Attachment 20170202164809-020.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-19990319-00154 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                    Before the
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                                                 Pro Forma          ITC—T/ZIC—19990319—00154
                                                                                                 ALLEGIANCE TELECOM INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                                     h/ Nes Nes Nes Nt Ned Nt Nt Ned Nt N2s &2
In the Matter of


Application for authority pursuant to
                                                                                                                TeAs Pvicion
Section 214 of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended, for pro forma transfer of
                                                                                                    date;        MAR 3 4 1999 ____:
control of a carrier holding international
                                                                                                    authorizedf2MATIONAL BUREAU

                                         APPLICATION                                              " Sla:na
                                                                                                     «ic   tm/       >             +
                                                                                                             .ecfflifl    FaL/(\f   e fiCLL[7/E‘;   MOH:_J

        Allegiance Telecom International, Inc. ("AllegianceInternational" or "Applicant"), by its

undersigned counsel and pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,

47U.S.C.A. §214 (1999) and Section 63.18(e)(5) ofthe Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.18(e)(5)

(1999), hereby requests authority necessary to complete a proforma reorganization. As described

below, the proposed reorganization involves only an intracorporate restructuring ofthe Allegiance

companies and will not involve a transfer of actual control of Allegiance International.

Accordingly, Applicant respectfully submits that the immediate application qualifies for processing

under the Commission‘s Grant Stamp approval process and request approval under that procedure.~


       Allegiance International is a Delaware corporation that maintains its principal place of

business at:

V¥     See Public Notice, Mimeo 50767 (Nov. 21, 1994).

                                       Befcre the
                       FEDEE AL COM IUNI ATIDNS OM UISSION
                                 Was! ingto 1, D.C . 205:4

In the Matter of

ALLEGIANCE TELECONI                                              ITC —

Application for aithority pur: uant to
Section 214 of th: Communication: Act of
1934, as amendec , for pro for ma trinsfer of
control of a carrier holding in ernat: onal

                                              A PPLICATION

        Allegianc: Telecom L iterna ional, Inc. ( ‘Allegiance Intert ation; 1" or "Applicant"), by its

undersigned coun sel and pursiant tc Secti m 21« of the Com nunications Act of 1934, as amended,

47 U.S.C.A. §214 (1999) and{ ection63.1{ (e)(5) ofthe Comtiissio:i‘srul :s, 47 C.F.R. §63.18(e)(5)

(1999), hereby rejuests autho ‘ity necessa y to c »mplete a p 0for? :a reo ‘ganization. As described

below, the propo: ed reorgani: :ation involv es on! y an intraco: porat : restr icturing ofthe Allegiance

companies and wvill not involve a traisfer of actual cuntrol of Allegiance International.

Accordingly, Applicant respectfully submits tha;. the inmediate application qualifies for processing

under the Commission‘s Grant Stamp approval process and request approval under that procedure.


        Allegiance International is a Delaware corporation that maintains its principal place of

business at:

V       See Public Notice, Mimeo 50767 (Nov. 21, 1994).

                       Allegiance Telecom International, Inc.
                       1950 Stemmons Freeway
                       Suite 3026
                       Dallas, TX 75207
                       (214) 261—7100 (Tel)
                       (214) 261—7110 (Fax)
Allegiance International is a wholly—owned operating subsidiary of Allegiance Telecom, Inc.

Allegiance Telecom, Inc. is a publicly tradedcorporation that currently is the direct and ultimate

parent company of all ofthe Allegiance operating companies. Allegiance International holds global

authority to provide resold and facilities—based international telecommunications services pursuant

to Section 214 of the Communications Act, as amended.*

       Allegiance International seeks approval of a pro formareorganization whereby all of the

stock of Allegiance International will be transferred from Allegiance Telecom, Inc., the ultimate

Allegiance holding company, to Allegiance Finance Company, Inc. ("Allegiance Finance"), a newly

created holding company that is also wholly ownedby Allegiance Telecom, Inc. The net effect of

the proposed transaction will be solely to interpose Allegiance Finance as a new intermediate

holding company between Allegiance Telecom, Inc. and Allegiance International. Allegiance

Telecom, Inc. will remain the ultimate holding company of the Allegiance companies and retain

ultimate corporate control of Allegiance International. Allegiance International will continue to

provide service to consumers under the same rates, terms and conditions as it currently provides

service. The proposed reorganization therefore will be entirely pro forma in nature and will be

entirely transparent to consumers. A Chart illustrating the corporate structure of the Allegiance

companies before and after the proposed transaction is attached as Exhibit A.

¥      Allegiance Telecom International, Inc., ITC—97—695 (Jan. 9, 1998).
                                               .3 .


