Attachment 20170124164601-570.p





This document pretains to ITC-214-19981113-00797 for International Global Resale Authority on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                Streamilined   ITC—214—19981113—007987
                                                                XCEL COMMUNICATIONS (USA) CORPORATION

                        Categories of Services for 214 Applications

                     ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE
a a o o o o

                     GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE              f
                      GLOBAL RESALE SERVICE
  oA 0A 9. o 9 o o

                     SWITCHED RESALE SERVICE
                     ~TRANSFER OF CONTROL—

      Description of Application:

ANN BAVENDER®                                                                                                    mANK@ FLETCHER
ANNE GOODWIN CRUMP                             z                    Fopf                                              1639—1985)
yiNEENT a curne u8.               FLETCHIIR,          HEALLID‘         ..      A4ILDRETH,         P.L.C.         ROBZRT L. HEALD
RICHARD J. ESTEVEZ                                         ATTOR IEY ; A1 LAW                                        (1956—1983)
PAUL J. FELDMAN                                                                                                 FAUL ].P. SPEARMAN
ROBERT N. FELGAR®                                  1ith FLOOR, 13( ) N )RT 1 1: :h STREET                        FRANIK ROBERSON
ERIC FISHMAN                                                                                                          1936—1961)
RICHARD HILDRETH                                     £ RLINGTON,    /IRC INV   22 :09—3801                       RUSJELL ROWELL
FRANK R. JAZZO                                                                                                        1948—1977)
ANDREW S. KERSTING                                                                                                    RETIRED
EUGENE M. LAWSON, JR.                                          (70; ) 81 2—04 10                                EDWAIID F. KENEHAN
                                                                                                           CC NSULTANT |‘OR INTERNATIONAL AND
GEORGE PETRUTSAS                                                TE .ECOPIE!
                                                                                                               INTIRGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS
LEONARD R. RAISH                                               (70; ) 81 :04 i6                                   SHELDON J. KRYS
JAMES P. RILEY                                                                                                   1J. S. MBASSADOR (ret )
KATHLEEN VICTORY                                                   1 TEF NET                                          CF COUNSEL
HOWARD M. WEISS                                                                                                  EDWARD A. CAINE*
                                                           www.fht telc »mlk mcc n                              MITCFELL LAZARUS®
                                                                                                                EDWATD S. O‘NEILL
                                                                                                                JOHN JOSEPH SMITH
                                                                                                                    WR TER‘S DIRECT

                                                                                                              (793) 312—0511
                                                       Novemlier 12 1098

       Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                   T. 1TC—~Z 3   ——laagiy} 20077 97
       Int »rnational Bureau — Tel ‘commutic: tions Dr isi n
       P.(). Box 358115
       Pit sbuirgh, PA 15251—5115

                   Re:       Xcel Comnmunications (USA) Cor 101 ation
                             Applicatior for Sectior 214 Glcba. A att ority to Opzraze as a Facilities—Based and
                             Resale Cariier of Intert ational 1 ele co nn unications iservices

       Deair Madam/Sir:

                   Submitted herewitl\ are an orig inal and fiv: c opi 2s of the above:—captioned Application for
       Sertion 214 Global Autho rity to O »e1 ate as a |‘ac ilit es Based and Resale Carrier of International
       Telecommunications Servizes, beinz f led by X cel Com nunications (L SA) Corporation A check
       in the amount of $780 to cover the ; pp icable fil ng fec ar d the required CC Form 159 are attached

                   The undersigned counsel hereby requests that the enclosed ‘File Copy" of the above—
       captioned application be stamped with acknowledgment of receipt and returned to the undersigned
       in the enclosed self—addressed envelope.

                   Should any questions arise concerning this matter, please contact the undersigned directly.

                                                               FLETCHER, HEALD & HILDRETH, PLC

                                                               Richard Estevez
                                                                Counsel for Xcel Communications (USA) Corporation

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                                          efore the
                       FEDERAL COI        NICATIONS COMMISSION
                                 Wa:      ton, D.C. 20554

In re Application of

                                                   No Ne N No No No N No N2 N N N N N N N N N Nt
Xcel Communications (USA) Corpo                                                                      File No.

