Attachment 20161208110803-417.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20001218-00738 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                       NowWALSKY, BRONSTON & GOTHARD                                          nC 18 nB
                                                                                   m ®
                             A Professional Limited Liability Company aanct
                                                                         i   t lanye
                                                                            .484  $4

                                         Attorneys at Law           ryou/t*®
Leon L. Nowalsky                 3500 North Ca.useway Boulevard                   Monica Borne Haab
Benjamin W. Bronston                        Suite 1442                            EllenAnn G. Sands
Edward P. Gothard                   Metairie, Louisiana 70002
                                    Telephone: (504) $32—1984                     Brucfi@eg’ VED
                                     Facsimile: (504) 831—0892
                                                    December 145      ‘000                      2 1 2000
                                                                                         flje'eCOm Division
                                                     Streamlined            ITC—TIC—20001218      738
Federal Communications Commission                    SOLUMBIA TEL     SMMUNICATIONS, nc
1B Telecommunications Division                       AXESSA
P.O. Box 358115
Pittsburgh, PA 15251—5115

                       RE:    Application for consent to the tre:     fer of control of a t       siness
                              which has Section 214 Interns            nal Message Toll           ervice
Dear Sir:

       Enclosed please find the following documents subr              ted on behalf of C          umbia
Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a Axessa and LS Communic                 ons, Inc.

       1.     The original and four (4) copies of an Applicat         i for consentto the         ansfer
              of control of a business which has Section 21           International Mess          je Toll
              Service authorization.

       2.     The original and four (4) copies of FCC Form            i9.

       B      Our check in the amount of $815.00 repre:                iting the filing fee       or this

      Please address any questions or correspondence                   garding this matte         to the
undersigned. Thank you for your cooperation and assistan              with this filing.

      I would appreciate if you would return a copy of this letter, date—sta[nped, in the
envelope provided.


                                                      EllenAnn G. Sands
6:     Ms. Fran Eisenstein
       International Bureau

READ INSTRUCTIO NS CAREFULILY                                                                                                                                                 approvp ay ous                                      3060—0589|
       BEFORE PROCE :DING                                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIINS COMMISSION
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(2) PAYER NAME(«pzqu by cre: «t card, enter name exactly as it appq-m on your cara)                                                                     C1 YOTAL»MOUNrPAJO
                                                                                                                                                                        (douun and cents)

 NOWALSKY, BRCNSTON & GOTHAR), APLLC                                                                                                                    3
                                                                                                                                                                 815.00                                                                           |
(+) 5: REET ADORESS LINE NO. 1                                                                                                                                                                                   Prommumeennt S9 eegumusunnsl

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(6) CiTy                                                                                      ‘        (7) State                                        ( ) ue cooe                                                               j

 METALIRIE                                                                                              LOUISIANA                                           ‘000 2
(2) CAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBI R (Include area code}                                                       (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)                                                                                      h

_(_)OM — 832
                                       E MORE:THAN ONE—APPEICANT,.USE:CONTINUATION:SHEETS:(FORM 159:C)z
(11) APP LICANT NAME(d paying i y creast c1 U, enter name exactly as |appears on your card)
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  JACKSON                                                                                               MISSISSIPPI                                         9208
(12 DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBIR (incluc 1 area code)                                                       (18) COUNTRY CODE (i not in U.5.A.)
       601)      664—2000

19A) ECC CALL SIGN/OTHER 10                     (20A) PAYMENT TYE 2ODE (PTC}               (21A)
                                                                                               QUANTITY FEE
                                                                                                        (22A) DUE
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 x;                                   "=~~SECTION:: D—TAXPAYER .:INFORMATION®:{REQUIRED)— :                                                                                                                                                               I
N25)                                                                                                           26) COMPLETE THIS BLOCK ONLY IF APPLICANT NAME IN 8—11 is DIFFERENT FROM PAYER NAME IN A—2)                                                1

 PAYER TIN                                                                      sls |o| s|2 | =|APPLICANT TIN
                                                                                           SECIIONE — CERTIFICA NION


  ; QY\Q‘(‘QG’ uest                                                                   , Certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information _
                                  (PRINT NAME}

 are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belief.                                                            SIGNATUR%&Q\L \5&@&@7‘!\‘


                                                                                                                                                                     MONTH            year
                                                                                              AUTHORLLED SIGNATURE                                                        OATE
           msa        I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD

                      for the service(s/authorizations(s) herein described, h}

                                                                       SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                                         FCC FORM 159                    yULY 1997 (REVISED)

                                     BEFORE THE
          Federal Communications Commission
                     WASHINGTON, D.C.

