Attachment 20170124135045-717.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-19980903-00788 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                Streamlined         ITC-T/C-1 9980903-00788
                                                                Interoute-WholesaJe Inc.
                     LAW OFFICES OF THOMAS
                                        2300 M STREET, N.W.
                                              SUITE 800
                                       WASHINGTON, D.C. 20037
                                        TELEPHONE (202) 973-2890
                                           FAX (202) 973-2891
                                                        November 9, 1998
Troy Tanner
Chief, Policy and Facilities Branch
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, N.W.
Room 800
Washington, D.C. 20554
       Re:     Interoute Telecommunications, Inc.;
               Application for Consent to Transfer Control
Dear Mr. Tanner:
        In response to Commission staff inquiries, Interoute Telecommunications, Inc. (Interoute)
hereby supplements and amends its Application for Consent to Transfer Control (Application),
filed September 3, 1998 (but not yet placed on public notice), as follows:
       Interoute Ownership
        Per your request and pursuant to Section 61. 18(h)(2), 47 C.F.R. § 63. 18(h)(2) (1997),
the following reflects revised, current and complete ownership information with respect to
Interoute. Specifically, the following entities hold a ten percent (10%) or greater ownership or
management interest in Interoute:
Name/Address                  % Held                    Citizenship             Principal Business
Interoute                     48.4%                     U.K.                    Holding Company
 Telecommunications plc
7 Portland Place
London WIN3AA

Troy Tanner
November 9, 1998
Page 2
Interoute Communications     33.1 %                   Bahamian              Holding Company
 Group, Ltd.1
Suffrey Square, Suite 205
Bank Lane
Nassau, Bahamas
Interoute Telecommunications plc is 100% owned by Interoute Communications Group, Ltd.2
The following entities hold a ten percent (10%) or greater ownership or management interest in
Interoute Communications Group, Ltd.:
Name/Address                  % Held                  Citizenship           Principal Business
Sandoz Family Foundation 50.7%                        Swiss                 Trust
85 Avenue Generate Guisan
Lausanne, Switzerland
An Executive Committee is entrusted with operational management of the Sandoz Family
Foundation. The Executive Committee consists of the following individuals:
Name/Address                          Citizenship             Principal Business
Pierre Landolt                        Swiss                   Chairman, Executive Committee
do Sandoz Family Foundation
85 Avenue Generate Guisan
Lausanne, Switzerland
        On November 4, 1998, Belgravia Telecom Corporation, Ltd. sold its 33.1% ownership
interest in Interoute to Belgravia II Ltd., a Bahamian company, created specifically for the
purpose of effectuating the transaction described in this footnote. Belgravia II Ltd. immediately
transferred the shares to Interoute Communications Group, Ltd. No officer or director of
Belgravia Telecom Corporation, Ltd. served as a board member or officer of Interoute. As such,
Interoute does not believe transfer of control authorization is necessary in connection with this
particular transaction. However, to the extent the Commission may deem it necessary, Interoute
requests transfer of control authorization for this transaction.
   2 Integrated Communications Group,               Limited   changed its    name to Interoute
Communications Group, Ltd. on July 1, 1998.

