Attachment 20170202134817-280.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19990225-00118 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                             Non—Streamlined   ITC—214—19990225—00118
                                                             INTERICE LTD.

                        Categories of Services for 214 Applications

                      ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE
   o .cij a o 8 G

                      GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
                       GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
o a § 9 a 9 G

                      SWITCHED RESALE SERVICE—                     f      &
                    ~©—TRANSFER OF CONTROL—

       Description of Application:


                                      Before: the
                               Wiishin;ston, D.C. 20551

In the Matter of

                                        NZ N/ NZL N/ NNN NNN NZ
InterIce Ltcl.

Application for Auth>rity
Pursuant to Section 214 0: the                                    FHile No. 1 — T — C
Communications Act of 1234, as
amended, to Provide Inter 1ational
Simple Resale Services (SR)
between the United States and

                                       APPLIC ATION
                 InterIce Ltd. ("InterIce") hereby requests authority pursuant to Section 214

of the Communications A.:t of 1934, as amendded, «7 U.S.C. § 214, and Section 63.18 of

the Rules of the Federal Communiciation:; Coramis sion ‘the "Commission"), 47 C.F.R.

§ 63.18, to prov: de It tern: tional Simple Resa‘ e ("I SR"), or the use of international

private lines for the provision of switched services inter :onnected at one or both ends

between the United States and Iceland, and the reselling of international non—

interconnected private lines between the United States and Iceland.

                 InterIce is an Icelandic corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of

Iceland Telecom Ltd. ("Iceland Telecom"), also an Icelandic corporation. InterIce and

Iceland Telecom do not have any affiliations in any foreign country other than Iceland, a

World Trade Organization ("WTO‘®") Member country.


                 InterIce was granted Section 214 authority to operate as a facilities—based

and resale carrier. The Commission‘s approval is stated in Fil: No. ITC—214—19980713—


                 Tt e Co nmi sion‘s recent . "ore: n P. irticipation Order,‘ which became

e fective "e »ruar : 9, 1998, sets ‘orth the 1 squi eme ts under vrhici . the Comtr ission. w iII

review af pl catio is fo aut] ority to e igag : in 1 SR v ith a carri>r fr im a WTO co int y.

Specifica 1y , the (lomu ussin‘s tule: stat ::

                 Pu   rsua    t to he S sctio 1 21«     aut!   oriz;    tion condition     adopted
                 in   ‘he Z   echn arks Ord >r, w      s wi    | aut    orize carriers     o provide
                 sv   itche   1 ser vice: ove: inte    mati    mal :    acilities—based    or resold
                 pr   vate    lines [ ] 0 1 the con«   itior    that    settlement rate    s for at lea t
                 5C   perc    snt 0 : the settled U    S.—bi    led 1   ‘affic on the rc   ute or rout :s
                 in   ques    ion ire at or below      the r   :levs    it benchmark       :dopted in ha:
                 O:   der.‘

                 In erlce here by p ovid es th : fol owir g information lemonstrating th it tie

above rec ui eme1 t has beet met:

J:       Ic sI; nd is a W °O N emt 2r co untr ;

2.       A :c »untit g Rze A; reenients whi sh tc ok efi fect on Januar                      1, 1999, t etivee a

         Icelund T. leco n an 1 AT&T Corp ("A"&T), MCI (USA}, ("MCI") a ad Spint

         Communicatio is Company L P. (( Spri it""), espectively, stt an accounting rate

         per minute of G.20 SDR for services between Iceland Telecom and each of these

         carriers on the U.S.—Iceland route. Each of AT&T, MCI and Sprint filed an

         accounting rate modification request with the Commission reflecting an

         International Message Telephone Service ("IMTS") accounting rate of 0.20 SDR

         with Iceland Telecom.* This modified IMTS accounting rate of 0.20 SDR is

         Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications Market, IB Docket
         No. 97—142, Report and Order and Order on Reconsideration (rel. Nov. 26, 1997) ("Foreign
         Participation Order").
         Td. at «[ 79.
         Accounting Rate Waivers & Modifications 1998 (visited February 24, 1999)


          listed in the Commission‘s January 1, 1999 Consolidated Accounting Rates ofthe

          United States."

