Attachment Erratum to amendment

This document pretains to SAT-AMD-19971030-00175 for Amended Filing on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                         KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLp                                                                NOV 4 — 1997

                                                                                                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                    1200 19TH STREET, N. W.                                                    OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

  NEW YORK, N.Y.                                             SUITE 500                                     F;-’)fl“mfi"".;” iA _ Facsimice

(ss ANGeree, 64.                                  waASHINGTON, D. c. 20036                                 OMT9. * ‘usbes sssa7es
     MIAMI, FL.

   cHicago, iL.                                             (202) 955—9600                                 NOV   1   5    '997

 ParEIPFANY, N../.                            .                                                            an:       s        WRITER‘S DIRECT LINE
                                                                                                                     Brarobor 955—9774
                                                                                                           ie PolicyBUfeaU

 AFFILIATED OFFICES                                     November          4’   1997


       Mr. William F. Caton                                                                         ’75,44’)44/671])}7 §"
       Acting Secretary
       Federal Communications Commission
       1919 M Street, N.W., Room 222, Stop Code 1170
       Washington, D.C. 20554

                         Re:__   Erratum to Amendment to Application of Final Analysis Communication
                                 Services, Inc. for Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate a Low
                                 Earth Orbit Satellite System (File No. 25—SAT—P/LA—95), Filed on
                                 October 30, 1997

       Dear Mr. Caton:

                          Pursuant to Section 25.110 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.110,
       Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. ("Final Analysis"), by its attorneys, hereby
       submits this erratum to the above—referenced amendment to its application ("Amendment").
       As described below, enclosed are selected pages from the Amendment that correct certain
       typographical errors or inadvertent oversights in the identified portions of the text, charts and
       illustrations of the Amendment. In addition, it has come to Final Analysis‘s attention that
       certain pages of the Amendment, as specified below, may have been inadvertently omitted
       from some service copies in the duplication process although these pages are included in the
       duplicate copy of the Amendment "stamped—in" by the FCC Mellon Bank. Accordingly, out
       of an abundance of caution, Final Analysis also submits herewith those pages that may have
       been inadvertently omitted from some service copies.

                    The following is a list of the corrected pages of the Amendment and pages that
       may have been inadvertently omitted from some service copies and are being resubmitted

                          Table of Contents —— corrected pagination and lettering of headings;
                          p.8 — corrected heading and footnote cross—reference;

       ## DCOL/BATAP/52850.41

                                         KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP                                                                NOV 4 — 1997

                                                         lotn                                                            FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                    1200 19TH STREET, N.W.                                                     OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

  NEW YORK, N.Y.                                              SUITE 500                                      F:Q‘ emegn hy wd FACSIMILE
Los ANGELES, Cca.                                wASHINGTON, D. c. 20036                                       h c        4   (2oe) oss—o702
     MIAMI,   FL.

   cHicago, iL.                                              (202) as5s—9600                                 NOV   ’ 5    1997
  stAmMFORD, CT.
                                                                                                              3 PotMDl
                                                                                                                              WRITER‘S DIRECT LINE
                                                                                                                           | an
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BRUSSELS, BELGIUM                                                                                          lntemationai Bureagboz) fyii‘*

 AFFILIATED OFFICES                                     November          4’   1997


       Mr. William F. Caton                                                                         ’75,44’7)4//5110/9 &
       Acting Secretary
       Federal Communications Commission
       1919 M Street, N.W., Room 222, Stop Code 1170
       Washington, D.C. 20554

                          Re:__   Erratum to Amendment to Application of Final Analysis Communication
                                  Services, Inc. for Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate a Low
                                  Earth Orbit Satellite System (File No. 25—SAT—P/LA—95), Filed on
                                  October 30, 1997

       Dear Mr. Caton:

                          Pursuant to Section 25.110 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.110,
       Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. ("Final Analysis"), by its attorneys, hereby
       submits this erratum to the above—referenced amendment to its application ("Amendment").
       As described below, enclosed are selected pages from the Amendment that correct certain
       typographical errors or inadvertent oversights in the identified portions of the text, charts and
       illustrations of the Amendment. In addition, it has come to Final Analysis‘s attention that
       certain pages of the Amendment, as specified below, may have been inadvertently omitted
       from some service copies in the duplication process although these pages are included in the
       duplicate copy of the Amendment "stamped—in" by the FCC Mellon Bank. Accordingly, out
       of an abundance of caution, Final Analysis also submits herewith those pages that may have
       been inadvertently omitted from some service copies.