Troy Tanner
November 9, 1998
Page 3
Victor Bischoff                       Swiss                  Member, Executive Committee
do Sandoz Family Foundation
85 Avenue Generale Guisan
Lausanne, Switzerland
Oskar Holenweger                      Swiss                  Member, Executive Committee
do Sandoz Family Foundation
85 Avenue Generale Guisan
Lausanne, Switzerland
Olivier Verrey                        Swiss                  Member, Executive Committee
do Sandoz Family Foundation
85 Avenue Generale Guisan
Lausanne, Switzerland
       Additional Information
        In response to your inquiry, the following clarification under Section 63. 18(h)(8), 47
C.F.R. § 63.18(h)(8) (1997), is provided. As explained in the Application, Interoute desires to
be regulated as a non-dominant carrier for all of the services included in its 214 Authorization
and destination countries, including the U.K., France, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands,
Switzerland, Portugal and Spain. Interoute's foreign carrier affiliates do not have the potential
to discriminate against unaffiliated U.S. carriers through such means as preferential operating
agreements, preferential routing of traffic, exclusive or more favorable transiting agreements,
or preferential domestic access and interconnection agreements. None of Interoute's foreign
affiliated carriers are monopoly, duopoly or oligopoly providers of services in their respective
home countries. Rather, each of Interoute's foreign affiliated carriers are resellers which
compete against such carriers. In addition, each of Interoute's foreign affiliated carriers control
less than 50% of the market share in each of their respective home countries.3 As such,
because Interoute's foreign carrier affiliates clearly do not have the potential to discriminate
against unaffiliated U.S. carriers, Interoute should be regulated as a non-dominant carrier.
         Interoute also wishes to modify footnote one of its Application to seek authorization, nunc
pro tunc, for the pro forma transfer of control which occurred on May 11, 1998. Application
at 2, n. 1. As the footnote indicates, this transaction entailed a change in corporate name as well
as structure (from a limited liability corporation to a C corporation), but underlying ownership
       See In Re Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications
Market, Report and Order and Order on Reconsideration, 12 FCC Rcd. 23891, 23996
(1997)(stating that there is a presumption that U.S. affiliates of foreign carriers with less than
50% market share in the relevant foreign market are non-dominant).

Troy Tanner
November 9, 1998
Page 4
and control remained the same. Interoute asks that the Commission approve this transfer, to the
extent necessary, in the context of its approval of the broader transaction.
       Finally, please note that on page four of the Application it is stated that Pre-Pay Long
Distance, Inc. (Pre-Pay) will be dissolved. Although Pre-Pay has Section 214 Authorization to
provide common carrier international telecommunication services, it has not to date offered any
common carrier services under the authorization. Thus, Sections 63.19 and 63.71 of the
Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.19, 63.71 (1997), are inapplicable to Pre-Pay.
       Please file-stamp and return the extra copy of this letter in the addressed, stamped
envelope provided for this purpose. Questions regarding this matter should be directed to the
                                                   Thomas K. Crowe
                                                   Elizabeth Holowinski,
                                                   Counsel for Interoute
cc:    Francis Eisenstein, FCC
       Richard Young
       Pat Dowhie

                    LAW OFFICES OF THOMAS K. CROWE, P.C.
                                      2300 M STREET, N.W.
                                           surr 800
                                     WASHINGTON, D.C. 20037
                                      TELEPHONE (202) 973-2890
                                         FAX (202) 973-2891
                                                      September 3, 1998
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
Telecommunications Division
P.O. Box 358115
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5115
       Re:    Interoute Telecommunications, Inc.
Dear Sir/Madam:
       Please find enclosed an original and six copies of Interoute Telecommunications, Inc.'s
Application for Consent to Transfer Control.
       Also enclosed is an FCC Form 159 and a check in the amount of $745.00 payable to the
Federal Communications Commission to cover the requisite filing fee. Please file-stamp and
remrn the extra copy of this filing in the self-addressed, stamped envelope enclosed for this
       Questions regarding this filing should be directed to the undersigned.
                                                      Thomas K. Crowe
                                                      Elizabeth Holowinski,
                                                      Counsel for Interoute Telecommunications,

