Altice-Cablevision F

OTHER submitted by ALTICE N.V.



This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20151014-00237 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                    November 2, 2015

Via Electronic Filing

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

          Re:    Update Regarding the Transfer of Control of Cablevision Systems
                 Corporation, WC Docket No. 15-257, ITC-T/C-20151014-00237

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Cablevision Systems Corporation (“Cablevision”) and Altice N.V. (“Altice,” and together
with Cablevision, the “Parties”), through undersigned counsel, hereby submit this letter to update
certain information regarding the pending transfer of control of Cablevision (the “Transaction”).

       As described in the application filed on October 14, 2015, in the above-referenced
dockets (the “Application”), Altice N.V., through certain of its wholly-owned subsidiaries,
agreed to acquire a 100% interest in, and ultimate control of, Cablevision and its subsidiaries
pursuant to a Purchase and Sale Agreement (“Purchase Agreement”) entered into on September
16, 2015.1

         As the Application noted, CPP Investment Board, a Canada-organized investment
management organization that invests the assets of the Canada Pension Plan (“CPPIB”), and a
group of limited partnerships formed under the laws of Guernsey, U.K., and associated with BC
Partners Holdings Limited (“BC Partners”) had the option to indirectly purchase a combined
total of up to a 30 percent interest in Cablevision in connection with the Transaction.2 CPPIB
and BC Partners have now exercised that option. Accordingly, updated ownership information is
provided in Exhibit A hereto. Updated post-Transaction organizational charts are attached as
Exhibit B.

    See Application at 5.
    Application at 6.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
November 2, 2015
Page 2

       Any questions concerning this submission should be addressed to the undersigned.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

CABLEVISION SYSTEMS                               ALTICE N.V.

              /s/                                                /s/
Tara M. Corvo                                     Yaron Dori
Christopher J. Harvie                             Michael Beder
Paul D. Abbott                                    Ani Gevorkian
POPEO P.C.                                        One City Center
701 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 900             850 Tenth Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20004                              Washington, DC 20001
Tel: (202) 434-7300                               Tel: (202) 662-6000
Fax: (202) 434-7400                               Fax: (202) 662-6291
Email:                          E-mail:                                                            

Counsel for Cablevision Systems Corporation       Counsel for Altice N.V.


                                          Exhibit A
                                     Ownership Information

Upon consummation of the Transaction, the following entities will hold a direct or indirect ten
percent (10%) or greater ownership interest in Cablevision and its wholly owned subsidiaries.

Name:                 Neptune Holding US Corp.
Address:              c/o Corporation Service Company, 2711 Centerville Road,
                      Suite 400, New Castle, DE 19808
Citizenship:          Delaware
Percentage Owned:     100% (direct ownership of Cablevision Systems Corporation)
Principal Business:   Holding Company

Name:                 CVC 3 B.V.1
Address:              Cattenbroekerdijk 4-B, 3446 HA Woerden, the Netherlands
Citizenship:          Netherlands
Percentage Owned:     100% (indirectly via ownership of Neptune Holding US Corp.)
Principal Business:   Holding Company

Name:                 CVC 2 B.V.
Address:              Cattenbroekerdijk 4-B, 3446 HA Woerden, the Netherlands
Citizenship:          Netherlands
Percentage Owned:     100% (indirectly via ownership of CVC 3 B.V.)
Principal Business:   Holding Company

Name:                 CVC 1 B.V.
Address:              Cattenbroekerdijk 4-B, 3446 HA Woerden, the Netherlands
Citizenship:          Netherlands
Percentage Owned:     70% (indirectly via 70% ownership of CVC 2 B.V.)
Principal Business:   Holding Company

Name:                 CVC TopCo
Address:              3, Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg
Citizenship:          Luxembourg
Percentage Owned:     30% (indirectly via 30% ownership of CVC 2 B.V.)
Principal Business:   Holding Company

Name:                 CPPIB-Suddenlink LP
Address:              One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                      M5C 2W5 Canada
Citizenship:          U.S.

