Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20150812-00198 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                            Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc.
                             International Section 214 Pro Forma Transfer of Control Application

                                        ATTACHMENT 1


       This application notifies the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) of the pro
forma transfer of control of Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc. (“Licensee”) that occurred
during prior internal corporate restructurings. On April 25, 2014, a new, intermediate subsidiary,
Airbus Group, Inc. (“Airbus Group”), a Delaware corporation, was inserted into the Licensee’s
ownership structure between Airbus Defense and Space, Inc. (“ADS”), an indirect parent
company of the Licensee, and Airbus Group N.V. (“Airbus NV”), formerly known as European
Aeronautic Defence and Space Company EADS N.V., the ultimate parent company of the
Licensee. Before and after the transaction, the Licensee continued to be indirectly controlled by
Airbus N.V. On June 4, 2015, Airbus N.V. became Airbus Group SE (“Airbus”). A simplified
ownership chart is attached as Exhibit A.

        Because this notice is being filed more than 30 days after the transaction’s consummation
date, the Parties respectfully request a waiver of the 30-day notification deadline contained in
Section 63.24(f)(2)of the FCC’s rules. The Licensee takes its FCC compliance obligations
seriously, and the delay in filing a notice with the FCC is purely the result of an administrative
oversight that was identified during due diligence for the proposed sale of the Licensee.1 The
Licensee has also implemented additional procedures to prevent a similar error in the future and
to comply fully with its license obligations.

        The transaction does not change the Licensee’s foreign ownership as approved by the
FCC.2 The Licensee’s immediate parent company is Airbus DS System Holdings, Inc., a wholly
owned subsidiary of ADS. ADS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Airbus Group, which is a
wholly owned subsidiary of Airbus. Thus, the transaction only involved the non-substantial
insertion of a new intermediate subsidiary in the Licensee’s ownership structure and the FCC is
not required to revisit the Licensee’s foreign ownership.

       Grant of the application is in the public interest because it will facilitate user access to
continued and uninterrupted satellite communications services.

  Applications of Airbus DS Systems Holdings, Inc. and Satcom Direct Communications, Inc. for Consent
to Transfer of Control, FCC File Nos. SES-T/C-20150804-00503, SES-T/C-20150804-00504, and ITC-
 Applications of Chrysaor S.à.r.l. and Astrium Holding S.A.S. for Consent to Transfer of Control and
Petition for Declaratory Ruling, IB Docket No.11-143, FCC File Nos. SES-T/C-20110818-00979 et al.


                                                               Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc.
                                International Section 214 Pro Forma Transfer of Control Application


     The Parties submit the following information pursuant to Section 63.24(f) of the
Commission’s rules, including the information requested in Section 63.18:3

In response to Section 63.18(a):

Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc. (Licensee)
2550 Wasser Terrace
Suite 6000
Herndon, VA 20173
Phone: 571-306-7223
FRN: 0008760456

Airbus Defense and Space, Inc. (Transferor)
2550 Wasser Terrace
Suite 9000
Herndon, VA 20173
Phone: 571-306-7223
FRN: 0022029912

Airbus Group, Inc. (Transferee)
2550 Wasser Terrace
Suite 9000
Herndon, VA 20173
Phone: 571-306-7223
FRN: 0024817876

In response to Section 63.18(b):

Licensee, Transferor and Transferee are Delaware corporations.

    47 C.F.R. §§ 63.18, 63.24(e).


                                                          Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc.
                           International Section 214 Pro Forma Transfer of Control Application

Answer to Question 10

In response to Section 63.18(c):

Please direct correspondence concerning this application to the following:

For the Licensee, Transferor and Transferee:

Mark Brennan
Hogan Lovells US LLP
555 13th Street NW
Washington, DC 20004
Phone: 202-637-6409

Robert Swanson
Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc.
2550 Wasser Terrace
Suite 6000
Herndon, VA 20171
Phone: 571-306-7223

Robert Swanson
Airbus Space and Defense, Inc.
Airbus Group, Inc.
2550 Wasser Terrace
Suite 9000
Herndon, VA 20171
Phone: 571-306-7223

In response to Section 63.18(d):

Licensee holds authority under Section 214 of the Communications Act, as amended, to provide
the services identified in Exhibit B attached hereto.


