Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20050722-00276 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                           ATTACHMENT 1

                             Before the
                        Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                )
a Spanish corporation           )
                    Transferor, )
             AND                )
                                )                    File No. ___________
RUDOLPH MCGLASHAN, an           )
individual,                     )
                    Transferee  )
AS AMENDED                      )


        Rudolph McGlashan, an individual (“McGlashan”) hereby requests

streamlined Commission authorization to transfer control of the international

Section 214 authorization held by Communication Technology, Inc., a Delaware

corporation ("CTI"), from Telefonica Internacional, S.A., a Spanish corporation

(“Telefonica”) to McGlashan.

        Telefonica and McGlashan have entered into, but not closed on, a Stock

Purchase Agreement, dated July 21, 2005 pursuant to the terms of which

McGlashan will acquire control of CTI from Telefonica by means of the sale of

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100% of the capital stock of CTI (the "Stock") by Telefonica to McGlashan (the

“Transaction”).     Following receipt of this Commission’s consent to the

Transaction, the sale will result in the transfer to McGlashan of control of CTI,

the holder of the international Section 214 authorization.

               Factual Background

        Prior to November 15, 2000, McGlashan, who owned 95% of the Stock,

and was the sole director and chief executive officer ("CEO") of CTI, controlled

CTI. On November 15, 2000, McGlashan (and the holder of the remaining 5% of

the Stock) sold 100% of the Stock to Telefonica, which has controlled CTI from

November 15, 2000 until the present. Telefonica has the power to appoint and did

appoint all of the members of the board of directors. Telefonica, through the

board of directors appointed by it, has the power and authority to appoint,

promote, demote and fire senior executives who controlled the day-to-day

activities of CTI. Telefonica has the power and authority to play an integral role

in the major management decisions of CTI, to pay financial obligations, including

expenses arising out of operations of CTI, and the ability to receive monies and

profits, if any, from the operations of CTI.

        After the November 2000 sale to Telefonica, Telefonica appointed

McGlashan a director of CTI and the board of directors elected McGlashan

President and Chief Executive Officer of CTI, a position he holds at this time and

which he had held prior to the sale of the CTI capital stock to Telefonica.

        Following the consummation of the Transaction, McGlashan will control

CTI. Specifically, McGlashan will have the power and authority to (a) appoint all

of the members of the board of directors; (b) appoint, promote, demote and fire

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senior executives who control the day-to-day activities of CTI; (c) play an integral

role in the major management decisions of CTI; (d) pay financial obligations,

including expenses arising out of the operations of CTI, and (e) receive monies

and profits, if any, from the operations of CTI.

         On November 23, 2001, CTI's application for an International

Telecommunications Certificate was granted by the Commission pursuant to File

No. ITC-214-20011029-00541. The grant of authority to CTI is to operate as a

Facilities-based carrier in accordance with the provisions of Section 63.18(e)(l) of

the Commission's Rules and also to provide service in accordance with the

provisions of Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission's Rules. CTI agreed to be

classified as a dominant carrier only for the U.S., Argentina, Chile, Peru and


         Upon the consummation of the Transaction, CTI will operate as a non-

dominant, Voice Over Internet Protocol ("VOIP") carrier offering internet related

voice services to the wholesale and the enterprise marketplace and will also

provide limited global Facilities-based Service and Limited Global Resale


         The countries to which services will be provided by CTI after

McGlashan's acquisition of control will be the following: Argentina, Chile, Peru,

El Salvador and Guatemala.

         In accordance with the requirements of Section 63.24(e) of the

Commission's Rules, McGlashan submits the following information:

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(1)     Name, address and telephone number of Telefonica and McGlashan:


        Telefonica Internacional, S.A.
        Gran Via, 28
        28013 Madrid (Espana)
        TEL: 011-34-91-362-6627
        FAX: 011-34-91-362-6663


        Rudolph McGlashan
        1101 Brickell Avenue,
        North Tower, Suite 1000
        Miami, FL 33131
        TEL: 305/603-4335
        FAX: 305/377-8156

(2)     Government, state or territory under the laws of which each
        corporate or partnership applicant is organized:

        Telefonica is a corporation organized under the laws of Spain with its
        principal place of business in Madrid, Spain.

(3)     Name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer
        or contact point to whom correspondence concerning the application
        is to be addressed:

        For Telefonica

        Javier Delgado
        Chief Financial Officer
        Telefonica Internacional, S.A.
        Gran Via, 28
        28013 Madrid, Spain
        TEL: 011-34-91-362-6627
        FAX: 011-34-91-362-6663

        With a copy to Counsel:

        Thomas J. Quarles
        Stearns Weaver Miller Weissler Alhadeff & Sitterson, P.A.
        Suite 2500
        150 West Flagler Street
        Miami, FL 33130
        TEL: 305/789-3517
        FAX: 305/789-3395

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        For McGlashan

        Rudolph McGlashan
        1101 Brickell Avenue,
        North Tower, Suite 1000
        Miami, FL 33131
        TEL: 305/603-4335
        FAX: 305/377-8156

        With a copy to Counsel:

        Bernard Jacobson
        Akerman Senterfitt
        One S.E. Third Avenue
        Miami, FL 33131
        TEL: 305/982-5655
        FAX: 305/374-5095

(4)     Statement as to whether either applicant had previously received
        authority under Section 214 of the Act.

        Neither applicant has previously received authority under Section 214 of
        the Act.

(5)     Name, address, citizenship and principal business of any person or
        entity that directly owns at least ten (10) percent of the equity of the
        Transferee, and the percentage of equity owned by each of those

        Not applicable. McGlashan is an individual, and is a citizen of the United
        States of America.

