Attachment 20170207135726-883.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-19990401-00214 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


           —                              Beilre he
                           FEDERA L C JMNIUN CA*®" ION S COMMISSION
                                         V ashingt »n, C i N554
                                                                     Streamlined         ITC—T/C—19990— 01—00: :14
geenmamamoest ie es                                     1            STI ATOS MOBILE NE WORKS (USA), L .C

  In this Nla ter c

  Stratos N obile Net rorks (US \), LLC,                        Fi
  IDB Mobi e Co nmi nicat ons Inc.,                                        pppmmemal ooo relammteie
  Marine3 t Cor imui ications                                                        $ !m
  Networ«, Inc., Aaritie Sazellit Services ,                                         18i IX            is Oistin
  Inc., BCE Inc., and itlan icC:

  Applic: t in fo Pro Form a Tr nsfer                                               §R
  of Conirec |                     ‘                                     authorizedBy Ei::Ck si.<sre;

                                                                                       7 s ze

               AF PLICAT ON FOR PRO FC RM. . TR ANf                      FER‘OFCONTROKSL.+

  £.                    I! TRODUCTIC N

                        S ratos Mobile N« tworls (U JA),     LC ( Strat »s (USA)"), IDB Mobile

  Commuuni :atior s, In :. ("IDB Mc oile*'j, Mai neS t Co: imut ications Network, Inc.

  ("MCN‘),            Aarin : Sai sllite Servi :es, Inc. (" ASS "), BC E In:. ("BCE") and "AtlanticoCo"

  359561 anada In: . ("Atlantic 20") hereby ap Iy, pursuant to Section 214 of the

  Communications Ac of 1934, for pro forma authority to transfer control of Stratos

  (USA), IDB Mobile, MCN and MSSI from BCE to control by AtlanticCo, which is 41.6%

  held by BCE and otherwise widely held.

                        Applicants certify by their signature to this Application that they will comply

  with the Commission‘s dominant carrier regulations on the U.S.—Canada route.‘

               ‘ Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications
  Market, Report and Order on Reconsideration, FCC 97—398 (rel. Nov. 28, 1997) at |
  322; 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c)(1)(iii).

Additionally, Applicants have affiliates in various countries, as identified in the attached

Appendix D. These affiliates, however, control less than 50 percent of the international

transport and local access markets in the relevant countries and, as such, are entitled to

a presumption of non—dominance.?

              The proposed pro forma transfer of control is in the public interest.

AtlanticCo will provide improved efficiencies in the overall operation and management of

the service providers, creating a platform for greater innovation and stronger

competition in the mobile satellite services marketplace and enabling Stratos (USA),

IDB Mobile, MCN and MSSI to offer U.S. consumers both reduced prices and increased


              Part II of this Application demonstrates that grant of this Application is in

the public interest. Part III provides the information required by 47 C.F.R. § 63.18.

              Subject to Commission approval, the Parties to this proceeding have

agreed to transfer de jure control of Stratos (USA), IDB Mobile, MCN and MSSI from

BCE to AtlanticCo, as described below. Stratos (USA), IDB Mobile, MCN and MSSI are

currently authorized to provide a variety of international services. Stratos (USA) is

authorized to provide international maritime satellite services, international aeronautical

satellite services, international land mobile satellite services, and MSSI is authorized to

provide international basic switched and private line services to various international

       2 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c)(1)(i).

points on both facilities and resale bases. IDB Mobile is also authorized to provide

various international mobile satellite services, and MCN is authorized to provide a

variety of maritime services utilizing Inmarsat facilities. Current authorizations are listed

in the attached Appendix A.

              The instant transfer is illustrated in the attached Appendix C. Currently,

Stratos USA, IDB Mobile, MCN and MSSI are controlled by Stratos Global Corp., which

is controlled by NewTel Enterprises Limited ("NewTel") through an approximately 60%

interest in Stratos Global Corp.® BCE, in turn, holds a 54.9% interest in NewTel, giving

it de jure control over Stratos USA, IDB Mobile, MCN and MSSI. By the change

proposed by this pro forma Application, NewTel, as well as the other interests identified

in Appendix D, would be consolidated in a newly formed entity called AtlanticCo, 41.6%

owned by BCE.* The remaining ownership of AtlanticCo will be widely held. : For the

reasons set forth below, the Applicants request that the Commission expeditiously find

that it is in the public interest to transfer de jure control of NewTel and the subsidiary

U.S. licensees from BCE to de jure control by AtlanticCo on a pro forma basis.

       *      See Order and Authorization, DA 98—1538 (released August 5, 1998)
(authorizing Stratos USA to transfer control of Section 214 authorizations to NewTel).
See also Attachment B.

       4     See News Release of March 22, 1999 announcing the creation of
AtlanticCo by the merger of Bruncor Inc., Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Telegraph and
Telephone Company Limited, and NewTel Enterprises Limited. AtlanticCo has been
created and exists as a lawful entity in Canada. The merger of the constituent
companies under AtlanticCo is expected to occur by May 31, 1999.