                                                            Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc.
                             International Section 214 Pro Forma Transfer of Control Application

Answer to Question 11

The transferee is:

Airbus Group, Inc. (Transferee)
2550 Wasser Terrace
Herndon, VA 20173
Suite 9000
Phone: 571-306-7223
FRN: 0024816357
Principal Business – Satellite Communications Services

Airbus Group SE (“Airbus”), the ultimate parent of the Licensee, is a European company. The
ownership of Airbus was described in the applications for consent to the acquisition of the
Licensee and its affiliates, which were granted by the Commission in December of 2011,4 and
the pro forma notification of a corporate restructuring that was granted in January of 2013.5

Answer to Question 12

Interlocking directorates of the Transferee:

The Transferee has no interlocking directorates.

Answer to Question 13

In response to Section 63.18(h):

As discussed above, a new, intermediate subsidiary, Airbus Group was inserted into the
Licensee’s ownership structure between ADS, an indirect parent company of the Licensee, and
Airbus Group SE, the ultimate parent company of the Licensee. See Exhibit A depicting the
Licensee’s ownership structure before and after the corporate restructuring.

 Applications of Chrysaor S.à r.l. and Astrium Holding S.A.S. for Consent to Transfer of Control and
Petition for Declaratory Ruling, IB Docket No.11-143, FCC File Nos. SES-T/C-20110818-00979 et al.
  Notification of the Pro Forma Transfer of Control of Astrium Services Government, Inc. (f/k/a Vizada,
Inc.), FCC File No. ITC-T/C-20121128-003.


                                                            Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc.
                             International Section 214 Pro Forma Transfer of Control Application

Simplified Ownership Structure

            BEFORE                                                        AFTER

       Airbus Defense and                                            Airbus Group, Inc.
        Space, Inc. (US)                                                    (US)
           (Transferor)                                                 (Transferee)

       Airbus DS Systems                                             Airbus Defense and
       Holdings, Inc. (US)                                            Space, Inc. (US)

       Airbus DS SatCom                                              Airbus DS Systems
        Government, Inc.                                             Holdings, Inc. (US)
         (ex ASGI) (US)

                                                                     Airbus DS SatCom
                                                                      Government, Inc.
                                                                       (ex ASGI) (US)


                                                                                                       Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc.
                                                                        International Section 214 Pro Forma Transfer of Control Application

      International Section 214 Authorizations6

AUTHORIZATION                    FILE NO.                   DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZATION                      AUTHORIZATION STATUS/                   DATE
      HOLDER                                                                                                            FCC/DA NO.                 GRANTED
Airbus DS SatCom     ITC-214-19860710-00002              Authority to install and operate a compressed       Order and Authorization and           July 10,
Government, Inc.                                         television system at Southbury, CT and Santa Paula, Certificate (July 10, 1986), 1986     1986
                                                         CA coast earth stations for use in providing        FCC LEXIS 3042
                                                         maritime video transmission service to ships.
Airbus DS SatCom     ITC-214-19861016-00003              Authority to participate in an Inmarsat program to   Memorandum Opinion, Order and        Oct. 16,
Government, Inc.                                         lease the L-band capacity of the Marisat system.     Authorization (Oct. 16, 1986), DA    1986
                                                                                                              86-83, 1986 FCC LEXIS 2492;
Airbus DS SatCom     ITC-214-19870226-00006              Authority to interconnect with Graphnet, Inc. and    Memorandum Opinion and Order         Feb. 26,
Government, Inc.                                         ITT offshore points.                                 (Feb. 26, 1987), DA 87-212, 1987     1987
                                                                                                              FCC LEXIS 4346;
Airbus DS SatCom     ITC-214-19870630-00007              Authority to exchange traffic between ship earth     Order and Authorization (June 30,    June 30,
Government, Inc.                                         stations and foreign points served by Consortium     1987), DA 87-854, 1987 FCC           1987
                                                         Communications International, Inc.                   LEXIS 3541
Airbus DS SatCom     ITC-214-19880630-00009              Authority to interconnect ship earth stations with   Order and Authorization (June 30,    June 30,
Government, Inc.                                         overseas points served by MCII.                      1988), DA 88-1050, 1988 FCC          1988
                                                                                                              LEXIS 1327
Airbus DS SatCom     ITC-214-19890928-00007              Authority to provide international aeronautical      Memorandum Opinion, Order and        Sept. 28,
Government, Inc.                                         MSS, subject to certain conditions.                  Authorization (Sept. 28, 1989),      1989
                                                                                                              DA 891259, 1989 FCC LEXIS
Airbus DS SatCom     ITC-214-19900913-00017              Authority to upgrade Southbury, CT land earth        Order and Authorization (Sept. 13,   Sept. 13,
Government, Inc.                                         station to allow fourth ocean region (AOR E and      1990), DA 90-1240, 1990 FCC          1990
                                                         W).                                                  LEXIS 5019

