Attachment 20170523145043-360.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20000328-00186 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.



                                                    September 20, 2000


Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary
Federal Communications Comini: sicn
The Portals
445 Twelfth Strect, S.W., TW—A3 25
Washington, D.C. 20554

       Re:     Acquisition of (slk beNet Comnmunications Group Liimnited by 360networks inc.
               FCC File Nos. 1TC—1"/C —20000;: 28—0(186; SCL—T/C—20000328—00010;
               SCL—LIC—1999)6(2— 00(11( ; SC L—5 5— )09; SCL—1959030.3—00004; and

Dear Ms. Salas:

        This lettei is submitted on be ial ‘ 0.‘ 360netvo ks inc. ("360netwo ks") to request the
Commission‘s co:isent to three,»re f¢rm 2 t ansacticns concerning the FCC: authorizations held by the
subsidiaries of GlobeNet Comr 1wic itic ns Group I in ited ("GlobeNet").

        Background. On June 19 200( , the Comnuission consented to the transfer of control of
submarine cable landing licenses ind a section 214 authorization held by the subsidiaries of GlobeNet
to 36O0networks.‘ The transaction was c nsummated on June 20, 2000. The Commission was
formally notified of the consummation on July 17, 2000. 36O0networks now seeks to perform three
pro forma transactions as part of a corporate reorganization designed to integrate the operations of
GlobeNet and 36O0networks.

*      In re Acquisition of GlobeNet Communications Group Limited by 36O0networks inc., Mem.
Op. and Order, DA 00—1348 (rel. June 20, 2000).

                                                                                             oi   at*.
                                                                                    L S&ff

                                                                                CABLE NETWORK

Magalie Roman Salas
September 20, 2000
Page 2

       Transfer of Control. The first traassction will result n the tre      er of control of Glebe Ne:
from 360network s to a wholly— »wned, ind rect s 1b: id ary of 3 30netvo       Fursuant to this
transaction, the shares of Globe Net will be triins ‘ered to 36 Onetvrorks   Tastructure) holdin zs td.
("360 infrastructure"), a Canad: an corporaio1 tk at s wwholhy o wned by     Jn::tworks. Then, : 6C
infrastructure wil. immediately transfer its interest n (lobeNet to 350;     ati; (Bermudal1) holdi 1g:
Itd. ("Bermudal"}. Bermudal :s a Bermuc a corporation thet is who ly         ned ty 360 infrastr 1ciure:.
Thus, 360networks will contine to control GloteXN‘et as its ultimate cc      rae parent. However,
Bermudal will become GlobeX et‘s immediat: corp orite parent. A clia         n dericting this ow ne ‘ship
structure is attech d hereto as E xhibit A.

        Informaticn concerning th«: fore:gn af iliiticns and 1.0%% or ges    share holders of
360networks was previously su »1 itted in "ile: Nos SCL—T/C—2000( 32         0010 and ITC—T/C.
20000328—00136. The same in ‘ormation is>le to Bernuucal as          holly —owned indirect
subsidiary of 36Onetworks. Be mudal also confirnis that it has no tite       ‘king directorates vith a
foreign carrier.


        BUS—1 Cable Landing I iconse: Tke seconc trinsaction for vhi         36 )networks seeks
Commission approval is the as: igniment of th: BUS —1 cable la iding lic     e irorna TeleBermucla
International, LLC ("TBI LLC" ) to Elbac Cable 2o peration (° El)ac").       3I LLC is currently wiolly—
owned and controlled by TeleB srr auda Internations l Limited (‘TBI ‘_tc      ari ir direct, wholly —ova »d
subsidiary of GlobeNet." This ransaction wil b: e ffested by the trans:      f TBILtd.‘s 20% liol ling
of TBI LLC to Elbac, which wi 1 rsult in °B L _C becoming a whelly           med : ubsidiary of I!lb 1c
and enabling Elbac to effect a dseined liquidatio 1 cfFITBI LLC Iinn ed      ‘ly folowing the lic ui lat on
of TBI LLC the BUS—1 cable la 1d ng license will b : hsld by Elbac.

        Atlantica— . Cable Landing License The third transaction fo w        h ©6C networks seel:s
Commission approval is the as: igniment of th: Atla itica—1 cab e landin     ceiise from Atlantica 1JS.4,
LLC ("AUSA") to Elbac. Elba: is wholly owne1 a 1d controll :d 3y TF          td., a 1 indirect, wholl: —
owned subsidiary of GlobeNet. Tiis assig amenit w 11 )e effected up n        merger of AUSA viitii
Elbac, with Elbac being the surviving entity. Im ne diately follwing tk      ierger of AUSA anid Elbac,
the Atlantica—1 landing license will be hel¢ by Elba:.

         Elbac, TBI LLC and AUSA are all indirect, wholly—owned subsidiaries of GlobeNet, which, in
turn, is an indirect, wholly—owned subsidiary of 36O0networks. Therefore, these assignments are pro

&      TBI Ltd. owns 20% of TBI LLC directly. The remaining 80% of TBI LLC is owned indirectly
by TBI Ltd. through its ownership of Elbac.

Magalie Roman Salas
September 20, 2000
Page 3

forma in nature. A diagram depicting the ownership of Elbac following completion of the
transactions described above is attached hereto as Exhibit B.

        Information concerning the foreign affiliations and 10% or greater shareholders of
360networks was previously submitted in File Nos. SCL—T/C—20000328—00010 and ITC—T/C—
20000328—00186. The same information is applicable to Elbac as a wholly—owned indirect subsidiary
of 36 O0networks. In addition,Elbac‘s immediate parent TBI Ltd. is licensed to provide international
telecommunications services between Bermuda and foreign points. However, TBI Ltd. lacks
sufficient market power in Bermuda to adversely affect competition in the U.S. market. Elbac also
confirms that it has no interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

        Anti—Drug Abuse Certification. Pursuant to Section 1.2001—1.2003 of the Commission‘s
rules, 47 C.E.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003, I hereby certify that no party to this application is subject to a
denial of federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse
Act, 21 U.S.C. § 862.

       Conclusion. Prompt consent by the Commission is in the public interest because the three pro
forma transactions will enable 360networks and GlobeNet to integrate their operations and operate
more efficiently. In turn, this will enhance the ability of 360networks and GlobeNet to offer state—of—
the—art fiber optic cable capacity to telecommunications carriers and end—users.

       Also enclosed are an FCC Form 159 and a check to cover the required filing fee. An original
and eleven (11) copies of this letter are being filed.

                                                     GlobeNet Communications Group Limited

go:    Claudia Fox, International Bureau, FCC
       Ken Douglas, 36O0networks

  Exhibit A

36O0networks inc.

  holdings Itd.

   holdings Itd.

  Group Limited

           Exhibit B

          Group Limited

    GlobeNet Communications
          Holdings Ltd.

    TeleBermuda International

Elbac Cable Corporation (BUS—1 and
       Atlantica—1 Licensee)

Document Created: 2019-04-23 02:15:33
Document Modified: 2019-04-23 02:15:33

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