                    The following is a list of the corrected pages of the Amendment and pages that
       may have been inadvertently omitted from some service copies and are being resubmitted

                          Table of Contents —— corrected pagination and lettering of headings;
                          p.8 — corrected heading and footnote cross—reference;

       ## DCOL/BATAP/52850.41

                                  KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP

Mr. William F. Caton
November 4, 1997
Page 2

                   pp.15—16 — Figure II—2 Constellation Orbital Parameters —— corrected table
                   p.18 — Figure II—3 Final Analysis Constellation Footprint Coverage —— corrected
                   p.33 — Figure II—9 Service Downlink (400—401 MHz) —— corrected table entries;
                   p.34 — Figure II—10 Service Uplink (148—149.81 MHz) —— corrected table
                   p.36 — Figure II—12 Feeder Downlink (137—138 MHz) —— page possibly
                          inadvertently omitted from some service copies;
                   p.37 — Figure II—13 Service Downlink (137—138 MHz) —— corrected table
                   p.43 — Figure II—17 Attitude Control Subsystem Block Diagram —— diagram
                          inadvertently omitted from Amendment;
                   p.44 — text inadvertently omitted from Amendment due to word processing
                   p.46 — Figure II—18 RAD 6000 Illustration —— corrected illustration;
                   p.48 — corrected subheading lettering;
                   pp.52—53 — corrected subheading lettering;
                   pp.56—57 — pages possibly inadvertently omitted from some service copies.

The corrected text is identified in underlining. Please associate a copy of the enclosed
corrections with the Commission‘s files for Final Analysis‘s Amendment.

               In accordance with Section 25.110 of the Rules, an original and nine (9)
copies of this erratum are included herewith. Please acknowledge receipt of this filing on the
"stamp—and—return" copy provided for that purpose. Please do not hesitate to call the
undersigned counsel at the above—referenced number if you should have any questions
regarding this matter.

                                                   Peter A. Bat
                                                   Counsel to Final Analysis Communication
                                                     Services, Inc.

cc:— Attached certificate of service list

## DCO1/BATAP/52850.41

                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS

       uscuis                                                                                               2

II.    DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM ................... . l ...                                           7
       A.   Impact of Timesharing with NOAA .. ... ... ... .. .. .l l l .                                   7
       B.    Space Segment . ... ... .. ... .. . . l s l k k k e k e e e e e e e e k e e e e e e e es       8
             1. Constellation Design ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. e l l e e e e es                         8
                a. Change in Satellite Inclination ... .................... ...                             8
                 b. Change in Number of Planes and Satellites             ... .............               10
             2. Technical Description of Spacecraft ... ... ............... ...                           18
             3. Communications Subsystem — The Payload ...................                                24
                a. Subsystem Description . .............................                                  25
                b. Frequency Plan =............. ... .ls k l e e e e e e e e e es                         29
                c. Link Analysig . ............. ... .. l l l k e e k e e e e e e s                       33
             4. Mechanical Subsystem ... ... ... ... .. .. ... .. l l l l l l es                          38
             5. Thermal Subsystem .......... ... ... ... . l l k k e e e e e e e es                       40
             6. Electrical Power System .............s. ... ... ... .l .l ..                              41
             7. Attitude Control and Orbital Maintenance Subsystems ............                          43
             8. Command and Data Handling System (C&DH) ................                                  45
             9. Reliability and Operational Life . . ... ... ...................                          47
       C.    Ground Components .. ... ... ... ... ... ... .k k e k e e e e e e e e e es                   48
             1. Network Control Center ... ... ... .. .. ... ... . l .l l l l s                           48
             2. Master Ground Station ... ... ... .. .. . ... l e . k l l e e e e e e e es                48
             3. Secondary Ground Station . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ...                         49
             4. Remote Terminals ....... ... ... ... ... .k k l l l k k l k e e e e e es                  50
             5. Message Terminals ............. ... .. ... l l k e l l e e es                             51