                                                                                                                                                                                   APPROVED BY 0MB                                30e0.05fl
      BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                       FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                           _____________________________
                                                                                         REMITTANCE ADVICE
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                                                                                                                 (7) STATE                  (I) ZIP COOE
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               1 World Trade Center
           Suite_4531                                                                                            ______________________________
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         FEDERAL COMNUNICATION                                  Check Number:   9947
                                                                  Check Date:   Aug 31,199.8
                                                           Check Amount: $745;OO
  Item to be Paid - Description                          Discount Taken   Amount Paid
         ATI TELECOM, INC.             The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.             1-2/210 115
         110-72 Corona Ave.            37-94 103 Street
         Corona, N.Y. 11368            Corona, New York 11368
         (718) 271-4300
                                                                  Aug 31, 1998 *******$745 .00*
                                                                      DATE                      AMOUNT
    Seven Hundred Forty-Five and 0/100 Dollars
         P.O. BOX 358835
         PITTSBURGH, PA 15251-5835
                     "OOL,?I•   ':oLooooL:                L     LP1L,,I'

                                   Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554
In the Matter of
                                                            File No.   _______
Application for Authority Pursuant to
Section 214 of the Communications Act
of 1934, as amended, to Transfer Control of
Authorized International Carriers
       Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §
214 (1997), and Section 63.18 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18 (1997), Interoute
Telecommunications, Inc. ("Interoute") hereby requests authority to effectuate nunc pro tunc the
transfer of control of three international carriers, ATI Telecom, Inc. ("ATI Telecom), ATI
Rentals, Inc. ("ATI Rentals") and Pre-Pay Long Distance, Inc. ("Pre-Pay") (collectively, 'ATI
Group"), to Interoute, effective July 15, 1998, the date of certain transactions described herein.
Both Interoute and the ATI Group (collectively, "Applicants") are non-dominant carriers
separately authorized by this Commission to provide international telecommunications services.
       As fully described herein, approval of the transfer will permit Interoute and the ATI
Group to realize significant economic and marketing efficiencies which will enhance their ability
to continue providing high quality, low cost telecommunications services and to compete more
effectively in the international telecommunications marketplace.       Accordingly, grant of this

Application will benefit the public interest.
        fri support of this Application, Applicants submit the following information:
        A.      Interoute Telecommunications, Inc.
        Iriteroute is a Delaware corporation whose principal office is located at 1 World Trade
Center, Suite 4531, New York, New York, 10048. A provider of telecommunications and
consulting services, Interoute has global authority to provide resold and facilities-based
international telecommunications services.'
        Interoute has no affiliation, within the meaning of Section 63.18(h)(1)(i) of the
Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(h)(1)(i) (1997), with a dominant U.S. or foreign
facilities-based carrier.
        Information concerning Interoute's legal, technical, and financial qualifications to provide
service was submitted with Interoute's application for Section 214 authorization and is, therefore,
already a matter of record before the Commission.
       Overseas Common Carrier Section 214 Applications Actions Taken, Public Notice, ITC
97-720 (Jan. 9, 1998). Interoute Telecommunications, LLC, the original Section 214 licensee,
was merged with a new corporation formed on May 8, 1998 by Interoute Telecommunications,
LLC's shareholders known as "Interoute Telecommunications, Inc." The purpose of the merger,
which occurred on May 11, 1998--and is a component of the transaction for which this
application is submitted--was to change the company's status from a limited liability corporation
to a C Corporation. Commission authorization for a transfer of control in connection with this
particular transaction is not required since no transfer of control occurred as both entities are
identically owned. Applicants therefore request that the Commission's determination in this
matter reflect that the transferee in the instant transfer of control is "Interoute
Telecommunications, Inc." and not the original licensee, "Interoute Telecommunications, LLC."