          Employing an effective rate of 1SDR = $1.—806 (SDR cor version rate used in the

          Commission‘s January 1, 1999 IMTS «‘ccor nting Rates of the United Staies

          (1985—1999) Report), Iceland‘s accounting rate of 0.20 SDR equates to an

          accounting rate of $0.296, or a settlement r; te of $0.148, vrhich is below the

          prescribed $0.15 benchmark settlement rate for lceland in the Eenchmarks Orler;°


          Based on the foregoing, Iceland now exceei is the: minimur 1 req 1irenient for

          cualifying for ISR, i.e., more than 50 perceiit of the U.S. billed traffic is settled

          telow the benchmark settlement rate.

                  InterIce requests streamlined treatm :nt of this Application pursuant to

Section 53.12 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.]l. § 63.12. Grunt ol this Application

will serve the public interest by promoting competition n the international services

ma ket.

                  In accordance with Section 63.18 of the Commissi>n‘s ¢ule:,,

47 C.E.R. ; 63.18, InterIce provides the following nfor nation in support o1 this


          Consolidated Accounting Rates ofthe United States, dated January 1, 1999 (last modified
          February 3, 1999) <>.
          IMTS Accounting Rates ofthe United States (1985—1999) Report, dated January 1, 1999 (last
          modified February 3, 1999) <>.
          International Settlement Rates, IB Docket 96—261, Report and Order, FCC 97—280 (rel. Aug. 18,
          1997), recon. pending, at Appendix C ("Benchmarks Order").


                                  Section 63.18 Information

(a)       The name, address and telephone number of the applicant are:

          InterIce Ltd.
          Thorvaldsensstraeti 4
          150 Reykjavik
          (011) 354 550—6002

(b)     InterIce is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of

(©)       Correspondence concerning this Application should be addressed to:

          Mr. Gudmundur Bjérnsson
          InterIce Ltd.
          150 Reykjavik
          (011) 354 550—6002

          Copies of all correspondence should be sent to InterIce‘s counsel:

          Daniel Levin
          Levin & Srinivasan LLP
          1776 Broadway
          Suite 1900
          New York, New York 10019
          (212) 957—4511

(d)       InterIce has previously applied for and was granted authority under Section 214

          of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to operate as a facilities—based

          and resale carrier pursuant to the terms and conditions of Sections 63.18(e)(1)

          and (e)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(i) and (e)(2),

          including Iceland under Section 63.18(e)(6) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47

          C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(6). InterIce was classified as non—dominant on all routes with


          the exception of the U.S.—Iceland route. InterIce reserved its rights to request

          modification of its classification, at a later date, from dominant to non—dominant

          on the U.S.—Iceland route. The Commission‘s approval and classification are

          stated in File No. ITC—214—19980713—00475.

(e)       InterIce is applying for authority under Section 63.18(e)(3) of the Commission‘s

          Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(3), to provide ISR between the United States and

          Iceland, including:

          (i)   the resale of international private lines interconnected to the public

                switched network for the provision of switched services, including voice,

                data and facsimile between the United States and Iceland;

        (i1)    the resale of international private lines not interconnected to the public

                switched network for the provision of international private line services

                between the United States and Iceland;

        (iii)   the practice of "switched hubbing" through Iceland consistent with Section

                63.17 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.17.

          As indicated above, the accounting rate for more than 50 percent of the U.S.

billed traffic to Iceland is 0.20 SDR. This rate translates to a settlement rate of $0.148,

which is below the prescribed $0.15 benchmark settlement rate for Iceland.

(£)       At this time, InterIce seeks no other authorization available under Section

          63.18(e) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e).

(g)       Not applicable.


(h) (1)    The Commission‘s approval is stated in File No. ITC—214—19980713—00475.

           InterIce is a wholly owned subsidiary of Iceland Telesom. InterIce certifies

           that, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Iceland Telecorn, it is affiliated with a

           for ign carrier in t ie following countr : Iceland Ice and is a WTO Member

           cot ntry and t ieref re has opened its t lecommu iicat ons marke‘s to

           cor ipetition.