(6)     Certification as to whether or not the Transferee is, or is affiliated
        with, a foreign carrier.

        McGlashan hereby certifies that prior to the consummation of the
        Transaction, he is affiliated with Telefonica, a foreign carrier, because of
        his position as director and CEO of CTI, but that upon the consummation
        of the Transaction, he will not be affiliated with any foreign carrier.

(7)     Certification as to whether or not McGlashan seeks to provide
        international telecommunications services to any country for which
        certain conditions are true.

        McGlashan certifies that he will not provide international
        telecommunications services to any destination country: (a) in which he is
        a foreign carrier; (b) in which he controls a foreign carrier; (c) in which an
        entity that owns more than 25 percent of CTI, or controls CTI controls a

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        foreign carrier; or (d) in which two or more foreign carriers (or parties that
        control foreign carriers) own, in the aggregate, more than 25 percent of
        CTI and are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contractual relation
        affecting the provision or marketing of international basic
        telecommunications services in the United States.

(8)     Showing regarding provision of international telecommunications
        service to a country where McGlashan is a foreign carrier or is
        affiliated with a foreign carrier.

        McGlashan is not a foreign carrier and he is not affiliated with any
        dominant foreign carriers. However, Caribbean Internet and Interconnect
        Telecommunications, Ltd, a Trinidad-Tobago corporation is an affiliated
        company of CTI (CTI owns 100% of the equity interests). Broadband
        Wireless Communication Corporation, a Panama corporation ("BWCC")
        is an affiliated company of CTI (CTI owns 79% of the equity interests).
        Both companies provide telecommunications services to their own
        customers in their respective countries. The affiliation with BWCC has
        allowed CTI to expand its business to the retail market. Both CIIT and
        BWCC are non-dominant carriers in the jurisdictions where they are
        located. After consummation of the Transaction, McGlashan, as sole
        shareholder, director of CTI, and as an officer and director of CIIT and
        BWCC will be affiliated with CIIT and BWCC.

(9)     Regulatory classification under Section 63.10 of the Rules.

        After McGlashan acquires control of CTI, CTI will be a non-dominant
        carrier in each jurisdiction in which it operates.

(10)    Certification that McGlashan has not agreed to accept special
        concessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier.

        McGlashan certifies that he has not agreed to accept special concessions
        directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S.
        international route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on
        the foreign end of the route and that he will not enter into such agreements
        in the future.

(11)    Certification pursuant to 47 C.F.R. Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003
        that no party to the application is subject to denial of Federal benefits
        pursuant to section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

        McGlashan hereby certifies, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. Sections 1.2001
        through 1.2003, that no party to the present application is subject to denial
        of Federal benefits pursuant to section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act
        of 1988.

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(12)    Qualification for streamlined processing.

        The present application qualifies for streamlined processing under
        Sections 63.12(a) and (b) of the Commission's Rules.

               McGlashan is not affiliated with any foreign carrier in any
               destination market except as described in (8), above.

               McGlashan does not have an affiliation with a dominant U.S.
               carrier whose international switched or private line services he
               seeks authority to resell.

               McGlashan does not seek authority to provide switched basic
               services over private lines to a country for which the Commission
               has not previously authorized the provision of switched services
               over private lines.

Rather, McGlashan proposes only to assume control over CTI and to continue to
operate CTI as a non-dominant carrier that resells the international switched
services of one or more unaffiliated U.S. carriers.


        In view of the foregoing, the Commission is respectfully requested to

grant its consent, on a streamlined basis, for the transfer of control of the

international Section 214 authorization held by CTI to McGlashan.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           Telefonica Internacional, S.A.

                                                 Juan Carlos Ros
                                                 General Counsel

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       I, Juan Carlos Ros, General Counsel of Telefonica Internacional, S.A., do
hereby declare under penalties of perjury that I have read the foregoing
information contained therein regarding Telefonica is true and accurate to the best
of my knowledge, information and belief.

Dated: July 22, 2005
                                         Juan Carlos Ros, General Counsel
                                         Telefonica Internacional, S.A.

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        I, Rudolph McGlashan do hereby declare under penalties of perjury that I
that the information contained therein regarding me is true and accurate to the
best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

Dated: July 22, 2005
                                         Rudolph McGlashan

Bernard Jacobson, Esq.
Akerman Senterfitt
One Southeast Third Avenue
Suite 2800
Miami, FL 33131
Tel: 305/374-5600
Fax: 305/374-5605

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                                    Certificate of Service

       I, Bernard Jacobson, of Akerman Senterfitt, do hereby certify that on this 22nd day of
July, 2005 I caused to be sent via First Class US Mail, postage prepaid, the foregoing
SECTION 214 AUTHORIZATION" to the following and transmitted the same by electronic
means to the offices of the Commission.

                                                  Bernard Jacobson

US Department of Defense                        Policy Division
Assistant Secretary of Defense for C31          International Bureau
1000 Defense Pentagon, Room 3E712               Federal Communications Comm.
Washington, DC 20301-1000                       445 12th Street, SW
                                                Washington, DC 20554
US Department of State                            Attn: Susan O'Connell
Room 4826                                       Competition Policy Division
2001 C Street, NW                               Wireline Competition Bureau
Washington, DC 20520                            Federal Communications Comm.
                                                445 12th Street, SW
                                                Washington, DC 20554
                                                  Attn: Tracey Wilson-Parker
                                                         Renee Crittendon

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Document Created: 2005-07-22 14:17:39
Document Modified: 2005-07-22 14:17:39

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