Attachment 20170207135337-437.p

This document pretains to ITC-ASG-19990413-00213 for Assignment on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                             I efore the
                            ‘TEDl RAl COMMTU NIC4 TIO: S COMNM [SSI )N
                                       Wishin ton, ).C. 0054

                                                                  Str ‘amli1 »d       ITC—ASG—1999)413—0 )213
In t! 2 Ma cer o                                                  FLL TRA Z CON MUNIC ATIONS INC.

VIA EL ALE S U.S.A., I IC. a id
                                                       F le N«       Ea e Gmmted                                    :
Apry   icatie   n for   Pro Forma Assi; nment                                 11   y\‘ tafl   neadly y Th uk j _4"}‘;‘.:'2 p0ie

of S   »ctior   214 .   iuthorizatic n
Froi   i Flai   Rate    Sommunic: tions Inc.                                             § 4y 5d
to V   atel |   ales,   J.S.A., Inc
                                                                   autho izsod :
                                                API LIC. .TIO 1
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                tel S les U.S.A. Inc. "Via el Sa :s") ; id Fl t
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                                                                             2. & Teusy iFaciciriés BéancH
Rat: °) (tc ;ethe , the "Appl cant: ‘) hereby r: ques: auth: fity, ursu; it to iection 214 of the

\Cor muni atior s Act of 19 ‘4, as amer ded, — 7 U.; .C. § 14, snd Se :tion ©3.18 of the

Con miss: in‘s 1 iles, 47 C.]1 .R. §3.18 for a vrof rma ssigr ment of Se tion 214 authority from

Flat Rate > Viz el Sales. The A plicants re uest hat t s applicati n be sranted expeditiously.

          Tt : Apj licants seek the ; ssign nent if Sec:ion 2 14 authorit_ for: ie merger of Flat Rate

into ind with V atel Sales, the st vivirg cor orate entit . Boch Flat Rate and Viatel Sales are

whouly owned U.S. subsidiaries | f Viatel, Inc. Because this ipplication seeks approval for an

assignment of Section 214 authority from one wholly owned subsidiary to another wholly owned

subsidiary of the same corporate parent, this application should be treated as a proforma


          The merger will more fully integrate Flat Rate into the Viatel corporate family and will

permit Viatel Sales and Flat Rate to realize significant economic, marketing, and technical

service efficiencies which will enhance their ability to continue providing high quality, low cost

                                                                                                                                            PLUUC/MELLON                        APR 13 1999
READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                                                 APPROVED BY OMB 3060—0589
  BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                                                REMITTANCE A                        streamlined                          ITC—ASG—19990413—00213
                                                                                                 1        |.        FLAT RATE COMMUNICATIONS INC.
                                                                                       PAGE No. _L____OF _L.
(1) Locksox# 358115
                                                                                   SECTION A — PAYER INFC
 (2) PAYER NAME (if paying by credit card, enter name exactly as it appears on your card)

 Morrison & Foerster LLP

 2000 P                          ia A                      N.W., Suite 5500

 (6) cnvy                                                                                        (7) STATE                                (8) Zip cobe
 Washi             n                                                                             DC                                        20006
 (9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                               (10) COUNTRYCODE (if not in U.S.A.)
     202) 887—1500

                                                                                 SECTION B — APPLICANT INFORMATION
(11) APPLICANT NAME (if paying by credit card, unter name exactly as it appears on your card)

 Flat Rate Communications,                                Inc.

     11S5S           Johnson Blyvd.

 Suite 111
(14) CY                                                                                         (15) STATE                                (16) ZIP CODE

 Colorado Spri                                                                                   CO                                        80920
(17) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER(Include area code)                                                (18) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)
     719) 520—3528

                                                                                 SECTION C — PAYMENT INFORMATION
(19A) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                            PAYMENT TYPE CODE                  (21A) QUANTITY      (22A) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 20A
                                                C               U           T                               1:1s                            780.00
(23A) FCC CODE 1                                                                                      (24A) FCC CODE 2

(19B) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                    (208) PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)              (218) QUANTITY      (22B) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 208
(23B) FCC CODE 1                                                                                      (24B) FCC CODE 2

(19C) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                    (200)_PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)              (21€) QUANTITY      (220) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 20C
(23C) FCC CODE 1                                                                                      (24C) FCC CODE 2

(19D) FCC CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                    (20D) PAYMENT TYPE CODE (PTC)              (21D) QUANTITY      (22D) FEE DUE FOR (PTC) IN BLOCK 200
(23D) FCC CODE 1                                                                                      (24D) FCC CODE 2

(25)                                                                                                  (26) COMPLETE THIS BLOCK ONLY IF APPLICANT NAME IN B—11 IS DIFFERENT FROM PAYER NAME IN

