Attachment 1999VITA letter marc

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900723-00002 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           VOLUNTEERS IN TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE

                                                                             12 March 1889

              s. Mariorie Roman Sales
            Seorstary                  .
             ederal Communileations Commission
               5 12"" Street, SW
              ashingten, DC 20554                                               .

             ef.: AfriSpace; Inc.
                 File No. CSS—90—017 [IBFS File No. SAT—.OA—19900728—00002];
                  File No, SAT—AMD—19980125—00016 (call sign 82367)

             ear Ms. Sales:

                   { am wiiting to support the above—referenced licensse application on behalf
             t AfriSpace, Inc., whally owned by the WorldSpace Corporation.

                  VITA is a nonprofit 501(3)8 organlzation chartered in Virginia with a nearly
             0 year history working on behaif of the people of Asla, Africa and Latin America.
              e supply technical information and project assistance, especially for use in rural
             nd rernote regions. For almost half of our history we have also experimented
             ith a vartety of communications technologles to enhance these efforts and in
             892 was awarded a Ploneear‘s Preference license by the FCC for our work in the
               NG MSS service.

                   Given this background, we have also allied ourselves with those US—
            ased institutions and companies whose operating philosophy complements our
            wn mandate. We are very proud to be able to state that the WorldSpace
            orporation and its goal of providing milllons of low—cost digital receivers with
            igh quality entertainment and Information to listeners throughout the developing
            orld is first on our list of collaborators, We have observed and admired
             orldSpace and Ita leadership for many years. imbedded in Its public
            iscourses and promotional materials is Its intention nat only to be a commercial
      success which obviously it must be, but also a real desire to make a positive
      difference in the lives of usually forgotten citizens on a world scale.

             VITA has just signad a Memorandum of Understanding with the
     WorldSpace Foundation which states in part that "the parties are considering [a

     pilet project which] would Involve the installation hy WorldSpace Foundation of a
     number of dighal radio rebeivers for reception of its Afristar"? broadcasts in test

            1600 Wilson Bouleyard, Suite 710 4 Post Office Box 12438 + Arlington, Virginia 22209—84823 USA
             Telephone: (703) 276—1800 + Pax: (703) 243—1865 » E—mail: a Web:

  sites in selected schootrooms and other‘facilities In rural South Africa. At the
  same sites, VTTA would Install transceivers and computers for transm)ssion of
  email through the LEO satellites to which VITA has access. This linkage would
  form a single terminal capable of supporting two—way communications."
        The patential of this relationship for the gooed of underprivileged African
 stchoolchildren cannet be upderestIimated. it is our hope that it will be replicated
   many places throughout the continent and indeed around the world.

        We urge the FCC to grant the AfiSpace application and issue i a private
 intemational satellite icense without delay,

Document Created: 2015-05-18 14:07:03
Document Modified: 2015-05-18 14:07:03

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