Application for consent to transfer control of the international Section 214 authorization (File No. ITC-214-20011029-00541), held by Communication Technology, Inc. (CTI), from Telefonica Internacional, S.A. (Telefonica), to Rudolph McGlashan. Pursuant t
Filing: ITC | International Telecommunications |
Filing: T/C | Transfer of Control |
Last Action | Consummated |
Last Action Date | 2005-08-30 |
Status | Action Complete |
Status Date | 2005-08-30 |
Date Filed | 2005-07-22 |
Date Granted | 2005-08-26 |
Adopted Date | 2005-08-31 |
Released Date | 2005-08-31 |
Filing Accepted Public Notice | 2005-08-12 |
Action Taken Public Notice | 2005-09-01 |
Red Light | N |
Paper/Electronic | E |
Delegated Authority # | 05-2397 |
Streamlined Application | Y |
Communication Technology, Inc.
1101 Brickell Ave
Suite 1000
Miami, FL 33131- USAContact
Akerman Senterfitt
One SE Third Ave.
28th Floor
Miami, FL 33131 USA
1101 Brickell Ave, Miami, FL 33131 USA
One SE Third Ave., 28th Floor, Miami, FL 33131 USA
Telefonica Internacional, S.A.
Gran Via, 28
Madrid, 28013 ESP
Rudolph Mc Glashan
1101 Brickell Avenue
Suite 1000N
Miami, FL 33131 USA
Gran Via, 28, Madrid, 28013 ESP,
1101 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL 33131 USA,