         The following information is provided in compliance with 47 C.F.R. §


         The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the proposed applicants


               Stratos Mobile Networks (USA), LLC
               6903 Rockledge Drive, Suite 500
               West Bethesda, Maryland 20817
               (301) 214—8700

                IDB Mobile Communications, Inc.
               6903 Rockledge Drive, Suite 500
               West Bethesda, Maryland 20817
               (301) 214—8726

               MarineSat Communications Network, Inc.
               3300 Corporate Ave., Suite 108
               Weston, FL 33331
               (954) 217—2256

               Marine Satellite Services, Inc.
               6903 Rockledge Drive, Suite 500
               West Bethesda, Maryland 20817
               (301) 214—8700

         The name, address and telephone number of the proposed transferor is:

                BCE Inc.
                1000, rue de La Gauchetiere Street West
                Bureau 3700
                Montreal, Quebec
                Canada H3B 4Y7
                (514) 397—7076

         The name, address and telephone number of the proposed transferee is:


                  3595641 Canada Inc.
                  c/o Blake, Cassels & Graydon
                  Box 25, Commerce Court West
                  Toronto, Ontario MSL 1A9
                  Attn: J. David A. Jackson
                  (416) 863—2636

      b.    IDB Mobile, Stratos (USA), MCN and MSSI are Delaware corporations.

BCE, AtlanticCo and NewTel are Canadian corporations.

      6.    Correspondence concerning this Application should be directed to:

                   BCE Inc.
                   1000, rue de La Gauchetiere Street West
                   Bureau 3700
                   Montreal, Quebec
                   Canada H3B 4Y7

                   3595641 Canada Inc.
                   clo Blake, Cassels & Graydon
                   Box 25, Commerce Court West
                   Toronto, Ontario MSL 1A¥9
                   Attn: J. David A. Jackson

                   Stratos Mobile Networks (USA), LLC
                   6903 Rockledge Drive, Suite 500
                   West Bethesda, Maryland 20817
                   (301) 214—8700

                   IDB Mobile Communications, Inc.
                   6903 Rockledge Drive, Suite 500
                   West Bethesda, Maryland 20817
                   (301) 214—8726

                   MarineSat Communications Network, Inc.
                   3300 Corporate Ave., Suite 108
                   Weston, FL 33331
                   (954) 217—2256

                     Marine Satellite Services, Inc.
                     6903 Rockledge Drive, Suite 500
                     West Bethesda, Maryland 20817
                     (301) 214—8700

              with copies to:

                     Alfred M. Mamlet
                     James M. Talens
                     Steptoe & Johnson, LLP
                     1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                     Washington, D.C. 20036—1795
                     (202) 429—3000

       d.     As detailed in the attached Appendix A, Stratos (USA) is currently

authorized to provide international maritime satellite services, international aeronautical

satellite services, international land mobile satellite services, and international basic

switched and private line services to various international points on both facilities and

resale bases. Stratos (USA) also has several applications for Section 214 authority

pending. IDB Mobile, MCN and MSSI are authorized to provide certain international

mobile satellite services.

       e.     Not Applicable.

       f.     Not Applicable.

       g.     Not Applicable.

       h.     (1)     IDB Mobile certifies, by its signature to this Application, that it is

affiliated with the following foreign carriers in Canada. IDB Mobile is affiliated with

Stratos Mobile Networks, Inc. ("Stratos Mobile"), a Canadian carrier and the wholly—

owned telecommunications operating subsidiary of Stratos Wireless, Inc. ("Stratos

Wireless")." Stratos Mobile is authorized within Canada to provide international

telecommunications services. Also, IDB Mobile, Stratos (USA), MCN and MSSI are

affiliated with a number of Canadian and other foreign carriers through the ownership

interests of NewTel and BCE, which are Canadian holding companies. These

affiliations listed in Attachment D.

              (2)     Upon approval of this Application, Stratos (USA) and IDB Mobile

                      will have the following direct and indirect 10—percent or greater

                      shareholders: (1) Tll Aeronautical, Inc. ("TIHIA"), a Delaware

                      corporation and the holder of 100%of IDB Mobile‘s and 91% of

                      Stratos (USA)‘s shares; (2) Stratos Wireless, with a 100% interest

                      in TIHA; (3) Stratos Global, a Canadian holding company with a

                      100% interest in Stratos Wireless; (4) NewTel Enterprises Limited,

                      a Canadian company with an approximately 60% interest in Stratos

                      Global; (5) AtlanticCo, a Canadian company with 100% ownership

                      of NewTel Enterprises Limited; and (6) BCE Inc., a Canadian

                      holding company with a 41.6% interest in AtlanticCo.     MCN and

                      MSSI have 1 direct shareholder, Stratos Holdings (100% ownership

                      of MCN and MSSI); and three indirect shareholders, Stratos Global

                      (which owns 100% of Stratos Holdings, ), NewTel (which owns

                      approximately 60% of Stratos Global), AtlanticCo (which owns

                      100% of NewTel), and BCE (which owns 41.6% of AtlanticCo).

