Attachment 20170829094916-290.p





This document pretains to ITC-MOD-20061016-00567 for Modification on a International Telecommunications filing.


                     Streamiingd       ITC—MOD—20061016—00567
                     TELUS Corporation
                                                                                   RECEIVED & INSPECTED

                                                                                       OCT 1 6 2006

                                             Before The                            FCC — MAILROOM
                                      Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of Application of

TELUS Corporation                                     File No. _

For Modification of a Section 214
Authorization from Dominant to Non—
Dominant Status on the U.S. — Dominican
Republic Route, the U.S. — Gibraltar Route, and
U.S. — Venezuela Route.


                 Pursuant to Section 63.13 of the Rules of the Federal Communications

Commission ("Commission"),‘ TELUS Corporation ("TELUS" or "Applicant") hereby submits

this application and requests modification to its regulatory classification inits current

Section 214 authorization (the "Application"). Specifically, by this Application, TELUS requests

that the Commission remove its dominant status and reclassify TELUS as non—dominant on the

following three routes: (1) U.S. — Dominican Republic; (2) U.S. — Gibraltar; and (3) U.S. —

Venezuela (the "Routes"). TELUS submits that it meets the requirements for classification as

non—dominant on the above—identified Routes. TELUS is not a foreign carrier on the foreign end

of the Routes nor is it affiliated with a foreign carrier on these Routes. As such, under

Section 63.10 of the Commission‘s Rules," there is a presumption of non—dominant status on the


          47 C.F.R. § 63.13.
          47 C.F.R. § 63.10.


               Please direct all inquiries regarding this Application to TELUS at the following


                Erin Emmott
                Senior Regulatory Legal Counsel—US/Offshore
                Telecom Policy & Regulatory Affairs
                21 10020 100" Street, NW
                Edmonton, AB CANADA TSJ ONS
                780.628.4662 (Canada)
                202.536.3160 (U.S.)
                202.536.5199 (Fax)


               David L. Rice
               Miller Nash LLP
               4400 Two Union Square
               601 Union Street
               Seattle, WA 98101
               206.777.7424 (direct)
               206.622.7485 (fax)


               TELUS is a holding company with interests in telecommunications companies

that provide local and long distance service in Canada." TELUS currently holds a Section 214

authority to provide global facilities—based and resold services and switched and private line

services in the United States.* TELUS does not provide telecommunications service under the

5      See for additional information.
*      See FCC File No. ITC—214—20030718—00362, Report No. TEL—00700, DA 03—2650 (rel.
       Aug. 14, 2003). TELUS also holds two additional active Section 214 authorizations. See
       FCC File Nos. ITC—214—19980921—00660 and ITC—214—20000417—00267. Concurrent
       with this filing, TELUS is requesting permission to surrender two additional active
       Section 214 authorizations.

Section 214 authority directly. Rather, pursuant to Section 63.21(i) of the Commission‘s Rules,"

TELUS provides all U.S. international and interstate services under its Section 214 authority

through its subsidiaries." On all routes except the three above identified Routes, the Commission

regulates TELUS as non—dominant due to a lack of market power in the relevant foreign markets.

               In 2003 when TELUS obtained its current Section 214 authority, Verizon

Communications Inc. ("Verizon") indirectly held 25.4% of TELUS® voting stock, exceeding the

Commission‘s 25% threshold for affiliation under Section 63.09 of the Commission‘s Rules.‘

Verizon has an interest in several foreign carriers, including interests in the following carriers

with market power on the foreign endof the Routes: CODETEL, C.POR A., which provides

domestic and international telecommunications services in the Dominican Republic; Gibraltar

Telecommunications International Limited, the monopoly provider of international

telecommunications services in Gibraltar; Gibraltar NYNEX Communications Ltd.; and

Companiia Anonima Nacional Telefonos de Venezuela, which provides domestic and

international telecommunications services in Venezuela; (collectively the "Verizon Foreign

Affiliates"). Based on this affiliation with Verizon andthe Verizon Foreign Affiliates, the

Commission classified TELUS as dominant on the Routes.‘

               Subsequently, on December 14, 2004, Verizon sold all of its ownership interest in

TELUS voting stock, eliminating any affiliation with Verizon or with the Verizon Foreign

*      47 C.F.R. § 63.21(i).
$      The subsidiaries include the following entities: TELUS Services Inc., TELUS Enterprises
       Inc., TELUS Communications (Quebec) Inc., TELUS Solutions (Quebec) Inc., and
       TELUS Communications Company G.P.
4      47 C.F.R. § 63.09 (noting that "[t)wo entities are affi/iated with each other if one of them,
       or an entity that controls one of them, directly or indirectly owns more than 25 percent of
       the capital stock of, or controls, the other one.")