III.   Interference and Frequency Sharing Analysis ... .................... ..                            52
       A.    148—150.05 MHz Uplink Band . ... ........... ... ... .. l s                                  52
             1. 148—149.9 MHz Band . ............. ... .. .l l e e e e e e es                             52
                 (a)      Protection of Existing Services . .. ... ... ... ... .......                    52
                 (b)      Sharing with VITA         .. ... ... ... ul . l e e e e e e e e e es            53
                 (c)      Sharing with System 1 and ORBCOMM . .............                               53
                 (d)      Sharing with System 3 and S80 ... ..................                            53
             2. 149.9 — 150.05 MHz Uplink Band ... ......................                                  53
             3. Transponding of Received Power in the 148 ——150.05 MHz Uplink
                Band ... ... ... .. l l k k k k k a n e e k e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e es       54
       B.    400.15—401 MHz Downlink Band . ... ... ............... ... ...                                54
             1. Sharing with VITA . ....... ... .. l l a l a e l k e e            e e k e e e k e es       54
             2. Sharing with S80 . . ... ... ... .. .. l l l e a e e e            e k e e e e e e e es     54
       C.    137 — 138 MHz Downlink Band Spectrum Assignments ..                  ...........              55
             1. Sharing with NOAA ... ... ... .. l l us l l a l k e               e e e e e e e e e es     55
             2. Sharing with Meteor . .......... ... ... .l k.k r                 k k e e e es             57.
             3. Sharing with System 3 ........... ... ... ... k l                 e l e e e e e es         57
             4. Sharing with ORBCOMM............................ ...                                       58
             5. Sharing with System 1 ................ ... .l l l k. s                                     59
       D.    First Priority on After—Acquired Downlink Spectrum ... .. ... .......                         59

IV.    PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF FAISAT CONSTELLATION .........                                          60

         LEGAL QUALIFICATIONS OF FINAL ANALYSIS ................. ..                           61

 VIL.    FINANCIAL QUALIFICATIONS OF FINAL ANALYSIS |...............                           61

CovIL    TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS OF FINAL ANALYSIS ...............                            63

 VIII.   ADDITIONAL REPRESENTATIONS OF FINAL ANALYSIS                      ........._._..      64
         A.     Waiver of Use of Frequencies    . ... ... ... ... ... .. .. ... .. ...         64
         B.     Regulatory Classification of Service ... .................... ...              64
         C.     Agreement Not to Enter Into Exclusive Arrangements .. ... .........            64

 IX.     PUBLIC INTEREST STATEMENT ............... .. a l l e e e e e e es                     64

         CONCLUSION .. ... ... l ul e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e k e e e e e es   66

LEO services is scarce."      In adopting the frequency plan put forth in the Joint Proposal,

including in particular the first priority for System 2 to apply for Supplemental Spectrum,"" the

Commission expressed the expectation that such scarce spectrum will be utilized by System 2

to implement one of three "large systems providing a wide array of Little LEO services" to

promote "consumer choice, rapid service deployment and lower prices for consumers."" As

described herein, even with access to future Supplemental Spectrum, the achievement of such

spectrum efficiency and the ability to meet the Commissions public policy goal of licensing an

additional NVNGMSS Company which will operate a large system in competition with first

round licenses, is dependent upon a constellation design that maximizes system availability.

Thus, to the extent timesharing requirements diminish the availability of Final Analysis‘s

constellation, system design modifications are required to achieve the market results the

Commission has stated it intends to achieve by awarding a System 2 license.

       B.      Space Segment

               1.      Constellation Design

       The two major impacts discussed above led Final Analysis to perform several complex

studies aimed at minimizing the frequency conflicts and outages that will be caused by the time—

sharing requirement. Specifically, Final Analysis studied the impact of the following factors,

among others, to determine the necessary modifications to its constellation design: (i) inclination

of the orbital planes; (i1i) coverage outage experienced by the constellation; (iii) the requirement