PAYER TIN                               O0|o |4 |o |6 |o |7 |2 1 |o                                  APPLICANT TIN                              |O0|s |4 |1 |3 |1 |s |o |2 |7
                                                                                     SECTION E — CERTIFICATION

1,                                                                               , Certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information
                                 (PRINT NAME)
are true and correct to the best of                                                 infomation and belief.           SIGNATURE
                                                                           SECTION F — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION


                    I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD         AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE
                   for the service(s)/authorization(s) herein described.         _ P
                                                                    SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                   FCC FORM 159               JULY 1997 (REVISED)

s                                                       4


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                                     Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20054

In the Matter of

                                             No No Ns Nes Nes Ned Nt Ned Nt N)/
                                                                                  File No. ITC—ASG—199904_—
Application for Pro Forma Assignment
of Section 214 Authorization
From Flat Rate Communications, Inc.
to Viatel Sales, U.S.A., Inc.

       Viatel Sales U.S.A., Inc. ("Viatel Sales") and Flat Rate Communications, Inc. ("Flat

Rate") (together, the "Applicants") hereby request authority, pursuant to Section 214 of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §214, and Section 63.18 of the

Commission‘s rules, 47 CFR. §63.18, for a proforma assignment of Section 214 authority from

Flat Rate to Viatel Sales. The Applicants request that this application be granted expeditiously.

       The Applicants seek the assignment of Section 214 authority for the merger of Flat Rate

into and with Viatel Sales, the surviving corporate entity. Both Flat Rate and Viatel Sales are

wholly owned U.S. subsidiaries of Viatel, Inc. Because this application seeks approval for an

assignment of Section 214 authority from one wholly owned subsidiary to another wholly owned

subsidiary of the same corporate parent, this application should be treated as a proforma


       The merger will more fully integrate Flat Rate into the Viatel corporate family and will

permit Viatel Sales and Flat Rate to realize significant economic, marketing, and technical

service efficiencies which will enhance their ability to continue providing high quality, low cost

telecommunications services and to compete more effectively in the international marketplace.

The assignment of Section 214 authority will increase choice to consumers for competitively

priced international services in the telecommunications ma~ketplace. Thus, the merger will

benefit the puljlic interest.

             In support of this application. the Applicants sub nr. the following information pursuant

to Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s rules:

             (a)    Name, address ind te ephone numbr of the Applicants:

                    Viatel Sales U.S.A., Inc.
                    685 Third Ave., 24"" l‘loor
                    New York, NY 10017
                    (212) 350—9200

                    Flat Rate Communications, Inc.
                    1155 Kelly Johnson Blyvd.
                    Suite 111
                    Colorado Springs, CO 80920
                    (719) 520—3 528

             (b)    Viatel Sales is a corporation organiz ed ut der the laws of the State of Delaware.
                    Flat Rate is a corporation organized unde : tlhie laws of Colorado.

             (c)    Correspondence concerning this Applicatio1 should be sent to:

                    For Viatel Sales:

                    Sheldon Goldman
                    Vice President, Business & Legal Affairs
                    Viatel, Inc.
                    685 Third Ave., 24"" Floor
                    New York, NY 10017
                    (212) 350—9200

                    with a copy to:

                    Cheryl A. Tritt & Joan E. Neal
                    Morrison & Foerster LLP
                    2000 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Suite 5500
                    Washington, DC 20006
                    (202) $87—1500

de—1 52580

                     For Flat Rate Communications, Inc.:

                     Jchn Scanlon
                     Flat Rate Communications, Inc.
                     5.1 Sycamore Valley Road West
                     D imville, CA 94526
                     (925) $55—3803
              ‘d)    V atel Sales does not hold iny athorization s under Sesction 214. Viatel, Inc., the
                     psrent company of V latel Sales, is aut 10rize d to: (1) resell switched service,‘ (2)
                     resell international private lines or the prov ision of switched services betveen the
                     U S. and equivalent countries," (3) previde on a global basis facilities—t ased anc.
                     resale services to all permi ssible points," ani| (4) provide facilities—based ssrvice
                     between the U.S. and the United King Jom i sing CANUS—1.*

                     Flat Rate holds a glol»al Section 214 authori zation to provide: fecilities—»ased and
                     resale services to all permissible internation i points, granted effective September
                     20, 1996 in File No. : —T—C—96—4. 6.

              ‘e) (5) The Applicants herety request a ithority for a proforma ass gnment of Section
                      214 authority from Fat Rate to ‘ /iatel Sales

              £)     N> response is necessary.