        Approval of the restructuring of the Allegiance com panies will serve t 1e public interest n

promoting competition among telecommunications carriers.                    In particalar <he propos(d

reorg:inization will provide the Allegiarice compan: es grvater access to cajital ind improved

marketing and administrative operations. Allegiance Internaional vill ccntinue to provide the san ie

high «quality, affordable international tsle:ommunications s:rvices, consisten: with all terms ai d

condi:ions of service set forth in Allegiance Intemiationil‘s teriff currently on file with the

Comriissioa      While the pro forma irtracorporate reorfaniza:ion vill al ow tlie Allegiance

comp inies to meet important business needs, the transa :tions will bi: virtu:illy tr; nspar ent to existi1 g

and prospective customers and will have no impact on Applicant‘s services.                    As such, this

reorg:inization will in no way disrupt service or cause cuistomer inconvenience or confusioi.

Accordingly, grant ofthis Application is consistent with the Jublic interest bec ause i will promo e

compi:tition among international telecommunications carriers indwill allow Alle ziance Internation i1

to cor tinue to provide high quality international telecommu aications seivices


       Pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(5) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. { 63.18(e)(5),
Applicant submits the following information:

        (a)     Name and address:

                         Allegiance Telecom International, Inc.
                         1950 Stemmons Freeway
                         Suite 3026
                         Dallas, TX 75207
                         (214) 261—7100 (Tel)
                         (214) 261—7110 (Fax)

        (b)     Allegiance International is a corporation organized under the laws of Delaware.

(c)   Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

              Russell M. Blau
              Edward S. Quill, Jr.
              Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
              3(00 K Street, NW , Suit : 300
              W ashin;zton, D.C. 20007
              (2 92) 424—7500 (Tel)
              (2 02) 424—7645 (Fax:)

      wit 1 a co y to:

              R »bert McCausland
              A legiance Telecom Inter iationil, nc
              1¢ 50 Stemmons Freeway
              Si ite 3026
              D illas, TX 75207

(d)   i\llcegiince International   is awhorized :o provide resold aid facilities—based
      intern: tic nal telecommunications services pursuant to S :ct on 214 authorization
      graiteii1 FCC File No. ITC—97—095. llegisnce Internatioral‘s corporate parent,
      Allegi inc s Telecom, Inc. does not hold any °CC authorizat ons. . Allegiance Finance
      also hold: no FCC authorizations

      The authc rization sought in this af plication will approv : a »ro o rma reorganization
      of the Allegiance companies, th: sole effect of which will le to interpose an
      interm»di ate holding company b:tween 4 llegiance Iite na:oiial and its current
      corporate parent Allegiance Telecomi, Inc. The transactio 1 vill not alter the rates,
      terris or (conditions of the interna ional ser rice Allegiance Interiational provides.

(£    Not appli :able.

(g)   Not appli :able.

(h)   Applicant is not affiliated with any foreign carrier.

(i)   Applicant certifies that it will not accept any special concessions, as defined by the
      Commission‘s Rules, directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier or administration
      with respect to traffic or revenue flows between the U.S. and any foreign country
      which Applicant may be authorized to serve.

G)    By the attached certification and as required by Section 63.18(;) ofthe Commission‘s
      rules, Applicant certifies that no party to this Application is subject to a denial of
      Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.



           For the reasons stated above, Allegiance International submits that the public interest,

convenience and necessity would be furthered by an expedited grant of this proforma application

for consent to complete a proforma reorganization.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               Russell M. Blau
                                               Edward S. Quill, Jr.

                                               Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
                                               3000 K Street, N.W., Suite 300
                                               Washington, D.C. 20007‘
                                               (202) 424—750¢(Tel)
                                               (202) 424—7645 (Fax)
                                               Counsel for Applicant
Dated: March 18, 1999                          Allegiance Telecom International, Inc.


         EXHIBIT A

Diagram of Previous and Current
     Corporate Structures

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        I, Robert W. McCausland, hereby declare that I am Vice Presiden!, Regulatory anc

Interconnection of Allegiance Telecom International, Inc.; that I am authorized t> male this

Verification on is behalf; that I have read the faregoing Application and exhibit there 0. I c eclare

that the same are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belie!.

        I further certify, in accordance with Section 1.2001—1.2003 of the Commissior‘s Ru es, 47

C.F.R. §§1.2001—1.2003, that neither Allegiance Telecom International, Inc. nor any party :0 this

application is subject to a denial of Federal ber efits that include FCC benefits pursuaiit to S »ctior

5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1998. See 21 U.S.C. § 853(a).

                                                  rrlMscir9P Coaales C_
                                                       Allegiance Telecom Internationa ., Inc.

                                            (L (h
Subscribed and sworn to before me this /        day of March, 1999.

  EL 44

My Commission expires:

Document Created: 2019-05-29 16:25:03
Document Modified: 2019-05-29 16:25:03

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