    5 See Report and Order at § 133.

    5 See discussion in Section IILD below.

    7 See Report and Order at § 35.

                           Figure II—2 Constellation Orbital Parameters

                   1A    1000.   83      0       0      0        0        360

                   2     1000.   83      0       0      90       90       360

                   3     1000.   51      0       0      0        0        360

                   4     1000.   51      0       0      0        72       360

                   5     1000.   51      0       0      0        144      360

                   6     1000.   51      0       0      0        216      360

                   7     1000.   51      0       0      0        288      360

                   8*    1000.   51      0       0      0        0        360

                   9     1000.   51      0       0      60       0        360

                   10    1000.   51      0       0      60       72       360

                   11    1000.   51      0       0      60       144      360

                   12    1000.   51      0       0      60       216      360

                   13    1000.   51      0       0      60       288      360

                   14*   1000.   51      0       0      60       0        360

                   15    1000.   51      0       0       120     0        360

                   16    1000.   51      0       0       120     72       360

                   17    1000.   51      0       0       120     144      360

                   18    1000.   51      0       0       120     216      360

                   19    1000.   51      0       0       120     288      360

## DCOU/BATAP/52790.41                        — 15 —

                   20*   1000.        51       0        0        120      0        360
                   21    1000.        51       0        0        180      0        360
                   22    1000.        51       0        0        180      72       360
                   23    1000.        51       0        0        180      144      360
                   24    1000.        51       0        0        180      216      360

                   25    1000.        51       0        0        180      288      360

                   26*   1000.        51       0        0        180      0        360

                   27    1000.        51       0        0       240       0        360
                   28    1000.        51       0        0       240       72       360

                   29    1000.        51       0        0       240       144      360
                   30    1000.        51       0        0       240       216      360

                   31    1000.        51       0        0       240       288      360
                   32*   1000.        51       0        0       240       0        360

                   33    1000.        51       0        0       300       0        360

                   34    1000.        51       0        0       300       72       360

                   35    1000.        51       0        0       300       144      360
                   36    1000.        51       0        0       300       216      360

                   37    1000.        51       0        0       300       288      360

                   38°   1000.        51       0        0       300       0        360
             Abbreviations:            Alt=AItitude   Ecc=Eccentricity       M=Mean Anomaly
                              Inc=Inclination ArgP=Argument of Perigee S=Service Arc
                              Ra=Right Ascension of the Ascending Node

*The following satellite numbers represent spares: 8, 14, 20, 26, 32, and 38.

## DCOU/BATAP/52790.41                              — 16 —

                     *Figure II—3 Final Analysis Constellation Footprint Coverage

                                         :CARTESILAN LA,_     _
                                       2000701Zz0L 00:20:00.00

                                                                                   kmrsec:deq +

*This chart shows the footprints of five operational satellites per plane, with the spare satellite
occupying the same footprint as the first satellite in each plane.

         2.        Technical Description of Spacecraft

## DCOLUBATAP/S2399.42                         — 18 —

         With regard to feeder links, as System 2 allows, we will operate in 150—150.05 MHz

band. The center frequency would be 150.025 with data rate of 28 kpbs and designator of


                   c.    Link Analysis

         The link margin and analysis results for the various uplinks and downlinks are shown

in the following figures.

                                           Figure II—9
                                Service Downlink (400—401 MHz)

                            Frequency (Typical)           400.528 MHz

                            Transmitter Power                    32 W

                            Transmitter Power                  15 dBW

                            Transmitter Line Loss               —0.2 dB

                            Transmitter Antenna Gain            3.0 dBi

                            EIRP                             17.8 dBW

                            EIRP dB(W/4kHz)                  13.3 dBW

                            Slant Range                      3194.5 km

                            Space Loss                       —154.5 dB

                            Polarization Loss                   —0.5 dB

                            Atmospheric Loss                    —1.0 dB

                            Receive Antenna Gain                  0 dBi

                            System Noise Temperature             505 K

                            Data Rate                        19,200 bps

                            Eb/No                              20.6 dB

                            Bit Error Rate (BER)                  1E—5

                            Required Eb/No                     13.5 dB

                            Implementation Loss                 —2.0 dB

                            Margin                              5.1 dB

                            PED dB(W/m®/4kHz)              —127.8 dBw

## DCOUIBATAP/52790.41                            — 33

                                      Figure II—10
                            Service Uplink (148—149.81 MHz)