       ° Stratos Wireless wholly—owns Stratos (USA) through two U.S. subsidiaries.

The principal place of business of TIIA is as follows:

       Tll Aeronautical, Inc.
       Suite 500
       6903 Rockledge Drive
       West Bethesda, MD 20817

The principal placeof business of Stratos Wireless is as follows:

       Stratos Wireless, Inc.
       P.O. Box 5933
       St. John‘s, Newfoundland AIC5X4

The principal place of business of Stratos Global Corp. is as follows:

       Stratos Global Corp.
       Suite 5200 — Scotia Plaza
       40 King Street West
       Toronto, Ontario MS5H 3Y2

The principal place of business of NewTel is as follows:

       NewTel Enterprises, Ltd.
       P.O. Box 2110
       Fort William Building
       10 Factory Lane
       St. John‘s, Newfoundland A1C5H6

The principal place of business of BCE Inc. is as follows:

       BCE Inc.
       1000, rue de La Gauchetiere Street West
       Bureau 3700
       Montreal, Quebec
       Canada H3B 4YT7

The principal place of business of AtlanticCo is as follows:

              3595641 Canada Inc.
              clo Blake, Cassels & Graydon
              Box 25, Commerce Court West
              Toronto, Ontario MSL 1A9Q
              Attn: J. David A. Jackson

              (3)      Not Applicable.

              (4)      Not Applicable: IDB Mobile, Stratos (USA), MCN and MSSI are not

seeking to provide international services by this Application. Nevertheless, they

acknowledge that they are responsible for the continuing accuracy of their certifications

in (h)(1)—(3) above.

              (5/6)    1DB Mobile is applying to operate as a U.S. facilities—based provider

of domestic AMSS servicesvia the Inmarsat system.

              (7)      Not Applicable.

              (8)      Not Applicable.

       1.     Not Applicable. IDB Mobile is not applying for authority to provide

services on any international route.

       J      By their signatures to this Application, IDB Mobile, Stratos (USA), MCN,

MSSI, BCE and AtlanticCo certify pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 1.2002 that they are not

subject to denial of any federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug

Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a.

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             IV.                 CONCLLUIS!ON
                                 For the reasons set out above, Applicants hereto request that the

             Commission promptly grant this Application for pro forma transfer of control.

             Dated: April_1_, 1999

                                                                             Respectfully aubmitted,

                                                                             IDB MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                                                   By:            Ale—I 2tbta

             Alfred M. Mamlet
             James M. Talens
             Colleen A. Sechrest
             S8STEPTOE & JOHNSON LLP
             1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW.
             Washington, DC 200a6

             Counsel for
             INDB Mobile Communications, inc.

                                                                              — 10—

MAK, —20° YY(THUJ                 15:03           EABVUTIYEL UFFIUEL                                  IBLG:ZFVUY   740 4010                     T. VVJ
 RCV   BsY '-‘S'I"I\‘I\_'('(JS                  w22     $   He~2P41 +99    i    HcOfPM   i      202420a300>2—                       STRATOS : # 12
          MAR=24—8V              |]8:33   From:$| BPYOR & JURNSON                            2024ib3890U7               1=440   _P.]1¢/4U—   Japb=Hf(

                                                                                   STRATOS MOBILE METVWORKS (USA) LLCG

                                                                          By:            %‘./ 2bMa

              Alfred M. Mamlet
              James M. Talens
              Colleen A. Sechrest
              STEPTOE & JOHNSON LLr
              1330 Connectieut Avenue, NW.
              Washington, DC 20036

              Counsel tor
              Stratos Mobile Networks (USA) LLC


MAK, ~£23 YY1IAVJ   13:°90          BABVUVTIIYL UFFIUVE                       IkL}/IUY 148 4313              F. u404
 RCV BYsSTRATOS                           io d—2f—60 :o B:OJPM :         2024299002~                  _STRNTOS ; # 19
       MAR=24°BU 14133       FromSIEPTOE & JUHNSON                    ilr4¢0340¢             1=44U F13740 Job=¥((

                                                   MARINEBAT COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK, INC.

                                            By             Ne# PhPQG.

          Alfred M. Mamlet
          James M. Talens
          Colleen A. Sechrest
          12330 Connecticut Avenue, NW.
          Washington, DC 20036

          MarineSat Cormmunications
          Network, Inc.

                                                              —12 —

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 KCV asys STRATOX                         s o—24 —©0 i0 H#i0(PM i     . 2024299902                    STRATORS: H 14
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                                                            MARINE SATELLITE SERVICES, INC.

                                                    By:             W hkbAa

           Alfred M. Maemlet
           James M. Talens
           Colleen A. Sechrest
           1330 Gonnaectieut Avenue, NW.
           Washington, DC 20036

           Counsal for
           Marine Satellite Services, inc.

                                                             — 12 —

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      3595641 CANADA INC.

By:   %M%/&M
      fiir/emdent and a Director


Document Created: 2019-04-18 21:36:58
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 21:36:58

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