Application filed for consent to the transfer of control of Chester Long Distance Services, Inc. (Chester Long Distance), which holds international section 214 authorization ITC-214-19930528-00087 (Old File No. ITC-93-210), from its 100% parent, The Chest
Filing: ITC | International Telecommunications |
Filing: T/C | Transfer of Control |
Last Action | Grant of Authority |
Last Action Date | 2019-09-04 |
Status | Action Taken Public Notice |
Status Date | 2019-09-05 |
Date Filed | 2019-05-10 |
Date Granted | 2019-09-04 |
Adopted Date | 2019-09-04 |
Released Date | 2019-09-04 |
Filing Accepted Public Notice | 2019-06-07 |
Action Taken Public Notice | 2019-09-05 |
Red Light | N |
Paper/Electronic | E |
Delegated Authority # | 19-877 |
Streamlined Application | N |
Chester Long Distance Services
112 York Street
PO Box 160
Chester, SC 29706-1484 USAContact
Joshua Bobeck
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLC
1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004 USA
112 York Street, Chester, SC 29706-1484 USA
1111 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004 USA
Chester Telephone Company
112 York Street
PO Box 160
Chester, SC 29706- USA
York Telecoms Holdings US L.P.
155 Wellington Street West, Ste. 2930
Toronto, CAN
112 York Street, Chester, SC 29706 USA,
155 Wellington Street West, Ste. 2930, Toronto, CAN,