1Altice may elect to exclude this subsidiary from the ownership chain, in which case CVC 2
B.V. would directly own 100% of Neptune Holding US Corp.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
November 2, 2015
Exhibit A, Page 2

Percentage Owned:     11.8% (indirectly via 11.8% ownership of CVC TopCo)
Principal Business:   Pension Investment Fund

Name:                 CPPIB-Suddenlink GP LP (“CPPIB GP”)
Address:              One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                      M5C 2W5 Canada
Citizenship:          U.S.
Percentage Owned:     11.8% (indirectly as general partner of CPPIB Suddenlink LP)
Principal Business:   Pension Investment Fund

Name:                 CPPIB US Private Holdings Inc. II (“CPPIB US Private”)
Address:              One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                      M5C 2W5 Canada
Citizenship:          Canada
Percentage Owned:     11.8% (indirectly via ownership of CPPIB GP)
Principal Business:   Pension Investment Fund

Name:                 CPPIB LAV Holdings Inc. (“CPPIB LAV”)
Address:              One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                      M5C 2W5 Canada
Citizenship:          Canada
Percentage Owned:     11.8% (indirectly via ownership of CPPIB US Private)
Principal Business:   Pension Investment Fund

Name:                 CPP Investment Board (USRE II) Inc. (“CPPIB USRE”)
Address:              One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                      M5C 2W5 Canada
Citizenship:          Canada
Percentage Owned:     11.8% (indirectly via ownership of CPPIB-Suddenlink LP)
Principal Business:   Pension Investment Fund

Name:                 CPP Investment Board
Address:              One Queen Street East, Suite 2600, P.O. Box 101, Toronto, Ontario,
                      M5C 2W5 Canada
Citizenship:          Canada
Percentage Owned:     11.8% (indirectly via ownership of CPPIB USRE and CPPIB LAV)
Principal Business:   Pension Investment Fund

Name:                 BC European Capital - Suddenlink GP LP (“BC European GP”)
Address:              Heritage Hall, Le Marchant St., St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4HY
Citizenship:          Guernsey
Percentage Owned:     18.2% (indirectly as general partner of various funds affiliated with
                      BC Partners Holdings Limited, which funds will own a total of 18.2% of
                      CVC TopCo)
Principal Business:   Investment management company

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
November 2, 2015
Exhibit A, Page 3

Name:                 CIE Management IX Limited (“CIE Management”)
Address:              Heritage Hall, Le Marchant St., St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4HY
Citizenship:          Guernsey
Percentage Owned:     18.2% (indirectly as general partner of BC European GP)
Principal Business:   Investment management company

Name:                 BC Partners Holdings Limited
Address:              Heritage Hall, Le Marchant St., St. Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4HY
Citizenship:          Guernsey
Percentage Owned:     18.2% (indirectly via ownership of CIE Management)
Principal Business:   Investment management company

Name:                 Altice N.V.
Address:              Cattenbroekerdijk 4-B, 3446 HA Woerden, the Netherlands
Citizenship:          Netherlands
Percentage Owned:     70% (indirectly via 100% ownership of CVC 1 B.V.)
Principal Business:   Telecommunications and Cable Television

Name:                 Next Alt Sàrl
Address:              3, Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg
Citizenship:          Luxembourg
Percentage Owned:     42.32% (indirectly via 60.45% ownership of Altice N.V.)
Principal Business:   Telecommunications and Cable Television

Name:                 Next Limited Partnership Incorporated
Address:              11 New Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 2PF
Citizenship:          Guernsey
Percentage Owned:     42.32% (indirectly via 100% ownership of Next Alt Sàrl)
Principal Business:   Telecommunications and Cable Television

Name:                 UpperNext Limited Partnership Incorporated
Address:              11 New Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 2PF
Citizenship:          Guernsey
Percentage Owned:     42.32% (indirectly via 100% ownership of Next L.P.)
Principal Business:   Telecommunications and Cable Television