(h) (2)    Inte rIce is a vholl: owned s 1bsic iary of Iceland Telecom, which is owned by

           the government of the Repub)lic c fIce and. The addr2ss for Iceland Telecom is

           as follows:

           Ice. and Telecom L td.
           Au turvollur
           15( Reykjavic
           Ice. and

(h) (3)    Inte rIce has n> aff liation with an y U.!}. carrier &s defined by Section

           63. 8(bh)(1)G) of the Commissior ‘s Riles, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(h)(0G).

(h) (4)    Inte rIce will comp y with the Sec iion ©3.18(h)(4) obligation for the continuing

           ace iracy of the information prov: ded 1 inder paragraphs (h)(1)—(3) of Section

           63.18 of the Commuission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(h)(1)—(3).

(h) (35)   InterIce, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Iceland Telecom, is affiliated with a

           foreign carrier in Iceland. Iceland is a WTO Member country.

(h) (6)    InterIce, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Iceland Telecom, is affiliated with a

           foreign carrier in Iceland. Iceland is a WTO Member country.


(h) (7)     InterIce will file the quarterly traffic reports required by Section 43.61(c) of the

            Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 43.61(c), for U.S.—Iceland traffic.

(b) (8)     InterIce was classifiecd as non—dominant cn all routes wiih the exce ptior. of the

            U.S.—Iceland route. TL iterIce researve: its rights under Section 53.1%: of the

            Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 62.13, :o request modification of its

            classification, at a later date, from dominint to non—dominant on the U.S.—

            Iceland route. Tae Commission‘s classifi caticn is statec in File N>. ITC—214—


)           Consistent with he C ammission‘s Foreign Perticipatio.1 Order concerning

            special concessions,‘ ind pursuant to Secion 63.18(i) of the Comtaission‘s

            Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(i), InterIce furtk er certifies tha: it hi s not agreed to

            accept special ccnces iions (as definfa in Section 6..14 (b) of the Commission‘s

            Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.14(b)) directly or indirectly from imy foreig i carrier or

            administration with re spect to any U.S. ir tern: tion: 1 route where t 1e foreign

            carrier possesses suff: cient market power on the foreign end of the route to

            affect competiticn ad rersely in the U.S. niarket, an/ InterIce 1as not agreed to

            enter into such a zreer ients in the fut ire.

G)          InterIce hereby certifies that no party to this Application is subject to a denial of

            Federal benefits that include FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—

            Drug Abuse Act of 19888

          Foreign Participation Order at ({ 156—157.
          See 21 U.S.C. §853(a).


(k)       InterIce requests streamlined processing for this Application pursuant to Section

          63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12. This Application qualifies

          for streamlined processing in that the affiliated destination market, Iceland, is a

          WTO Member country and InterIce has agreed to be classified and treated as a

          dominant carrier to the affiliated destination country under Section 63.10 of the

          Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.10, without prejudice to its right to petition

          for reclassification at a later date.



                Based on the foregoing, InterIce respectfully submits that Iceland satisfies

the Commission‘s criteria for approving ISR pursuant to the Foreign Participation Order

and requests the Commission to grant this Application.

                                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                                              INTERICE, LTD.

                                                      By/éé:w &f{\m:m
                                                              Gudmundur Bjérnsson

go:      Counsel for InterIce Ltd.:

         Daniel Levin
         Levin & Srinivasan LLP
         1776 Broadway
         Suite 1900
         New York, New York 10019

Dated:    February 24, 1999



                             CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

              I, Daniel Levin, do hereby certify that on this 24"" day of February, 1999, a
copy of the foregoing "Application for Section 214 Authority" was mailed by U.S. first
class mail, postage prepaid, upon the parties on the attached service list:

                                                            Daniel Levin


                                     SERVICE LIST

Ambassador Vonya B. McCann                   Steven Lett
United States Coordinator                    Bureau of International
Bureau of International                         Communications and
   Communications and Information               Information Policy
   Policy                                    Department ofState
Department of State                          Room 4826
Room 4826                                    2201 C Street, NW.
2201 C Street, N.W.                          Washington, DC 20520—1428
Washington, DC 20250—1428