              ‘g)    Nt applicable.

              h) (1) B:, the attached certilicaticn, Vi; tel Siles certifies that it is affiliated w ith the

                     following foreign carriers is def ned in 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(h)(1)(ii): (a) Viitel

                     U.K. Ltd. in the United Kingdor i; (b) Viapt one GmbH in Germany; (c) V iatel

                     Operations SA in France; (d) Vi ifopeiation;. Communications BV in the

                     Netherlands; (e) Viatel Belgium nyv in Belgium; (£) Viaphone A.G. in

\    See VIA USA, Ltd., et al., 9 FCC Red 2288 (1994), recon., 10 FCC Red 9540 (1995).

*    This authorization was granted to Viatel Inc.‘s subsidiary YYC Communications, Inc., see FCC Public Notice,
Overseas Common Carrier Section 214 Applications Actions Taken (Formal Section 63.01), Rep. No. I—8118 (rel.
Oct. 20, 1995), then later assigned to Viatel, see File No. I—T—C—96—534—AL (Oct. 7, 1996).

*    See Overseas Common Carrier Section 214 Application Actions Taken, 11 FCC Red 10639 (1996).

*    See Viatel, Inc., Application for Authority to Acquire and Operate Facilitiesfor Service to the United Kingdom,
11 FCC Red 11607 (1996).

deo—1 52580                                                3

                Switzerland; and (g) Viatel (I) Limited in Ireland. None of these entities has

                market power.

             (2) As notec above, Vii tel S¢les is wholly owned by its parent, Viatel, Inc. In turn

                tw shar shold »rs cu rentl; hole indir sctly, ten percent or more of the capital stcck

                of Viatel Sale: through V atel, Inc.: (a) Martin Varsavsk:», Par jue E npresarial

                Ed ficio 2, c/o Beatiiz de Bobadilla, .4, 5 Offic. B, Madiid, Sy ain; and (b) the

                Ca rital Guard an Tiust Company, 11100 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angele ,

                C¥A. 9002 5—3364, wl ich serves is the inves:ment manager of v irious institution; 1

                acc ounts. Mr. Vars vsky is a U.S. ci:izen ind is currently the presicent 0:‘ a

                Sp inish :eleccmmu iications ccmpany. Cipital (Guardian Tru:t Conipany is a

                U..s. conipany and i s prir cipal businss is capitsl investinents

                Th: officers aid dir »ctors of V atel Sales have tt e follov ing i1 terlocking

                dir :ctor:tes: (a) Mi shael J. Mahoney, President and a diector of Viatel Sales, is

                als > Chairmar, President, and Chief)xecutive C fficer of Viat :I, Inc.; (b) Allan L.

                Sh iw, T easurer ani| a director of Viiitel Sules, is also Senior Vice P reside nt,

                Fir ance, and Chief : "inancial Officer of Vi itel, Inc.; (c) Lawre 1ce G. Malone,

                Vice President and .: director of Viatel Sales, is also Senior Vice President, Gloval

                 Sales and Marketing, of Viatel, Inc.; (d) Sheldon Goldman, Secretary and a

                director of Viatel Sales, is also Senior Vice President, Business Affairs, General

                Counsel, and Secretary of Viatel, Inc.; (e) Francis J. Mount, Vice President and a

                 director of Viatel Sales, is also Senior Vice President, Engineering and Network

                 Operations, of Viatel, Inc.; and (f) Ellen S. Rudin, Assistant Secretary of Viatel

                 Sales, is also Vice President and Assistant Secretary of Viatel, Inc. In addition, as

de—1 52580

                    previously reported to the Commission, Michael J. Mahoney is a director of

                    Cignal Global Communications, Inc.

                (8) Viatel Sales U.S..\., Inc. should be p1asum:»tively regulated as a non —dominant

                    carrier on all rout :s because none of i :s forcign carrier affiliates has narket

                    power. These aff liates are all small ompinies that are new market entrants, each

                    holding sub:stantiilly less than & 50 purcent market share in the interiiation al

                    transport an 1 locel access mark@ts in ‘heir 1espective countries. Nore of these

                    carriers has the at ility to discrirainate against unaffiliaced U.S. interi ation al

                    carriers through the control of tottler sck fi.cilities to exercise marke : pow »r in

                    any destination country.

             i) By the attached certification, Viatel Sale: certiies that it has not agreed :o accept

                 special concessions, is defined in 47 C.F R. § 63.18(1)(1), directly or inc irectl; frori

                 any foreign carrtier w:th respect to sny U.S. international route where the foreizn

                 carrier possesses suff cient market jpowet on the foreign end of the route to aflect

                 competition adv ersely in the U.S. narket and v/ill not enter into such ag eements in

                the future.

             (J) By the attached certification, Viatel Sales certifies that no party to this application is

                 subject to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug

                 Abuse Act of 1988.

