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COMMENT submitted by Russian Satellite Communications Company



This document pretains to SAT-AMD-20120824-00142 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


   eniemcinor roatcniemor                                         reeiea. stam ostiunbxremnuse
      ymrmumor urecuremsrie                            &              "RUSSIAN SATELUITE
     "EOCMIMECKAN CBB®®                      i r=z«2<=_,—        COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY"
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Before the                                                               (
Washington, D.C.    20884

      In the Matter of                             )
      DIRECTVEnterprises, LLC                      )
      Application as Amended for Authorization     ) File Nos: SAT—A/O—20120817—00137
      to Operate DIRECTV 1R at 55.8° E.L.          )           SAT—AMD—20120824—00142
      (§2872)                                      )           SAT—AMD—20120913—00148

        The Russian Satelfte Communications Company (‘RSCC") hereby responds to the comments
of NewSkies Satellites B—V. (doing business as "SRS") on the above—captioned application of
DIRECTV Enterprises. LLC(~DIRECTV~). as amended, for Commission authority to operate the
DIRECTV 18 satelite (call sign §2872) at 304.2° W.L.. (55.8° EL). As the Commission is avare,
RSCC wishes to utllize the DIRECTV 18 satelit temporarily to accommodate certain customers
currently operating on RSCC‘s Bonum 1 satelfte at 56° E.L. untl te faunch ofBonum 1‘s
        DIRECTV 1R will aperate in the downlink frequencies 12.2—12.5 GHz.. RSCC understands that
operation ofNSS—12 in the overlapping band 12,25—12.50 GHz is limited to the coverage in Figure 1

‘The replacement satellite Express—AT I —is expected tobegin commercial service late next year.,

       Figure 2 prescnis dowalink EIRP contours forthe Bonum 1 satellte currently operating at S6°
E... and three representative downlink EIRP contours of the DIRECTV 1R sitellte (52 dBW; 50 dBW,
47.8 dBW).. Figure 2 io shows in green the territory of India where NSS— 12 service is being provided.
       1t can be concluded from Figure 2 tha the downlink EIRP values ofthe Bonum 1 and
DIRECTV1R satelltes (both assumed to be operating atsaturation) are very similar. As no
imerference from the Bonum 1 satelfte to NSS—12 receive earth stations in Indin has been observed
ateseveral years ofsimuttancous operation, RSCC is of the view that th likelihood of DIRECTV 1R
producing unacceptable interference to NS—[2 rescive earthsttions in Indiais very low.

            %.                                                            e mmg;
        Figure 1. Downlink EIRP contours ofthe NSS—12 satelite in the band 12,28—12,50

Figure 2. Downlink EIRP contours   the DTVIR satellite (52 dBW; 50 dBW: and 478 dBW) superimposedto the
downlink EIRP contours of the       1 satellite

       Moreaver. RSCC understands that the FCCwill authorize DIRECTV 1R to aperite on a

noninterference, non—protected basis.. Therefore, RSCC believes that authorization for operation of

DIRECTV 18 ar &5            should be granted so that RSCC can ensure service continuity pending
the Iaunch of Bonum1‘s replacement satellite,


                                            Yuri Prokhoroy
                                            Director General
                                            RussianSotellite Communications Company
                                            8. tr 6. 1—st Gonchamny perenlok,
                                            Moscow, 115172 Russia
                                            November07. 2012

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

1, Pam Conley, do hereby certifythat on November 13, 2012, I served a true and correct copy of
the Comments ofthe Russian Satellite Companybyfirst—class mail on the following:

Karis A. Hastings                               Daniel C.H. Mah
SatCom Law LLC                                  Regulatory Counsel
1317 F Street, N.W., Suite 400                  for NewSkics Satellites B.V.
Washington, DC 20004                             1129 20th Strcet N.W., Suite 1000
                                                 Washington, DC 20036

William M. Wiltshire
Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
1200 Eighteenth Street, N.W
Washington, DC 20036

                                                                  Pam Conley
                                                                  Pam Conley

Document Created: 2019-04-11 15:32:55
Document Modified: 2019-04-11 15:32:55

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