For Authority under Section 214 of                                                                 EfE—214]=—149ga{ i 3 —o0 7 Y
Communications Act of 1934, as ar

and Sections 63.18(e)(1) and 63.1€

of the Commission‘s Rules to Oper:

Facilities—Based Carrier and as a R
Carrier, Including Authority to Rese      ‘ate
Lines Between the United States ar        inada,
the United Kingdom, The Netherlan
Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, F
New Zealand, Australia, Germany,

Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Italy ar
Sweden for the Provision of Switch:
Services Between the United State:
Those Countries


       Xcel Communications (USZ           irporation, ("Xcel") hereby requests authority,

pursuant to Section 214 of the Con         ications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §

214, and Section 63.18(e)(1) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(1), to

acquire interests in facilities previously authorized by the Commission in order to provide

international basic switched, private line, data, television and business services to all

international points, and for authority under Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission‘s rules,

47 C.F.R. § 63.18(e)(2), to resell the international switched services of authorized U.S.

common carriers for the provision of international basic switched, private line, data,

television and business services to all international points, including authority to resell

international private lines between the Ur      States and Canada, the United Kingc
New Zealand, Australia, The       Netherlar     -ux_embourQ, Norway, Denmark, Fra

Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria,         in, Italy and Sweden for the provisio

switched services between the United St:        ind those countries.

       Xcel is a corporation organized i         the\laws of the state of Delaware.

shareholders, directors, and officers é\re |    :itizen\sf. The Company currently hold:

telecommunications authorizations, and h        interlocking directorates or affiliations

foreign carriers.

       Xcel believes that there is sign         t potential for continued growth in

international voice, data and facsimile i       s and that this market expansion wi!

accelerated by additional competition by        entrants. This position is consistent

Commission findings that increased comp:«       in international markets is beneficial. {

e.g., Teltec Saving Communications Co.,         :0 No. 3548 (released April 4, 1986),

cases cited therein. The Commission als         ind that the market will support additi

carriers and that the added competition         a in the public interest. Accordingly,

Commission has authorized new entrants tnat propose to resell international services. 1u.

See also FTC, Inc., 6 FCC Red 2237 (1991).

       Xcel proposes by this application to provide international switched and private line

services from the United States to international points through resale of other carriers‘

services. The Commission has determined that, as a matter of policy, introduction of

additional competition in the provision of international services creates incentives for

carriers to offer new and innovative services and to reduce prices, which inures to the


public interest and benefit.‘ Grant of this application would service the Commission‘s

purposes and accord with the Commission‘s commitment to open entry to the U.S. resale

market.   Moreover, many carriers provide international services in the U.S., including

AT&T, MCI, Sprint, and others.

       By the instant application, Xcel seeks authority to resell international private lines

between the United States and Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, The

Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland,

Austria, Japan, Italy and Sweden for the provision of international switched services

between the United States and those sixteen countries. In Regulation of International

AccountingRates, 7 FCC Red 559 (1992), the Commission found that such resale

between the United States and countries affording "equivalent opportunities" for such

resale would afford nurnerous public interest benefits, including increased demand,

reduced prices, the virtual elimination of price discriminations, and the exertion of pressure

to reduce above—cost international accounting rates. More recently, the Commission has

determined that Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, The Netherlands,

Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Japan,

Italy and Sweden afford such "equivalent opportunities" and granted the applicatié)ns of

companies to provide resold interconnected private line services between the United

States and those countries. FONOROLA/EMI Order, 7 FCC Red 7312 (1992), recons., 9

FCC Red 4066 (1994); ACC Global Corporation, 9 FCC Red 6240 (1994); Cable &

       1      See, e.g., TDX Systems, Inc., File No. ITC—86—108, released September 2,
1986; Argo Communications International, Inc., 1 FCC Red 578 (1986); BT North
America, Inc., ITC—95—178, released April 20, 1995.


Wireless Inc., 11 FCC Red 1766 (1996). See also Intermedia Communications of Florida,

Inc., 9 FCC Red 3264 (1994); Communications TeleSystems International, 11 FCC Red

17471 (1996); Cable & Wireless, Inc., DA 97—2554, released December 17, 1997; FCC

Public Notice, Report No. TEL—00021, released October 22, 1998, page 4.

       Xcel believes that the added competition that its entry will bring to the market will

benefit United States consumers of overseas data and voice services. These benefits

include competitive pricing and increased availability of a variety of service options. The

grant of this authorization will therefore further the public interest.

       In support of Xcel‘s request for authorization, the following information is submitted

pursuant to Section 63.18 of the Commission‘s rules, as amended, 47 C.F.R. § 63.18


       (a)    Name and address of Applicant:

              Xcel Communications (USA) Corporation
              290 Franklin Street, #201
              Buffalo, NY 14202
              Attention: Marshall Weinstein, President
              Telephone No. (716)855—0535

       (b)    Applicant is a corporation organized under the laws of the state of Delaware.