                B.      All Telecom, Inc., All Rentals, Inc. and Pre-Pay Long Distance, Inc.
       ATI Telecom, a New York corporation, has global authority to provide resold and
facilities-based international telecommunications services 2       AT! Rentals, a New York
corporation, is authorized to provide international switched voice services between the United
States and international points by the resale of international switched services of existing
facilities-based carriers.3   Pre-Pay, a Delaware corporation, has authority to provide resold
international switched voice services between the United States and international points.4
       AT! Telecom, AT! Rentals and Pre-Pay are considered non-dominant carriers under the
FCC's rules.
        ATI Telecom, ATI Rentals, and Pre-Pay have no affiliation, within the meaning of
Section 63.18(h)(1)(i) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(h)(1)(i) (1997), with a
dominant U.S. or foreign facilities-based carrier.
       Information concerning the AT! Groups' legal, technical, and fmancial qualifications to
provide service was submitted with the companies' applications for Section 214 authorization and
is, therefore, already a matter of record before the Commission.
    2 Overseas Common Carrier Section 214 Applications Actions Taken, Public Notice, ITC
97-589 (Nov. 20, 1997). ATI Telecom is also authorized to provide communications between
appropriately licensed earth stations and INTELSAT, PanAmSat, TDRS, and Orion satellite
systems to and from certain specified points, as well as to communicate with the transborder
satellite systems, Anik and Morelos/Solidaridad to Canada and Mexico. In Re AT! Telecom,
Inc. Application for authority to acquire and operate facilities for service to various overseas
points, Order, Authorization, and Certificate, ITC 95-390 (Aug. 15, 1995).
        In Re AT! Rentals, Inc. Application for authority to operate as an international resale
carrier, Order, Authorization and Certificate, ITC 92-107 (April 10, 1992).
      Overseas Common Carrier Section 214 Application Actions Taken, Public Notice, ITC
96-283 (July 11, 1996).

       On May 13, 1998, Interoute and the ATI Group entered into a defmitive Share Purchase
Agreement ("Agreement1') pursuant to which Interoute acquired the ATI Group by purchasing
all of the ATI Groups' outstanding shares from the All Group shareholders. Under the terms
of the Agreement, shareholders of the All Group received a cash payment in addition to a 10%
interest in Interoute and Integrated Communications Group Limited, a Bahamian holding-
company affiliated with Interoute. Essentially, the acquisition of the ATI Group by Interoute
resulted in a transfer of control of the ATI Group to Interoute.
       Subject to the approval of the Commission, various state authorities and other customary
conditions, the transaction was consummated on July 15, 1998, when Interoute acquired 100%
of the ATI Group's outstanding shares.
       Under the terms of the Agreement, ATI Telecom and ATI Rentals will continue to
operate as wholly owned subsidiaries of Interoute. The terms of the Agreement require that Pre-
Pay be dissolved.   After its dissolution, all of Pre-Pay's customers will be served by ATI
       Applicants expect that for the foreseeable future ATI Telecom and ATI Rentals will
continue operating under their current names and no certificate holder name will change.
Moreover, the Applicants will continue to provide high quality, affordable telecommunications
services to the public. As such, the Agreement will not in any way disrupt service nor cause
inconvenience or confusion to the customers of Interoute or ATI Telecom and ATI Rentals.
       Applicants request Commission approval, nunc pro tunc, for authority to effectuate this
transaction, thereby transferring control of the ATI Group to Interoute, effective July 15, 1998.

It has only recently come to the attention of the Applicants that they were required to receive
prior Commission approval. Applicants regret this oversight and request grant of this application
nunc pro tunc to conform the Applicants' operations to Commission requirements.
       Applicants respectfully submit that their temporary noncompliance with the Commission's
rules is mitigated by the following factors. First, Applicants have voluntarily come forward to
correct their ownership status before the Commission. Second, upon learning the need for
Commission approval in connection with this transaction, Applicants have acted expeditiously
in seeking Commission approval. Third, approval will permit Applicants to continue making
efforts to enhance their provision of high quality, cost effective services, and thus is in the
public interest.
       The transfer of control of the ATI Group, through the sale and purchase of its shares,
will serve the public interest by permitting the ATI Group and Interoute to compete more
effectively in the international switched services market. This transaction creates access, by the
ATI Group, to the larger capital base of Interoute, as its new parent company.           The ATI
Group's operations will more readily increase in size and profitability, due to enhanced
economies of scale. In addition, the access to capital resources stemming from the proposed
transaction will enhance the ATI Group's potential for growth.        Accordingly, the proposed
acquisition will benefit consumers through improved services and lower rates, thereby promoting
competition in the international telecommunications market.