    The Commission previously reviewed many of the authorizations in this chart as part of a 2011 transaction. See, e.g.,, Applications of Chrysaor S.à r.l. and Astrium Holding S.A.S. for Consent
  to Transfer of Control and Petition for Declaratory Ruling, IB Docket No.11-143, FCC File Nos. SES-T/C-20110818-00979 et al., and IBFS File
  Nos. ITC-T/C-20110818-00265 and ITC-T/C-20110818-00266. This chart includes information for authorizations currently held by the Licensee
  that were in that transaction, as well as a few additional authorizations that were obtained after that transaction.


                                                                                                   Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc.
                                                                    International Section 214 Pro Forma Transfer of Control Application

AUTHORIZATION                  FILE NO.                  DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZATION                      AUTHORIZATION STATUS/                DATE
      HOLDER                                                                                                        FCC/DA NO.                GRANTED
Airbus DS SatCom   ITC-214-19901231-00018             Authority to implement a dual-satellite system in   Order and Authorization (Dec. 31,   Dec. 31,
Government, Inc.                                      AOR (MCS-B and MARECS-B2) and POR                   1990), DA 90-1940, 1991 FCC         1990
                                                      (MCS-D and MARECS-A); to construct and              LEXIS 281
                                                      operate earth stations in Southbury, CT and Santa
                                                      Paula, CA.
Airbus DS SatCom   ITC-214-19911230-00019, ITC-214-   Authority to provide Inmarsat Standard M and        Memorandum, Opinion, Order and      Dec. 30,
Government, Inc.   19911230-00020                     Standard B services in AOR and POR.                 Authorization (Dec. 30, 1991),      1991
                                                                                                          DA 911650, 1992 FCC LEXIS
Airbus DS SatCom   ITC-214-19920121-00132             Authority to provide interim limited aeronautical   Memorandum, Opinion and Order       Jan. 21,
Government, Inc.                                      MSS via Inmarsat within the United States (until    (Jan. 21, 1992), FCC 92-25, 1992    1992
                                                      launch of domestic MSS spacecraft-AMSC).            FCC LEXIS 682

Airbus DS SatCom   ITC-214-19920131-00133             Authority to interconnect authorized Inmarsat       Order and Authorization (Jan. 31,   Jan. 31,
Government, Inc.                                      services with AT&T PSTN facilities.                 1992), DA 92-131, 1992 FCC          1992
                                                                                                          LEXIS 742
Airbus DS SatCom   ITC-214-19920312-00134             Authority to interconnect Inmarsat Standard C       Order and Authorization (March      March 12,
Government, Inc.                                      facilities with a Sprint division.                  12, 1992), DA 92-322, 1992 FCC      1992
                                                                                                          LEXIS 1377
Airbus DS SatCom   ITC-214-19920326-00135             Authority to provide Inmarsat Standard A in IOR     Memorandum Opinion, Order and       March 26,
Government, Inc.                                      and to acquire and operate associated leased line   Authorization (March 26, 1992),     1992
                                                      facilities.                                         DA 92-385, 1992 FCC LEXIS
Airbus DS SatCom   ITC-214-19920512-00136             Authority to provide certain point-to-multipoint    Memorandum, Opinion, Order and May 12,
Government, Inc.                                      data service in shore-to-ship direction in AOR,     Authorization (May 12, 1992), DA 1992
                                                      POR and IOR.                                        92-586, 1992 FCC LEXIS 2623
Airbus DS SatCom   ITC-214-19920904-00137             Authority to provide certain video services in      Memorandum, Opinion, Order and Sept. 4,
Government, Inc.                                      shore-to-ship direction in AOR and POR.             Authorization (Sept. 4, 1992), DA 1992
                                                                                                          92-1254, 1992 FCC LEXIS 5455


