Attachment withdrawal


WITHDRAWAL submitted by Skynet Satellite Corp/Telesat



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-20011130-00118 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                             DEC 142007

1-lecember 1 4.2007


Marlene H.Dortch, Scvrctary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington. DC 20554

Re:     Skynet Satellite Corporation, Withdrawal of Petition for Partial Reconsideration
        and Request for Waiver
        File No. SAT-MOD-2001 1130-00018, CaU Sign S2357

Dear Ms.Dortch:

        Skynet Satellite Copration, a subsidiary of ‘I’elesat(collectively “Tclesat”),’ hereby
withdraws its Novcmkr 1.2004 Petition for Partial Reconsidwition and Request fix Waiver
(“Petition”). The Petition requested that the International Bureau rescind a $3 million dollar
bond requirement for the Telstar 1 1 N satellite authorization. Since 2004, ’1 elesat has posted the
bond and the FCC has reduced the b n d amount to $750.000 finding that Telesat hies met the
C’onstruction Clontract, Critical Design Rcvicw and Commence Physical Construction
mifestoncs.2 Consequently, Telesat withdraws its pctition requesting w a k r of the bond
requirement .

Sincerei y ,

Director, Regulatory Aftairs

cc (via cmail): 1ielen Domenici, Roderick Porter. Gardner Foster, Robert Nelson, C-’u.wcira
Thomas, and Andrea Kelly

                                  5 0 0 Hills Drivc. &dminster. NJ 07921
                                    yO8-470-2350 (\), 908-470-2453 ( 1)

Document Created: 2007-12-20 16:02:53
Document Modified: 2007-12-20 16:02:53

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