                        Frequency (Typical)             149 MHz

                        Transmitter Power                     20 W

                        Transmitter Power                13 dBW
                        Transmitter Line Loss             —0.2 dB
                        Transmitter Antenna Gain              0 dBi

                        EIRP                           12.8 dBW
                        Slant Range                    3194.5 km

                        Space Loss                     —145.9 dB

                        Polarization Loss                 —3.0 dB

                        Atmospheric Loss                  —1.0 dB

                        Receive Antenna Gain              3.0 dBi

                        System Noise Temperature              940 K

                        Data Rate                       9600 bps

                        Eb/No                            24.9 dB
                        Bit Error Rate (BER)                  1E—05

                        Required Eb/No                   13.5 dB

                        Implementation Loss               —2.0 dB

                        Margin                            9.4 dB

## DCOUBATAP/52790.41                       — 34 —

                                       Figure II—12
                              Feeder Downlink (137—138 MHz)

                          Frequency (Typical)          137.9125 MHz

                          Transmitter Power                    32 W

                          Transmitter Power                 15 dBW

                          Transmitter Line Loss              —0.2 dB
                          Transmitter Antenna Gain           3.0 dBi
                          EIRP                            17.8 dBW
                          Slant Range                     3194.5 km

                          Space Loss                       —145.3 dB

                          Polarization Loss                  —0.5 dB

                          Atmospheric Loss                   —1.0 dB

                          Receive Antenna Gain                12 dBi

                          System Noise Temperature           1565 K

                          Data Rate                      112,000 bps

                          Eb/No                             29.2 dB

                          Bit Error Rate (BER)                1E—05
                          Required Eb/No                     13.5 dB

                          Implementation Loss                —2.0 dB

                          Margin                             13.7 dB

## DCOL/BATAP/52790 .41                       — 36 —

                                       Figure I—13
                             Service Downlink (137—138 MHz)

                         Frequency (Typical)          137.528 MHz

                         Transmitter Power                32 dBW

                         Transmitter Power                15 dBW

                         Transmitter Line Loss             —0.2 dB

                         Transmitter Antenna Gain          3.0 dBi

                         EIRP                           17.8 dBW
                         EIRP dB(W/m*/4kHz)             14.85dBW
                         Slant Range                    3194.5 km

                         Space Loss                     —145.2 dB

                         Polarization Loss                 —3.0 dB
                         Atmospheric Loss                  —1.0 dB

                         Receive Antenna Gain              0.0 dBi
                         System Noise Temperature          1565 K

                         Data Rate                       9600 bps

                         Eb/No                            25.4 dB
                         Bit Error Rate (BER)                 1E—05

                         Required Eb/No                   13.5 dB
                         Implementation Loss               —2.0 dB

                         Margin                            9.9 dB

                         PFD dB (W/m*‘/4kHz)             —126:2 dB

## DCOUVBATAP/52790.41                       — 37 .

              Figure II—17 Attitude Control Subsystem Block Diagram

        .                 Three Axis                Sun     >
GPS Attitude             Magnetometer             Sensors

                   Attitude Control Subsystem
                       (Software Task)

                                                                   Active MTs
  Magnetic                    Momentum
 B’i‘&rqucr                    Wheel               NCC

The sun sensor will be located on a deployed solar array panel on one side of the satellite, as

close as practical to the panel axis centerline. Backup sensors will be a single three (3) axis

magnetometer and a redundant sun sensor located on the deployed solar array panel on the

opposite side of the satellite.

         The control elements consist of three (3) mutually perpendicular magnetic torquer bars

(MTB) and a single momentum wheel aligned to provide torque about the satellite‘s yaw axis.

The MTBs will be capable of generating a magnetic dipole of 10 amp—meters® each, and will be

controlled by three (3) independent proportional current sources. As such, the MTBs effectively

form a doubly redundant control system, and will provide a secondary function of shedding

excess momentum developed by the MW and SADM. Although the spacecraft will utilize the

momentum wheel for fine pointing control about the yaw axis (+2°) to optimize solar array

performance, the MTBs and ACS software will be capable of providing sufficient control about

the yaw axis to meet the power needs of the primary communications mission of the satellite.