Joan Donoghue                                Anthony Cina
Assistant Legal Adviser for                  Bureau of International
    Economic, Business and                      Communications and
    Communications Affairs                      Information Policy
Office of the Legal Adviser                  Department of State
Department of State                          Room4826
2201 C Street, N.W.                          2201 C Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20520—6310                    Washington, DC 20520—1428

Robin R. Layton                              Gary Couey
Department of Commerce ITA                   Bureau of International
Room 4324                                       Communications and
14"" St. & Constitution Ave., N.W.              Information Policy
Washington, DC 20230                         Department ofState
                                             Room 4826
                                             2201 C Street, N.W.
                                             Washington, DC 20520

Richard Beaird                               Roanne Robinson
Bureau of International                      Chief of Staff for Communications
   Communications and Information               and Information
   Policy                                    Department of Commerce NTIA
Department of State                          Room 4898
Room 4836                                    14" St. & Constitution Ave., NW.
2201 C Street, N.W.                          Washington, DC 20230
Washington, DC 20520—1428


Suzanne Settle                       Dr. James E. Soos
Senior Policy Advisor                Deputy Assistant Secretary of
Department of Commerce NTIA              Defense for C3
Room 4701                            Room 3E194
14"" St. & Constitution Ave., N.W.   6000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20230                 Washington, DC 20301—6000

Becky Burr                           Carl Wayne Smith, Esq.
Acting Administrator                 Code AR. Defense Information
Office of International Affairs         Systems Agency
Department of Commerce NTIA          701 South Courthouse Road
Room 4701                            Arlington, VA 22204
14" St. & Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20230

Larry Irving                         Office of General Counsel
Assistant Secretary for              National Security Agency
    Communications and Information   9800 Savage Road
Department of Commerce NTIA          Fort Meade, MD 20755—6000
Room 4898
14"" St. & Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20230

Kathy Smith                          Robert S. Koppel
Acting Chief Counsel                 MCI WorldCom
Department of Commerce NTIA          Suite 460
Room 4713                            15245 Shady Grove Road
14" St. & Constitution Ave. N.W.     Rockville, MD 20850—3222
Washington, DC 20230

Cathleen Wasilewski                  John Scorce
Attorney Advisor, Office of Chief    MCI WorldCom
    Counsel                          1801 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Department of Commerce NTIA          Washington, D.C. 20006
Room 4713
14‘" St. & Constitution Ave., NW.
Washington, DC 20230

John Dalton                          Nakul Rege
Secretary of the Navy                MCI WorldCom
Office of the Secretary              2 International Drive
Department of the Navy               Rye Brook, NY 10573
The Pentagon
Washington, DC 20310


Tally Frenkel, Esq.       Judy Simonson, Esq.
MCI WorldCom              AT&T Corp.
Suite 460                 Room 3245G3
15245 Shady Grove Road    295 N. Maple Avenue
Rockville, MD 20850       Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

Leon Kestenbaum           Mark C. Rosenblum
Kent Nakamura             Lawrence J. Lafaro
Mary Beth Banks           Eleanor R. Olarsch
Sprint Communications     AT&T Corp.
    Company L.P.          Room 3247G3
1850 M Street, N.W.       295 N. Maple Avenue
Washington, DC 20036      Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

Cliff Hallock             Sherif Fahmy
Regional Manger           Managing Director
Sprint Communications        International Settlements
    Company L.P.          AT&T Corp.
2"" Floor                 412 Mount Kemble Avenus
12120 Sunset Hills Road   Morristown, NJ 07960
Reston, VA 20190


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                          InterIce LTD..

                          Thorvaldsensstraceti                                                4

 (14) Cry                                                                                                     (15) STATE                                     (16) ZIP CODE

                          150 Reykjavik
W‘W) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code)                                                             (18) COUNTRY CODE (if notin U.S.A.)

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 1 Dpaniel                      Levin                                                   , Certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing and supporting information
                                     (PRINT NAME)

are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infomation and belleISIGNATURv d—v-—d// £~'/

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          SA          I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD

                      for the service(s)authorizations(s) herein described.

                                                                        SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ESTIMATE ON REVERSE                                                       FCC FORM 159    JULY 1997 (REVISED)

Document Created: 2019-04-19 16:50:40
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 16:50:40

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