In tt    itter of                                               )
Coli     i Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a Axessa                )
and      hareholders,                                           )
              Transferors,                                      )
         id                                                     )       File No.
LS |     nunications, Inc.                                      )
and      hareholders,                                           )
               Transferees.                                     )
App      on for consent to the                                  )
tran     f control of a business which has                      )
Sec      ‘14 International Message                              )
Toll     ice authorization                                      )
To:      ie Commission                                          )


        ~olumbia Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a Axessa ("Axessa") and its shareholders

and LS Communications, Inc. ("LS") and its shareholders, pursuant to Sectiomn 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 63.18(e)(5) of the Commission‘s

Rules, hereby apply for consent to the transfer of control of Axessa, a holder of an

International Message Toll Service ("IMTS") authorization (the "Certificate") in File No. ITC—

214—19981005—00677, to LS. The Certificate authorizes Axessa to provide global facilities

based services. Approval of the proposed transfer will permit Axessa to compete more

effectively in the international voice service marketplace and, as a result, will benefit the

public interest.    In accordance with 47 C.F.R. § 63.12, the parties request streamlined

processing of this application.

       I.        THE PARTIES

       Axessa is a privately held Delaware corporation with principal offices located at 1340

Poydras Street, Suite 350, New Orleans, Louisiana 70112. Axessa is a non—dominant

carrier that provides intrastate, interstate and international long distance and local

exchange services. Axessa is authorized by the FCC to provide interstate and international

services as a non—dominant carrier as well as local and intrastate interexchange service,

pursuant to certification, registration or tariff requirements in nine (9) states.

            S is a privately held Delaware corporation with principal offices located at 3003

Lakeland Cove, Suite C, Jackson, Mississippi 39208.          LS does not possess any federal

or state authorizations to provide telecommunications services.


       Axessa and LS have entered into an Acquisition Agreement (the "Agreement")

whereby Axessa will become a wholly owned subsidiary of LS.! The transaction will result

in all existing shares of issued and outstanding Axessa stock will be cancelled and

ownership of the business of and corporation known as Axessa will be transferred to LS

and LS will become the sole shareholder of Axessa." After the transaction, Axessa will

       1      Consummation of this transaction is contingent upon the approval of the United
States Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of Louisiana, Case No. 00—15033.

       §         All existing shares of issued and outstanding Axessa stock will be cancelled and
new shares will be issued in the name of LS.

                                           Page 2 of 7

continue to operate asit currently operates, but will become    aolly owned subsidiary of

LS. The technical, managerial and financial personnel of LS     ddition to various current

Axessa employees, will become the technical, manageri           id financial personnel of

Axessa after this transaction. Axessa will continue to pro‘     service under its present

operating authorities, certifications and tariffs.

       Axessa will continue to provide IMTS service under .     sa‘s present Section 214

Authority. Axessa will continue to operate as a non—domina      mmon carrier with regard

to the provision of international resale services to foreign    s in accordance with the

Commission‘s International Competitive Carrier policies.


       The transfer of control of Axessa, through the acquisi   y LS, will serve the public

interest by permitting Axessa to compete more effectively ir    IMTS market. Axessa will

be wholly owned by a larger parent operation, thereby           asing access to capital.

Axessa‘s operations will more readily increase in size and      itability due to enhanced

economies of scale. As a result, Axessa will be able to offer   ir service to its customers

at competitive rates.

       The Commission recognizes that the international         cet for resold services is

becoming increasingly competitive in nature and that such competition benefits consumers.

Given the Commission‘s desire to foster competition in the IMTS resale market, grant of

the proposed transaction is in the public interest.

                                          Page 3 of 7


      (a)   The name, address and telephone number of the transferor and

            Columbia Telecommunications , Inc. d/b/a Axessa
            Tom Nolan
            11715 Bricksome, Suite A6
            Baton Rouge, LA 70816
            (225) 297—2500

            LS Services, Inc.
            Eric Lindstrom
            3003 Lakeland Cove, Suite C
            Jackson, MS 39208
            (601) 664—2000

            The state of incorporation of transferor and transferee.