         Due to the conservative nature and redundant design of the ACS sensors and control

elements, this system conforms well with the planned 7 year lifetime of the satellite.          The

satellite will calculate the orbital elements from data provided by the GPSADS to support on

board operation, and will regularly compare its ephemeris with the constellation database

maintained by the NCC.       The NCC will provide satellite ephemeridae to each unit and will

update the global MT positions of each active MT upon being contacted by the MT.

         Two orbital maintenance systems are being considered for use onboard the FAISAT

spacecraft. The primary system will be a cold gas propulsion system utilizing flight proven

hardware employed on many spacecraft to date. The cold gas system will be capable of

providing the necessary velocity increments (delta V) to correct for orbit insertion errors, to

initially space the satellites with respect to each other in each of the six planes, to maintain the

## DCOL/BATAP/52790.41                         — 44 —

                             Figure II—18 RAD 6000 Hlustration

   RAD 6000

                                       MAIN MEMORY



                                        RAD 6000

                                           | _¥
             SERIAL IF

                                                                 '   TIMER/TIME—OUT      '

                                                                 l   INTR/DISCRETES      l
                                        LOCAL 170
                                       INTERFACES                '       RS232           ’

                                                                 ' HARDWARE TEST IF      I

         COMMUNICATIONS               DRAM & EEPROM                  POWER
        TRANSMIT & RECEIVE                                       >

## DCOUBATAP/52790.41                      — 46 —

in and qualification tests are performed, and where necessary, additional radiation packaging

protection is provided.

       C.      Ground Components

       The ground components of the Final Analysis system consist of the NCC and

MGS in Lanham, Maryland, the back up MGS in Logan, Utah, and the SGS in Andoya,


       The Final Analysis system services two types of users.         Each type of user employs a

transceiver ground terminal. The passive user which only collects data will use a RT to collect

those data. The operation of the RT is described below. The interactive user will employ a

Message Terminal (MT) with an alphanumeric keyboard to create messages and interact with

the satellite. This protocol and strategy is also described in the following paragraphs.

               1.     Network Control Center

       The NCC will be located in the Final Analysis corporate headquarters in Lanham,

Maryland.    The NCC will operate in a receive only mode and operators will command the

satellite system via internet or telephone lines to the ground stations. Technical operations and

ephemeris determinations will be performed in the NCC. Location and interrogation schedules

of RT‘s and MTs will also be maintained in the NCC.

               2.     Master Ground Station

       Ground control of the satellite will be performed at the MGS located in Lanham,

Maryland. This is the primary facility to perform the tracking, telémetry, and control functions

for the satellites. Separate channels on the satellite allow communications between the ground

station and the satellite while the satellite is gathering data. Information such as polling lists for

the RTs and any messages for MT‘s are uploaded to the satellite.             Command and control

functions such as telemetry requests, system software patches and tests, and spacecraft subsystem

monitoring are also conducted. Attitude control software onboard will control the attitude by

                                                — 4g8 —

III.    Interference and Frequency Sharing Analysis

        A.     148—150.05 MHz Uplink Band

               1. 148—149.9 MHz Band

        The spectrum made available to System 2 in the 148—149.9 MHz band is discussed in the

Report and Order at [ 32. Limitations in this band are governed by footnote 608a which states

that the NVNG service shall not constrain the development and use of fixed, mobile, and space

operation services in this band.   Final Analysis proposes using 148—148.25 MHz, 148.75 —

148.855 MHz, 148.955 — 149.585 MHz, 149.635 — 149.81 MHz for global service uplink and

148.855 — 148.905 MHz within CONUS and globally for service links if System 3 does not use

the band for feeder links. If S80 does not use the band 148.905 — 148.955 MHz for feeder links,

this band may be used by System 2 for service uplink.

                  (a)      Protection of Existing Services

        Concerning protection of existing fixed and mobile user services, protection will be

accomplished by adhering to Footnotes US 323 and Footnote 608, 608a, 608b, and 608c.