8      See Public Notice, Report No. TEL—00700, DA No. 03—2650 (rel. Aug. 14, 2003).


Affiliates. Due to this change, TELUS no longer aolds any dominent po :ition on the Routes. As

such, classi iciaticn of TELUS as dominant on the Routes is no longer rec uired


                  Modific ation of a Section 214 autharity irom cominant to non—c omiran status on

specified routes i: appr opriate if the applicant can demonstrat : that it qu: lifies for non— doinit ant

classific:ticn under Section 63.1 ) of the Co:nmiscion‘s Rules." Specificilly, Section 63.10


          A U S. carrier that has no affiliation with, ind that itself is not, a : oreig i carrtier in
          a pa ticulir cou itry to which it provides service (i.e., :. destination| coutry) sha 1
          pres imptively te considered non—do:ninant for t 1e prc vision of it terna ional
          com munication ; services on that rou:e.‘"

As such, a carrtier is sntitled to a aresuumptio 1 that it is non—do ninant on ; spec fic route sc long

as (1) it is not :i fore: gn carrier o1 the foreignn end of tha: route and (2) ha ; no a filiatior with a

foreign carr er on thiit route.

                  Because Verizon ias divestec itsel! of its ownership intert st, TLLUS is no lor ger

affiliated with sither Verizon or the Verizon Forei zn Afiliates. TELUS s entiled to a

presumption: tk at t i; non—domin int because it is r ot a foreigr carrier anc does not have an

affiliation with a ‘oreign carrier in the Dominican Republic, C ibraltar or Venezuela (the

destination countries). Accordingly, TELUS meets the requirements for presumption of non—

dominant classification on the Routes. TELUS respectfully requests that the Commission modify

9         See 47 C.F.R. § 63.13. See also In the Matter of Application of IDB Mobile, Inc. for
          Modification of Regulatory Status from Dominant to Non—Dominant for International
          Communications Services on all Routes except Canada, Order, DA 96—1469, 11 FCC Red
          10161 (1996)(holding that the Commission will reclassify a carrier from dominant to
          non—dominant on a particular route under the Commission‘s streamlined procedures if the
          carrier has no affiliation with a foreign carrier on that route).
10        47 C.F.R. § 63.10(a)(1).


its current Section 214 authority to reflect the change in status from dominant to non—dominant on

the Routes.


               The Applicant‘s Anti—Drug Abuse Act certification, as required under

section 63.18(0) of the Commission‘s Rules‘‘ is attached as Exhibit A. The Applicant‘s

certification of the facts contained in this application is attached as Exhibit B.


               For the foregoing reasons, TELUS respectfully requests that the Commission

grant this Application.

                                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                                   MILLER NALxSHZ:Qfi

                                                   David L. Rice
                                                   Miller Nash LLP
                                                   4400 Two Union Square
                                                   601 Union Street
                                                   Seattle, Washington 98101—2352

o. 19/vjod
                                                       Counsel for TELUS Corporation

N      47 C.F.R. § 63.18(0).

                                             EXHIBIT A

                        ANTI—DRUG ABUS!! ACT CERTIFICATION

                Answer YES if all parties to the application are in compliance with Sectio 1 5301
of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, the federal law which ; ro ids
federal and state court judges the discretion to deny federal benefits to indivicua‘ s convictec of
offenses consisting of the distribution of controlled substances. For a definiticn of "paty"‘ for
these purposes, see 47 C.F.R. Section 1.2002(b). See also Amendment ofPart 1 of‘he
Commission‘s Rules to Implement Section 5301 ofthe Anti—Drug Abuse Act 0, 1984 , 6 FCC
Red 7551, 57 Fed. Reg. 00186 (1991).

                                         X      YES           NO

By checking yes, the applicant certifies that, in the case of an individual applizar t, he or she is
not subject to a denial of federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Secticn {3C1 of
the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 862, or, in the case of a non—indivicua. appl ca it
(e.g., corporation, partnership or other unincorporated association), no party to th e :pplication is
subject to a denial of federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to that secticn. Fo : the
definition of a party for these purposes, see 47 C.F.R. Section 1.2002(b).

TELUS Corporation
Name of Applicant

Signature and Pat

  CJjJamet          7nC
Printed Name of Person Signing

Execa_tmwe            Vice     ez aAcc—t,        C« essertes. Ext Een t,

                                               EXHIBIT B


                 On behalf of TELUS Corporation, I certify that the statements made in this

application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and are made

in good faith.

Signature           U

  sJAmETt             e 15
Printed Name of Person Signing

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Document Created: 2019-05-26 11:20:59
Document Modified: 2019-05-26 11:20:59

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