            —      Transferor, Axessa, is a corporation organized under the laws
                   of the State of Delaware.

            —      Transferee, LS, is a corporation organized under the laws of
                   the State of Delaware.

            Correspondence concerning this Application should be addressed to:

                   EllenAnn G. Sands
                   Nowalsky, Bronston & Gothard
                   A Professional Limited Liability Company
                   3500 N. Causeway Boulevard, Suite 1442
                   Metairie, Louisiana 70002
                   (504) 832—1984

      (d)   Previous authority under Section 214 of the Act.

            1.     Applicant/transferor, Axessa, is presently (and will remain after
                   the transaction) a non—dominant carrier subject to Section 214
                   of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. 47 U.S.C.
                   §§ 214. Axessa is an authorized provider of international
                   resale services between the United States and all international
                   points currently served by authorized carriers.           Axessa

                              Page 4 of 7

                    received its International Section 214 Authority in File No. ITC—
                    214—19981005—00677 (effective November 20, 1998) which
                    may be found in Report # Tel—00034, DA 98—2396,
                    dated November 25, 1998.

                    Applicant/transferor, Axessa, presently resells (and will
                    continue to resell after the transaction) international voice
                    message toll service provided by other authorized carriers on
                    a basis determined by the applicable rates, terms and
                    conditions reflected in Axessa‘s International Message
                    Telecommunications Service Tariff F.C.C. No. 1 on file with the

        (e)   LS seeks to acquire control of Axessa, the holder of the
              aforementioned Section 214 authorization, and requests Commission
              approval in accordance with Section 63.18(e)(5) of the Commission‘s

        (f)   LS seeks no other authorizations under Section 63.18(e).

        (g)   Not applicable.

        (h)   LS certifies to the following information:

              (1)    LS is not a foreign carrier and has no affiliation with a foreign

              (2)     The name, address, citizenship, and principal place of
                     business of the owners of LS, holding a 10 percent or greater
                     ownership interest, are:

Name:                               Eric E. Lindstrom, Jr.
                                    3 Stonesthrow
Address                             Laurel, MS 39440

Citizenship:                        USA
Principal Place of Business:        LS Communications, Inc.

Name:                               G. Wade Spooner
Address:                            100 Woodglen Place
                                    Brandon, MS 39047

Citizenship:                        USA
Principal Place of Business:        LS Communications, Inc.

                                 Page 5 of 7

                      (3)    LS does not have an affiliation with any U.S. carrier whose
                             facilities—based services will be resold under Axessa‘s Section
                             214 authorization.

               (1)    LS certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions
                      directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier or administration with
                      respect to traffic or revenue flows between the United States and any
                      foreign countries it is authorized to serve, and will not enter into such
                      agreements in the future.

               (J)    The parties to this application certify that they are not subject to a
                      denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug
                      Abuse Act of 1988.


         The public benefits and the economic justification for the proposed Agreement are

discussed above in Section III of the instant application. In summary, consent to the

proposed transaction will allow LS and thereby Axessa, to realize certain economies of

scale and operating efficiencies, which will enhanceits ability to competewith larger more

experienced carriers, and will increase the cost—effectiveness of its operation.

         Accounting will be in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Service will be provided in accordance with existing tariff charges and regulations on file

with the Commission and revisions, reissues and amendments thereof.

         No new construction is involved, and grant of the instant application would not

constitute a "major" environmental action pursuant to Section 1.1305 of the Commission‘s


                                         Page 6 of 7

       In view of the foregoing, Axessa and LS jointly request that the Commission grant

the instant application for consent to the transfer of control of Axessa, an entity which has

Section 214 International Message Toll Service Authorization.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    o LCC{7—
                                           EllenAnn G. Sands
                                           Nowalsky, Bronston & Gothard
                                           A Professional Limited Liability Company
                                           3500 N. Causeway Boulevard
                                           Suite 1442
                                           Metairie, Louisiana 70002
                                           Telephone: (504) 832—1984
                                           Counsel for Axessa Internatio 1 Corporation,
                                           and its shareholders, and LS ( rporation, and
                                           its shareholders

                                           December 15, 2000

                                         Page 7 of 7

Document Created: 2019-04-21 06:38:56
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 06:38:56

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