       The Commission recognizes that the international market for switched voice services is
becoming increasingly competitive in nature and that such competition benefits consumers.5
Given the Commission's desire to foster competition in the international switched voice market,
grant of the proposed transaction is in the public interest.
       As required by Section 63.18 of the Commission's Rules, Applicants submit the
following information:
       (a)     Name and address of applicants:
               Interoute Telecommunications, Inc.
               1 World Trade Center
               Suite 4531
               New York, New York 10048
               (212) 488-1113
               ATI Telecom, Inc.
               110-72 Corona Avenue
               Queens, New York 11368
               (718) 271-4300
               ATI Rentals, Inc.
               110-72 Corona Avenue
               Queens, New York 11368
               (718) 271-4300
          In Re Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications
Market; Market Entry and Regulation of Foreign-Affiliated Entities, Report and Order and Order
on Reconsideration in lB Docket Nos. 97-142 and 95-22, FCC 97-398, ¶ 1 (Nov. 26, 1997).

      Pre-Pay Long Distance, Inc.
      110-72 Corona Avenue
      Queens, New York 11368
      (718) 271-4300
(b)   Interoute is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware.
      AT! Telecom is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York.
      AT! Rentals is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York.
      Pre-Pay is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware.
(c)   Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:
      Thomas K. Crowe
      Elizabeth Holowinski
      Law Offices of Thomas K. Crowe, P.C.
      2300 M Street, N.W., Suite 800
      Washington, D.C. 20037
      (202) 973-2890
      with a copy to:
      Nick Razey
      Chief Executive Officer
      Interoute Telecommunications,   me.
      1 World Trade Center
      Suite 4531
      New York, New York 10048
      (212) 488-1113
      Patricia Dowhie
      ATI Telecom, Inc.
      110-72 Corona Avenue
      Queens, NY 11368
      (718) 271-4300

       (d)     As discussed above, Interoute previously received authority from the Commission
                                                                       6 ATI Telecom received
               to provide global facilities-based and resale services
               authority under Section 214 of the Communications Act to provide global
               facilities-based and resale services.7 ATI Rentals and Pre-Pay have 214
               authorizations to provide resold international switched services.8
       (e)     Pursuant to this Application, Interoute requests transfer of control authority to
               acquire ATI Telecom, ATI Rentals, and Pre-Pay.
       (f)      Not applicable.
       (g)      Not applicable.
       (h)      (1)    Interoute has affiliations with foreign carriers in the U.K., France,
                       Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal and Spain. A list
                       of the names and addresses of Interoute's foreign affiliates is attached as
                       Exhibit A. ATI Telecom, ATI Rentals, and Pre-Pay are not affiliated, as
                       defmed by Section 63.18(h)(1)(i) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.
                       § 63.18(h)(1)(i) (1997), with any foreign carriers.
       (h)      (2)    The following entities hold a ten percent (10%) or greater ownership or
                       management interest in Interoute:
Name/Address                          % Held         Citizenship    Principal Business
Interoute Telecommunications          54.4%          U.K.           Holding Company
6 1-63 Berners Street
London WIT3AE
tel: +44 171 580 1383
   6    çsupraatn.1.
             supra at n.2.
   8         supra at n.3 and n.4.