       (c)    Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

              Paul J. Feldman, Esq. and Richard J. Estevez, Esq.
              Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, PLC
              1300 North 17th Street, 11"" Floor
              Arlington, Virginia 22209
              Telephone No. (703) 812—0400

      With a copy to:

      Marshall Weinste       resident
      xXcel Communica        (USA) Corporation
      290 Franklin Stre      201
      Buffalo, NY 142C
      Telephone No. (i       55—08535

(d)   Applicant has nc       viously received authority |      * Section 214 of the

      Communications         f1934, as amended. By gr:         this application Xcel

      would become a 1       )minant international comm        rrier for the provision

      of interexchange       ce, subject to Section 214 \      : Act.

(e)   Xcel hereby requ       section 214 authority to opt      as a global facilities—

      based carrier pur      : to the terms and condition:     ection 63.18(e)(1) of

      the rules, and as      iternational resale carrier ¢     ant to the terms and

      conditions of Sec      33. 18(e)(2) of the rules. TF     :horization sought in

      this application n      usedto extend Xcel‘s tele        nunications services

      from the United :      s to international points wt      ‘cel seeks to serve.

      Applicant propos        resell international private     between the United

      States and Canci._., :he United Kingdom, New ceaiand, Australia, The

      Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, France, Germany, Belgium,

      Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Italy and Sweden for the provision of

      international switched services between the United States and those sixteen

      countries. As noted elsewhere in this Application, the Commission has

      previously determined that equivalent resale opportunities exist between

      these countries and the United States.

U     Xcel is not requesting authorization to construct any international facilities


               betwe     3 poir     * which it is applying to provide resold services.

       (g)     Does      »ply (     sant is not seeking facilities—based authority pursuant

               to Sec    3. 18.     }

       (h)     See a     »d cel     tion.

       (1)     See a     »d cel     tion.

       (J)     See a     »d cel     tion.

       (k)     See a     >d list    )% or greater shareholders.

       As demonstr       n this     ication, Xcel is legally qualified to provide the service

for which it requests    ority.     he reasons stated above, Xcel submits that the public

interest, convenien:     d nec      y would be furthered by a grant of this Section 214

application. The re!     ed at      zation should therefore be issued to Xcel to enable it

to provide internatio    asic s!    2d, private line, data, television and business services

to all international p   purst      > Section 63.18(e)(1) of the Commission‘s rules, and

pursuant to Sectior      18(e)(      the Commission‘s rules, to resell the international

switched services c. auunorize. .4. common carriers for the provision of international

basic switched, private line, data, television and business services to all international

points, including authority to resell international private lines between the United States

and Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, The Netherlands, Luxembourg,

Norway, Denmark, France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Japan, Italy and

Sweden for the provision of switched services between the United States and those



          Applicant hereby certifies that is has no affiliation, as defined by Section 63.18 of

the Commission‘s rules, with any foreign carriers, and that it has no interlocking

directorates with other Section 214 certificated telecommunications carriers.              The

shareholders, officers and directors of Applicant are all U.S. citizens. Applicant certifies

that it and its respective affiliates have not agreed to accept special concessions directly

or indirectly from any foreign carrier or administration with respect to traffic or revenue

flows between the United States and any foreign country which the Applicant may serve

under the authority granted under this part and will not enter into such agreements in the


                                      Marshall Weinstein, President
                                      Xcel Communications (USA) Corporation
                                      290 Franklin Street, #201
                                      Buffalo, NY 14202


        Pursuant to Section 1.2002 ofthe Commission‘s Rules, Xcel Communications (USA)

,Corporation, hereby certifies that it is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits, including

FCC benefits, by Federal and/or state courts under authority granted in Section 5301 of

the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853a. See 6 FCC Red 7551 (1991).


                                     Xcel Communications (USA) Corporation
                                     290 Franklin Street, #201
                                     Buffalo, NY 14202


       1, Marshall Weinstein, am President of Xcel Communications (USA) Corporation.

1 have read the foregoing Section 214 Application and hereby declare, under penalty of

perjury, that all statements contained therein are true and correct.


oue: 1to ILPP

                            Section 214 Application
Ten Percent or Greater Shareholders ofXcel Communications (USA) Corporation

 1.    Domino USA, Inc.*
       Citizenship: New York Corporation
       100% Equity Interest in Xcel Communications (USA) Corporation
       Principal Business: Financing company

       * Domino USA, Inc. is wholly owned by Rino Group, Inc., a New York
       corporation, which is wholly owned by Mr. Marshall Weinstein, a U.S. citizen.

Document Created: 2019-04-21 08:42:35
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 08:42:35

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