             (k) Because this application seeks a pro forma assignment of Section 214 authority, the

                 Applicants request that the application be granted on an expedited basis.

do—1 52580                                               5


            Accordingly, the Applicants respectfully request that the Commission grant this

application for a proforma assignment of Section 214 authority from Flat Rate Communications,

Inc. to Viatel Sales U.S.A., Inc. on an expedited basis. Such a grant will serve the public

interest, convenience and necessity.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                                         Q\—U‘j\f d.. Tn’f{/bv ceEP
                                                        Cheryl A. Tritt
                                                        Joan E. Neal
                                                        Morrison & Foerster LLP
                                                        2000 Pennsylvenia Ave., N.W.
                                                        Washington, D.C. 20006
                                                        (202) 887—1500

                                                        Attorneys fo:: Viatel Sales U.S.A., Inc. and
                                                        Flat Rate Comrunications, Inc.

Dated: April 12, 1999

do—152580                                           6


        I, Sheldon Goldman, Secretary of Viatel Sales U.S.A., Inc. ("Viatel Sales")

hereby certify that:

        1.     The stitemeints in the foregoing apy lication are trae, ccmplete and corre t

               to the best 0: my I:nowl :»dge ind belief, and are made i1 goo 1 faitt .

                Viatel Sales is aff liated with the following foreign car:—iers as defired ir

               47 C.E.R. § 53.18{h)(1) i): (©)) Vigel U.©. Ltd. in the United King;dom;

                (>) Vis phon: Gml)H in Germany; (:) Viitel Operation ; SA in Fraiice; (d)

                Viafoperations C¢ mmu uications B‘/ in the Netherland ;; (e) Viatel

               Eelgiu n nv in Be gium (f) Viaphone A. 3. in Switzerl ind; and (g) Viatel

                (D) Lin ited in Irel:ind.

                Ais noted above, Viatel sales is wholly oovned by its parent, ‘Viatel Inc. In

               turn, indirectly, tvro shareholders current y hold ten percent or mcre of che

                capital stock: of V atel Sales t iroug1 Viaiel, Inc.: (a) Martin ‘Varsaisky,

                Parque Empresarial Ediicio 2, c/o 3eatr‘z de Bobadill:i, 14, 5 Offic. B,

                Madrid, Spain; and (b) the Capital Guardian Trust Company, 11100 Santa

                Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90025—3384, which serves as the

                investment manager of various institutional accounts. Mr. Varsavsky is a

                U.S. citizen and is currently the president of a Spanish

                telecommunications company. Capital Guardian Trust Company is a U.S.

                company and its principal business is capital investments.

             The officers and directors of Viatel Sales have the following interlocking

             directorates: (a) Michael J. Mahoney, President and a director of Viatel

             Sales, is also Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer of Viatel,

             Inc.; (b)) All in L. Shaw, Treasurer and a dinector of Viiitel Siles, is also

             lsenior Vice President, |"inance, and Chief l‘inancial OFicer of Viatel, Lic.;

             (c) Lavrence G. Malon:, Vice Presidznt ar d a director of V atel Sales, s

             ilso Scnior Vice Presid »nt, Glolal Sales ard Marketinz, of ‘Ziatel. Inc.;

             (d) Sh»ldon Goldinan, Secretary and i dire :tor 0 Viat :1 Sal :s, is ilso

             lSenior Vice President, 3Business Affa rs, Gineral Coursel, a 1d Secretar ;

             of Viazel, Inc.; (e) Franmis J. Mount, ‘/ice F resident and a director of

             ‘Ziatel Sales, is also Serior Vice: President, Engir eeriny; and Network

             (peraions, of Viiitel, Lic.; and (f) Ellen S. Rudit, Ass stant Secretary of

             ‘Ziatel Sales, is also Vice President ar d Assistant Secretary of Viazel, Inc.

             In addition, as has prev ously been resorted to th: Conimiss on, Miichael J.

             Mahoney is a director cf Cignal Global Co nmuricaticns, Inc.

             ‘Ziatel Sales certifies th it it has not agreed 0 aco spt special conce:ssions,

             as defined in 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(i)(1), directly or indirectly from any

             foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where the

             foreign carrier possesses sufficient market power on the foreign end of the

             route to affect competition adversely in the U.S. market and will not enter

             into such agreements in the future.

de—1 52580

              Viatel Sales certifies that no party to this application is subject to a denial

              of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act

              of 1988.

                                                     BSy—             a_~ ~3
                                                    ~ Sheldon Goldman
                                                      Viatel Sales U.S.A., Inc.

Dated: April /*, 1999

do—1 52580

Document Created: 2019-04-18 22:47:00
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 22:47:00

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