Beigravia Telecom Corporation  37.2%            Bahamian      Holding Company
do Mossack Fonseca & Co. [Bahamas] Ltd.
Saffrey Sq., Suite 205
P.O. Box N-8188
Nassau, Bahamas
Attn: Antoinette Stubbs
tel: (242) 322 7601
                   Both Interoute Telecommunications PLC and Beigravia Telecom
                   Corporation are 100% owned by Integrated Communications Group
                   Limited, a Bahamian company.
                   The following entities hold a ten percent (10%) or greater ownership or
                   management interest in All Telecom:
Name/Address                     % Held         Citizenship   Principal Business
Patricia Dowhie                  20%            U.S.A.        Individual
166-14th Avenue
Beechurst, NY 11357
Chris Dowhie                     80%            U.S.A.        Individual
166-14th Avenue
Beechurst, NY 11357
                   The following entities hold a ten percent (10%) or greater ownership or
                   management interest in ATI Rentals:
Name/Address                     % Held         Citizenship   Principal Business
Chris Dowhie                     100%           U.S.A.        Individual
166-14th Avenue
Beechurst, NY 11357

                     The following entities hold a ten percent (10%) or greater ownership or
                     management interest in Pre-Pay:
Name/Address                        % Held          Citizenship    Principal Business
Patricia Dowhie                     75%             U.S.A.         Individual
166-14th Avenue
Beechurst, NY 11357
Martin Ciesinski                    25%             U.S.A.         Individual
22 Cousins Street
Fort Salonga, NY 11768
                     A list of the Applicants' interlocking directorates is attached as Exhibit B.
      (h)      (3)   Not applicable.
      (h)      (4)   Interoute's affiliated carriers in the U.K., France, Germany, Denmark,
                     Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal and Spain own and control
                     telecommunications facilities in each of these countries.
      (h)      (5)   Applicants acknowledge that they are responsible for the continuing
                     accuracy of the certifications required herein, and that they will notify the
                     Commission of any change in substance as required by the Commission's
      (h) (6)-(7)    Interoute's affiliated carriers in the U.K., France, Germany, Denmark,
                     Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal and Spain do not have the ability to
                     discriminate against unaffihiated U.S. international carriers through control
                     of bottleneck services or facilities in any of these countries or in any other
                     destination country to which Applicants will provide service.
                     Additionally, the Commission has found the U.K., France, Germany,
                     Denmark, and the Netherlands to be equivalent countries.9
         Overseas Common Carrier Section 214 Application Actions Taken, Public Notice,
DA 98-1233 at General Condition 8 (June 25, 1998).

(h)   (8)    Interoute desires to be regulated as a non-dominant carrier for all of the
             services included in its 214 Authorization and destination countries
             including the U.K., France, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands,
             Switzerland, Portugal and Spain. Interoute's affiliated carriers do not
             have the potential to discriminate against unaffihiated U.S. carriers through
             such means as preferential operating agreements, preferential routing of
             traffic, exclusive or more favorable transiting agreements, or preferential
             domestic access and interconnection arrangements.
(i)   As required by Section 63.18(i) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(i)
      (1997), Applicants certify that they have not agreed to accept nor shall they
      accept in the future any special concessions, as defined by the Commission's
      Rules, directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier or administration with
      respect to traffic or revenue flows between the U.S. and any foreign country for
      which Applicants may be authorized to serve.
(j)   Applicants are not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301
      of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. Applicants' certifications pursuant to
      Section 1.2002 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.2002 (1997),
      (implementing the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 3301 (1997)) are

       For the reasons stated herein, Interoute and the ATI Group respectfully submit that the
public interest, convenience and necessity would be furthered by grant of this application.
                                                    Respectfully submitted,
                                                    INTEROUTE TELECOMMUNICATIONS,
                                                    INC.; ATI TELECOM, INC.; ATI
                                                    RENTALS, INC.; AND PRE-PAY LONG
                                                    DISTANCE, INC.
                                            By:               4CJ             &ZA)L
                                                    Thorn K. Crowe
                                                    Elizabeth Holowinski
                                                    LAW OFFICES OF THOMAS K. CR0 WE,
                                                    2300 M Street, N.W.
                                                    Suite 800
                                                    Washington, D.C. 20037
                                                    (202) 973-2890
                                                    COUNSEL FOR INTEROUTE
                                                    TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC.; ATI
                                                    TELECOM, INC.; ATI RENTALS, INC.;
                                                    AND PRE-PAY LONG DISTANCE, INC.
September 3, 1998