Name:                 Patrick Drahi
Address:              Seilerwiesenstrasse 3920 Zermatt, Switzerland
Citizenship:          Israel
Percentage Owned:     42.32% (indirectly via 100% ownership of UpperNext L.P.)
Principal Business:   Telecommunications and Cable Television

              Exhibit B
Post-Transaction Organizational Charts

                          Altice N.V. Post-Closing Organizational Chart

                                                                   Patrick Drahi

                                                              UpperNext Limited
                                                           Partnership Incorporated

                                                           Next Limited Partnership

     CPPIB –                BC Partners
 Suddenlink LP            Holding Entities
 See BCP/CPPIB          See BCP/CPPIB Post-                     Next Alt S.à r.l.
Post-Closing Detail        Closing Detail                                                     39.55%       Other Holders
                                                                                                           (None >= 10%)
  11.8%                           18.2%                         60.45 %

                                                                    Altice N.V.

                                                                   CVC 1 B.V.
            CVC TopCo

          NOTES                                       CVC 2 B.V.

   All ownership and control
   is 100% unless otherwise                          CVC 3 B.V.*

   *Altice may elect to
   exclude CVC 3 B.V. from                    Neptune Holding US Corp.
   the ownership chain, in
   which case CVC 2 B.V.
   would directly own 100%
   of Neptune Holding US
   Corp.                                  Cablevision Systems Corporation

                                                 CSC Holdings, LLC

                                              Cablevision Lightpath, Inc.

              Cablevision Lightpath CT LLC                                  Cablevision Lightpath NJ LLC

                                                        BCP/CPPIB Post-Closing Detail Chart
                        CPP Investment                                                                                              BC Partners
                           Board1                                                                                                 Holdings Limited2

           100%                                 100%                                                                                100%

    CPP Investment Board                     CPPIB LAV                          Altice-affiliated                                 CIE Management
        (USRE II) Inc.                      Holdings Inc.                            entity3                                         IX Limited

LP 0% Control,                                                                                                                                        GP 100% Control,
                                          100%                           LP 0% Control,                       GP 100% Control,
100% Equity                                                                                                                                           0% Equity
                                                                         100% Equity                          0% Equity
(Class A)
                                         CPPIB US Private                                                                                          Limited Partners/
                                          Holdings Inc. II                                                                                            Investors4

                                                                                       LP 0% Control,
                                                                                       100% Equity
                                       CPPIB – Suddenlink                                                       BC European Capital –
                                            GP LP5                                                               Suddenlink GP LP5                             LP 0% Control,
                                                                                                                                                               100% Equity
                            GP 100% Control,                                                          GP 100% Control,                                         (Class A)
                            0% Equity (Class A)                                                       0% Equity (Class A)

                            CPPIB – Suddenlink LP                                                                       BC Partners Holding Entities6

                                         11.8%                                   CVC TopCo                                       18.2%

                                                                                 CVC 2 B.V.

                                                                                 CVC 3 B.V.7

                                                                        Neptune Holding US Corp.

                                                                   Cablevision Systems Corporation

1   CPP Investment Board is an investment management organization incorporated in Canada which invests the assets of the Canada Pension Plan.
2   BC Partners Holdings Limited is a limited corporation organized under the laws of Guernsey.
3   Altice N.V. will designate the entity that will hold these interests at or before closing.
4   Consists of BC Partners funds and co-invest entities, none of which will hold 5% or greater equity or voting interests in Cablevision.
5   At closing, the GP LP entities are expected to make small capital contributions to CPPIB – Suddenlink LP and the BC Partners Holding Entities, respectively, resulting in the GP LP
    entities owning a de mimimis amount of equity (less than 2%) in Class B shares. Also, the names of these entities are expected to change at closing.
6   Consists of various limited partnerships and BC European Capital IX Ltd., none of which will hold 5% or greater equity or voting interests in Cablevision.
7   Altice may elect to exclude CVC 3 B.V. from the ownership chain, in which case CVC 2 B.V. would directly own 100% of Neptune Holding US Corp

Document Created: 2015-11-02 15:19:34
Document Modified: 2015-11-02 15:19:34

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