                                                                                                    Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc.
                                                                     International Section 214 Pro Forma Transfer of Control Application

AUTHORIZATION                  FILE NO.                   DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZATION                       AUTHORIZATION STATUS/            DATE
      HOLDER                                                                                                         FCC/DA NO.             GRANTED
Airbus DS SatCom   ITC-214-19910930-00021, ITC-214-    Authority to provide Inmarsat Standard C service     Order on Reconsideration:       Sept. 16,
Government, Inc.   19910930-00022, ITC-214-19910930-   to aeronautical users in AOR-West and POR.           Memorandum, Opinion, Order and 1992
                   00023, ITC-214-19910930-00024                                                            Authorization (Sept. 16, 1992),
                                                                                                            DA 92-1282, 1992 FCC LEXIS

                                                                                                            Memorandum, Opinion, Order and
                                                                                                            Authorization (Sept. 30, 1991) DA   Sept. 30,
                                                                                                            91-1251, 1991 FCC LEXIS 5345        1991
Airbus DS SatCom   ITC-214-19930112-00263, ITC-214-    Authority to provide international land mobile-      Memorandum Opinion, Order and       Jan. 12,
Government, Inc.   19930112-00264, ITC-214-19930112-   satellite and land-based temporary FSS within and    Certificate (Jan. 12, 1992), FCC    1993
                   00265, ITC-214-19930112-00266,      between foreign countries and between LES in the     93-21, DA 91-1650, 1993 FCC
                   ITC-214-19930112-00267, ITC-214-    U.S. and Turkey and MSS terminals outside of         LEXIS 343
                   19930112-00268, ITC-214-19930112-   North America.
                   00269, ITC-214-19930112-00270
Airbus DS SatCom   ITC-214-19931217-00271              Authority to provide Inmarsat Standard C satellite   Memorandum Opinion, Order and       Dec. 17,
Government, Inc.                                       services to AOR customers and upgrade                Authorization (Dec. 17, 1993),      1993
                                                       Southbury, CT LES (KA-312) with Inmarsat             DA 93-1542, 1993 FCC LEXIS
                                                       Standard C capability.                               6448
Airbus DS SatCom   ITC-214-19940131-00395              Authority to interconnect Inmarsat MSS services      Order, Authorization and            Jan 31, 1994
Government, Inc.                                       with Sprint PSTN facilities.                         Certificate (Jan. 31, 1994), DA 94-
                                                                                                            137, 1994 FCC LEXIS 704


                                                                                                      Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc.
                                                                       International Section 214 Pro Forma Transfer of Control Application

AUTHORIZATION                     FILE NO.                   DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZATION                      AUTHORIZATION STATUS/             DATE
      HOLDER                                                                                                           FCC/DA NO.              GRANTED
Airbus DS SatCom     ITC-214-19960501-001767             Authority to interconnect Inmarsat satellite         Order (Nov. 22, 1996), DA 96-    Nov. 22,
Government, Inc.                                         facilities with those of commercial Internet service 1961, 1996 FCC LEXIS 6477        1996

Airbus DS SatCom     CC Docket No. 87-758                Authority for Comsat for the use of Inmarsat      Report and Order and                Oct. 5, 1998
Government, Inc.                                         Space Segment to provide AMS(R) S and AMSS        Authorization (Oct. 5, 1998), FCC
                                                         on an ancillary basis.                            98-262, 1998 FCC LEXIS 5464
Airbus DS SatCom     SES-MSC-19990331-024749             Authority to provide Inmarsat A maritime and land Granted June 19, 2001
Government, Inc.                                         mobile services via earth station facilities at
                                                         Kuantan, Malaysia in the IOR.
Airbus DS SatCom     SAT-ITC-20000605-00103, ITC-97-     Authority to provide U.S. domestic land mobile    Memorandum Opinion, Order and       Sept. 24,
Government, Inc.     222; ITC-214-19970414-00206         and aeronautical services.                        Authorization (Sept. 24, 2001),     2001
                                                                                                           FCC 01-272