                             CERTIFICATIONS OF APPLICANT
        On behalf of Interoute Telecommunications, Inc., and in acccrdance with Sections
1.2001-1.2003 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.2001-1.2003 (1997), I hereby certify
that neither Interoute Telecommunications, Inc., its officers and directors, or any party with a
five percent or greater interest in Interoute Telecommunications, Inc., is subject to a denial of
the Federal benefits requested herein pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of
1988.       21 U.S.C. § 853(a) (1997). I also hereby certify that the statements in the foregoing
application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and are made in good
       Interoute Telecommunications, Inc. has not agreed to accept any concessions directly or
indirectly from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic or revenue flow
between the Untied States and various international points under the authority granted under
Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and the Commission's Rules, and
has not agreed to enter into such agreements in the future.
         Pursuant to Section 63.18(h) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(h) (1997),
I certify that Interoute Telecommunications, Inc. has an affiliation with foreign carriers in the
U.K., France, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland. Although
these affiliates own and control telecommunications facilities, they do not have the ability to
discriminate against unaffiliated U.S. international carriers through control of bottleneck services
or facilities in any of the aforementioned countries or in any of the other designation countries
covered by this application. These affiliates do not have the potential to discriminate against
unaffiliated U.S. international carriers through such means as preferential operating agreements,
preferential routing of traffic, exclusive or more favorable transiting agreements, or preferential
domestic access and interconnection arrangements.                I further certify that Interoute
Telecommunications, Inc. does not have an affiliation with any U.S. carrier whose facilities-
based services Interoute Telecommunications, Inc. proposes to resell, either directly or
indirectly. I also certify that Interoute Telecommunications, Inc. is responsible for the
continuing accuracy of all of its certifications.
                                      INTEROUTE TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC.
                                      Name:                /61?r,,i

                             CERTIFICATIONS OF APPLICANT
        On behalf of All Telecom, Inc., in accordance with Sections 1.2001-1.2003 of the
Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.2001-1.2003 (1997), I hereby certify that neither ATI
Telecom, Inc., its officers and directors, or any party with a five percent or greater interest in
All Telecom, Inc. is subject to a denial of Federal benefits requested herein pursuant to Section
5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.              21 U.S.C. § 853(a) (1997). I also hereby
certify that the statements in the foregoing application are true, complete, and correct to the best
of my knowledge and are made in good faith.
        ATI Telecom, Inc. has not agreed to accept any concessions directly or indirectly from
any foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic or revenue flow between the Untied
States and various international points under the authority granted under Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and the Commission's Rules, and has not agreed to
enter into such agreements in the future.
                                      ATI TELECOM, INC.
                                      Title:           yI

                             CER'lIIeICATIONS OF 4PPLICANT
        On behalf of ATI Rentals, Inc., in accordance with Sections 1.2001-1.2003 of the
Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.2001-1.2003 (1997), I hereby cehify that neither ATI
Rentals, Inc., its officers and directors, or any party with a five percent or greater interest in
ATI Rentals, Inc. is subject to a denial of Federal benefits requested herein pursuant to Section
5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.              21 U.S.C. § 853(a) (1997). I also hereby
certify that the statements in the foregoing application are true, complete, and correct to the best
of my knowledge and are made in good faith.
        ATI Rentals, Inc. has not agreed to accept any concessions directly or indirectly from
any foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic or revenue flow between the Untied
States and various international points under the authority granted under Section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and the Commission's Rules, and has not agreed to
enter into such agreements in the future.
                                      ATI RENTALS, INC.