        Final Analysis designed its service uplink communication system to utilize the Scanning

Activity Receiver System (STARS) to avoid interference with fixed and mobile users of this

band.   In operation, the STARS receiver onboard the satellite will scan this band in 2.5 kHz

steps and identify unused channels.      These unused channels will be assigned as uplink

frequencies for the RT‘s and MT‘s. The STARS system is an enhanced version of DCAAS. The

active channel avoidance capability of the Final Analysis STARS system will not permit the

assignment of these bands for uplink transmissions when in use by other services or systems.

Final Analysis has designed its uplink communications system so that it would not interfere with

these users by adhering to Footnote US323, as follows: i) the STARS system will not assign an

uplink frequency to a RT or MT that is actively being used by fixed or mobile users, ii) the

modified Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) polling scheme will limit transmissions to no

                                             — 572 _

more than 17% of the time during any 15 minute period and will limit the uplink message size

such that a single transmission will not exceed 450 miliseconds, and iii) software in the RT‘s and

MTs will not allow immediate, consecutive transmissions on a single frequency.

                  (b)      Sharing with VITA

       Final Analysis will not operate in the VITA band 149.81 — 149.9 MHz.

                  (c) Sharing with System 1 and ORBCOMM

       In the bands shared with System 1 and ORBCOMM, the STARS system will prevent

assignment of spectrum in use by other NVNG systems.

                  (d)      Sharing with System 3 and S80

       System 2 overlaps its service uplink operation with System 3 and S80 in the bands 148 —

148.25 MHz, 148.75 — 148.905 MHz. The two edge bands 148.0 — 148.25 MHz and 148.75 —

 148.855 will not cause harmful interference to CDMA operations. System 3 indicated that it

will not perform feeder link operations within CONUS. Therefore, the use of the band 148.855

— 148.905 MHz within CONUS should not cause any harmful interference to System 3 feeder

uplink operations. The band 148.905 — 148.955 MHz has been set aside for S80 feeder uplink

operations. CONUS service uplink operation in this band should be feasible. If so, then System

2 could perform continuous STARS service uplink operations from 148.75 to 149.585 MHz.

               2. 149.9 — 150.05 MHz Uplink Band

       System 2 utilizes the 150 — 150.05 MHz band for its feeder uplink operations. This is

a portion of the 149.9 — 150.05 MHz Transit band which was alloc;fl:ed to NVNG—MSS on a co—

primary basis by the FCC in 1993. Final Analysis will time share the use of this band with the

Russian Meteor system which uses the band for downlink, whereas Final Analysis will use the

band for uplink services. Interference avoidance with the Meteor shall be effected by one or

more of the following methods: 1)        maintaining a coordination distance from navigable

waterways; 2) limiting minimum elevation angle with azimuth toward navigable waterways; or

                                              — 53 .

          Final Analysis will transition the majority of its feeder link operations for the NOAA

 bands to the NOAA channels, as NOAAA migrates to the NOAA bands with the installation in

 orbit of the Metsat con;tellation in the 2003 to 2006 period.

          System 2 will time—share with NOAA channels 137.333—137.367 MHz, 137.475—137.525

 MHz, 137.595—137.645 MHz and 137.753—137.787 MHz on a secondary basis for feeder link

 services until 2000 and on a co—primary basis thereafter. During the 2006 and 2009 time period

 it is expected that NOAA will vacate the two NOAAA channels, 137.485—137.515 MHz and

 137.605—137.635 MHz which are called the APT channels. NOAA has expressed a continuing

 need for transmission of data in the NOAAA TIP channels 137.333—137.367 MHz and 137.753—

 137.787 MHz, until the year 2012. System 2 will have time—shared use of the four NOAA

 channels until between 2006 and 2009. Time—sharing with the two NOAA TIP channels will

 continue until approximately 2012. Thereafter time—sharing between System 2 and the NOAA

—channels will not be required and System 2 will operate in these channels along with other

 primary allocated services.

          As suggested by the Report and Order, Final Analysis will protect NOAA‘s APT & TIP

 channels based on an elevation angle of 5°.     Furthermore, with regard to the NOAA bands

 137.025—137.175 MHz and 137.825.825—138 MHz, the Report and Order suggests non—

 interference to NO?{A éatellites based on an elevation angle of 0°.    Final Analysis strongly

 believes a 5° elevation angle is adequate. However, to demonstrate our compliance with the

 Report and Order we will accept a 0° elevation angle.