   In 2001, authorizations held by Comsat Corporation and Comsat Mobile Communications were acquired by Telenor Satellite, Inc. See IBFS File
  Nos. SES-ASG-20010504-00896 et al. In 2007, Telenor Satellite, Inc. changed its name to Vizada Satellite, Inc., and in 2008 it merged with
  Vizada, Inc., with Vizada, Inc. surviving the merger. See IBFS File Nos. ISP-PDR-20060804-00010 and ISP-PDR-20080501-00011. In 2011,
  Vizada, Inc. was acquired by the Licensee’s parent company, Airbus Group SE (then called European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
  EADS N.V.). See IBFS File Nos. ITC-T/C-20110818-00266 et al. In 2012, Airbus reported to the Commission that Vizada, Inc. changed its
  name to Astrium Services Government, Inc. See IBFS File No. ITC-T/C-20121128-00313. In 2014, Astrium Services Government, Inc.
  underwent a name change to Airbus DS SatCom Government Inc.
    Applications of Lockheed Martin Global Telecommunications et al. and Telenor Satellite Mobile Services, Inc. et al. for Consent to the
  Assignment of Section 214 Authorizations, Private Land Mobile Radio Licenses, Experimental Licenses, and Earth Station Licenses and Petition
  for Declaratory Ruling, Order and Authorization, IBFS File Nos. SES-ASG-20010504-00896 et al., 16 FCC Rcd 22897, Appx. A (2001)
  (identifying the authorization as a “214”).


                                                                                                              Airbus DS SatCom Government, Inc.
                                                                               International Section 214 Pro Forma Transfer of Control Application

AUTHORIZATION                         FILE NO.                     DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZATION                       AUTHORIZATION STATUS/                DATE
      HOLDER                                                                                                                    FCC/DA NO.               GRANTED
Airbus DS SatCom         ITC-214-19940217-00396                 Authority to provide Inmarsat-C in the IOR           Order, Authorization and            Feb. 17,
Government, Inc.                                                through a Norwegian LES at Eik, Norway.              Certificate (Feb. 17, 1994), DA     1994
                                                                                                                     94-176, 1994 FCC LEXIS 902
Airbus DS SatCom         ITC-214-19960510-00018                 Authority to provide currently authorized services   Memorandum Opinion and Order        May 10,
Government, Inc.                                                using Inmarsat third generation satellites.          (May 10, 1996), DA 96-742           1996
Airbus DS SatCom         ITC-214-19931203-00272                 Authority to interconnect with NASA.                 Order and Authorization (Dec. 3,    Dec. 3, 1993
Government, Inc.                                                                                                     1993), DA 93-1464, 1993 FCC
                                                                                                                     LEXIS 6274
Airbus DS SatCom         SES-ASG-20010504-00896 et seq.10       Assignment of COMSAT 214 authorizations to           Order and Authorization (Dec. 14,   Dec. 14,
Government, Inc.                                                Telenor Satellite, Inc.                              2001), FCC 01-369                   2001

Airbus DS SatCom                                                Authority to provide Inmarsat M and Inmarsat B in Order, Authorization and            Jan. 21,
Government, Inc.         ITC-214-19940121-00394                 IOR and to acquire and operate associated leased  Certificate (Jan. 21, 1994), DA 94- 1994
                                                                facilities.                                       108, 1994 FCC LEXIS 609
Airbus DS SatCom
Government, Inc.                                                Global Facilities and Resale Based Service                                               May 10,
                         ITC-214-20061213-00558                                                                      Report DA 07-2041
                                                                Authorization                                                                            2007

Airbus DS SatCom
Government, Inc.                                                                                                                                         March 10,
                         ITC-214-20061213-00559, ITC-T/C-       Global Facilities and Resale Based Service
                                                                                                                     Report DA 10-412                    2010
                         20100917-00368                         Authorization

Airbus DS SatCom         ITC-214-20020926-00462                 Global Facilities and Resale Based Service           Report No. TEL-00593, DA 02-        Oct. 31,
Government, Inc.                                                Authorization                                        2926 (Oct. 31, 2002)                2002

       This is the 2001 transaction referenced in footnote 4.


Document Created: 2015-08-12 23:12:03
Document Modified: 2015-08-12 23:12:03

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