                            CERTIFICATIONS OF APPLICANT
        On behalf of Pre-Pay Long Distance, Inc., and in accordance with Sections 1.2001-
1.2003 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.2001-1.2003 (1997), I hereby certify that
neither Pre-Pay Long Distance, Inc., its officers and directors, or any party with a five percent
or greater interest in Pre-Pay Long Distance, Inc. is subject to a denial of Federal benefits
requested herein pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.          21 U.S.C.
§ 853(a) (1997). I also hereby certify that the statements in the foregoing application are true,
complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and are made in good faith.
       Pre-Pay Long Distance, Inc. has not agreed to accept any concessions directly or
indirectly from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic or revenue flow
between the Untied States and various international points under the authority granted under
Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and the Commission's Rules, and
has not agreed to enter into such agreements in the future.
                                     PRE-PAY LONG DISTANCE, INC.

                                        EXHIBIT A
                        INTEROUTE'S FOREIGN AFFILIATES
Interoute Denmark A/S                          Interoute SA
Smedahoim 13C                                  36 Avenue Cardinal-Mermilled
DK - 2730 Herley                               1227 Carouge
Denmark                                        Switzerland
tel: +45 44 53 22 00                           tel: +41 22 827 00 00
Interoute Communications France                ITS
16 - 18 Rue Rivay                              Interoute Telecommunications Services
92300 Levalloie - Perret                       63-65 Berners St.
France                                         London W1P3AE
tel: +33 1 55 46 57 00                         England
                                               tel: +44 171 323 4902
Interoute Telecom Deutschland GmbH
Lyoner Strasse 15                              Gateway
D- 60528                                       Interoute Telecommunications (U.K.) Ltd.
Frankfurt en Main                              7 Portland Place
Germany                                        London WIN3AA
tel: +49 69 66 98 38 0                         England
                                               tel: +44 171 299 7000
Interoute Netherlands BV
World Trade Center
Strawinskyiaan 919
1077 XX
The Netherlands
tel: +31 20 47 10 616
Prmon Duque de Saldanha
No 1 - 10 D
1050 Lisboa
tel: +351 1 319 19 00
Interoute Telecomunicaciones (Viacom)
Vias de Comunicaciones SA
C/Acanto, 22 14-I
28045 - Madrid
tel: +34 1 467 67 51

                                          EXHIBIT B
                               INTERLOCKING DIRECTORS
As a result of the proposed transaction, the directors of All Telecom, mc, ATI Rentals, Inc.,
and Pre-Pay Long Distance, Inc. will be as follows:
Chris Dowhie, Director
Patricia Dowhie, Director
Chris Lowery, Director
Dan McDuffie, Director
John Mittens, Director
As a result of the proposed transaction, the directors of Interoute which will interlock with the
above-named carriers are:
Dan McDuffie, Director
Chris Dowhie, Director
John Mittens, Director
Chris Lowery, Director

                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE
        I, Missy Sheehy, a paralegal with the Law Offices of Thomas K. Crowe, P.C., certify
that on September 3, 1998, a copy of the foregoing Application was served by first class U.S.
mail, postage prepaid, on the parties listed below.
Deputy Assistant Secretary of                     Troy Tanner
 Defense (Telecommunications)                     Chief, Policy and Facilities Branch
Office of the Assistant Secretary                 International Bureau, Telecommunications
 of Defense                                       Division
Pentagon, Room 3E160                              Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20401                            2000 M Street, N.W.
                                                  Room 800
National Security Agency                          Washington, D.C. 20554
G042, NSA, EMC Center
Room 1C166                                        Francis Eisenstein
9800 Savage Road                                  International Bureau, Telecommunications
Fort George Meade, MD 20755                       Division
                                                  Federal Communications Commission
U.S. Coordinator and Director                     2000 M Street, N.W.
Office of International Communications            Room 843
 Policy (EB-TD)                                   Washington, D.C. 20554
Department of State
21st and C Streets, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20305-2000
Attn: Code 15
Chief Regulatory Counsel
Defense Communications Agency
Washington, D.C. 20305-2000
Attn: Code 115
National Telecommunications and
 Information Administration
14th & Constitution Ave., N.W.
Room H4717
Washington, D.C. 20320

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