          We will accomplish timesharing with NOAA in the following way. Currently we obtain

 from NORAD electronically the two—line element of the FAISAT—2v‘‘. We obtain the NOAA

 satellite‘s two line elements from NORAD also. We currently use an SGP4 propagator (which

      *‘Final Analysis will develop a strategy with NORAD to prevent "spoofing," most probably
 by initialing calls itself.

 ## DCOL/BATAP/52399.42                       — 56 —

is also used by the U.S. military and NORAD) for tracking our FAISAT—2v satellite and for the

orbital parameters and tracks of the NOAA satellites. We have essentially already constructed

the timesharing algorithms for determining the outage of the FAISAT satellites when in view of

the various NOAA satellites. We are doing these things today, and we will be able to do them

in the future without difficulty. Should NORAD in the future change its outage algorithm from

SPG4 to a different propagator, our ground control applications software can be refitted with

whatever propagator NORAD chooses. In addition with regard to the 72—hour reset requirement,

Final Analysis‘s comments to the NPRM state that our satellite has several layers of protection

that would detect a failed—on condition well in advance of 72 hours.

                  2. Sharing with Meteor

        As suggested by the Report and Order, Final Analysis will timeshare the 137.367—

137.4125 MHz band with the Russian Meteor system.          The exact elevation angle and other

necessary data will only be known after coordination with Meteor. However, Final Analysis will

follow the same steps to accomplish timesharing as described in the section on timesharing with


                  3. Sharing with System 3

         The Report and Order states that the System 3 operation in this band shall be consistent

with the coordination agreements GE Starsys entered into with NOAA, ORBCOMM and the S$80

system. In discussions with GE Starsys, Final Analysis has been informed that no agreement has

been completed regarding co—operation between NOAA and Starsys.             In addition, Starsys

indicated the only formal agreement in place is with ORBCOMM.

         During the first round negotiated rulemaking, ORBCOMM, Starsys and VITA entered into

a sharing plan which concluded that additional systems could be accommodated in this band.

Subsequently, ORBCOMM and Starsys agreed on certain technical issues regarding interference

## DCOLBATAP/S2399.42                         — 57 .

                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

              I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Erratum to
Amendment to Application of Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc., was sent by
hand delivery or mailed, via first—class mail, postage prepaid, this 4th day of November,
1997, to each of the following:

 Chairman William E. Kennard*                   Commissioner Gloria Tristani*
 Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communications Commission
 1919 M Street, N.W., Room 814                  1919 M Street, N.W., Room 802
 Washington, D.C. 20554                         Washington, D.C. 20554

 Commissioner Harold W. Furchtgott—Roth*        Commissioner Susan Ness*
 Federal Communications Commission              Federal Communications Commission
 1919 M Street, N.W., Room 844                  1919 M Street, N.W., Room 832
 Washington, D.C. 20554                         Washington, D.C. 20554

 Commissioner Michael K. Powell*                Albert Halprin, Esquire
 Federal Communications Commission              Halprin, Temple & Goodman
 1919 M Street, N.W. Room 826                   Suite 650 East
 Washington, D.C. 20554                         1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
                                                Washington, D.C. 20005
                                                    Counsel for ORBCOMM

 Ms. Regina Keeney*                             Henry Goldberg, Esquire
 Chief, International Bureau                    Joseph Godles, Esquire
 Federal Communications Commission              Mary Dent, Esquire
 2000 M Street, N.W., Room 830                  Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
 Washington, D.C. 20554                         1229 19th Street, N.W.
                                                Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                    Counsel for Volunteers in Technical

* Hand Delivery

 Robert A. Mazer, Esquire          Leslie Taylor, Esquire
 Vinson & Elkins                   Leslie Taylor Associates, Inc.
 1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.    6800 Carlynn Court
 Washington, D.C. 20004—1008       Bethesda, Maryland 20817—4302
    Counsel for Leo One USA            Counsel for E—Sat

 Mr. Charles Ergen, President
 E—SAT, Inc.
 90 Inverness Circle, East
 Englewood, Colorado 80112

                                  Peter A. Batacan

* Hand Delivery

Document Created: 2012-11-15 14:16:33
Document Modified: 2012-11-15 14:16:33

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