operate this satellite in

accordance with the technical parameters on file with and previously approved by the

improve coverage of Puerto Rico. See File No. SAT-MOD-20060717-00074 (stamp grant, Nov.
29, 2006); File No. SAT-MOD-20131114-00133 (stamp grant, Feb. 20, 2014).
       See DIRECTV-5 Authorization Order, ¶ 13.
      See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Public Notice, Report No. SAT-00405,
DA 06-2448, File No. SAT-MOD-20060717-00074 (Dec. 1, 2006)


Commission.7 Accordingly, the technical information previously provided remains unchanged

and is incorporated by reference.8 Simply put, no changes—interference, service, or otherwise—

arise from continuing the satellite’s existing operations.


       For the foregoing reasons, DIRECTV respectfully requests that the Commission modify

the license for DIRECTV-5 to extend its term through February 28, 2022.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                    /s/ Phil Goswitz
                                                  Phil Goswitz
                                                  Senior Vice President, Video, Space and
                                                  DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
                                                  2230 E. Imperial Highway
Jennifer D. Hindin                                El Segundo, CA 90245
Colleen King                                      (310) 964-5000
Wiley Rein LLP
1776 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Counsel for DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

Dated: September 18, 2015

         The information required in Schedule S mirrors the information already on file with the
Commission regarding technical and operational aspects of the satellite. In similar cases
involving requests for extension of a satellite’s license term, the International Bureau has not
required the submission of a Schedule S. See, e.g., File Nos. SAT-MOD-20140127 (stamp grant,
Apr. 24, 2014) (DIRECTV request for extension of DIRECTV-4S satellite license); SAT-MOD-
20110718-00130 (stamp grant, Oct. 13, 2011) (SES Americom request for extension of AMC-1
satellite license). Accordingly, DIRECTV is not filing a Schedule S with this application, but
will submit a Schedule S if requested to do so by the International Bureau.
      See File Nos. SAT-A/O-20050504-00093, SAT-MOD-20060717-00074, and SAT-MOD-


                                             EXHIBIT A
                             FCC Form 312, Response to Question 40
               Officers, Directors, and Ten Percent or Greater Shareholders

         DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, is wholly owned by
DIRECTV Holdings, LLC. DIRECTV Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, is
wholly owned by The DIRECTV Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation. The DIRECTV Group,
Inc. is owned 43% by DIRECTV Group Holdings, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company,
and 57% by DTV Entertainment, Inc., a Delaware corporation. DTV Entertainment, Inc. is itself
a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of DIRECTV Group Holdings, LLC. The address for all of
these entities is 2260 E. Imperial Highway, El Segundo, California 90245.

       DIRECTV Group Holdings, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of AT&T Inc., a
Delaware corporation. AT&T Inc. is a publicly traded company, and there is no one person or
group that owns 10% or more of the stock of AT&T Inc. The address for AT&T Inc. is 208 S.
Akard Street, Dallas, Texas 75202.

The following individuals are officers of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC:1

       Michael Benson                Executive Vice President and Chief Information Officer
       Patrick T. Doyle              Executive Vice President
       Larry D. Hunter               Executive Vice President
       Michael W. Palkovic           Executive Vice President
       Romulo G. Pontual*            Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
       Daniel R. York                Executive Vice President
       Robin N. Rogers               General Counsel, Senior Vice President, and Assistant
                                     Corporate Secretary
       Patrick T. Doyle              Chief Financial Officer
       Steven A. Adams               Senior Vice President, Controller, and Chief Accounting
       Robert G. Arsenault           Senior Vice President
       David W. Baker                Senior Vice President
       Edward C. Balcerzak           Senior Vice President
       Brad G. Bentley               Senior Vice President
       Shannon L. Campain            Senior Vice President
       Jennifer Cho                  Senior Vice President and Treasurer
       Henry Derovanessian           Senior Vice President
       Dennis Fleming                Senior Vice President
       Jon T. Gieselman              Senior Vice President
       Antonio Goncalves             Senior Vice President
       Phillip J. Goswitz            Senior Vice President
       Frank D. Hironaka             Senior Vice President

       We anticipate that there will be revisions/modifications to the officers of DIRECTV
Enterprises, LLC as the company is integrated into AT&T. If there are changes to the officers of
DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, the company will file updated information.

Roger M. Hyde           Senior Vice President
T. Warren Jackson       Senior Vice President
Paul A. James           Senior Vice President
Alexander R. Kaplan     Senior Vice President
Keith T. Kazerman       Senior Vice President
Michael G. Krenik       Senior Vice President
Keith U. Landenberger   Senior Vice President
Karen Leever            Senior Vice President
Tam T. Leminh           Senior Vice President
Christopher J. Long     Senior Vice President
Giles S. Lundberg       Senior Vice President
Todd W. Mathers         Senior Vice President
Frank A. Palase         Senior Vice President
Brian Paperny           Senior Vice President
Rasesh Patel            Senior Vice President
Andrew Reinsdorf        Senior Vice President
Gavin Shutz             Senior Vice President
Linda S. Simon          Senior Vice President
Jeffery F. Stoddard     Senior Vice President
Robert Thun             Senior Vice President
Stephen K. Tucker       Senior Vice President
Georgio Vanzini         Senior Vice President
John A. Ward, II        Senior Vice President
Michael J. Wittrock     Senior Vice President
Joel A. Armijo          Vice President
Michele D. Barney       Vice President
Emma L. Brackett        Vice President
Linda K. Burakoff       Vice President
Kerrie K. Downey        Vice President
Douglas H. Eichler      Vice President
Peter J. Feeney         Vice President
Reagan E. Feeney        Vice President
Stacy R. Fuller         Vice President
Darris A. Gringeri      Vice President
Sarah M. Lyons          Vice President
Thomas H. McGeorge      Vice President
Rebecca B. Nelson       Vice President
Martin J. Sheehan       Vice President
Damon J. Stewart        Vice President
John P. Vetter          Vice President
Rene M. Weaver          Vice President
Michelle A. Wolloff     Vice President
James E. Yokers         Vice President
April L. Ammeter        Assistant Corporate Secretary
Keith U. Landenberger   Assistant Corporate Secretary
Suzanne M. Mullen       Assistant Corporate Secretary


       Christopher A. Murphy          Assistant Corporate Secretary
       Stevie Pyon                    Assistant Corporate Secretary
       Brian M. Regan                 Assistant Corporate Secretary
       Takehiko Suzuki                Assistant Corporate Secretary
       Fraser M. Woodford             Assistant Treasurer

Each officer, other than indicated, is a U.S. citizen and can be contacted at the following address:
DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, 2260 E. Imperial Highway, El Segundo, CA 90245.

*Romulo Pontual is a citizen of Brazil.


Document Created: 2015-09-18 14:51:03
Document Modified: 2015-09-18 14:51:03

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